Showing posts with label Oprah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oprah. Show all posts

Friday, January 12, 2018

Killer Mike Likes Oprah Winfrey, But Picks Ohio Politician for President

Killer Mike loves him some Oprah Winfrey as much as anyone … but that’s NOT who he wants running for President in 2020. We got Mike out at LAX Thursday and asked him about the wave of support — and some backlash, too — for Oprah…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

CBS Honcho Les Moonves Clearly Conflicted Over Possible Oprah 2020 Run

CBS’s top dog, Les Moonves, loves him some Oprah, but it’s not hard to read between the lines … he wants her to stay on “60 Minutes.” The CBS honcho was in WeHo Wednesday night leaving Craig’s, when our photog asked about a possible 2020…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele Down to Help Oprah Run for Prez

Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele’s so fed up with President Trump, it sounds like he’s ready to switch parties — or maybe he just loves Oprah Winfrey running for Prez that much. Steele was on Capitol Hill Wednesday when we…


Oprah Captures Montecito Mudslide Property Damage Around Her Home

Oprah’s potential presidential hopes are taking an immediate backseat to Mother Nature — ‘cause her and her neighbors’ homes have been rocked by mudslides in Montecito. O posted video of property damage around what appears to be her main house in…


James Carville Laughs Off Trump"s Claim He"d Beat Oprah for President in 2020

James Carville reacted with sounds and not words when he heard President Trump claimed he could beat Oprah’s butt in 2020.  We got the man who engineered Bill Clinton’s White House victory at LAX Tuesday and asked…


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Oprah 2020 Merchandise Already on Sale with So Many Options

For those ready to hop on the Oprah for President train — even though she hasn’t announced she’s running — the time is now to make it official by scooping up some merch to wear or plaster on your car. TMZ did a quick search for Oprah 2020 gear…


Donald Trump to Oprah: Bring... It... On!

Donald Trump has heard the same rumors as you have.

And, not surprisingly, the Commander-in-Chief has something to say about them.

And the Winner is?

The Donald or The Big O? Vote on who would want as President! View Poll »

On the heels of a rousing speech at the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night, the Internet lit up with talk of Oprah Winfrey running for President.

For real.

According to various social media users, that is.

After she inspired the nation with talk of female empowerment and equality, Winfrey quickly became the subject of talk among regular television viewers and experienced political pundits.

Is she really considering a run for the Oval Office in 2020?

Was the following speech her attempt at a stump speech?

Was she thanking the Hollywood Foreign Press for bestowing upon her a major honor… or making a case that she is the most fit person to run the free world?

Oprah herself has said nearly nothing about this chatter.

Her close friend, though, has not dismissed the possibility.

Gayle King talked the rumor on CBS This Morning Tuesday, telling viewers of her BFF:

“I do think she’s intrigued by the idea. I do think that. I also know that after years of watching the Oprah show, you always have the right to change your mind.

“I don’t think at this point she’s considering it. But listen, there are people who have said they want to be her campaign manager, quit their jobs and campaign for her.

“She loves this country and would like to be of service in some way, but I don’t think that she’s actively considering it at this time.” 

Winfrey became the first black woman to receive the Cecile B. DeMille Award at the Golden Globes.

She’s as respected as any celebrity on the planet.

In other words: she’s the antithesis of Donald Trump.

So, would Trump be concerned about Oprah as a potential opponent in 2020?

He was basically asked this question on Tuesday afternoon.

“I like Oprah… I don’t think she’s gonna run,” Trump replied, adding that if she happens to toss her name in the race, well…

“I’ll beat Oprah.”

Of course. What else is going to say?

We don’t even mean that as a typical Donald Trump diss. It’s just, what would any sitting President say about a future opponent, that he or she may defeat him or her?

Way back in 1991, interestingly, Trump said he would select Oprah as his Vice President, were he ever to run for President.

Fast forward decades later and he went with Mike Pence instead.

