Showing posts with label Mackenzie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mackenzie. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Ex-"Dance Moms" Star Mackenzie Ziegler Countersues Music Producer, Blasts Abby Lee Miller

Ex-“Dance Moms” star Mackenzie Ziegler is firing back at a music producer who sued her, saying the guy’s a fraud who never paid her for her tunes … and she’s laying the blame on Abby Lee Miller. Mackenzie and her mom, Melissa Gisoni,…


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer: Quitting Teen Mom Amidst Drug Scandal?!

If you watch Teen Mom: OG online, then you likely remember the most shocking scene from the show’s latest season finale.

In the weeks prior to the wedding of Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer, there were serious concerns about Ryan’s extensive substance abuse.

On the drive to the ceremony, those concerns came to a head in frightening fashion.

Edwards drove to the wedding so high on prescription painkillers that he was often unable to keep his eyes open.

Standifer was by his side in the passenger seat, and she took a good deal of flak from fans for allowing him to drive in that condition and turning off the car’s dash cam so as to prevent viewers from seeing the entire ride.

Shortly after the wedding, Edwards checked into rehab, and he’s now reportedly sober.

But the damage to Standifer’s reputation had already been done.

At first, Mackenzie fought back against allegations that she endangered lives by allowing Edwards to drive.

Then, she went silent.

And now, it looks as though Standifer may have decided that the life of a reality star is simply not for her.

Mackenzie Standifer Post

Mackenzie posted the above photo to Instagram this afternoon.

Radar Online is reporting that it’s her not-so-subtle way of informing fans that she’s quitting Teen Mom.

The site reports that several of Mackenzie’s followers commented with requests for further clarification:

“The show? If so sad to see you go,” one fan commented.

“Hope it’s not TMOG!” wrote another.

Not only did Mackenzie fail to respond, she deleted the comments.

We’d say that’s about as unsubtle as a sledgehammer.

In the weeks before she went silent on Twitter, Standifer alternated between defending her actions and begging fans to ease up on the criticism.

“Here’s a thought… maybe instead of making assumptions and tearing people down, you could spend that time praying for us instead,” she tweeted last month.

It may be quite some time before Mackenzie makes an official statement about her future on the series.

But something tells us you won’t be seeing her on MTV anytime soon.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Mackenzie McKee: I"m Done Talking About Briana DeJesus!

With all of the drama that spills forth from Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2, it’s easy to forget about the girls from Teen Mom 3.

But as we’ve been learning recently, forgetting about TM3 would be a big, big mistake.

Sure, Teen Mom 3 only lasted one season, and for the most part the four girls on the show have faded off of our trashy reality television radars.

And yes, between Teen Mom 2 and the OG ladies, we have eight moms ready and willing to fulfill our need for voyeuristic drama — moms we’ve been following for years.

But MTV got us all messed up by throwing Briana DeJesus into the cast of Teen Mom 2, so while this whole thing isn’t ideal, we’re just going to have to deal with it.

Teen Mom 3 is now officially back in the game, and if you’re doubting it, look no further than the feud between Briana and another girl from the show, Mackenzie McKee.

Briana and Mackenzie both got a taste of fame after that one lonely season of Teen Mom 3, and they both had their hopes and dreams dashed when it did so poorly.

And then earlier this year when MTV decided to put one of them back in the spotlight, they both dared to dream they could be the one to get that sweet, sweet paycheck.

Ultimately Briana was chosen to join Jenelle, Chelsea, Kailyn and Leah on their ongoing adventures … and it didn’t sit well with Mackenzie.

In an interview back in March, Mac revealed that “They interviews me and Bri two months ago, but chose her. I thought, ‘This can’t be true!’ I was confused.”

“I have worked very hard for where I am,” she continued. “I’m working on all this stuff and what has she done? She’s not working on anything.”

“It sucks the one who has been working harder didn’t get it.”

Mackenzie added that “I hope MTV didn’t choose her over me because I am married and have three kids with the same guy.”

“The different baby daddies is what people are interested in.”

Pretty shady, right?

Mackenzie continued throwing shade just last week, when she liked a tweet about fans forming a protest to get Briana off Teen Mom 2.

Briana shared a screenshot of the tweet and wrote “Lmao why?”, tagging Mackenzie.

