Showing posts with label Olympios. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olympios. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2017

Corinne Olympios: I Had Sex with Nick Viall and He LOVED IT!

As The Bachelor spoilers predicted, the season’s iconic villain was ousted on this week’s episode, but that doesn’t mean she’s done talking.

Corinne Olympios may not have made it to The Bachelor’s Fantasy Suite, but she had sex with Nick Viall and can’t wait to tell us about it.

The 25-year-old secretly met up with this year’s suitor after filming her hometown date in Miami, according to reports, and it was hot.

How hot? Dare you even ask she of the platinum vagine?

And do you really think she’d stay quiet about it for long?

“Corinne would love to expose details of how Nick is in the bedroom and intimate things he was saying to her,” a show insider shares.

“[Nick] hoped Corinne would take this secret to the grave.”

If Nick really hoped that, Nick is clearly an idiot, or was completely blinded to the person Corinne has been the whole time, but we digress.

In any case, Viall may be worried about it for good reason:

“[He] believes that if Corinne begins to talk about their night together in public, it will ruin his relationship with the winner.”

As for who The Bachelor winner is? We know it’s one of two women remaining on the show this season, not Rachel Lindsay.

The Bachelorette star has already been announced, well before her exist from the show, leaving Raven Gates and Vanessa Grimaldi.

Whomever earns the final rose, Corinne gives zero f–ks.

“She doesn’t care about the other girls, especially the winner,” the source says, adding, “Corinne is milking her newfound fame.”

“She will do anything to stay in the spotlight.”

Olympios initially reacted in sad, apologetic shock when Nick cut her, then dried her tears and vowed to take a new approach to life.

“Saying goodbye to Nick… I feel like my heart is literally never going to be repaired,” she said following her Bachelor elimination Monday.

“I just want to feel loved, the way it’s supposed to be.”

“The normal way. Why can’t I just have a normal relationship? I’m trying to say things that men think are appropriate, and you know what?”

“I’m done trying to show my men how much I worship them and I love them and I support them,” she said, issuing a warning to suitors:

“So if someone feels that way about me, they can tell me. And they can bring a ring to go along with it. I’m done trying to impress these men.”

Interestingly, it was a heart-to-heart with Andi Dorfman that helped Nick realize that Corinne wasn’t the woman for him in the end.

The same Andi Dorfman whose sexual experiences with Nick have also been aired quite publicly, and not necessarily flatteringly.

Former Bachelorette star Andi wrote about their night together in the Fantasy Suite in her 2016 memoir, entitled It’s Not Okay.

Instead of saying he loved Dorfman like she expected, Nick started a game of “Would you rather?”… in the middle of doing it.

“Would you rather make love or f–k?” he asked Andi.

“Ummm… make love,” Dorfman said, surprised.

Nick’s amazing, alleged response to that? “Well, if I had four times, I’d like to f–k the first three times and make love the fourth.”

Wow. Andi called this the “most cringe-worthy, lady boner-killing, awkward” sex she’s ever had in her life. Quite the endorsement.

The tell-all bar is set pretty high, Corinne! 


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

"Bachelor" Villain Corinne Olympios Insists She"s Not Done On TV (VIDEO)

Corinne Olympios loves to tease, and she’s sticking to that … even after Nick Viall sent her packing. The ‘Bachelor’ villain was at LAX Tuesday when she dropped a nugget about a possible reality show in the works. Even though she didn’t win,…


Corinne Olympios: Make Me The Bachelorette!

As previously noted, Corinne Olympios never wants to receive a rose ever again.

Speaking to Jimmy Kimmel just a couple hours after viewers saw her get eliminated on The Bachelor, Olympios said she was taking a new tact to dating.

She told the host that she was through trying to impress men… that they should just love her for who she truly is… and also:

“If anyone ever tries to give me red roses again, I think I might punch them in the face.”

That’s fair, right? Considering all she went through as one of the women who advanced very far on the latest season of this ABC competition?

Due to our unparalleled section of The Bachelor spoilers, we’ve known for weeks that Corinne would not win Nick Viall’s heart.

But the controversial contestant said throughout her media rounds on Tuesday that she was shocked when she didn’t receive a flower this week.

She was also heartbroken.

Still, this doesn’t mean Corinne wouldn’t be interesting in actually being the one to hand out roses at some point in the future.