Oprah, meanwhile, has admitted that Trump getting elected does make her rethink whether she would have a shot at the White House down the line.

“I thought, ‘Oh gee, I don’t have the experience. I don’t know enough. I don’t…’” Winfrey told Bloomberg Television last year.

“And now I’m thinking, ‘Oh. Oh.’”

Oh, oh, as in: Vote for O, Vote for O?

What do you think?

Click on the poll above and chime in: Would would you prefer as President, Donald Trump or Oprah Winfrey?


President Donald Trump Says He"d Beat Oprah in 2020 if She Challenged Him

Donald Trump says he’s not worried about Oprah running for President in 2020, because if she does he’d kick her butt. Trump reacted Tuesday to a groundswell of interest in a Winfrey candidacy, saying he doesn’t think she’ll pull the trigger and…


TMZ Live: Donald Trump: I Would Beat Oprah!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Gayle King: President Winfrey’s Got A Ring To It! Kanye West: Performs For Cancer Patient  Drake’s Big Payday From Quavo Usher’s Herpes Accuser Fights Back 


Wendy Williams Slams Oprah for Being Fat, Carrie Underwood for Being a Liar

Wendy Williams went full on Wendy Williams during her first show back from a holiday break on Monday.

By which, of course, we mean that the talk show host delivered a couple of ridiculous, mean-spirited, uninformed opinions about other celebrities because that’s the only way she can make headlines.

And, yes, we know:

We’re giving her the headlines she so craves via this article.

But whatever. Williams sucks and everyone has to finally realize this.

First, the irritating personality decided she would zip when everyone else was zagging, choosing to insult Oprah Winfrey for her speech at the Golden Globes Awards on Sunday instead of praise the rumored Presidential candidate

To make matters as worse as possible, too, Williams didn’t attack Oprah for the contents of her speech (which you can watch below), but for her appearance.

Yes, Wendy Williams slammed Oprah for being fat.

“I could’ve sworn she would pop her corset,” Williams actually said on air. “Because, you know, Oprah is not the best spokesperson for a weight loss company.”

There are just so many reactions one can have to this craven remark.

First, it’s old. Jokes and references to Oprah’s fluctuating weight have been made over and over again for decades.

Second, it’s mistaken. Oprah looks great. Go back and look at old photos of her. She has come a very long way.

Third, it’s cruel and degrading. Williams is really attacking a woman for her weight?!? On the heels of that same woman making a speech about female empowerment, during an event dedicated to the victims of sexual harassment.

Seriously: for shame, Wendy.

“It’s not even Spanx anymore, [it’s] the old-fashioned corset like they wore back in the day, with all the strings,” Williams continued as the crowd laughed.

The terrible host then mimicked what it would’ve looked like if Winfrey had burst her alleged outfit while on the stage accepting her award.

From there, Williams set her sights on another beloved star: Carrie Underwood.

The country singer took a hard fall late last year and admitted in an emotional blog post last week that she had to get 40-50 stitches in her face.

“I honestly don’t know how things are going to end up,” Underwood wrote online, adding: 

“When I am ready to get in front of a camera, I want you all to understand why I might look a bit different.”

Talk about a rare instance of vulnerability from a big-time celebrity, right?

Wrong, Williams insists.

She basically called Underwood a liar in her “Hot Topics” segment.

“Did you hear about her?” Williams said, prior to making the accusation:

“I really don’t know a whole bunch about it, but she allegedly fell down a bunch of steps at her house, broke her wrist.

“She released on Twitter that we may not recognize her when it’s all said and done. I don’t know what that means… an excuse for a face lift.”

The audience at least reacted in horror to this allegation, prompting Williams to kind of, sort of walk back the comment:

“No… We’re cynical! She was already cute, so I don’t know what she’s doing or what happened. If you’re home by yourself, how long do you lay there?

“Who’s going to save you, the dog?”

What the heck is Williams even talking about here?

Perhaps she should have stopped after saying I really don’t know a whole bunch about it.

