Showing posts with label Likes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Likes. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2017

Ron Artest III Says He Likes LeBron More Than Metta World Peace

Ron Artest III just totally DUNKED on his dad, Metta World Peace … saying it doesn’t bother him if Metta roots for his competition, because he roots for his dad’s old rival … LEBRON JAMES. Ron III just got the biggest win of his high school…


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Jennifer Aniston: Everyone Likes Justin Theroux More Than Me!

Jennifer Aniston went from mildly pathetic and whiny to … pretty endearing? 

Can someone please explain when that happened? 

Don’t get us wrong — we’re not Jolie fans … Angelina is the anti-Christ, after all. 

But Aniston … she’s been kind grinding for the longest time, hasn’t she?

However, it looks like, at the age of 47 years old, Jen’s definitely turning things around! 

In a recent interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Aniston revealed some deep feelings about husband Justin Theroux, and talked about her op-ed which slammed the media for claiming she was pregnant. 

Aniston told the comedian-turned-talk show host, “My husband, who’s been away for almost a year surprised me on Thanksgiving, came home from Germany.” 

She continued, and claimed that Theroux told her that his professional schedule was too busy to accommodate a family Thanksgiving, but wait — there’s more! 

“Everyone came to the house and no one really understood that Justin was not going to be there,” she explained.

“You just saw everyone’s face start to fall. The whole room was depressed.”

“I was like, ‘Guys, I’m here!’ ” she laughed.

“Everyone was just very somber and next thing you know, turkey walks in, and there was another turkey holding that turkey and that was my hubby,” Jen revealed. 

Pretty adorable, right?  

People — ahem — might give Aniston a lot of flak, but she seems a whole hell of a lot more well-adjusted than former drug-addict Angelina Jolie … right?

Further, she revealed to DeGeneres that the epic Aniston Body-Shaming Rant was not intended to go viral. 

(Oh, girl, you were doing so well up to that point — so well. It was absolutely meant to go viral.) 

She revealed, “I [wrote] it at first, really, just for myself. I had kind of hit a wall.”

“I was pretty raw at the time — we had just come back from vacation,” Aniston explained.

“My mother, she passed; we as women do a lot of incredible things in this world other than just procreate. And not that that is not [incredible], but they just get boxed in.”

“[The tabloids] love the narrative, they love the story,” she continued.  

“We have to stop listening to [tabloids], and we have to stop buying them. Because we have to support each other, especially at this time … it’s up to us, what makes us happy and fulfilled.” 

Well, fat chance of that happening, girl, but yes, it is up to us to be happy and fulfilled.  

Real life isn’t Sesame Street, but it shouldn’t be Fight Club, either.  

No Brad Pitt correlation intended … of course. 


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Clip: Who Likes Penis?

On last Sunday"s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian made an unexpected comparison.

She said she was similar to Ernest Hemingway because both stars weighed themselves on a daily basis.

We presume that"s the only way in which Kardashian thinks she"s like one of the most famous authors of all-time.

This Sunday, meanwhile, Malika Haqq will be asked an unexpected question on the E! reality series.

Those who watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online will once again be taken down to Cuba on the next new episode as Haqq and her close pals visit our new friends down south.

At one point during the trip, Malika and Khloe Kardashian were riding in a car when the driver turned and asked a pretty simple question.

"Do you like peanuts?" the driver inquired.

The question was met with silence, so the driver asked again:

"Do you like peanuts?"

Malika was so taken aback by the question, she repeated it out loud: "Do I like penis?!"

No, do you like PEANUTS, the man asked again.

Oh, peanuts.

"Yes I like peanuts," Haqq finally replied.

How did Khloe react to her friend"s misunderstanding? Like any friend would: by laughing a whole lot at her.

In Haqq"s defense, the words do sound very similar in the following sneak peek. We can see where she was coming from.

As for whether Kim Kardashian likes penis? Just ask Ray J.

But we unfairly digress. Check out the clip now:

Keeping up with the kardashians clip who likes penis

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Ariel Winter: I Hope Taylor Swift Likes Her Boobs!

Ariel Winter. Taylor Swift. Boobs. Plastic Surgery.

*sits back and waits for the Internet to explode*

We assume if you’re still reading this, society has been rebuilt in the wake of the apocalyptic SEO orgy that resulted from Ariel Winter talking about Taylor Swift’s boobs.

Good work, society!

Now, it might seem like a bad idea to revisit the disaster that brought us to this point, but we’re guessing you could use a break after all that planet repopulating you’ve been doing.