Oh, yes, are you listening The Bachelorette producers? Someone is about to make you a pitch.

“That’d be really amazing,” Olympios told Entertainment Tonight of becoming The Bachelorette, adding:

“Of course I would do it, it’s an amazing opportunity for anyone who gets asked.”

Someone has already been asked, however.

ABC confirmed late last month that Rachel Lindsay will take on this role for Season 13, finally giving the series an African-American anchor.

We somehow doubt executives will change their mind and replace her with Corinne. Even if Corinne has proven that she’ll do pretty much anything on camera.

“People saying that I used sex or my sexuality to get roses is just stupid,” Olympios told ET, defending her personality on the show.

“I know I definitely was a little bit promiscuous, but it’s a TV show, so it did look a little more promiscuous and a little bit more heightened.

“But you know, I did what I did and you know, no regrets.”

Olympios told Kimmel that she never considered herself to be a villain because she never acted in a malicious manner to Nick or any of her fellow suitors.

But she is aware of the reputation she cultivated during her run on The Bachelor.

“I think that maybe I was a little bit slut-shamed, but come on, if there’s no sexual attraction then just don’t even bother,” she told ET. “To all you women out there, take that advice…

“Going on the show takes a lot of guts. If you’re going to do it, go big or go home, baby!”

And now Corinne has, indeed, gone home.

Will she end up on Bachelor in Paradise? It’s pretty safe bet.

Will she end up as The Bachelorette? The odds are against it?

But would you WANT to see her as The Bachelorette? Would you want to see her as The Bachelorette over Rachel Lindsay? There’s something we can at least debate.

Vote now:

And the Winner is?

Corinne Olympios or Rachel Lindsay? Who would you rather see as The Bachelorette? View Poll »


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Corinne Olympios Issues Dire Warning to Future Suitors

Corinne Olympios clearly never read through our extensive section of The Bachelor spoilers.

If she had, the most polarizing contestant on the latest installment of this beloved ABC franchise would have been aware of her fate on last night’s episode.

Indeed, despite having thrown herself and her boobs at Nick Viall on numerous occasions, Olympios was sent packing.

The rejection took place after Viall had a lengthy chat with ex-girlfriend Andi Dorfman, apparently realizing via this heart-to-heart that Corinne simply wasn’t wife material.

Upon being kicked to the proverbial curb, Olympios initially reacted in sad, apologetic shock.

“I’m sorry if I ever did anything to make you upset,” she cried while Nick attempted to console her.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m going to miss the hell out of you. I have so much love for you, Corinne,” the handsome reality star and sex magnate replied.

In the limousine ride away from Viall, however, Corinne dried her tears and vowed to take a new approach to life going forward.

“Saying goodbye to Nick… I feel like my heart is literally never going to be repaired,” she said, not being the least bit overdramatic.

She continued, speaking to the ABC camera:

“I just want to feel loved, the way it’s supposed to be. The normal way. Why can’t I just have a normal relationship? I’m trying to say things that men think are appropriate, and you know what? I’m done trying to show my men how much I worship them and I love them and I support them…

“So if someone feels that way about me, they can tell me. And they can bring a ring to go along with it. I’m done trying to impress these men.”

Good, right?!?

Corinne has maybe finally learned that she should just be herself and the right man will love her for who she is; not for what she thinks this man wants to hear or see from her.

“I’m going to be me, and whatever happens, happens,” Corinne also said on the episode. “But I will never kiss up to a man again in my life!”

Olympios followed up her elimination with a couple of national interview.

First, she appeared as a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

“I’m definitely not a terrible person,” she told Kimmel, explaining:

“I think there’s a lot that wasn’t shown – a lot of conversations that Nick and I did have that were more emotional and intimate.” 

Did she expect to advance to the final three? It sure sounds that way.

“Watching it back was really hard for me today because we did just have a really great hometown date,” Corinne told told the host.

“Things just went really well and I was kind of shocked when I got sent home. I wasn’t ready for it at all.”

The good news, of course, is that Corinne was able to return home.

And, more specifically, to her nanny.

“She was really happy when I came home and I was really happy to see her, too,” Olympios said, once again defending the fact that she even has a nanny:

“Raquel has been with us for 18 years. She is definitely just more than a nanny or a housekeeper or whatever you want to call her. She’s definitely family to me. She’s been with me through really hard times.”

