Showing posts with label Nassar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nassar. Show all posts

Friday, January 26, 2018

Dominique Moceanu Says One Gymnast Confided in Her About Larry Nassar

Dominique Moceanu is celebrating the bravery of her fellow Team USA gymnasts who helped bring Larry Nassar to justice … years after she started sounding the alarm about abuse in the sport. The 1996 gold medalist told us she first heard about…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Simone Biles to Larry Nassar Judge: "You Are My Hero"

Simone Biles is giving the judge who signed Larry Nassar’s “death warrant” a big, public thank you … telling her, “YOU ARE MY HERO” for sentencing the ex-Team USA doc to 175 years in prison. Simone — who earlier this month revealed she was…


Larry Nassar Sentenced to 175 Years in Horrific Sexual Abuse Case

Dubbed “the most prolific child molester in history,” Larry Nassar was sentenced to a lifetime in prison on Wednesday.

The former Team USA gymnastics doctor, Nassar has been accused of sexual misconduct and abuse by countless women, including such famous ex-clients as Simone Biles and Aly Raisman.

Altogether, approximately 140 victims have come forward with similar stories about Nassar.

Many of them read open letters in court over the past several days about the predator, detailing how Nassar would touch them inappropriately during medical exams.

They described the heinous ways in which he abused them and manipulated them over the years, claiming as he did so that he was simply servicing them as a medical professional and trying out new techniques for healing.

It’s truly despicable stuff.

After days of hearing these emotional impact statements, Judge Rosemarie Aquilina of Michigan’s Ingham County Circuit Court sentenced the 54-year-old deviant to the lengthy sentence, castigating him in court as follows:

“Your crimes have cut into the core of this community and families and many we don’t know.

“There was no medical treatment.

“You did this for your pleasure and your control. You still think that somehow you are right … I wouldn’t send my dogs to you, sir.”

“It was my honor and privilege to sentence you,” Aquilina added later, stating that she wants him to remain behind bars for the rest of his life.

“I just signed your death warrant.”

Nassar pleaded guilty in November to numerous counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct.

Other victims you may have heard of include Olympic champions and medal winners McKayla Maroney and Gabby Douglas.

“We know without a doubt after these seven days – what we and this team have known for 16 months – [Nassar] is perhaps the most prolific child molester in history … who spared no one,” Assistant District Attorney Angela Povilaitis said in court this morning.

She continued:

“The defendant hid behind Olympic rings. Every previous time there had been an allegation, nothing happened. His lies worked.

“This court [heard[ from several women some decades later who were initially determined to be confused or to be liars. He was believed over these children.”

Prior to his sentencing, Nassar read brief prepared remarks.

“Your words these past several days have had a significant emotional effect on myself,” he said, speaking to his victims and adding:

“I recognize that what I’m feeling pales in comparison to the pain, trauma and emotional destruction that all of you have felt.

“There are no words to describe the depth and breadth of how sorry I am for what has occurred. I will carry your words with me for the rest of my days.”

However, he also submitted a letter to the judge that was read aloud today.

It included the sentence “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” and the claim that these “stories are being fabricated to sensationalize this…”

The crowd in the courtroom audibly gasped as the judge read Nassar’s letter to the public.

Nassar was fired by USA Gymnastics in 2015 after working with the organization since 1986.

He had been serving as its national medical coordinator since 1996.

Last Friday, Raisman made national headlines and earned global acclaim and respect for addressing her abuser face-to-face in court.

“We, this group of women you so heartlessly abused over such a long period of time, are now a force, and you are nothing,” she said.

“The tables have turned, Larry. We are here. We have our voices, and we are not going anywhere.”

Thankfully, though, Nassar is going somewhere.

He’s going to rot in prison forever.


Larry Nassar Awaits Sentencing As His Final Victims Speak (LIVE STREAM)

Larry Nassar is probably going to spend the rest of his life rotting in a jail cell … the disgraced ex-Team USA doctor will be sentenced Wednesday in his sexual assault case after his final victims give their impact statements — and we’re…


Larry Nassar Awaits Sentencing As His Final Victims Speak (LIVE STREAM)

Larry Nassar is probably going to spend the rest of his life rotting in a jail cell … the disgraced ex-Team USA doctor will be sentenced Wednesday in his sexual assault case after his final victims give their impact statements — and we’re…