Without replying directly to her, Mac wrote “I’ve never continued to follow someone just to hate. BLOCK.”

Her followers assumed she was talking about Briana, and she explained “I don’t hate anyone. I’ve always loved this person. But I can promise she hates me.”

But even though Mackenzie has tweeted repeatedly about Briana, and even though Briana, to our knowledge, has only made one comment about Mackenzie, Mac is trying to take the high road now.

“I refuse to speak about her anymore,” she said in a statement to OK! magazine.

“It’s more of a reason for her to blast lies about me. Best of luck to her.”

… Briana is blasting lies about Mackenzie? Since when?

It doesn’t really matter — Mac has already gone back on her word to keep quiet about the newest Teen Mom 2 star.

“Still wondering when and where I said a thing about having multiple baby daddies??” she tweeted yesterday, adding the hashtags “lies” and “I would never.”

She also wrote “Nothing but love from me to everyone on their journeys in life (Unless your harming people).”

Oh, sweet, simple Mackenzie …

Hush now, child.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer: Viciously Bullied Over Ryan Edwards Drug Scandal?!

Want to hear something truly crazy?

Right now, at this point in time, there’s a very good chance that Mackenzie Standifer is the least popular person in the entire Teen Mom franchise.

Less popular than Farrah Abraham, Jenelle Evans, Matt Baier — she’s even less popular than her brand new, fresh-out-of-rehab husband, Ryan Edwards.

How did this happen?

Mackenzie is new to the show, she’s not a main cast member. What did she do that was so unlikable to so many people?

Lots of things!

Though she was well received when she first began filming for the show — remember, lots of people thought she’d be a good influence on Ryan — things changed quickly in recent episodes.

It began when Maci confided in Mackenzie about the problems she’d been having in co-parenting Bentley with Ryan, and her issues with Ryan’s parents.

Mackenzie was sympathetic towards Maci, and she even agreed with her on several points, but then she turned around and told Ryan and his parents everything they’d talked about.

Conveniently leaving out the fact that, in the moment, she’d agreed with Maci.

It just seemed like a very two-faced move, and people began questioning her motives.

Things got sketchier during the Teen Mom trip to Puerto Rico, when Maci finally confirmed Ryan’s drug use — why would Mackenzie bring her son around all that?

Then we learned that she actually married Ryan just before he went to rehab — again, why?

And THEN we saw on the Teen Mom finale that on the way to the wedding, Ryan nodded off so badly that Mackenzie had to grab the wheel and steer for him.

Instead of telling him to pull over, or being angry with him for putting their lives and the lives of countless others in danger, she hurried to turn off the cameras in the car.

And then she married him anyway.

If that wasn’t bad enough — it really, really was — we also have that ridiculous letter she read during the reunion special. The one where she blamed Maci for Ryan’s drug use.

Also the one in which she claimed to have only found out about his drug use on their wedding day, which is possibly the silliest thing anyone has ever said.

So take all that, pile it up together, and you have a good idea of why so many people are hating on Mackenzie right now.

And, as Mackenzie revealed in an Instagram post yesterday, people are hating her so much that they’re sending her horrific messages.

“U should kill urself,” someone told her in a direct message. “Don’t f-ckin do reality tv if you can’t face the [truth].”

“Maci is right and I don’t even like her [bitch].”

“So sorry for the language,” Mackenzie captioned the screen shot. “This is an example of what is being sent to my box.”

She advised her followers to visit a website called “if you or someone you know is affected by bullying.”

On one hand, it’s obviously terrible and completely wrong for people to tell her to kill herself. There’s absolutely no justifying that.

But on the other hand, it really is infuriating to see her hop up on her high horse yet again, proving that she’s completely unwilling to admit that she might be in the wrong.

Oh, and speaking of wrong, Ryan left a pretty interesting comment on the photo …

“Hey at lest I could go get help for my problem there is no help for dumb ass I’m just say half the bitches on the are dumb sluts,” he wrote.

Yeah, seems like rehab did him a world of good.

We have a feeling this whole thing is going to get worse before it gets better … if it ever does.


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Briana DeJesus vs. Mackenzie McKee: Teen Mom Feud Alert!

When MTV announced that Briana DeJesus would be joining the cast of Teen Mom 2 for the show’s upcoming season, the news was met with a fair amount of confusion.