Corinne doesn’t know what her future holds (she has not yet been offered a spot on Bachelor in Paradise), but she does know one thing, as she relayed to Kimmel:

“If anyone ever tries to give me red roses again, I think I might punch them in the face.”

Olympios also stopped by Good Morning America on Tuesday.

In speaking to Michael Strahan, Corinne admitted that she has a “big personality.”

But she scoffed at any notion that she was some kind of reality TV villain.

“A villain to me does things viciously to other people. I never did anything vicious to anybody,” she said. “I was just doing me.”

Nick, however, will never do Corinne ever again.

Or, honestly, maybe he will. Who the heck can say with these two?!?


Friday, February 3, 2017

Corinne Olympios on The Bachelor Antics: No Regrets, Not One!

Corinne Olympios doesn’t regret anything she did on The Bachelor, she said this week, making us wonder if she’s ever seen The Bachelor.

Seriously, Corinne. The Bachelor spoilers told us you’d be the villain and the talk of the season before it even aired. You should watch.

It will be … eye-opening.

The Season 21 pariah told some of Ellen DeGeneres’ staffers after her interview on the talk show on Wednesday that she has no regrets.

It was all “good ol’ fun.”

According to Olympios, she was just doing her, trying to stand out from the pack, and not really concerned about making friends there.

“I was getting a lot of attention from Nick,” the 25-year-old explained of how she instantly stood out, alright – as public enemy #1 in 2017.

Says Corinne:

“I was kind of, like, doing me and the girls were kind of getting really mad and started to ignore me, I was like, ‘What am I doing?"”

“Because I didn’t do anything to anyone. I had my time, you had your time, what’s the problem? He’s going to pick who he wants to pick.”

Olympios adds, with faux incredulity, that “if you’re being yourself in your time, then you’re being yourself in your time, just like I am.”

“I didn’t understand why everyone was getting all worried and upset about me,” says Corinne, whose antics were second to none.

To recap, she stated that her vagine is platinum, and that she was willing to use her sexual charms to woo Nick, before backing it up. 

She took off her bikini during a photo shoot, had Nick Viall lick whipped cream off her chest, then dry humped him in a bounce house.

Would she take any of that back?

“The bounce house, it was just good ol’ fun. We were just bouncing around in the bounce house and making out,” she says.

So that’s a no.

“I mean, everybody makes out with Nick,” she said, before explaining that the whipped cream “was supposed to be something silly.”

And by silly, she means “sexy, funny for me and Nick to enjoy.” He very much enjoyed it, we feel safe assuming here, but ABC viewers?

Another story entirely. Ditto her co-stars.

Okay, Olympios will admit that maybe that went a little overboard, and “watching it back, it [went] not the way I wanted it to go really.”

“But you know what?” Corinne says.

“I’m only human, it happens.”

Truth. Sometimes, bikini tops come spilling off and boobs end up pressed against guys every time they turn around. It’s what you do.

Mocked by fans and reviled by fellow competitors for her tactics and attitude so far this season, Corinne also defended herself to Ellen.

“That is the real me. It’s definitely a real side of me,” says the Fort Lauderdale native, however, “there are many other sides” as well.

“What sides didn’t we see?” Ellen asked.

“We saw the front side.”

Too easy, but LOL.

Even Corinne had to give her credit for that line before promising that we “will see a lot more of Corinne” but that she will remain “clothed.”

Fingers crossed.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Corinne Olympios: The Bachelor is Showing the Real Me, But ...

Corinne Olympios, The Bachelor Season 21 villain and perhaps the most divisive contestant in show history, appeared on Ellen this week.

There, she was asked by the hilarious host to defend her actions.

So far, there"s been no shortage of reasons to dislike this girl.

The fact that Corinne Olympios has a nanny at age 24 and has no qualms about getting naked to appeal to Nick Viall chief among them.

Mocked by fans and reviled by her fellow competitors for her tactics and attitude, Corinne nonetheless tells Ellen that she has “no regrets.”

"That is the real me. It’s definitely a real side of me," says the South Florida native, however, "there are many other sides to me” as well.

Ellen"s response? “What sides didn’t we see?"

"We saw the front side.”

Almost too easy.

