Friday, August 5, 2016

Justin Bieber: Liam Payne & Cheryl Cole Are Gonna Get MARRIED!

Justin Bieber may be a long way from settling down in his own love life, but it certainly seems that he’s looking forward to seeing some of his popstar buddies take the plunge.

As you may know One Direction’s Liam Payne is dating Cheryl Cole, the singer who may or may not have left her husband her for Liam.

Whatever the case Cheryl married Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini in 2014, and they’re not even legally divorced yet.

She’s had two marriages bite the dust in just five years, and she’s reached the point where she’s changed her last name so many times that she’s now attempting to do the mega-star mononym thing and just go by “Cheryl.”

(Maybe she’s a big enough deal to pull that off in the UK, but not on this side of the pond!)

Anyway, you’d think Just Cheryl would be in no big hurry to walk down the aisle again, but apparently you would be wrong.

In a recent interview, Bieber was asked about Liam and Cheryl’s relationship, and apparently the couple has Justin’s seal of approval.

In fact, not only do they have the all-important Bieber Blessing, Liam and Cheryl are apparently getting very serious very quickly:

“She looks the happiest I have ever seen her,” Justin said when asked about Cheryl.

“She is beautiful inside and out, so she deserves all the happiness in the world. Liam is a great guy, all the One Direction guys are.”

Then he dropped the bombshell that has One Direction fans the world over shrieking in either glee or horror (It’s tough to tell sometimes.):

“They just better make sure I am invited to the wedding.”

Obviously, Justin could’ve been joking around (That’s the sort of comment people make about couples who are getting serious.), but – and this make shock you – One Direction fans aren’t known for being the most stoic, unemotional lot.

Let the wedding freakout commence!