Showing posts with label Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palin. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2018

Maci Bookout Has One Big Problem with Bristol Palin Joining Teen Mom OG

Maci Bookout held little back as a guest this week on Kailyn Lowry’s “Coffee Convos” podcast.

First, as previously detailed, Maci spoke out for the first time since ex Ryan Edwards got arrested for approximately the 174th time.

From there, Bookout delved into the most pressing topic facing Teen Mom OG viewers at the moment…

… the addition of Bristol Palin to this franchise.

In mid-July, this daughter of an ignorant, close-minded and controversial former Vice Presidential candidate confirmed that she was headed to MTV, claiming she was joining the series in order to serve as a role model.

Asked about Palin as a co-star, Maci at first took a shot at former co-star Farrah Abraham, who was dismissed from Teen Mom this past winter due to her penchant for appearing in amateur porn videos.

“I really feel like I’m not gonna be mad about anybody joining because anybody’s better than Farrah,” Maci told Kailyn on the podcast.

Not many folks out there will disagree with this opinion.

It wasn’t exactly Maci’s most scorching take of all-time.

Bookout went on to tell Lowry and cohost Lindsie Chrisley that she doesn’t “really care if other people join the cast,” nor does she blame Bristol for doing so.

She simply would have appreciated any kind of heads-up prior to MTV announcing the decision.

“I think me and Catelynn [Lowell] and Amber [Portwood] are all pretty much on the same page,” Bookout explained, adding:

“If they bring in new cast members, we don’t want it to be called Teen Mom OG because that’s not true if there’s new cast members.

“We don’t really care who joins because in our minds, we’re like, if somebody is presented with the opportunity, or like, say, one of us was never on the show and they asked us, no one’s going to turn the opportunity down.

“You can’t be mad at somebody for accepting an opportunity.”

This is a reasonable point of view.

Of course, Palin is reportedly making $ 250,000 for one season of filming, which may be cause for tension between her and her new colleagues.

This huge salary could be considered disrespectful to those who have been part of the cast for years.

Bookout says she would have appreciated a “courtesy call” from producers, but didn’t sound all that peeved about Palin:

“That’s my problem. Like, hey, they know when it’s going to come out. They know when the official release is coming out so, like, an hour before, call.

Give us a call and be like, ‘Hey, by the way, this is who your new cast member is going to be. it’s being released today. … We’ve been doing this for 10 years!”

In her own statement since the news went viral, Bristol said the following about her upcoming role on Teen Mom OG:

I am excited to join MTV’s ‘Teen Mom OG.’ I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey.

Elsewhere, Lowry also asked Bookout about the reports that The Challenge’s Cheyenne Floyd and Corey Wharton are joining the cast.

But the long-time reality TV personality did not confirm or deny the casting rumor. Or seem to care much.

“I think because Bristol Palin has such a … I mean, her mom ran for vice president, so I think it’s just a bit of a bigger deal than fellow MTV stars coming on,” she said.

MTV has not yet announced a premiere date for Teen Mom OG Season 8.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Dakota Meyer: THIS Is Why I Had to Divorce Bristol Palin!

As we learned earlier this month, Bristol Palin is divorced from Dakota Meyer.

But while she moves on with her life and prepares to get paid big bucks to join Teen Mom, her ex-husband, Dakota, is still reeling from the split.

Now, he is opening up to his followers on why they divorced and how he’s getting through it.

Dakota took to his Instagram Stories to reply to some fan questions that he had received.

“Why did you and your wife get a divorce?” one fan asks Dakota. “You seemed so cute together.”

That’s a heavy question, but he managed to keep his reply brief.

“She wasn’t happy with me,” Dakota writes. “So it’s for the best.”

If you’re not getting along, it makes sense that you’d split. He managed to answer that without spilling any family secrets.

Dakota Meyer Instagram Stories Divorce Advice 01

“I know this is a personal question,” another fan asked during his ask-me-anything. “But any advice for those going through a divorce?”

The newly divorced dad did not mind answering.

“Take it one day at a time and focus on you,” Dakota replies.

“You can try everything and give the person all you have,” Dakota says grimly. “And if they don’t choose to see good in you it’s out of your control.”

That is a very healthy thing to say, but also kind of sad.

“Know when enough is enough,” Dakota advises.