The oft-topless Olympios said viewers “will see a lot more of Corinne as the season goes on,” assuring worried fans that she will be “clothed.”

Not so much the case if you dare to look up Corinne Olympios photos on Instagram, but that"s neither here nor there at this point in time.

We"ll believe that when we see it; Ellen was not convinced either, asking Olympios point blank if she"d agree she acts “crazy” on the show.

Corinne, ever modest, says she prefers the term "funny" … because she"s obviously hilarious, right? And we"re all just not in on the joke?

Check out The Bachelor spoilers to learn if the joke is really on us (imagine if Corinne actually wins this season) then check out her interview …

Corinne olympios the bachelor me is the real me but theres more

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

"Bachelor" Star Corinne Olympios Goes Full Villain (VIDEO)

It’s not like “The Bachelor” star Corinne’s ever cared about making friends with the other contestants … but she’s officially embraced the role of #1 bad girl now. After Nick Viall gave her another rose — much to the chagrin of everyone else –…


Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Bachelor Star Corinne Olympios" Mother: My Daughter is FAKE!

Corinne Olympios has been turning heads for a few weeks now on The Bachelor, but for all the wrong reasons. 

The 25-year-old has been doing practically anything to get in front of the cameras to make a play for Nick Viall’s heart, paving the way for her to be branded the villain of the season. 

However, her mother is not impressed in the slightest with that assessment of her daughter and took to TMZ to voice her concerns about the way her daughter is blatantly being used for ratings. 

It’s reality TV, so it comes as no shock that participants are edited a certain way to create a story.

That’s happened for many years and it makes for exciting TV, so that’s never going to change. 

Peri Olympios has admitted that her daughter was happy to take on the role of the villain because she felt that viewers only remember “the winner and the villain.”

Peri even went as far as saying that her daughter took it too far. 

“Uh, yes, she took it to the limits. Most of it is fake.”

Yeah, spraying whipped cream on her cleavage for Nick was kind of a like drawing a line and jumping over it. 

Peri also opened up about fans of the series calling her home to chat about Corinne. 

She made it clear that she will happily take the numbers to the police. 

Okay then. 

If you watch The Bachelor online, you’re probably wondering whether Corinne has any limits.

Her actions have been pretty hilarious, but also embarrassing. 

She comes across as an entitled jerk with a nanny.

One fan even felt the need to create a Go Fund Me page to raise enough money to save the nanny from Corinne‘s clutches. 

Corinne was completely blindsided by this and took to social media to reveal that her nanny was not in peril and that she had been part of the family for many, many years. 

In a recent clip for the series, Nick took the girls to visit his family and they were tasked with shoveling cow manure, but Corinne disappeared to get sushi. 

Clearly, she thought she was above the rest of the girls and did not need to do it. 

We never got to see Nick confronting her, but he voiced his concerns to the other girls, so we have that to look forward to on tomorrow night’s episode. 

There are some people who play a villain terribly, but Corinne is just doing everything so flawlessly that she deserves some recognition for that. 

Her mother stepping in was probably a result of her daughter looking like trash on TV. Parents are supposed to defend their children, after all. 

If you want to know just how far Corinne makes it on the show, be sure to keep up to speed with The Bachelor spoilers

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Friday, January 20, 2017

Nick Viall: Where The F--k Is Corrine Olympios?

Nick Viall is not impressed with the way Corinne Olympios has been acting on The Bachelor.

On next week’s episode of the ABC hit, Nick takes the remaining contestants to meet his family. 

As you all know if you watch The Bachelor online, Corinne has been causing a lot of drama.

She seems to think she’s in with a huge chance of winning, but she clearly does not understand that fighting for camera time is not attractive. 

However, it seems like Nick is just keeping her on the show to cause drama.

Could anyone seriously imagine Corinne winning the competition?

Nick and the contestants sweep up some cow manure.

It’s hardly romantic, but Corinne seems to think she did does need to do it and disappears. 

This definitely ruffles a lot of feathers as Nick questions where the polarizing contestant has gone. 

Turns out, Corinne is not about to let her reputation die down and she has a perfectly good excuse for bailing on the activity.

“I need sushi,” the villain revealed.

Now, that’s got to be one of the most hilarious ways to get out of sweeping up manure, but would anyone really have expected Corinne to join the other contestants?

She’s the women who still has a nanny.

