Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Ariel Winter: I Hope Taylor Swift Likes Her Boobs!

Ariel Winter. Taylor Swift. Boobs. Plastic Surgery.

*sits back and waits for the Internet to explode*

We assume if you’re still reading this, society has been rebuilt in the wake of the apocalyptic SEO orgy that resulted from Ariel Winter talking about Taylor Swift’s boobs.

Good work, society!

Now, it might seem like a bad idea to revisit the disaster that brought us to this point, but we’re guessing you could use a break after all that planet repopulating you’ve been doing.

Anyway, as most important things do, it all started with Ariel Winter’s boobs.

Obviously, the Modern Family star’s breasts play a large (no pun intended) role in her massive (okay, pun intended that time) social media popularity.

But she’s considered something of an authority on all things boob-related for different reasons.

As you may know, Winter underwent breast reduction surgery last year, and she’s spoken openly about the experience on multiple occasions.

Maybe that’s why interviewers feel comfortable asking the 18-year-old about boobs. We’re not sure.

In any event, here’s what Ariel had to say about rumors that Taylor Swift got breast implants:

“It took me a while to accept myself and I just hope that girls can learn to accept themselves however big or small their breasts are.

“And I have to say if Taylor Swift did get her boobs done then good for her if she felt like she wanted to.”

So there you have it.

Not really all that incendiary, and yet the whole situation left you using a rock to fight your neighbors off from a half a discarded Big Mac you found in a dumpster.

Crazy world we live in.

You gonna finish that Big Mac?