After all, the show certainly wasn’t lacking in storylines, and none of the existing cast members had left the series, so why bring in yet another mom?

Now, it seems that TM2 producers were aware of some very important information about Briana:

The girl has an incredible talent for bringing the drama.

Already, DeJesus has feuded with Jenelle Evans and pissed off several of the other ladies – and she hasn’t even made her debut on the show yet.

Now, it seems Briana is butting heads with a mom who’s not even associated with MTV’s most popular frianchise anymore.

Mackenzie McKee starred alongside DeJesus in the ill-fated Teen Mom 3, which lasted for just one season.

She openly expressed her shock and surprise after learning that producers chose Briana instead of her to joing the cast of TM2.

That was several months ago, but it seems Mackenzie is still a bit salty about the decision:

Briana DeJesus Tweet

As you can see, Mackenzie liked a tweet in which a fan complained about the addition of Briana to the cast.

DeJesus took a screen shot and retweeted it along with a simple question: why?

Mackenzie didn’t respond to Briana’s query, but did go on to rant about someone who follows her on social media only to “spread hate.”

“I don’t hate anyone. I’ve always loved this person. But I can promise she hates me,” McKee tweeted, adding that she blocked the unidentified hater.

There’s little doubt that McKee was talking about DeJesus, and she’s been open about her distaste for her former co-star for quite some time:

“I hope MTV didn’t choose her over me because I am married and have three kids with the same guy,” she told Radar Online back in March.

“The story on different baby daddies is what people are interested in.”

We’re beginning to think MTV should also add Mackenzie to the cast for the sake of some old-fashioned feud drama.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online in order to get caught up in time for Briana’s debut season.


Mackenzie Standifer to Maci Bookout: You Almost Killed Ryan Edwards!

If you watch Teen Mom: OG online, you know this most recent season concluded with a bang.

Many fans were shocked to learn that Maci Bookout’s baby daddy, Ryan Edwards, suffered from a painkiller addiction so severe that it nearly claimed his life.

Edwards drove to his own wedding while high in the show’s scandalous season finale, and it seems one of the many people who was unaware of his addiction was his bride-to-be, Mackenzie Standifer.

Standifer took flak from fans of the show for allowing Edwards to drive while intoxicated, but on Monday night’s reunion show, she offered a compelling explanation:

She was ill-equipped to handle the situation because she had only found out about Edwards’ addiction one day prior.

And she blames her ignorance on Bookout, whom she claims knew about Ryan’s addiction, but failed to tell her about it.

Shockingly, Maci didn’t deny the accusation:

“I didn’t want to say anything that would make her feel like she couldn’t trust Ryan or their relationship wasn’t real,” she said, by way of explanation.

“I didn’t want to hurt her.”

Standifer replied with a scathing letter she’d written to Maci, which she read aloud on the show:

“Maci, you told me to my face, merely days after I had informed you about Ryan seeking help, that you had known about his problem since November,” Mackenzie read.

“That was 186 days; 400,464 hours; and 267,840 minutes that he could’ve died, and still, you said nothing. You let everyone know that you feared for his life, while concurrently exploiting Ryan and his addiction on the show.”

Standifer claimed the situation was so severe that Edwards cound have lost his life, a death, she says, for which Bookout would have been responsible:

“I had only known about it for two days before Ryan was walking into treatment. Instead of solving the problem or doing what you could to make an effort to solve it, you decided to humiliate Ryan,” she said.

She went on to accuse Maci of exploiting Ryan’s condition to make for more compelling television:

“Helping Ryan doesn’t mean talking about all of his problems on national television, it means being supportive. Not kicking someone down and respecting the privacy we all so graciously deserve,” she added.

Maci, of course, was having none of the accusations:

“You’re so full of sh-t your eyes are brown!” Bookout fired back.

She explained that she was deeply concerned for Edwards, but decided to take the issue up with him, not his then-girlfriend:

“I told him I loved him, but I couldn’t sit by and watch him kill himself,” Mackenzie explained.

“I told him when he was ready to get help to please let me know.”

It’s a case of she said-she said, and it’s up to Teen Mom fans to decide whether or not Maci did the right thing.