That nanny made her way into the headlines earlier this week when it was revealed that one fan wanted to raise money to “free” her from Corinne’s clutches. 

Corinne was very annoyed about that and made it clear that her nanny was not a slave.

Yeah, we believe you. 

If you keep up to speed with The Bachelor spoilers, you probably know just how far Corinne makes it in the competition. 

The woman just seems to want to cause drama at every opportunity.

Could a villain really make it all the way to the end?

That’s certainly one of the bigger questions as we delve deeper into Season 21 of the veteran reality series. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Corinne Olympios: My Nanny is Not a Slave!

Throughout her brief and scandalous run on The Bachelor thus far, Corinne Olympios has made it clear that she has no real sense of shame.

She apparently does not have a sense of humor, either.

The clear villain of Season 21, Corinne has made no apologies for her frequent nudity or her disdain for her fellow suitors, telling hates in no uncertain terms that they can eff off.

Oh, and Olympios is seemingly proud of the fact that she has a self-described “nanny.” At the age of 24.

According to Corinne, the nanny’s name is Raquel and “she does everything for me,” Corinne has said on air.

For instance: Raquel makes Corinne’s bed and does her laundry. She makes Corinne lemon salad and cheese pasta.

Even if she were to move out of her parents’ home, in which she currently resides, Corinne has said she would take Raquel with her.

How does Nick Viall feel about his potential wife (The Bachelor Spoilers Alert!) having such a worker tending to her every daily need?

“While I certainly appreciate the potential red flags of a grown woman having a nanny, I also thought to myself, ‘Huh, what are the benefits?"” Viall joked on the January 2 episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, adding:

“If this works out, do I also get the nanny?”

We don’t know the answer to that question.

But we do know those who watch The Bachelor online or on television each week are sick and tired of the way Corinne is treating poor Raquel.

In response to all Corinne has said about her personal nanny, someone even started a GoFundMe page, stating as the fundraiser’s goal:

Raquel deserves better, we can only hope that she doesn’t already suffer from Stockholm syndrome from living under Miss Oympios.

Let’s all help Raquel get a better job, to get back on her own two feet. Let’s help #FreeRaquel. Help save a life, show your support today

The GoFundMe effort has stated that it is aiming to raise $ 100,000 through online donations.

As of this writing, it has only raised $ 30. So it has a long way to go.

But if the a side goal of the movement’s account was to piss Corinne off… well… MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

“This is not a joke anymore someone took this way too far and is trying to make money for themselves,” Corinne wrote on Instagram yesterday, adding with emphasis:

“Raquel is not a slave and my family and I treat her like part of the family. Leave it alone already it’s getting old. Grow up. #raquelisfree#celebnanny.”

Olympios included the following photo of the GoFundMe page along with her rant, drawing attention to the same cause with which she claims to take issue.


Lest you think Corinne is somehow involved in this fundraising effort, however, allow us to offer some reassurance:

The page was started by Mark Chandley, a resident of Beverly Hills, who says that Corinne is “an entitled brat who still employs her childhood nanny to do basic adult activities for her…

“In her own words she said Raquel ‘cuts her cucumber slices, makes her bed every morning, and makes her vegetable slices for lunch.’

“She even indicated that she doesn’t know how to make cheese pasta (macaroni and cheese?) or do her own laundry.”

He swears that all money donated really will go toward Raquel.

Before you stop and laugh, while also wondering who would actually hand over their hard-earned cash to this cause, consider what one person who donated $ 10 to the fund had to say in the comments section:

“I’m donating to free Raquel from the grips of Corrine, but more-so in the hopes that when she does become free, she starts a YouTube cooking series. 

“First up: Cheese pasta. #FreeRaquel2K17.”

Come on now. Who would not watch this?!?



Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Bachelor Recap: Corinne Olympios" Bounce House Fun

If The Bachelor spoilers have taught us anything over the years, it’s that there’s always a hero, and always a villain or two along the journey.

On The Bachelor Season 21 Episode 3, the ladies’ quest to woo Nick reached new heights … as did their hatred of Corinne Olympios.

First order of business? A moment of clarifiction.

Nick Viall admitted to the rest of the ladies that he sent Liz Sandoz home because he hooked up with her at Jade and Tanner’s wedding.

She didn’t want to have a relationship with him then, he says, so why give her a second chance at having one now (i.e. she’s an opportunist).