Anyway, as most important things do, it all started with Ariel Winter’s boobs.

Obviously, the Modern Family star’s breasts play a large (no pun intended) role in her massive (okay, pun intended that time) social media popularity.

But she’s considered something of an authority on all things boob-related for different reasons.

As you may know, Winter underwent breast reduction surgery last year, and she’s spoken openly about the experience on multiple occasions.

Maybe that’s why interviewers feel comfortable asking the 18-year-old about boobs. We’re not sure.

In any event, here’s what Ariel had to say about rumors that Taylor Swift got breast implants:

“It took me a while to accept myself and I just hope that girls can learn to accept themselves however big or small their breasts are.

“And I have to say if Taylor Swift did get her boobs done then good for her if she felt like she wanted to.”

So there you have it.

Not really all that incendiary, and yet the whole situation left you using a rock to fight your neighbors off from a half a discarded Big Mac you found in a dumpster.

Crazy world we live in.

You gonna finish that Big Mac?

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Selena Gomez MISSING Justin Bieber? Songstress Likes Throwback Jelena Video

Fans often get nostalgic for old celebrity relationships, and the romance between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber is one they just won"t let die.

Selena Gomez has told the media many times that she is DONE with ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber, but why should we believe her?

Especially when her Instagram behavior kinda hints that she may be missing him. 

The "Same Old Love" singer recently "liked" a old video a fan posted that showed her and Justin back when they were still dating.

In it, the two are seen talking to Simon Cowell, and Justin promises the American Idol judge that he"ll "look after her."


Little did we know at the time, it was Justin who needed looking after. But we don"t know if anyone would"ve wanted that job.

But while Selena may be enjoying her trip down memory lane, recent reports say she sees a baby in her future – with Niall Horan.

Before you get excited about a new couple alert, word is she only wants his seed.

Selena doesn"t have time to bother with messy relationships anymore, but she does want to have a baby at the ripe age of 23, and apparently she thinks Niall has some worthy DNA.

We don"t know if he"s actually sat down with a laptop and a cup yet, but we"ll keep you posted.



Selena gomez missing justin bieber songstress likes throwback je

Selena Gomez MISSING Justin Bieber? Songstress Likes Throwback Jelena Video

Fans often get nostalgic for old celebrity relationships, and the romance between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber is one they just won"t let die.

Selena Gomez has told the media many times that she is DONE with ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber, but why should we believe her?

Especially when her Instagram behavior kinda hints that she may be missing him. 

The "Same Old Love" singer recently "liked" a old video a fan posted that showed her and Justin back when they were still dating.

In it, the two are seen talking to Simon Cowell, and Justin promises the American Idol judge that he"ll "look after her."


Little did we know at the time, it was Justin who needed looking after. But we don"t know if anyone would"ve wanted that job.

But while Selena may be enjoying her trip down memory lane, recent reports say she sees a baby in her future – with Niall Horan.

Before you get excited about a new couple alert, word is she only wants his seed.

Selena doesn"t have time to bother with messy relationships anymore, but she does want to have a baby at the ripe age of 23, and apparently she thinks Niall has some worthy DNA.

We don"t know if he"s actually sat down with a laptop and a cup yet, but we"ll keep you posted.



Selena gomez missing justin bieber songstress likes throwback je

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Tori Spelling: My Alter-Ego Likes to PEE EVERYWHERE!

In the newest episode for Kocktails With Khloe, host Khloe Kardashian really should"ve passed out rain coats to her guests.

Why, you ask? Because on the show, Tori Spelling just announced that when she gets drunk, she PEES all over the damn place.

Now, that just took the piss out of my day. Or rather, put it in.

While playing a round of "Truth or Dare," Tori picks truth and Khloe asks, "Where is the strangest place you"ve ever peed?"

And do you think the Beverly Hills 90210 alum would give a run-of-the-mill answer like "Oh, behind a bush once."

No way. The blonde, who we recently learned is flat broke, unleashes a tsunami of pissing truths we probably would"ve been just fine not knowing about.

She reveals that she has a drunk alter-ego called "Terri," who it turns out is positively Terri-ble.

"When Terri comes to visit, she is cray-cray, and one of her things is, she likes to pee, and she pees, like, anywhere. Like, she will piss under the table… she will pee in a potted plant," she confesses to a room of horrified guests.

Given that the premise of the talk show is, you know, getting drunk, you can see everyone tense up in anticipation of an unwanted golden shower from Tori/Terri.