Dakota Meyer Instagram Stories Divorce Advice 02

Another fan asks: “What is it that helped you keep moving forward after those dark times?”

“Both of my girls have got me through so much,” Dakota replies.

“But Sailor is what turned me into a man,” he says of his elder daughter.

Sailor Grace was born in 2015. Atlee Gray was born to the couple in 2017.

“And,” he reveals, Sailor “made me not just want to be better but to make the commitment I’d do whatever it took to be the best dad ever.”

Dakota Meyer Instagram Stories Divorce Advice 03

Dakota answered other questions, and one fan even asked if he would consider getting married again.

His reply is a simple: “hell no.”

Many newly divorced people feel a similar sentiment, but often they find themselves repeating past mistakes after they begin to miss the feeling of being married.

Perhaps Dakota, if he does marry, will choose someone better next time.

(If your ex is Bristol Palin, whoever comes next has to be an improvement, right?)

Dakota filed for divorce from Bristol in late January.

In his divorce filing, he cited “discord or conflict of personalities.”


The documents say that this conflict “destroys the legitimate ends of the marriage relationship and prevents any reasonable expectation of reconciliation.”

In other words, it sounds like things were heavily toxic and that their union had become a contentious battlefield. That’s no way for a marriage to work.

A lot of fans may still be scratching their heads and wondering why Bristol Palin is joining Teen Mom.

Sure, she was a teen mother back in the day — but so were plenty of people’s grandmothers. That doesn’t mean that a little old octegenerian is likely to join the cast.

Obviously, showrunners decided that they needed someone just as toxic and universally reviled as Farrah Abraham.

And for that, you can look no further than Bristol.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Bristol Palin: Yes, I"m Divorced, Okay?!?

Bristol Palin may be a new Teen Mom.

But she’s no longer a 27-year old wife.

The mother of three and the impending MTV star has confirmed that she has legally split from husband Dakota Meyer.

When a fan asked on her Instagram Stories page this week whether or not she was dating, Palin wrote back:

“Freshly divorced & single forever lezzbereal (I am not ready to date).”

She included these words and emphasized this status beside a photograph of her and her nine-year-old son Tripp at Disneyland.

The recently-hired Teen Mom OG cast member married Meyer in 2016 and they have two kids together, Sailor Grace, 2, and Atlee Bay, 14 months.

We first heard rumblings that the union was over in February of this year, but neither Palin nor Meyer had spoken out on the rumored break-up until this message.

Reports, meanwhile, now indicate that Meyer filed for divorce a few months ago, citing “discord or conflict of personalities” as the basis for his decision.

Despite this court filing, the estranged couple often posts family picture and snapshots of each other to their social media accounts; hence the speculation that they would reconcile or that they had reconciled.

But Bristol shot down both of these notions in her Wednesday evening Q&A on Instagram.

“Honestly (right this SECOND) no,” she replied when asked if she would get married again, adding:

“my focus is on God & my kids… a relationship/guy isn’t even close on my radar.”

Palin’s focus is also on raking in a $ 250,000 salary for a handful of Teen Mom OG episodes.

Indeed, fans of this series remain shocked that the daughter of ex-Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin will be screaming, yelling and crying each week just like future colleagues Amber, Catelynn and Maci have been doing for years.

Of course, this is not what Bristol and her famous mother claim Bristol will be doing.

Both are on record as saying Palin’s presence on Teen Mom OG will send some sort of positive message to other young mothers of multiple kids.

“I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey,” Bristol said shortly after her casting was announced.

Sarah Palin, meanwhile, has shot down the idea that her child will be a “reality star,” insisting instead that Bristol will just be… a role model, we guess?

“Bristol’s gonna be a great messenger for overcoming a little bit of challenge and doing well in life,” Palin told TMZ.

“She sees this as a venue, a forum, for good [and] to help people in a hurting world… I encourage her doing this, I support her doing this and I’m proud of her.”

Yes, anchoring a reality program centered on feuds with baby daddies, co-stars and parents, while earning a six-fugure salary that you keep for yourself, is absolutely the way to help a hurting world.

God bless you and your noble career move, Bristol.

As for whether she would ever have more children down the line, Bristol told followers yesterday:

“I love babies, and love kids but I think I’m done having my own! I’d adopt if I was in the right place for sure.”