But that’s not how Wendy Williams rolls.

She bashed Meghan Markle as a scheming liar last month, with zero evidence to back up such a claim.

We’ve been trying to tell everyone forever that Williams may be the worst person alive.

Maybe they’ll now start to believe us…


Gayle King Nervously Spins Oprah for President Movement

Gayle King was a loyal Oprah solider Tuesday morning, trying to spin Stedman Graham’s comment about a 2020 Oprah run for President … and she did so with limited success. Gayle begins by saying Stedman misunderstood the question posed by the L.A.…


Senator Marco Rubio Says Trump Would Beat Oprah in 2020

Senator Marco Rubio says despite the fact Oprah is rich and famous … Trump’s more famous and he’d beat her in a head-to-head 2020 election. We got the Republican Senator Monday at Reagan National Airport and he conceded Oprah is loved by…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Orrin Hatch Says He"d Like to Help Oprah in 2020 Presidential Run

Senator Orrin Hatch gave us a big surprise Monday … he said he’d like to sit down with Oprah and help her if she decides to run for President in 2020. We got the Utah Senator — who’s retiring this year — at Reagan National Airport in D.C., and…


Senator Elizabeth Warren Sidesteps Questions About Oprah for President

Senator Elizabeth Warren loves Oprah Winfrey for sure, but it’s apparent she’s not ready to throw her support behind O for a 2020 Presidential run. We got the Massachusetts Senator Monday at Reagan National Airport in D.C. and gave her several…


TMZ Live: Oprah: 2020 Presidential Run?

ON TODAY’S SHOW Paris Hilton: Kim Kardashian Invited To The Wedding? Tiffany Trump: Yeah, My Dad Loves McDonald’s!  O.J. Simpson Threatens $ 100 Million Lawsuit  ‘Game Of Thrones’: Kit Harington Wasted In Bar 


Oprah Winfrey 2020: Golden Globes Speech Prompts Presidential Run Demands!

Sunday night’s Golden Globes award ceremony had a number of big moments, but the biggest by far was Oprah Winfrey’s incredible speech. People are still talking about it.

But some people — particularly on Twitter — are talking about more than just Oprah’s speech.

They’re talking about Oprah’s potential political career. They’re talking about Oprah 2020.

Oprah Winfrey, clad in a gorgeous black dress, accepted the prestigious Cecile B. DeMille award.

The speech that she delivered touched hearts and minds. Talking about the changes and milestones that she’s seen in her lifetime, and all of the positive change that still needs to happen, 

In that speech, she speaks up for so many marginalized people who have endured similar abuses to what so many women in Hollywood have undergone, but who aren’t in any position to speak up. 

Even with the #MeToo movement and now the #TimesUp movement, some people’s jobs or lives make it impossible for them to speak up without potentially condemning their children to lose everything.

You know what some would call everyday folks in those circumstances? Voters.

Twitter’s reaction to Oprah’s evocative speech was pretty intense, with one tweet reading:

“As I sit here in tears…I have never ever seen such a speech. @Oprah, my friend. Please run for President. This world needs more of THAT. WOW.”

That was a very popular sentiment. And it still is.

The idea of Oprah running for President isn’t new. After Trump’s alarming electoral victory in 2016, a number of Democrats started to wonder if the Left needed a billionaire celebrity of their own.

Oprah is a self-made billionaire who has touched the lives of millions. She’s intelligent, well-spoken, thoughtful, compassionate, and her positive contributions to society are well-known.

On the other hand, some wonder if Oprah’s lack of any governing experience should disqualify her from the position.

Prior to 2016, Presidential candidates were usually either former members of Congress or former Governors. People need to feel confident that their candidate knows what they’re doing.

Some question whether Trump’s disastrous Presidency is simply making people desperate for any alternative whom they believe could win, rather than for the best and most qualified person for the job.

Is Oprah the answer to our nation’s problems? Or just an inspirational name that some hope will bring in the right votes and bring an end to our long national nightmare in 2020?