But we think even her biggest defenders would concede that she didn’t come off looking great on Monday’s reunion.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer Opens Up About Ryan Edwards" Addiction

If you watch Teen Mom: OG online, then you know the most recent season finale may have been the most harrowing episode the show has ever delivered.

In it, we saw Ryan Edwards marry Mackenzie Standifer in what may have been the mopst depressing wedding in the history of reality television.

Edwards checked into rehab after the ceremony, and the wedding was a quickie affair attended only by his parents and intended to give him a leg up in custody negotiations with his ex, Maci Bookout. 

Ryan was visibly intoxicated and drove to the wedding so high on prescription drugs that he nodded off behind the wheel.

Standifer took a world of flak on social media for both allowing Edwards to drive and shutting off the car’s dash cam so that fans and producers wouldn’t realize the extent of his inebriation.

For the most part, Mackenzie’s been silent on the criticism from fans, leading many to the conclusion that she realizes it was a foolish move.

Today she acknowledged both the uproar and the difficulties of her first month of marriage with one cryptyc tweet:

“God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way,” Mackenzie wrote.

Obviously, she didn’t directly address the issues at hand, but there’s no way this tweet is about anything other than the mess of drama that has characterized Standifer’s life in recent weeks.

These days, Edwards is out of rehab, and back on social media himself.

But his own posts aren’t quite so sunny and optimistic.

In fact, his very first post after leaving in-patient care was a jab at Maci Bookout, in which he encouraged the mother of his child to “STFU.”

This may have been a reference to Maci’s demands that Ryan seek help and accusations that his wife and parents were enabling his dangerous behavior.

Whatever the case, it doesn’t seem that Ryan effectively put his demons behind him during treatment.

Here’s hoping that he’ll continue to seek the help that he needs.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Teen Mom Fans to Mackenzie Standifer: Why Did You Let Ryan Edwards Drive High?!

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG then you know that Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer ties the knot in a ceremony that was captured by an MTV camera crew.

And you also know Ryan and Mackenzie’s wedding was one of the saddest in reality TV history, with more cameramen on hand than actual guests.

The wedding was a rush job, planned with the goal of giving Ryan a leg up in upcoming custody negotiations with his ex, Maci Bookout.

Just days after tying the knot, Edwards checked into rehab to receive treatment for persistent substance abuse issues.

At the time of the wedding, however, it appears he was still using.

And to the shock of many viewers, he drove to the ceremony while visibly intoxicated.

Fans of the show took to social media to express their outrage that no one intervened to stop Ryan from operating and getting married, all while so high that he struggled at times to keep his eyes open.

“Ryan was wasted, his mom was crying, and Mackenzie was standing there the whole time without a care in the world right before they got married,” wrote one fan on The Hollywood Gossip‘s Facebook page.

“Seems she’s in it for the fame and the money and doesn’t care how it’s affecting anybody in Ryan’s family. Everything about her that they showed last night was sad and desperate on her part.”

Others blamed MTV for allowing the potentially deadly scene to continue:

“I was absolutely stunned that MTV kept filming when Ryan was driving under the influence of drugs, putting other people’s lives at risk but as long as they get their ratings,” one viewer commented, adding:

“Unbelievable, the show is a joke now.”

Other fans focused on the fact that Ryan made one of the most important decisions of his life while high out of his mind, and there’s a very good chance he doesn’t remember his own wedding day:

“He is in rehab, but honestly I wouldn’t want to marry anyone who isn’t sober at the times our vows are made,” wrote one viewer.

“I felt bad for his parents and Kenzie seeing it his mom wasn’t crying bc other people weren’t there it was bc of the state of being her son was in.”

Some fans accused Mackenzie of enabling Ryan along with his parents,

Others encouraged Maci to continue to fight to limit Ryan’s visitation rights.

One fan may have summed up the sentiments best, writing:

“I was in total shock and seriously couldn’t believe what I saw. I’ve watched EVERY episode for YEARS. This…by far… was the craziest.”

Watch Teen Mom online to relive the many struggles that brought Ryan to where he is today.


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Ryan Edwards: See His Unbearably Awkward Wedding to Mackenzie Standifer!

If you"re a Teen Mom fan, then you probably know that the life of Ryan Edwards has been one great big hot mess for a while now.

For the past couple of seasons now, Ryan has seemed to be high on something during his segments, and now we know that"s because he was high.