Elsewhere, other parents asked Bristol for advice when it came to raising their kids without a partner by their side, to which Palin wrote:

“Try your hardest, work hard, don’t search for someone to fill the emptiness you might feel by not being married.

“It gets easier, read good books, don’t dwell on the past, try to get along with your ex, just look at your kids and be THANKFUL!”


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Bristol Palin Finally Confirms Divorce from Ex-Husband Dakota Meyer

It took several months, but Bristol Palin has finally confirmed she and Dakota Meyer are no longer husband and wife … and she’s single. TMZ broke the story in February … the couple called it quits less than 2 years after their wedding and were…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Bristol Palin Teen Mom Salary: Revealed! Gigantic!

According to Sarah Palin, her daughter has signed on for Teen Mom OG because she wants to help other people.

“Bristol’s gonna be a great messenger for kind of overcoming a little bit of challenge and doing well in life,” the former Vice Presidential candidate said in response to her kid being cast by MTV.

The ex-Governor added:

“[Bristol] sees this as a venue, as a forum for good, to help people in a hurtin’ world … I support her doing this and I’m proud of her.”

It’s unclear exactly how Bristol arguing with co-stars and stirring up controversy on this reality series will be of any assistance to anyone at all — but we do now know what thing that will be helped immensely by Palin’s hiring:

Her bank account!

We mean, there’s no way Bristol Palin is joining the Teen Mom cast for money. That’s just a crazy notion.

But she’s still probably pretty happy that she’ll be making $ 250,000 for just a few weeks of filming for her first season on the program.

Bristol reportedly has an options for two more seasons as well and is set up to earn a $ 50,000 pay increase for each one if she extends her stay.

“She could be making $ 350,000 in three years,” an Us Weekly insider explains, doing the math for us.

This seems like a huge chunk of change for a first-year cast member, doesn’t it?

The Ashley quotes a source close to the series who says Palin’s co-stars (Maci Bookout, Amber Portwood and Catelynn Baltierra) all made about $ 10,000 for their first season and about $ 20,000 for their second season.

Yes, each has now earned her way into a six-figure salary, but only after putting up with the sort of craziness and drama that comes with the show.

Bristol is just dropping in and instantly making huge bucks.

Granted, her addition to the series may help extend the show by several seasons.

And this would make everyone involved a lot more money, so perhaps Maci, Amber and Catelynn are cool with Palin’s salary.

But we somehow doubt it. And we can foresee it creating some instant tension when Season 8 premieres.

Elsewhere, someone named Cheyenne Floyd has also been hired a a new Teen Mom OG cast member.

We are not privy to her salary details at the moment, however.

We do know, however, that Farrah Abraham is out and Bristol is in.

Filming has already started on new episodes, too.

Previous reports have indicated that Maci, Amber and Catelynn were blindsided by Bristol’s casting; none have had a chance to digest it or comment on it.

In related news, meanwhile, Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards have quit the show due to a dispute over MTV over what their role would have been if they had stuck around.

The program will look very different when it returns in the fall, whenever that may be.

MTV is yet to announce a premiere date, which prompts us to ask one simple question:

What are you waiting for?!? Let’s do this!


David Eason Reacts to Bristol Palin Casting: SUCH Hypocrisy!

David Eason is no longer part of the Teen Mom franchise.

The husband of Jenelle Evans was fired in February of 2018 for posting homophobic remarks on Twitter.

Neither he nor his controversial wife took the decision quietly, blasting MTV at various points over the past several months.

We hadn"t heard much about the move in awhile, though, not until the network hired Bristol Palin as a new cast member on Teen Mom OG.

For reasons that sort of make sense, this casting as set Eason off.

Who does he blame for it and why? Scroll down to find out!

1. You’re Fired!

David eason kaden

Eason received the news that he was given the boot from Teen Mom 2 in late February 2018. It was the culmination of the reality star stirring up a great deal of controversy among crew members and co-stars.

2. What Did He Say?


That he’ll teach his kids to avoid gay people, for one thing, while comparing the LGBT community to dogs.

3. What Else Did He Say?


That gay people have no morals and that parents need to stop teaching their kids anything about this community is acceptable or “normal.”