"Terri is super fun!" says Tori.

UHHH, she doesn"t sound super fun to me. She sounds super smelly.

But it turns out Terri is also super considerate. 

"If we were having the most amazing conversation, I would literally drink this glass, and rather sit here and piss in it so we can continue our conversation than get up and leave you," she tells Khloe.

We predict Tori will see a marked decrease in party invites this year.

We also imagine Tori"s new landlord is just thrilled to hear this news. Tori and her husband Dean McDermott just rented a $ 7,500 a month shack in Encino, which may or may not now be saturated in urine.



Tori spelling my alter ego likes to pee everywhere

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Goes Topless, Likes Herself to Marilyn Monroe

Khloe Kardashian is not wearing a blonde wig in the following photo.

Nor is she wearing a white dress that is nearly being blown over her head while she stands over a grate on the sidewalk.

But Khloe still says she’s making like Marilyn Monroe in her latest Instagram photo, which is easily her raciest snapshot do ate.

“Channeling my best Marilyn Monroe,” Kardashian captioned the picture featured above, which we’ve cropped a bit because the original definitely featured a glimpse at Khloe’s right nipple.

Here. Click below for the uncensored, full version of the X-rated photo:

Pretty risque, huh? We’re not even sure if Kim Kardashian would strike a pose such as this on Instagram.

(We’re kidding. Of course she would.)

In another racy portrait, meanwhile, we see a totally naked Khloe Kardashian, as the 31-year old lies on the side of the pool, one arm covering her breasts and her back arched to show off a tiny waist and pretty solid curves.

“Trade Marked,” Khloe has captioned the photo.

We wonder what got into Khloe with these extremely NSFW pictures.

Perhaps she has seen sisters Kim, Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner fly past her in number of Instagram followers and is trying to catch up by emulating their scantily-clad style.

Whatever the reason, hey… we’re not complaining!

This is a much better use of Kardashian’s time than hosting the trainwreck that is Kocktails with Khloe, wouldn’t you say?

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Kylie Jenner Received HOW MANY Instagram Likes in 2015?!?

Kylie Jenner was the most popular member of her very famous family in 2015.

As far as Instagram is concerned, at least.

A website called 2015bestnine is all the rage for Instagram users at the moment because it allows them to see the top nine photos on their account over the past 12 months.

That is, the nine photos that received the most Likes in 2015.

For Kylie, her top nine includes her high school graduation photo… a seductive wet bathing suit image… and a picture of her and her much older boyfriend, Tyga.

But the real takeaway here is that Kylie has earned over ONE BILLION Likes overall in 2015.

That’s more than Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner and any irritating member of her family.

Kylie, of course, turned 18 years old in August, opening up the legal door for millions of men to peruse her scantily-clad account.

Kendall, meanwhile, received a mere 435 million Likes in 2015, but she did share the most Liked photo in Instagram history.

A throwback image of Kendall as a “Gap baseball player” also managed to be the most Liked #TBT of the year.

So, what’s the overall theme here?

The world of social media belongs to the Kardashians and Jenners. We should just be grateful they allow us to live in it.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Kylie Jenner Likes Caitlyn More Than Bruce

Kylie Jenner is not pregnant nor is she betrayed.

We"ll just get that out of the way up front.

But the 18-year old reality star is appearing on Ellen, having taped an interview with the comedian that will be aired on Monday, November 30.

At one point in the discussion, Kylie admits that the transition of Bruce Jener to Caitlyn Jenner was challenging to accept at first… but it"s actually ended up for the better in terms of this father-daughter relationship.

"I feel it was the only thing that I really bottled at, and I don"t bottle a lot of things, and I feel my family was a little upset about that," Kylie confessed, adding with laughter:

"But I thought through it and now I like it a lot better. I like her better than Bruce."

For what reason?

"Because we talk about makeup and clothes we bond a lot more.

"But not only that. I feel like there’s not a huge secret in the family. I feel like there was always this big secret. And I’ve honestly known about it for a really long time and we actually caught him then dressing up as a girl.

"When my sister and I were like 6 and 7 maybe. So we’ve known for a while that there was something, but it was never talked about.

"Now there"s no secrets. She’s really living her authentic true self."

Elsewhere in the chat, Kylie talked about her past as a victim of bullying.

What is she doing to help others who have gone through this traumatic experience? How is she actually using social media for good in this important area?

Watch excerpts from Kylie"s interview with Ellen and find out now.

Kylie jenner likes caitlyn more than bruce