While we don"t know exactly what drugs he"s been taking, we know that he developed a very serious problem — serious enough that Maci Bookout was afraid he"d die from his addiction.

We also know that the drugs seemed to severely impact any and all decision-making skills he may have had.

Why else would he agree to marry his fiancee, Mackenzie Standifer, right before he left for rehab?

They had a big wedding all booked for November, but for some reason, they thought it was a good idea to just go ahead and get hitched before shipping Ryan off to work on his drug problem.

And, as we see in this sneak peek for tomorrow"s Teen Mom OG season finale, it was not a good idea at all.

We"ve discussed the details of this wedding already, but to actually see it … well, it sure is something.

For one, the wedding venue seems to be in a parking lot down by the river.

Mackenzie is dressed in a formal wedding dress while Ryan wears a nice blue shirt and some khakis.

The only guests were Ryan"s parents and his dog — neither Bentley, Ryan"s son, or Mackenzie"s son were there for the ceremony.

And when Ryan"s father, Larry, asked them how they were going to tell Bentley about the wedding, Mackenzie quickly replied with "We"re not."

… Sorry?

"I don"t think we"re going to, Dad," Ryan adds. "If he does find out, we"re gonna sit him down."

Bentley is definitely old enough to understand how weddings work and to be hurt that he wasn"t included, and also this wedding was filmed for national television.

Do they really think he"s not going to find out?

Ryan"s mother, Jen, sobs onto her husband"s shoulder just before the vows are exchanged, which seems like a good omen.

"Mama, it don"t matter if there"s 100 people or two people, it just matters as long as we love each other," Ryan says in an attempt to comfort her.

He adds that "It"s best for Bentley," but again, that doesn"t really make a whole lot of sense.

As Mackenzie stands on, looking pretty unconcerned about her soon-to-be mother-in-law, Jen points out that "The most important people aren"t here."

Ryan tells her that "they will be," which we"re assuming means that everyone will be at the big wedding in November, so it"s fine to have this parking lot affair now.

After he"s done comforting his mother, he kisses her on the lips twice, which … OK.

The pastor arrives next, and introduces himself to everyone, then instructs Ryan and Mackenzie to hold hands "like you like each other."

During the vows, it kind of looks like Ryan is nodding off behind his sunglasses, and kids play in the background.

Not Ryan or Mackenzie"s kids, just some random kids that happened to be there in the parking lot at the same time as the wedding.

It"s all very, very strange. And it still doesn"t make sense.

Why wouldn"t they just wait until November, when everything would be planned and ready and Ryan would have a chance at being sober?

Is Mackenzie pregnant? Did Ryan need her insurance for rehab? Why is this even happening?

Watch the whole uncomfortable thing in the video below:

Ryan edwards see his unbearably awkward wedding to mackenzie sta

Friday, June 23, 2017

Ryan Edwards & Mackenzie Standifer: Sad Wedding Details Revealed

Last month, Ryan Edwards married Mackenzie Standifer, but there wasn’t much time for a honeymoon.

Shortly after saying “I do,” Edwards checked into rehab to be treated for substance abuse issues so severe they reportedly threatened his life.

And now it looks as though that wasn’t the only dark cloud hanging over the ceremony.

Ryan and Mackenzie’s wedding will be featured on this week’s Teen Mom: OG, and it seems the quickie wedding was anything but a joyous occasion.

The wedding was attended only by Ryan’s parents, Jen and Larry.

Yes, Ryan’s beloved son, Bentley, was not on hand for the occasion.

And it seems that fact simply broke Ryan’s mother’s heart.

“The most important people aren’t here,” she protested through tears at one point.

Ryan tried to put his mother’s mind at ease, but he seemed pretty upset by the situation himself:

“Mom, it don’t matter if there’s 100 people or two people here,” Edwards insisted to his mother.

“As long as we love each other.”

Speaking to his father, Ryan seemed considerable less optimistic.

“How are you gonna tell Bentley?” Larry asked at one point.

“I don’t think we’re going to, Dad,” Ryan responded.

Yes, it seems when Edwards checked into rehab, his son didn’t know he had a new stepmom.

Heartbreaking stuff.