Monday, January 22, 2018

USA Gymnastics Execs Resign In Wake of Nassar Scandal

At least 3 powerful members of the Team USA gymnastics board of directors have resigned … just days after Aly Raisman BLASTED the organization for its role in the Dr. Nassar sexual assault scandal.  Board of Directors executive leadership…


Friday, January 19, 2018

Aly Raisman & Jordyn Wieber Face Larry Nassar at Sentencing, Wieber Reveals Abuse

Aly Raisman and her former Team USA teammate, Jordyn Wieber, are facing Larry Nassar on the final day of his sentencing … with Jordyn bravely addressing the disgraced doctor she says abused her “time after time, appointment after…


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Larry Nassar Begs Judge to Stop Witness Statements, "Mental Health" Concerns

Scumbag convicted sexual predator Larry Nassar wrote a letter to the court begging to end the witness statements … saying the terrible stories of sexual assault are damaging his mental health.  Don’t worry … the judge shot his pathetic ass…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

McKayla Maroney Facing Huge Fine For Testifying Against Dr. Larry Nassar, Chrissy Teigen Offers to Pay

Even though Dr. Larry Nassar has been convicted of child porn and is accused of molesting over 140 girls, the fact remains that Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney is not exactly free to testify about his alleged crimes against her.

If she does, the non-disclosure agreement that she signed years ago would reportedly subject her to a $ 100,000 fine.

But one famous and beloved celebrity, Chrissy Teigen, is offering to foot the bill.

Back in October, McKayla Maroney courageously revealed that her team doctor had molested her when she was a minor.

All of those famous moments of her in the Olympics? Those were when she was under the power of Dr. Larry Nassar.

Nassar would allegedly give his young female patients “treatments,” using the pretense of medical care to molest them.

The abuse went on for years.

Since McKayla spoke up, numerous teammates including Gabby Douglas and Aly Raisman, have accused Dr. Nassar of similar, heinous abuse.

All told, the number of women who accuse Larry Nassar of sexual abuse number over 140.

Early Tuesday morning, The Daily Mail published that McKayla Maroney is effectively barred from testifying at Dr. Larry Nassar’s sentencing.

To be clear, though he has confessed to a “small” number of sex abuse charges …

(Small only in contrast to the volume of his accusers)

… Dr. Nassar’s sentence of 60 years in prison came from his possession of a truly alarming volume of child pornography.

Dozens of women are scheduled to speak at Nassar’s sentencing, but McKayla Maroney may be barred from giving her own victim impact statement.

We know that this is strange, since McKayla shared her story in a very public manner, months ago.

McKayla is currently suing USA Gymnastics, accusing them of knowing about Dr. Nassar and covering up his crimes (presumably to protect themselves from sharing in the blame).

Oh boy, has that not gone well.

What led to McKayla signing the NDA in the first place was desperation. She was suffering psychological problems as a result of years of trauma from sexual abuse. Unfortunately, receiving her much-needed treatment costs money.

But there are multiple legal challenges to NDAs, particularly when such an agreement appears to exist in order to cover up a crime. We’ll see how that goes.

In the mean time, McKayla is a successful Olympian, but probably not in a position where she could just pay $ 100,000 like it’s a parking ticket.

In the mean time, however, there’s a much more direct and simple solution to McKayla Maroney’s dilemma.

Chrissy Teigen shared the article about how she might be fined, and tweeted:

“The entire principle of this should be fought – an NDA to stay quiet about this serial monster with over 140 accusers, but I would be absolutely honored to pay this fine for you, McKayla.”

That’s such a good move and a very generous offer.

$ 100,000 is a lot of money, but Chrissy Teigen can definitely make good on it, even if you don’t factor in that her husband is John Legend.

But hopefully she won’t have to.

There’s bad press, and then there’s millionaire celebrities had to step in because of our NDA that protects a serial sexual predator bad press.

USA Gymnastics would be smart to wave the NDA. It would make them look better. (Remember how celebrities spoke out, with some like Taylor Swift writing checks, in defense of Kesha? Even Sony was feeling the pressure. That can happen for USA Gymnastics, too)

As of yet, we haven’t seen a public response from McKayla, who seems to no longer be on Twitter and Instagram. (Which we absolutely understand)


Monday, January 15, 2018

Simone Biles: Larry Nassar Sexually Assaulted Me, Too

Simone Biles says she was also sexually assaulted by Team USA gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar — and is now ready to go public with her story.  The 20-year-old phenom — who was a key member of the 2016 gold medal winning Olympics team –…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

McKayla Maroney Sues Dr. Larry Nassar, USA Gymnastics

McKayla Maroney wants convicted molester Dr. Larry Nassar and USA Gymnastics to pay for the hell they put her through … according to a new lawsuit. The Olympic gymnast blames Michigan State University for hiring Nassar when they knew he was a…


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Larry Nassar: Team Doctor Who Molested Over 140 Girls Sentenced for Child Porn

Back in October, Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney revealed how she was molested by her team doctor, Larry Nassar.