Afterward, he assures everyone that he’s there for them, while Corinne decides to “put on the sex charm” in an effort to one-up Liz.

Seriously, she is one hyper-sexual creature.

Putting on a trench coat with nothing underneath but a rose, she somehow procures some whipped cream and has Nick lick it off her.

The girl is something else, to say the least.

Not even that could reassure Corinne that Nick is hers for taking. After he said hello to someone else, she basically freaked out and cried.

Mind you, there are a dozen-plus women here.

Later, Corinne flaked on the rose ceremony (she already had one, so she wasn’t eliminated), which is the first time we can recall that.

Nick is clearly in the position where he must choose between lusting after a hot, blonde nymphomaniac and aliening the other 17 girls. 

It’s a tough life being The Bachelor, isn’t it?

Later, it’s time for a group date featuring the Backstreet Boys and a challenge to be the best backup dancer and earn a special serenade.

Cue panic from “bad dancer” Corinne who, once again, bursts into tears over the idea that Nick might pay attention to someone else.

In the end, Danielle earned some alone time with Nick thanks to her dance moves, and slow danced with him as the Backstreet Boys sang.

Corinne says it’s the worst day of her life.

At the cocktail party, Ms. Olympios obviously pulls Nick aside asking for reassurance, then tells the women about her personal nanny.

Danielle gets the group date rose; Corinne avoids flipping the f–k out (in front of cameras, anyway) for once, so that’s modest progress?

Vanessa Grimaldi, the special ed teacher from Montreal and one of the early fan favorites this season, got a one-on-one date next.

She made the most of this one, too.

Even though she puked after a turn in a zero gravity chamber, that’s the kind of thing that brings you closer together with your S.O.

At least it did in this case. It was cute.

Corinne might have reason to worry about Vanessa. Nick not only made out with her after she vomited, but she made him cry as well.

The prospects of finding love and listening to her talk about that did it for Nick, possibly even more so than kissing Corinne’s breasts.

Watch out, Corinne. You’ve got some competition now.

The next group date involved a track and field themed “Nickathalon” with the help of some Olympic legends such as Carl Lewis himself.

Group dates are bringing out the star power lately.

After competing for Nick’s love in the high jump, long jump, and javelin, Rachel and Astrid advance to the finals and the latter prevails.

Her gold medal reward? Hot tub time with Nick!

At the cocktail party afterward, Dominique loses it, Rachel pulls her aside for a pep talk, then Dominique sees Rachel and Nick making out.

Gotta love a show where this is the norm.

When she confronts Nick about not making her feel special, Nick says that Dominique is “amazing,” but … he likes the others more.

Sometimes, you gotta make tough calls.

Rachel gets the rose, but lest you think that the villain has been overmatched, or eclipsed, Corinne straddles him in a bounce house.

While all the others watch, she essentially dry humps Nick in a bikini and squeals with joy. It’s slightly arousing and very, very strange.

In the wake of that clothed sex romp, Corinne goes back to bed and Nick realizes that the others probably aren’t fans of this contender.

He’s a sharp one, that Nick Viall.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Corinne Olympios Defends Naked Bachelor Scene, Slams Haters: It Takes Guts to Do What I Did!

As The Bachelor spoilers told us from the get-go, Corinne Olympios is the woman everyone is talking about this season on the ABC hit.

Now, she is speaking out after her bold moves to attract Nick Viall’s attention on Monday’s episode received a particularly harsh response.

Corinne said her dad would be proud to see her naked.

That dubious claim aside, it’s clear fans weren’t proud.

Olympios took part in a faux bridal photo shoot with Viall, then proceeded to shock everyone by taking off her top and embracing Nick.

She then put the Bachelor’s hands on her bare breasts (or “bosoms” as she said in a cringe-worthy confessional), Janet Jackson style.

Later, she sparked even more outcry, if that’s possible.

Pulling Nick aside to have three separate one-on-one sessions during a cocktail party, she further endeared herself to him … and no one else.

Not that Olympios cares. Taking to Instagram on January 10 to defend her actions, she wrote simply, “Haters, I [donut] care.”

Get it?! See photo below …

Holding a donut pillow and showing off her legs in no pants, she shows no regret for the fact that we all saw Corinne Olympios topless:

“I was confident, and I was me.”