Fortunately, these days, Edwards is out of rehab and appears to be n the upswing. We think …

Fans have pointed to a handful of troubling signs that may indicate Edwards is still struggling:

For one thing, he wasn’t in rehab for very long.

As far as we can tell, he checked shortly after his wedding, and he left on June 19.

That’s only about four weeks.

Treatment programs generally recommend that as the bare minimum for in-patient care.

On top of that, Edwards immediately began taking shots at Maci Bookout after leaving treatment.

Not an encouraging sign for someone who’s supposed to be leaving the past and its accompanying negative emotions behind him.

Obviously, we’re hoping for the best for Ryan, but there’s no denying that the causes for concern are legitimate.

Watch Teen Mom online to get caught up in time for what’s sure to be a drama-packed season finale.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

"Dance Moms" Teen Mackenzie Ziegler Sued, Producer Says She Bailed On Music Deal

“Dance Moms” star Mackenzie Ziegler is two-timing a music producer by bailing on performances and record sessions, and working with another producer on the side … according to a lawsuit. Kismet Music is going after 13-year-old Mackenzie and her…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer SLAMS Ryan Edwards" Drug Use!

It’s starting to look like Ryan Edwards is going to have quite the mess on his hands when he returns home from rehab.

Can’t a guy get clean from hard drugs in peace?!

According to recent reports, Ryan has struggled with addiction for at least five years now.

His ex-girlfriend, Dalis Connell, revealed that bit of information in a statement to Radar — she said that he began abusing powerful prescription painkillers back in 2012.

Things were so bad that he went to rehab that December, but obviously it didn’t take.

We’ve seen Ryan acting strangely for at least the past two seasons of Teen Mom OG, and now we know it’s because he relapsed.

According to Maci Bookout, things had gotten so bad in the past few months that she was afraid he’d die, but sadly, his family wasn’t interested in getting him help.

She said that Ryan’s parents, Jen and Larry, as well as his then-fiancée, Mackenzie Standifer, were more concerned with keeping up appearances than getting him help.

And as we’re seeing in the days since the news broke that Ryan went to rehab, that certainly seems to be the case.

After Dalis revealed Ryan’s past drug use, his mother tweeted “And once again this one needs some attention and money!! Sorry honey but you have quite a bit of this wrong!”

Dalis seemed understandably upset in her response — she told her that she’d kept the secret for Ryan and his family for years.

And that’s when Mackenzie stepped in, and everything went to hell.

“Not a secret anymore,” she tweeted. “But keep running your mouth, remember who you and Ryan have in common… before and after you broke up.”

Dalis responded with “LOL. no idea what your remark refers to. i answered a ? girl. your defense shows exactly why i’m blessed to not be in your position anymore.”

A solid comeback, but Mackenzie couldn’t let things lie.

“Let me refresh your memory, Drew, ya know the same guy that helped you get your own pills.. is that why you need the money so badly?”

“My own pills,” Dalis replied with a laughing emoji. “birth control? vitamin c? fish oil? daily vitamin? praying for you sad you feel the need to defend him by lying about some1 else.”

Another good comeback — Dalis has always been very, very into health and fitness.

If she did get into the same things Ryan got into, it wouldn’t be hard to tell. You won’t find any bug-eyed selfies on her Instagram.

But still, Mackenzie continued.

“Lol you forgot a few on your list, but that’s ok,” she wrote. “I guess that’s what drugs do when they go up your nose… eat away at the brain.”

… Did Mac forget that she just got married to a drug addict?

How is she going to sit there and talk about drugs “eating away at the brain” when her husband is in rehab right for the same things she’s accusing Dalis of doing?

So much for being a loving, supportive wife.

Dalis hit back with “Your boyfriend is the snorter babe. look where it got him. this is so comical & petty so I’ll stop-i truly hope things get better for y’all.”

“doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that placing the ‘blame’ or ‘gossip’ on someone else is a defense mechanism. pray for those people.”

Again, she’s not wrong.

For what it’s worth, another one of Ryan’s exes, Shelby Woods, gave her own statement on Ryan.

She told The Ashley’s Reality Roundup “I feel as though none of that is my business.”

“If Ryan wants to speak in regard to it then that’s fine, but I don’t have anything to say.”

So we have one ex declining to talk about Ryan at all, another wishing him the best, and another who’s been trying to get him help against the wishes of his family.