Some criticisms of the idea are less about Oprah and more about … other political beliefs of there.

It’s been pointed out that Oprah becoming President would mean that Oprah would be the one ordering drone strikes.

For some people, the US’ ongoing drone warfare as a counterterrorism strategy is controversial.

For some, very validly, there’s concern about collateral damage. (Though still, fewer innocents die in drone strikes than would die if the US sent in soldiers to perform the same duties)

For others, however, there’s a general objection to some of the roles that a modern Presidency fulfills. Some of these people are anarchists, others merely pacifists.

And there are plenty of folks who would hate to see Oprah committing what they believe to be “atrocities.”

Some say that you can’t fix the problems of an evil billionaire celebrity with a good billionaire celebrity.

Under no circumstances would Oprah’s candidacy mean that the Democratic Party would be “sinking to the level” of the GOP.

Oprah worked herself from nothing and became a billionaire. Trump inherited his father’s riches and, with repeated failures, is worth less today than he would have made if he’d simply invested his inheritance.

But while Oprah is an incredible human being, is she the best choice?

Would an Oprah Presidency see cabinet positions filled by unqualified charlatans? Would Doctor Oz be Surgeon General? Would Doctor Phil be … whatever cabinet position is usually filled by walruses?

Let’s wait and see what sort of campaign Oprah would run before we rush to judgment in either direction, okay?


Oprah Should Run for President in 2020

Oprah Winfrey’s stirring speech at the Golden Globes may have been a precursor for a presidential run in 2020 … at least that’s the hope of some famous folks who watched and listened — and her longtime companion says she’s in. O’s best bud,…


Donald Trump Jr. Pissed at NBC Pushing Oprah for Prez (UPDATE)

7:57 AM PT — The network just released a statement about the tweet, saying, “Yesterday a tweet about the Golden Globes and Oprah Winfrey was sent by a third party agency for NBC Entertainment in real time during the broadcast. It is in reference…


Donald Trump Jr. Pissed at NBC Pushing Oprah for Prez (UPDATE)

7:57 AM PT — The network just released a statement about the tweet, saying, “Yesterday a tweet about the Golden Globes and Oprah Winfrey was sent by a third party agency for NBC Entertainment in real time during the broadcast. It is in reference…


Oprah Winfrey Delivers the Speech Everyone is Talking About

Oprah Winfrey inspired two things at the 2018 Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night:

  1. An entire nation.

  2. Talk that she will run for President in 2020.

The latter point may be mere conjecture and a complete fantasy.

But the former is simply a fact.

The 63-year-old icon and received the Cecil B. DeMille Award at last night"s ceremony, an honorary award bestowed by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association for outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment.

It"s safe to say Oprah has made a lot of those, isn"t it?

She accepted the trophy on a night whose major focus was on the #MeToo Movement and the topic of sexual misconduct in Hollywood.

“It is not lost on me that, at this moment, there is some little girl watching as I become the first Black woman to be given [this] award,” Winfrey said early on, adding:

“It is an honor and it is a privilege to share the evening with all of them.”

The crowd gave her the first of many rousing ovations after these words.

At one point, Oprah referenced Recy Taylor, an African-American woman who never received justice after being abducted and gang-raped by six white men in Alabama.

She died 10 days ago.

“I want all the girls watching to know a new day is on the horizon,” she continued.

“And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure they are the leaders to take us to the time where nobody has to say ‘me too’ again.”

Emphasizing the theme of female empowerment, Winfrey also said:

“This year, we became the story. But it’s not just a story affecting the entertainment industry, it’s one that transcends any culture, or workplace…

"For too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dare speak the truth to the power of those men — but their time is up. Their time is up!"

Cue the standing ovation after this line.

And then cue chatter over Oprah running for President in two years.

We aren"t about to speculate on that.

But we will encourage you to watch her speech below. It"s incredible…

Oprah winfrey delivers the golden globes speech everyone is talk