In November, teammate Aly Raisman added her name to the list of over 140 young women with their own stories of abuse in the guise of medical care by Dr. Nassar.

On Thursday, Larry Nassar was sentenced — not for sex abuse, but for child pornography charges.

Dr. Larry Nassar, who is 54 years old, has been in prison while awaiting sentencing.

During that time, McKayla Maroney and Aly Raisman revealed that Dr. Nassar had molested them, sharing their heartbreaking #MeToo stories with the world.

Like so many others, these Olympic superstars describe Dr. Nassar, at the time their team doctor, administering “treatments” to them under the guise of medical practice.

Olympic athletes (and others) often require legitimate therapies such as massage.

Nassar, it is described, would use these as opportunities to molest the young girls who had been entrusted to his care.

These monstrous deeds are evil to their core and unforgivable.

But, though Nassar has pleaded guilty to 10 counts of sexual assault (a drop in the bucket compared to the number of accusers), it is not for these heinous crimes that he’s been sentenced.

Larry Nassar was on trial for possession of child pornography.

How much child pornography? … asked virtually no one.

He was found to have come into possession of 37,000 images that constitute child pornography.

That almost certainly means that he was collecting photos of very real children who are victims or who were victims. Awful on its own, particularly if he then shared those images or in any way financially compensated the ones who gave them to him.

Dr. Nassar was also accused of trying to destroy those images in order to avoid being held accountable for possessing child pornography.

His sentence:

60 years in federal prison.

Federal Judge Janet Neff explained (though she really didn’t need to) her reasoning behind the decision:

That Larry Nassar “should never again have access to children.”

We strongly agree.

Possibly influencing the judge’s decision were impact statements from Nassar’s many victims, including McKayla Maroney.

“Dr. Nassar was not a doctor, he in fact is, was, and forever shall be, a child molester, and a monster of a human being.”


“It all started when I was 13 or 14 years old, at one of my first National Team training camps, in Texas, and it didn’t end until I left the sport.”

That is a nightmare.

“It seemed whenever and wherever this man could find the chance, I was ‘treated.’ It happened in London before my team and I won the gold medal, and It happened before I won my Silver Medal.”


“For me, the scariest night of my life happened when I was 15 years old. I had flown all day and night with the team to get to Tokyo.”

This is not new information, and matches what she disclosed months ago. But that doesn’t mean that it was any easier for her to write.

“He’d given me a sleeping pill for the flight, and the next thing I know, I was all alone with him in his hotel room getting a ‘treatment.’ I thought I was going to die that night.”

McKayla’s mother, Erin Maroney, also gave an impact statement about how this traumatic experience changed her daughter’s life.

“This experience has been shattering to McKayla.”

Of course it was.

“She has transformed from a bubbly, positive, loving, world class athlete into a young adult who was deeply depressed, at times suicidal and essentially descended into an emotional abyss.”

Abusing a child is a tragedy that can never be undone. They can heal, but they’ll never recover the formative years that they lost to trauma.

“At times I was unsure whether I would open her bedroom door and find her dead.”

We are eternally grateful that this monster’s abuses did not claim McKayla’s life.

“Her father and I have been living this nightmare for years and until recently we felt hopeless. Nassar and those individuals and institutions that protected him almost snuffed out my daughter.”

Michegan State University is accused of having helped to cover up Larry Nassar’s crimes. They adamantly deny it.


Team USA Doc Larry Nassar Gets 60 Years In Prison in Child Porn Case

Dr. Larry Nassar is probably going to die in prison — the disgraced former Team USA gymnastics doc just got 60 YEARS in his child porn case.  The 54-year-old was just sentenced by a judge in Michigan — after being convicted of having more…


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Team USA Doc Larry Nassar Pleads Guilty to Sexually Assaulting Gymnasts

Dr. Larry Nassar just pled guilty to multiple counts of sexually assaulting multiple girls while working as a doctor for Team USA gymnastics and Michigan State University.  Nassar appeared in a Michigan courtroom early Wednesday morning dressed…


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Gabby Douglas: Dr. Nassar Molested Me, Too

A couple of weeks ago, Aly Raisman accused Dr. Nassar of sexual abuse, joining more than 100 other gymnasts.