And then we have Mackenzie, who thinks this Twitter tomfoolery is a good look.

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: poor Ryan.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer: Leave Me and Ryan Edwards ALONE!

Things aren’t looking so good for Ryan Edwards and his brand new wife, Mackenzie Standifer.

And it seems like Mackenzie is literally the only person surprised by this sad turn of events.

See, people who have watched Teen Mom know that Ryan … well, he isn’t the greatest.

If it weren’t for his parents stepping in and forcing him to care for the son he shares with Maci Bookout, he’d be a deadbeat dad of epic proportions … as it is, he’s not that concerned with fatherhood.

He’s always been a bit of a jerk, and in recent seasons of the show, he’s been rumored to be high pretty much all the time.

Except now those rumors are facts: Ryan has definitely been on drugs for a while now, and the problem is so severe that he’s now in rehab.

It’s a sad situation made only sadder by the presence of Mackenzie.

She’s 20 years old with a three-year-old son, and she made the decision to marry Ryan days before he left for rehab and less than six months after her first marriage was officially over.

We don’t know what’s going on with this girl, but it can’t be good.

Why bring her young child into the home of a drug addict? Why marry Ryan so fast? Why not at least wait until he’s clean?

None of it makes sense, but it looks like she doesn’t particularly care.

Mackenzie has been going off on Twitter on anyone who has the nerve to say anything negative about Ryan or herself … and she started with Ryan’s ex, Dalis Connell.

Dalis dated Ryan several years ago, and she claimed in a new interview that she was with him when his drug addiction began all the way back in 2012.

“One of his friends was on the pills and he tried it one night when we first started dating,” she explained.

“He started taking those while I was in class. I ran track in college and would be gone all day and he was bored.”

She said that she didn’t recognize the signs of addiction because she’d never been around anyone who did drugs, but after eight months of dating she caught him in the middle of a drug deal.

Dalis stayed with Ryan for two years, and during that time, he had his first trip to rehab in December of 2012.

Unfortunately, Ryan said at the time that he wasn’t really interested in working on his problems, he just wanted help with withdrawal — and obviously he’s relapsed since.

Ryan’s mother didn’t appreciate Dalis’ story — she tweeted “And once again this one needs some attention and money!! Sorry honey but you have quite a bit of this wrong!”

Dalis stood up for herself, replying with “I kept that secret for SO long to protect you all.. you know everything I said is the truth. when told, i was relieved he’s getting help!”

Then Mackenzie stepped in.

“Not a secret anymore,” she tweeted to Dalis. “But keep running your mouth, remember who you and Ryan have in common… before and after you broke up.”

… What does that even mean?

If Mackenzie is going to get into Twitter fights, she should at least try to make sense.

It’s also a good idea to have the high ground in these sorts of situations, and it’s obvious that she doesn’t here.

After all, as Maci said, Mackenzie and Ryan’s parents have been more concerned with appearances than with getting Ryan help. If that’s true, good ol’ Mac here should keep quiet.

But that’s obviously not happening.

Mackenzie also tweeted about recent reports that she’s lost custody of her son to her ex-husband — she says they’re wrong.

“There was an error in paperwork in the court,” she explained. “Our child support was wrong from day one. Never lost custody. Never had to pay.”

So instead of Mackenzie being ordered to pay child support, she’s saying that her ex-husband’s child support payments have changed.

A gossip site called All About the Tea insisted that she was lying, and that she did indeed lose custody, but she wasn’t having it.

“Seriously, to hell with you and your ‘tea,"” she tweeted. “Get on somewhere.”

“Believe me or not… I don’t pay child support. You’re so f-cking low.”

The whole thing is just a great big mess, and we can’t imagine things will get much better once Ryan gets out of rehab.

But hey, congrats again on the marriage, y’all!


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer: MARRIED!

So this is an interesting development.

You know how Ryan Edwards has a whole, whole lot going on in his life right now?

Maci Bookout just revealed on Teen Mom OG something that fans have been speculating about for a long, long time now: he’s in the midst of a nasty battle with drug addiction.

On the show, she said that things were so bad that she was scared that he’d end up dead if he didn’t get help.

But now we know that he is getting help: a new report we discussed just earlier today explains that he’s in rehab, and he’s been there for two weeks now.