4. And What Did MTV Say in Response?

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

That he’s outta there! “David Eason’s personal comments do not reflect the views of MTV,” said the network in response. With six weeks left of production on Teen Mom 2, effective immediately, we are ending our relationship with him.”

5. Enter Bristol Palin!

Bristol palin and crew

Fast forward a few months and MTV stunned the nation by hiring Bristol as a replacement for Farrah Abraham (who was fired for sucking and loving porn too much, basically). We’re still processing this development, to be honest.

6. Palin Has Spoken Out on the Casting:

Bristol palin weight loss

“I am excited to join MTV’s ‘Teen Mom OG.’ I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey,” she wrote as a caption to a photo of her, her kids and some MTV cameramen.

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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sarah Palin Says Inviting Putin to Visit White House is Wise

Sarah Palin thinks President Trump might be on to something good with his idea to invite Vladimir Putin to the White House … because world leaders gotta work together. We got Sarah at LAX Friday and asked her about Trump’s…


Sarah Palin: Might I Appear on Teen Mom OG? You Betcha!

As has been discussed in the past, Sarah Palin may or may not be able to see Russia from her house.

Similarly, meanwhile, the former Governor and Vice Presidential candidate now says she may or may not appear on future episodes of Teen Mom OG.

Wait… WHAT, you may be asking if you’ve been away from your computer for a few days?!?

It’s true: Bristol Palin has been hired by MTV to essentially replace Farrah Abraham on Season 8 of this popular series.

Yes, the same Bristol Palin whose pregnancy was discovered during her month’s ascension into mainstream politics… who gave birth at age 17… and who now has three kids by two different men.

Based on that synopsis, it actually sounds like Bristol fits in perfect to the franchise, doesn’t it?

Bristol herself has confirmed this story, sharing the image below on Instagram and writing as a caption:

I am excited to join MTV’s ‘Teen Mom OG.’ I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey.

Asked by TMZ about her daughter’s upcoming presence on this controversial series, Sarah Palin echoed the same sentiment.

“Bristol’s gonna be a great messenger for overcoming a little bit of challenge and doing well in life,” Palin said told a TMZ cameraman, adding:

“We’re not doing a ‘reality star’ type thing. She sees this as a venue, a forum, for good [and] to help people in a hurting world.

“So I encourage her doing this, I support her doing this and I’m proud of her.”

There are so many ways to analyze this response.

FIRST, Palin got pregnant in the national spotlight and has gone on to have multiple kids out of wedlock. Including Teen Mom OG, she has appeared on four reality shows.

Her family is very rich and famous.

We disagree with her mother’s assessment that she can be any sort of “messenger” for overcoming any of the challenges that young mother actually face on a regular basis.

Her life is anything but ordinaty.

SECOND, you are doing a “reality star type thing,” Mrs. Palin.

Teen Mom OG is a reality show and Bristol will be starring on it. This is a very simple one.

THIRD, can you please elaborate on how Bristol can “help” anyone via this role? We’re legitimately asking.

According to Us Weekly, Palin will make a salary of $ 250,000 for just a few weeks of filming.

She’ll let cameras into her life and show that it isn’t all that awful despite having three kids by age 27? Okay. So what? What does that prove and who does it prove it to?

Again, that salary is so insane that it instantly makes Bristol unrelatable to the average young mother and also: what’s your point, Palins? More people ought to have three kids by two men by age 27?

Is the goal to encourage more women to be like Palin?

This is just so reminiscent of 2008 because, once again, we literally have no idea what Sarah Palin is talking about.

Elsewhere, the one question that has been on everyone’s mind since this news broke is an obvious one:

Might Sarah Palin guest star on Teen Mom OG?!?

It makes us giddy just to write those words — especially when the notion isn’t all that bizarre apparently!

“Whatever Bristol needs, whatever she wants and whatever my grandbabies need or want, I’m there,” Palin told TMZ.

Simply. Amazing.

Sarah Palin, however, will need to go watch Teen Mom OG online in order to bone up on story arcs and characters before her inevitable cameo.

She’s never actually seen an episode.

“The girls, my daughters, have been telling me who all the characters are, kinda trying to catch up,” Palin concluded to TMZ.

“But my daughters – Bristol and Willow and Piper – they all have great respect for some of the girls who have really overcome some obstacles and done well with their children.