“Yes, I seemed a bit aggressive in last night’s episode, but I’ve been through a lot in my life, and I did not want any time wasted.”

The young woman who lives with her parents and has her own nanny at 24 didn’t elaborate on what exactly she’s been through.

“It takes guts to be in that situation, and you will see the inner me unravel quite soon,” she continued, adding that critics can step off.

“If I bother you that much, please just don’t look at my social media and keep the mean comments to yourself. I’m only human. Xoxo.”

The Miami-based business owner might not be making many friends in the mansion, but we know one person who totally gets that.

We’re talking about The Bachelor Season 16 winner Courtney Robertson, who wrote a book called I Didn’t Come Here to Make Friends.

Courtney, who has already drawn comparisons to Corinne, was one of the most polarizing contestants in the franchise’s storied history.

Like Olympios, she was not afraid to go topless to win over Bachelor Ben Flajnik, or brag about her sexual skills (reverse cowgirling Ben).

In Corinne, she sees a kindred spirit.

“I gotta hand it to any girl who knows what she wants and goes after it,” Robertson told Us. “She clearly does and is doing just that.”

“So kudos, Corinne.”

How far will this season’s villain last? So far, Courtney is the only woman with approval ratings that low who actually won her season.

She and Ben split, obviously, after about a year; Robertson then went on to pen the aforementioned book and further alienate herself.

Not that she cares … much like Corinne Olympios, whose scorched earth, overtly sexual strategy to win over Nick is in full swing already.


Monday, January 9, 2017

Corinne Olympios: Topless on The Bachelor!

The Bachelor Villain 2017, Corinne Olympios, is ready to do just about anything to stay on top of her game on the ABC dating competition.

In the case of tonight, that means taking her top off and pressing her body against Nick Viall to throw the other women off their game.

Subtle? No. Not in the slightest.

Effective? You better believe it.

In the sneak peek at Monday’s new episode that appears below, Corinne Olympios is one of many women selected to go on a group date.

Like any good pot-stirrer, she has no problem standing out from the rest of the girls, even in a group setting, by utilizing her best assets.

In the clip, Corinne jumps into the pool next to Nick as part of a photo shoot, then decides to take the steamy date to the next level.

Or the level beyond that.

The Miami native removes her bikini top in front of the leading man, her fellow contestants, the camera crew and all of Bachelor Nation.

Gauntlet. Thrown. Down.

Nick appeared to be in shock, though if you read The Bachelor spoilers for this season, we have a hunch Corinne"s methods pay off.

Sorry. Forget we said anything.

“Wait, what is she doing?” asks one bewildered contestant as she looks on, summing up what everyone not named Corinne was thinking.

Does she have any regrets?

Umm, no. Olympios, clutching a coveted rose, leaves little doubt that she"d pull off the stunt (and her clothes) again to achieve her goal.

“Dad would be proud,” Corinne says.

“Even though I was naked.”

Well that"s good. While she"s immediately become the show"s most hated contestant, Nick Viall defended Corinne on his blog last week.

“Corinne was a woman who certainly brought her confidence that night," Viall said, noting that he had been in her shoes before.

Sometimes, "villain" is too broad of a label for someone who goes after what they want and isn"t afraid of what others may think.

As a contestant on The Bachelorette, Nick observes, he was not always the most popular guy with the other guys – or viewers.

"When she came back for a second conversation, I was a little surprised but at the same time I respected the assertiveness,” he wrote.

“I appreciated Corinne being confident enough to take a chance and put her relationship with me above everything else.”

Also causing drama tonight?

Liz Sandoz, who appears to reveal the truth about her relationship with Nick, telling virginal Christen about drunkenly banging him.

Should be good. Watch:

Corinne olympios topless on the bachelor my dad would be proud

Friday, January 6, 2017

Corinne Olympios Defended By Nick Viall: I Was a "Villain" Too!

What would The Bachelor be without people we all love to hate? You don’t need The Bachelor spoilers to tell you every season has one.

Nick Viall, the one doling out the roses this year, knows what that’s like to be on the other side – and in the crosshairs of Bachelor Nation.

For that reason, he’s defending Corinne Olympios, the blonde Florida native already anointed as the “villain” this season on the show.

It only took one episode, or maybe even one montage.