Aly responded to some truly despicable victim-blaming, only for her former teammate, Gabby Douglas, to seemingly victim-blame Aly for “immodesty.” Gabby apologized after the backlash, but … yikes.

Now Gabby’s come forward. Not only to apologize again, but to say that she, too, is a survivor of Dr. Nassar’s sex abuse.

After Aly Raisman gave a similar account to McKayla Maroney’s molestation accusations against Dr. Larry Nassar, their former team doctor, Aly posted about how dressing a certain way before or after being a victim of sexual abuse doesn’t in any way negate what happened.

(As we mentioned at the time, if haters see assault survivors living their lives, they dismiss what happened as “not that bad.” If they see survivors as nervous shut-ins, they tell them to “get over it.” It’s vile)

Gabby Douglas jumped in with a truly awful take: a reminder that women have a “responsibility” to dress modestly, or they might invite the wrong kind of attention.

That’s awful, and the backlash was intense. Which, we imagine, is why Gabby Douglas apologized at the time and has now posted this lengthy apology:

“First, I want to reiterate my apology for responding the way that I did to a comment that one of my teammates posted.”

That’s good. A personal desire for modesty is every bit as valid as any other personal outfit choice, from niqabs to nudity. Saying that others have a “responsibility” to feel as you do … is unacceptable.

“I know that some of you may take what I am about to say as insincere, but I still wanted to provide context.”

Context is always good.

“The day before I commented, I was at an event where hundreds of children and young adults came to spend an evening with me.”

That’s not really a surprise. She’s still a household name and she’s an athletic superstar.

“It’s very humbling when many people look up to you as an example.”

Most people would assume that it’s the opposite of humbling, but we can see that.

“I take my job as a role model very seriously and I always want to do my best to represent all the best qualities that a role model should embody. I admit there are times that I fall short.”

“I didn’t view my comments as victim-shaming because I know that no matter what you wear, it NEVER gives anyone the right to harass or abuse you.”

That’s true. You can pass out naked in somebody’s house, and they still don’t have the right to touch you without your consent. No one does.

“It would be like saying because of the leotards we wore, it was our fault that we were abused by Larry Nassar.”

Note that she says we, following up her use of the #MeToo hashtag in her first apology by confirming that she is a fellow survivor.

(Going through awful stuff doesn’t negate the problematic things that you might say or do later in life, but they can put things into context)

“I didn’t publicly share my experiences as well as many other things because for years we were conditioned to stay silent and honestly some things were extremely painful.”

We can only imagine how painful it would be to hold onto that secret, to be burdened by it.

“I wholeheartedly support my teammates for coming forward with what happened to them.”

And that’s good.

Gabby’s message continues:

“I understand that many of you didn’t know what I was dealing with, but it is important to me that you at least know this.”

We’re listening.

“I do not advocate victim shaming/blaming in any way, shape, or form!”

It sure sounded like that was what she was doing in her now-deleted “modesty” post.

“I will also never support attacking or bullying anyone on social media or anywhere else.”

That’s good … but almost sounds like she’s talking about the backlash that she received.

“Please forgive me for not being more responsible with how I handled the situation.”

Responsible is exactly the right word.

“To every other individual that commented to or about me hatefully, I apologize that I let you down too.”

That’s a very mature way to respond to your haters.

“I will never stop promoting unity, positivity, strength, being courageous, and doing good instead of evil.”

That’s good … though some of those are vague and could mean very different things from very different people.

“I have learned from this and I’m determined to be even better.”

That’s good.

She sends it with:

“All my love, Gabby.”

Whatever you may think of Gabby Douglas before or after this second apology, she did not deserve to be one of Dr. Larry Nassar’s countless alleged victims.

Dr. Nassar, who has been in jail while awaiting sentencing for child porn charges, pleaded guilty Wednesday morning to sexual assault.

He is being sued by over 125 women, most of whom are gymnasts.

This story is ongoing, in that Nassar still awaits sentencing. And we may have not yet heard from all of the victims.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Gabby Douglas Says U.S. Team Doctor Larry Nassar Abused Her, Too

Gabby Douglas just announced that she, too, was abused by her former team doctor, Larry Nassar … this after 2 other U.S. gymnasts claimed the same thing. Gabby issued a statement Tuesday which started out by apologizing for her perceived…