Bristol will join returning cast members Catelynn Lowell Baltierra, Maci Bookout McKinney and Amber Portwood on the program.

She will NOT be joining Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards because they have quit the show.

On Instagram, Sarah Palin also wrote that Bristol will somehow be assisting others by starring on Teen Mom OG:

“Wow! the opportunity she has to help others along life’s (challenging) journey is exciting & outstanding!!! I am so proud of her ~ and all my kids… they’re my world …

“They know to share the blessings, knowledge, experiences God’s provided in order to HELP others in a hurting world. Doors open, bust through those doors!”

And, hey, they know when to accept a quarter-million dollar check, too.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Sarah Palin Says Bristol Will be Great for "Teen Mom" and She Might Make a Cameo

Sarah Palin’s proud as heck of her daughter, Bristol, joining the cast of “Teen Mom OG” … and doesn’t rule out making an appearance or 2 herself. We got the former Vice Presidential candidate at LAX Friday and asked about her family getting…


Friday, July 20, 2018

Farrah Abraham is Shocked "Teen Mom OG" Cast Bristol Palin

Farrah Abraham thinks Bristol Palin’s in for a huge shock on “Teen Mom OG” because her conservative views will not be welcome around producers. The ‘Teen Mom’ alum tells us she’s not surprised Bristol wanted to come on board the popular…


Ryan Edwards Fired From Teen Mom OG to Make Way For Bristol Palin?!

If you"re a follower of all things Teen Mom, then by now, you"ve probably caught wind of the biggest development to the franchise since Farrah Abraham got fired for being Farrah Abraham.

We"re talking, of course, about Bristol Palin joining the cast of Teen Mom OG.

The news has already prompted several important questions:

Will Bristol be able to deliver the ratings?

Does the average MTV viewer even remember the 2008 election?

Does seeing Russia from one"s house count as collusion?

And, of course, how does the rest of the cast feel about Bristol"s casting?

Now, it turns out the answer to that last query could create some serious problems for the show"s producers:

1. New Girl

Bristol palin looks crazy

Bristol is one of the most famous former teen moms in the country, but the news of her casting came as a total shock, nonetheless.

2. Classified Info

Bristol palin new face

MTV reportedly went to great lengths to keep the news under wraps, even going so far as to refer to Bristol by a codename in meetings and internal documents.

3. The Maci Connection

Maci deshane mckinney

An insider revealed yesterday that Maci Bookout was directly linked to the decision to cast Bristol.

4. A Failed Gambit

Maci bookout on teen mom o g

It seems that at one point, Maci refused to continue filming unless producers assured her that they would no longer feature her first baby daddy, Ryan Edwards, on the show. It seems she didn’t want her eldest son to see his father struggling with addiction on TV.

5. Whoops

Maci bookout and ryan edwards

The move backfired, however, as producers decided to continue filming Ryan while simultaneously seeking out a suitable replacement for Maci.

6. Enter Bristol

A bristol palin pic

And just like that, Bristol wound up joining the cast. Producers decided to keep Maci on the show, and in an ironic twist, Palin might wind up giving Bookout exactly what she wanted …

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Bristol Palin Confirms Teen Mom OG News: This is Why I"m Joining...

Yup, she really is on her way, folks.

As previously reported, Bristol Palin is joining the cast of Teen Mom OG, ostensibly as a replacement for Farrah Abraham, who was fired by MTV in February of 2018.

While fans of the series continue to digest this stunning piece of news, Bristol herself is here to confirm two things:

  1. She IS coming on board.

  2. She has a benevolent reason for doing so.

What could that be?

Scroll down to hear from Bristol Palin herself!

1. I’m In!

Bristol palin and crew

Bristol shared this photo of herself, her three kids and also some cameramen as proof that she’s on board. This was her confirmation picture, posted to Instagram.

2. And This Was Her Confirmation Message:

Bristol palin confirms

She wrote as a caption to this image: “I am excited to join MTV’s ‘Teen Mom OG.’ I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey.”

3. Reaction Has Been Mixed

Bristol reaction

As you can see from this excerpt of Instagram comments, some viewers are excited about Bristol… others think she is too “privileged” to be part of the cast… and others think she lacks “morals and class.”

4. No Morals? No Class?

Bristol palin with dakota meyer

We aren’t the ones saying this, but critics have long criticized Palin for having three kids by two different men, the latter of whom, Dakota Meyer, she’s in the process of getting a divorce from.

5. Maybe, That Is

Dakota meyer and bristol palin

It appears as if Palin and Meyer have reconciled, at least based on social media posts and messages. The two got married in May 2016 and the marine DID filr for divorce back in February. We just can’t verify where that filing now stands.

6. Bristol HAS Been Here Before

Bristol pic

Remember, Bristol appeared on “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” in 2010, a Lifetime series titled “Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp” for one season in 2012 and two separate seasons of “Dancing with the Stars,” even finishing third one time. She is no stranger to reality TV.

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Farrah Abraham om Bristol Palin: UGH! Who Cares?!?

It"s stunning, but it"s true:

Bristol Palin will be a cast member on Teen Mom OG.

Yes, that Bristol Palin, the same one whose mom ran for Vice President of the entire United States in 2008.

Palin has three kids and have birth to her first when she was a teen, so, hey, we guess she qualifies!

Does Farrah Abraham agree?

After we got over the initial shock of Brisol landing this role, we got to wondering what Farrah thinks about MTV"s decision to replace her with Palin.

Scroll down and all around to find out her response…

1. Wait, Wait… BRISTOL PALIN!

Bristol and some kids

We swear, it’s true! TMZ broke the news and other outlets have since confirmed. The 27-year old is the mother to a 9-year old named Tripp; a two-year old named Sailor; and a 14-month old named Atlee.

2. Why Would MTV Do This?

Bristol palin looks crazy

Ummm… are you kidding? Bristol may have been the most famous teen mom in history when she got pregnant, as she carried a child in her unmarried womb while her mother was running for the second-highest office in the land. Talk about a ratings-grabbed!

3. Why Would Bristol Do This?

Bristol palin and children

For fame and fortune. She has been out of the spotlight for years and we’re assuming her paycheck is somewhere in the deep six figures. At minimum.

4. Has Palin Appeared on Reality TV Before?

Bristol palin and tripp

Yes, which is another reason why this isn’t a shock from her point of view. Palin co-starred, for example, on her mother’s TLC series Sarah Palin’s Alaska in 2010 .

5. And Also…

Bristol on lifes a tripp

… let’s not forget she was actually given her very own Lifetime series titled “Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp” for one season in 2012.

6. And Also One More…

Bristol palin and mark ballas heat

She also appeared on seasons 11 AND 15 of Dancing With the Stars. She finished in third place during her initial run and was eliminated on week four during her All-Stars run years later.

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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Bristol Palin to Join Cast of Teen Mom OG!

Well, she may not be an OG, but she"s definitely one of most famous former teen moms of all time.

TMZ announced moments ago that Bristol Palin is joining the cast of Teen Mom OG in time for the long-running series" upcoming season.

Needless to say, fans of the show are buzzing with anticipation.

TMOG remains a ratings powerhouse, but almost a decade into its run, producers have made no secret about the fact that they"ve been on the lookout for a way to keep things fresh.

Casting the daughter of the most bonkers vice presidential candidate in US history should certainly help them to achieve that goal.

Here"s what we know about the situation so far:

1. The Governor’s Daughter

A bristol palin pic

The daughter of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Bristol first gained national attention during her mother’s vice-presidential campaign.

2. A Reluctant Celebrity

Sarah and bristol palin

Just 17 at the time, Bristol’s pregnancy was announced while her mother was serving as John McCain’s running mate in 2008.

3. Speaking Out

Bristol palin post plastic surgery

Bristol made headlines not only for her pregnancy, but for her outspoken views about birth control and abstinence that did not always align with the conservative right so aggressively courted by her mother.

4. Coincidence?

Teen mom cast photo

Interestingly, Bristol’s rise to fame coincided with the launch of the 16 and Pregnant/Teen Mom franchise on MTV.

5. Big Shoes to Fill

Teen mom cast title card

Now, Bristol will be taking the spot vacated by Farrah Abraham, who was fired by producers for either being difficult or refusing to give up her porn career. (It depends on whom you believe.)

6. Up to the Task

Bristol palin new face

It’s impossible to imagine a new cast member delivering as much drama as Farrah, but if anyone on the planet is capable, it’s Bristol …

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