Corinne, in her Bachelor premiere intro, revealed that she runs her family’s business – a multi-million dollar one, FYI – but she also still has a nanny.

She’s single, mind you, and lives with her parents.

Later, she made it clear that she didn’t come here to make friends when she stole the first kiss from Nick, and was quite proud of herself.

Then there was the preview that aired after the rose ceremony in which she proclaimed, “My heart is gold, but my vagine is platinum.”  

Yes, for real. In the context of bragging that her sexual skills are elite level and that she was going to bang Nick at her earliest convenience.

It was quite something.

If you ask Nick Viall about it, however, he has a much kinder – or at least more measured, and nuanced – view of the Corinne situation.

“I don’t see things in black and white. I’m more of a grey kind of guy,” Nick tells E! News, reflecting on his very own franchise experience.

“Everyone knows that in the traditional sense, I was a villain on Andi’s season at least, and by some people’s standards, Kaitlyn’s season.”

“I don’t necessarily agree with that, but I am someone who is assertive, who goes for what they want, and Corinne is someone who does that.”

“You can take it either way,” he continues.

“I don’t think Corinne was in any way disrespectful [this season]. She took a risk and she went for it, and I think she is also funny.”

Nick does acknowledge this, though:

“At the same time, everyone makes mistakes, and I think you’ll see Corinne’s journey as she kind of navigates through that.”

As for Corinne’s determination to sleep with Nick, again, he knows that’s a complicated part of relationships, Bachelor-style.

“Having been in Bachelor world and kind of having been associated with sex and the timing of it,” he says, was enlightening.

“That’s something going into the season I wanted to make sure I learned from,” Nick explains, but well, things just happen.

“At the same time, I had to be able to explore these relationships and find out if this was someone who was right for me.”

He’s certainly explored a few relationships in his time.

Viall’s sexual exploits are second to none on the show, but it’s nice to know he’s self-aware enough not to criticize others for the same.

In fact, he defended Kaitlyn after she was slut-shamed on her season of The Bachelorette for admitting to having pre-Fantasy Suite sex.

Nick is nothing if not an equal opportunity hornball.

From Nick’s past with Liz Sandoz to his future with Corinne Olympios, Rachel Lindsay and others, this is going to be one great season.

One very awkward season.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

"Bachelor" Contestant Corinne Olympios" Parents Cool with Her "Villain" Role (VIDEO)

‘Bachelor’ star Corinne Olympios makes no apologies for her aggressive pursuit of Nick Viall, and if Bachelor Nation wants to label her the villain … she’s cool with it and so are her parents. We’re told the family watched Monday’s premiere…


Corinne Olympios: Meet The Bachelor"s Newest, Hottest Villain!

Florida native Corinne Olympios is already turning heads on ABC"s The Bachelor with her crazy good looks and crazier antics.

Like Courtney Robertson, she didn"t come here to make friends.

We already knew from The Bachelor spoilers that she"ll be sticking around for quite some time, but Monday"s premiere showed us why.

Not only did she establish herself as a go-getter who"s willing to stop at nothing to make an impression on Nick Viall, her attitude is very …

IDGAF. She has no problem playing the villain, on other words.

Corinne Olympios regularly hits up Instagram – where she will soon have many more male admirers – to show her fans just how hot she is.

Check out The Bachelor 2017 preview to see what Nick is in for this season, then scroll through some of her best pictures ever below:

1. Corinne Olympios On The Beach

Corrine olympios on the beach

Corrine Olympios takes herself to the beach and shows off her modelling skills.

2. Corinne Olympios Bikini Pic

Corinne olympios bikini pic

Corinne Olympios from The Bachelor showing us why Nick Viall won’t be sending her home anytime soon.

3. Corinne Olympios in a Bikini Picture

Corinne olympios in a bikini picture

Corinne Olympios from The Bachelor, looking darn impressive in a bikini.

4. Corinne Works It

Corinne works it

Corinne Olympios is feeling it when it comes to workouts. And selfies.

5. Corinne Olympios Topless

Corinne olympios topless

Corinne Olympios of The Bachelor Season 21, posing topless and showing us why Nick Viall will be taking her to the final four. We’re guessing, anyway. I mean …

6. Corinne Olympios Bikini Picture

Corinne olympios bikini picture

Corinne Olympios rocking a bikini and looking positively smoking hot on Instagram.

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