And now we’re learning that just before he went to rehab, he got married.

Feel free to take a moment to process all this, we know it’s a lot.

Ryan married his fiancée of six months, Mackenzie Standifer, in Hamilton County, Tennessee on May 15th.

It was a religious ceremony officiated by a minister, and right now those are the only details we know about the wedding.

As we’ve seen on Teen Mom OG, Ryan and Mackenzie had been looking around for venues and planning a big wedding for this fall.

In a registry the couple made, the original wedding date was listed as November 18th.

But obviously they decided to move things ahead a bit.

Considering the facts of the situation — the wedding was moved up so fast with little notice, it was held on a Monday, Ryan was on drugs at the time — it couldn’t have been a big affair.

And honestly, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Why would Ryan get married immediately before going to rehab?

If he’s already been in treatment for two weeks, he would have to have left a few days, at most, after the wedding.

Why not wait until he was clean, especially if they’d already been planning something together?

It’s hard to say, and it looks like we won’t be getting any information from Mackenzie: as of this morning, she’s made all of her social media accounts private.

Another strange thing is that Mackenzie filed for divorce from her first husband last July — less than a year ago.

The divorce was finalized days before Ryan proposed, and now she’s on her second marriage at the tender age of 20.

Additionally, we learned yesterday that Ryan’s drug addiction may be affecting the custody arrangement for her three-year-old son, Hudson.

It’s all just very, very curious.

Whatever the reason for the rushed wedding, we wish Ryan and Mackenzie a lifetime of happiness and, especially for Ryan, good health.

What a roller coaster.


Saturday, June 3, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer Losing Custody of Son Over Ryan Edwards" Drug Use?!

As we learned on the latest episode of Teen Mom OG, things aren’t going so well for Ryan Edwards.

And apparently they haven’t been going well for a long, long time.

For a while now, Ryan, ex-boyfriend of Maci Bookout and father of Bentley, has been acting a bit off.

Every time we see him, his eyes are bugging out of his head, and we’ve seen him disappear from home for hours at a time to, as his family claims, “go to the bank.”

He rarely speaks, he doesn’t act anything like he used to, and also there was a moment in time where he killed a bunch of cats.

Fans of the the show have theorized that drugs are to blame for his bizarre behavior, and as Maci explained, those fans are right.

During their Puerto Rico vacation, the topic of Ryan came up, and Amber Portwood told her that, based on personal experience, she can tell that Ryan has been “f-cked up” lately.

And Maci agreed.

“I talk to Taylor about it like, ‘I wonder if today’s going to be the day that Ryan does something that he can’t come back from?"” she said through tears.

“I’m just sick of cleaning up his mess. I get tired of dealing with the sh-t. Just being the only one that f-cking sees everything and cares.”

It seemed to be weighing heavy on Maci that she’s apparently the only one in Ryan’s life willing to speak out about his problem and try to get him help.

If that’s true, it’s a sad situation, since Ryan has two very involved parents as well as his fiancée, Mackenzie Standifer.

Ryan and Mackenzie haven’t been together all that long: she filed for divorce from her first husband, Zachary Stephens, in July of 2016.

She also shares a three-year-old son named Hudson with Stephens.

And here’s where things start to get a little complicated.

Mackenzie has custody of her son, and she lives with Ryan, which is a little alarming, considering his apparently serious drug problem.

But in April, Mackenzie and her ex-husband went to court, and there was a pretty interesting development.

When their divorce was finalized, Stephens was ordered to pay Mackenzie $ 503 a month in child support.

Then, in April — soon after Maci discovered the truth about Ryan — things were changed so that Mackenzie now pays Stephens $ 245 a month in child support.

Does that mean that she lost custody of her son, either full or partial? And could it have anything to do with her choice to house her son with a drug addict?

According to a statement Mackenzie made on Instagram this week, she has “full custody” of the little boy.

… Then why would she pay child support?

It doesn’t make much sense, but then again nothing Mackenzie has been saying this week makes much sense.

Remember, when someone asked her on Twitter if she’s “ready to spend the rest of your life wondering if [Ryan] is high,” she said “Well I am ready to spend the rest of my life not worrying about ignorant comments.”

Like, chill, honey, you’re the one marrying a creep like Ryan Edwards.
