Thursday, August 25, 2016

Miley Cyrus: Did She Give Up Partying For Liam Hemsworth?!

We now know why that could of smoke hanging over Malibu has finally dissipated.

As you’ve probably heard by now, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are back together and moving very fast.

In fact, there have been rumors of Miley and Liam planning a wedding.

There’s a very good chance those rumors are bogus, but the fact that neither party has spoken out against them serves as a good indication of the fact that these two lovebirds are on the verge of permanently settling down together.

So what does this have to do with the fact that SoCal stores are currently overstocked with Flamin’ Hot Cheetos as Miley’s neighbors slowly come down from a four-year contact high?

Well, it seems that Liam requested that Miley give up her hard-partying ways in order to take their relationship more seriously.

The incredible thing is that it looks as though Miley actually consented with the request.

Which means sadly, selfies like this may be a thing of the past:

“Miley is a changed person, and she actually seems to enjoy it,” a source tells People magazine.

Other friends, however, aren’t so pleased to see Miley packing the bong away because some dude told her to.

“It seemed she was just making changes to please him,” says a different source.

People do crazy things for love, but Miley Cyrus giving up weed?!

That would be like … there is no apt analogy, as no on Earth loves anything as much as Miley loves weed.

Of course, it’s possible that Miley had multiple reasons for laying off the intoxicants.

Cyrus will debut as a coach on The Voice next month, and she recently wrapped filming on Woody Allen’s new Netflix series. 

Cyrus has proven her dedication with constant touring and recording, but making television resembles a typical day job much more than the endless party that is a global stadium tour.

In other words, Miley is setting an alarm clock for the first time since she was Hannah Montana and she may have found that it’s easier to do her job when she’s not consuming a bowl full of edibles for breakfast.

Miley always seemed pretty well in control of her partying, but we hope if she has decided to cool it lately, it was of her own volition.

The idea of such a free spirit changing her ways to please someone else is more than a little depressing.

Hopefully, she’ll continue to deliver on the Instagram weirdness: