Showing posts with label Playing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Playing. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2018

Bill Bellamy Says "Spy Kids" Needs to Recast White Guy Playing Black Kid

Bill Bellamy isn’t hating on the white guy voicing a black character on Netflix’s new animated ‘Spy Kids,’ but he’s got a major bone to pick with the show’s “lazy” casting directors. We got Bill at LAX and he told us the show should…


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Tom Brady Told Jim Gray He"s Playing In 2018

Tom Brady shot down retirement rumors and insisted he would play football in 2018 when talking with his buddy Jim Gray … but there’s a catch.  Tom and Jim have been friends for years — Tom does his radio show every week during the NFL…


Tom Brady Told Jim Gray He"s Playing In 2018

Tom Brady shot down retirement rumors and insisted he would play football in 2018 when talking with his buddy Jim Gray … but there’s a catch.  Tom and Jim have been friends for years — Tom does his radio show every week during the NFL…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Manu Ginobili Says His Wife Is Why He"s Still Playing at 40, "Extended My Career"

NBA star Manu Ginobili says there are lots of reasons he’s still ballin’ in his 40s … but the BIG one is something he shares with Tom Brady — the ol’ ball and chain! We got Manu out in D.C. … and asked if his…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Lindsey Vonn Says She"s Happy For Tiger Woods, "He"s Playing Pretty Well"

Lindsey Vonn is super EX-cited Tiger Woods doesn’t suck at his job anymore … telling TMZ Sports she’s really happy her old boyfriend’s showing signs of his old dominance. ICYMI — Tiger has been CRUSHING it on the links recently. He’s…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

WNBA Superstar Demands Equal Pay As Men, We"re Sick Of Playing Overseas!

One of the best basketball players alive says she’s sick and tired of having to play overseas to make a decent living — and she’s calling for the WNBA to start paying women like their male counterparts.  Angel McCoughtry was the #1…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Darren Criss Says He"s Playing Versace"s Killer as a Person, Not a Murderer

Darren Criss gave us a peek into the serial killer he’s playing in tonight’s premiere of ‘Gianni Versace: American Crime Story’ … and it sounds like he gave his murderous character some humanity. Darren was leaving the AOL building in New…


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Dustin Diamond Takes Stab at Playing Harvey Weinstein in Bloody Music Video

A Harvey Weinstein project’s the last thing most people want to go near these days, but one man fully embraced it … Screech!!! Dustin Diamond’s getting back into acting in a debaucherous music video filled with sex, drugs, rock and roll … and…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Caron Butler: LiAngelo Ball Would Be a Huge Hit Playing Overseas

Could LiAngelo Ball make an epic return to China?? Caron Butler thinks it would be a huge success for the ex-UCLA player … but tells TMZ Sports the middle Ball kid’s best move was to stay in school. We broke the story … LaVar Ball…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Mark Cuban Says LaVar Ball Is Playing Trump Like a Fiddle

Mark Cuban is CONGRATULATING LaVar Ball for his celebrity beef with Donald Trump … saying the way LaVar has handled the China shoplifting crisis is straight out of Trump’s playbook. The Dallas Mavericks owner says the twist in the whole Ball vs.…


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Elton John, I"m Not Playing this Wonky Piano!!!

Elton John stopped his concert dead in its tracks Saturday night, after his piano failed miserably. The OG Rocket Man was pissed when the instrument seemed to freeze up during his hit, “Philadelphia Freedom.”  Elton dropped an f-bomb or 2 and…


Friday, November 10, 2017

Reggie Bush: "Comfortable" Not Playing in NFL, But If Cowboys Call ...

With Ezekiel Elliott expected to FINALLY serve his 6-game suspension (maybe) — the Dallas Cowboys could be in the market for a running back … so …. enter Reggie Bush?? Maybe not …  The 32-year-old says he’s really comfortable NOT…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Justin Bieber Looks Very Excited Playing Pickup Soccer at UCLA

Justin Bieber laced up his cleats, popped off his shirt, and got really pumped up while playing soccer with his bros … judging by the look of his shorts. The Biebs hit up UCLA’s campus Tuesday afternoon for a pickup game on one of the soccer…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Justin Timberlake: Playing the Superbowl Halftime Show!

Last week, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary. They posted sweet tributes to each other and reminded the world that they are just an adorable couple.

And it turns out that they — or Justin, at least — have more to celebrate than their anniversary.

Because JT is going to be playing the Superbowl Halftime Show. And the (super cute) announcement video is below!

Justin Timberlake — the man who was the singing sensation and teen heartthrob named Justin well before Justin Bieber ever uploaded his first YouTube video — is still a popular man to this day.

While many of his former bandmates haven"t been treated as well in their lives or careers as he has, Justin has enjoyed success and fame well beyond his boy band years.

The fact that he"s playing the Superbowl Halftime Show is evidence of that.

Jimmy Fallon"s still trying to live down the backlash that he got for ruffling Trump"s hair and thereby normalizing him and all that he represented before the American audience.

(The backlash at this point might be a little excessive, since Fallon doesn"t deserve all of the blame — that lies primarily with, well, any voter who helped get Trump elected)

In the video that you"ll see below, Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon do goofy British accents in a back-and-forth that segues into the revelation that yes, JT is officially headlining the Halftime Show.

Some don"t watch the Halftime Show, while others tune in exclusively for it and ignore the sports game that plays before and after it.

But one way or another, millions of Americans will see it, so it"s always a huge deal and a ridiculous spectacle.

Remember, this is where we got Left Shark. This is cause for celebration.

Or … is it?

As we mentioned back when Justin Timberlake doing the Halftime Show was but a rumor, this is a little controversial.

We"re all very familiar with the term "wardrobe malfunction" these days, but Justin Timberlake is the first person to publicly use the phrase.

He used it to apologize for "accidentally" baring Janet Jackson"s breast during the 2004 Superbowl Halftime Show.

And "wardrobe malfunction" has been part of the English lexicon ever since.

Janet, in the mean time, has been basically blacklisted from major networks for the audacity of not using enough layers to hide her nipple, we guess.

(Gotta keep that sinful woman flesh hidden, you know, or children will be scarred for life)

Is it fair for Justin Timberlake to get another bite at the apple while Janet Jackson is still viewed in such a negative light?

Many say that it is not.

There are other concerns, too, if we"re being honest.

Like … what was Justin Timberlake"s last big song?

Wasn"t it for that awful movie with those trolls from the early "90s? Or did we just hallucinate that during the liminal space that was 2016?

(We did not dream that into being and the song was titled "Can"t Stop The Feeling!")

it does occur to us that, just as the Spice Girls got back together for the London Olympics, maybe Justin Timberlake will arrange for a little NSYNC reunion during the Halftime Show.

(Let us dream!)

Still … there"s a chance that his performance might be less than memorable. That would be a real shame.

For our part, though we"re maybe a little anxious to see if Justin Timberlake puts on a good show, we know what we"re really looking forward to about the Halftime Show:

The inevitable Illuminati analysis by deranged conspiracy theorists afterwards.

Remember, these are people who think that Paris Jackson might be an Illuminati clone or whatever. They can and will believe anything that fits their deeply paranoid worldview.

Each year, you see, these bloggers post their interpretations of the Halftime Show which is, for some reason, a secret ritual performed in plain view for all of the world to see.

(Because the first thing that you want to do as a secret society that controls the world is put up coded messages about it)

The "Illuminati rituals" which are somehow simultaneously Satanist, Pagan, and Freemason, even though those are all different things and always seems to be designed to represent some deeply salacious ritual normally performed behind closed doors, Eyes Wide Shut style.

Obviously, these are just projections of the blogger"s own suppressed desires and fantasies, but that doesn"t make any of it less weird.

We cannot help but wonder what they"ll have to say about Justin Timberlake and whatever he comes up with.

Maybe Janet Jackson will come out and rip off his pants before the cameras, but we somehow doubt that. Alas.

Anyway, here"s the announcement video! It"s pretty goofy.

Justin timberlake playing the superbowl halftime show

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Eric Decker: Playing For the Jets Made Me Miss Broncos

Eric Decker says playing for the sucky NY Jets made him long for the days when he was a Denver Bronco.  Cameras were rolling on the WR the day after he was cut by the NY Jets back in June — and now his reaction is a part of his E! reality…


Eric Decker: Playing For the Jets Made Me Miss Broncos

Eric Decker says playing for the sucky NY Jets made him long for the days when he was a Denver Bronco.  Cameras were rolling on the WR the day after he was cut by the NY Jets back in June — and now his reaction is a part of his E! reality…


Friday, September 1, 2017

Cavs" Iman Shumpert on Playing Boston: I Know All Kyrie"s Moves!

Iman Shumpert says he’s not worried about facing off against his old teammate and friend, Kyrie Irving, when the Cavs take on Boston … because he knows all Kyrie’s moves!! Shumpert was actually pretty candid about the whole situation when we…


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

In-N-Out Sues Smashburger for Playing "Double-Double" Name Game

In-N-Out is going all animal (style) on Smashburger for peddling a burger it considers triple the cheese, and double the theft … so In-N-Out’s suing. In-N-Out just filed suit against its burger rival for allegedly jacking their…


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Peter Kraus: Was Rachel Lindsay Just Playing Me the Whole Time?

The Bachelorette‘s big finale was brutal and intense.

Watching Rachel make her final choice was like watching someone order mushrooms and sardines as their pizza toppings when there’s perfectly good barbecue chicken and bacon as an option.

Well, while Peter Kraus decides if he wants to be the Bachelor while nursing a wounded heart, he’s reportedly also wondering if Rachel was just stringing him along all season.

HollywoodLife reports that a Bachelor Nation insider says that Peter Kraus thinks he may have been played by Rachel Lindsay.

Understandably, like most viewers, he’s grappling to understand what happened in the finale.

“His feelings for Rachel were very real and they ran deep.”

That much was clear, well before he broke down sobbing after Rachel ended their relationship.

“Having it end so abruptly with no real closure has been a huge kick in the heart. When it first happened he couldn’t talk about it without getting tears in his eyes.”


But while time may not quite heal all wounds, time and distance can help you recover from an emotional loss.

(And time Peter spent cuddling with his dog, Daisy)

“But now he’s at a point where he’s questioning if Rachel was ever even sincere with him, he feels like he got played.”

That’s an understandable thing to wonder.

“Peter was devastated by Rachel’s decision, he wasn’t expecting it at all.”

Neither were a lot of viewers.

While we warned everyone in The Bachelorette Spoilers that Peter wouldn’t be Rachel’s final choice, some people like to go into these things blind.

But going in blind — as, of course, Peter did — leads to getting blindsided.

“Right now he’s doing damage control and trying his best to cover up how badly this hurt him but the pain is still there.”

Oh that is so sad. Though you can kind of tell that when he’s interviewed, you know?

“He was so shocked by her decision, he thinks she made a huge mistake but he doesn’t want to seem bitter so he’s trying to keep those thoughts to himself, at least publicly.”

Well, whoever is revealing this isn’t doing him any favors then.

(Or are they? None of this is changing our opinion of Peter)

We suddenly find ourselves wondering if Rachel Lindsay, after realizing that Bryan Abasolo was (inexplicably) the guy for her, strung Peter along like she did with greater purpose.

Not for drama on the show or because she wanted to keep her options open with the Hunky Wisconsin native.

What if Rachel saw that Peter was absolutely perfect to be the next Bachelor, so she strung him along and left him devastated like that on television — almost making herself a villain in the process — setting him up perfectly in terms of storyline (mending his broken heart) and viewer sympathy.

He was a strong contender for The Bachelor before, but after that finale, it’s hard to imagine them announcing someone else without outrage.

(Even precious sweetheart fan favorite Dean Unglert, though we remind you that Dean himself wants Peter to be the next Bachelor)

That way, Rachel gets her happily ever after (or happily however long that lasts) with Bryan Abasolo and she sets up a sweet, handsome guy perfectly for his next role.

Rachel did say that she doesn’t want Peter to be the Bachelor, but that could either be honest or part of that elaborate scheme.

But … enough conspiracy theories.

Whatever the case, whatever was going on in Rachel Lindsay’s mind, we don’t have a way of knowing the truth for certain.

But we can understand why Peter would be agonizing over this, wondering how anyone who felt a connection like he did with Rachel could say goodbye to that.

In interviews, though, Peter is being totally cool about it — and that’s how you know that he’s a perfect fit to be the next Bachelor.


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Allen Iverson Had A Big Chip Count Playing Roulette in Chicago

Allen Iverson was rolling like a big shot on the roulette table this week … ‘cause by looks of it he was gambling with thousands worth in chips.  We obtained more photos of A.I. at the Rivers Casino Thursday in Chicago — where he and his…
