Showing posts with label Progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Progress. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2018

Kanye West Says His Slavery Comment Abolishing 13th Amendment is Work in Progress

Kanye West says he hasn’t fully formed his views on abolishing the 13th Amendment — which outlawed slavery — but he promises he’ll be ready to explain it when he appears Monday on “TMZ Live.” We got Kanye Sunday leaving Mel’s Diner in WeHo after…


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Returns Home From Rehab, Shares Progress With Fans

On last night’s Teen Mom OG, viewers received an in-depth look at the heartbreaking struggle of fan favorite Catelynn Lowell.

In the episode, Catelynn suffered a miscarriage that triggered a relapse of the mental health issues that have plagued her adolescence.

After revealing that she struggled with thoughts of suicide, Catelynn checked into rehab to seek treatment for trauma and severe depression.

The episode ended with an ominous “to be continued…” and offered little in the way of closure and resolution.

Fortunately, thanks to social media and her candid relationship with her fans, we have new information about Catelynn’s plight, and the news is very promising.

The most recent installment of TMOG was filmed back in November, and Catelynn returned to rehab for a second round of treatment in January of this year.

Following last night’s episode, Catelynn took to Instagram to inform fans that she’s back home and working toward recovery.

“Finally home and it feels so good!” Lowell wrote.

Her husband, Tyler Baltierra, also took to social media to share his thoughts on one of the most emotional episodes in the show’s history.

“That baby may have not been fully grown in the womb…but it was fully grown in our hearts,” he tweeted in response to the outpouring of concern over Catelynn’s miscarriage.

“For every parent out there who has lost a baby…it is not your fault & it is more than acceptable & understandable to mourn the loss of that baby & take your time to grieve #ParentStrong”

Throughout this season, Tyler has been applauded for the strength and support he’s provided for Catelynn.

During last night’s episode, he was also praised for opening up about an experience that millions of expectant parents have endured, but few talk about:

“It’s very traumatic. When you see her shaking and she’s got blood everywhere, it’s like … you don’t really know what to do,” he told one of the show’s producers.

“She kind of cleaned herself up, and we kind of figured out what was going on. Spotting is normal, but all the clotting is not. So we just saw on the bed and cried. We just held each other. There’s nothing you can really do.”

Watch Teen Mom OG online to relive the rocky road that brought Catelynn and Tyler to where they are today.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Kim and Kanye"s Surrogate Out of Sight, But Still Sharing Pregnancy Progress

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are in the homestretch for baby #3’s arrival, and acting like the old pros they are in the birthing game … even though this is their first time using a surrogate. As we’ve reported, the couple’s baby girl is due…


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Billie Jean King Praises Weinstein Accusers, "That"s Progress"

Billie Jean King says society is making progress in the battle against sexism, and she’s pointing to the Harvey Weinstein scandal — and the women speaking out — as her proof. King is a trailblazer in every sense of the word, spending her entire…


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Kanye West -- Recovery in Progress, Creating New Music

Kanye West’s bounce back from the mental breakdown could come sooner than expected — the recovery process has his creativity flowing again, and a new album could be in the offing. Sources close to Kanye tell TMZ … since he got home, he’s been…


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Jessa Duggar Baby Name: A Work in Progress!

Jessa Duggar hears your pleas and respects your curiosity. Really, she does.

She understands why you’re anxious to learn her brand new baby’s name, but there’s just one problem…

… he doesn’t have one yet!

Duggar and husband Ben Seewald welcomed a son into the world last Thursday, updating fans on his impressive size (we’re not kidding, he’s HUGE!) and including a few baby photos on social media (see above).

But the famous couple is yet to reveal the child’s name to the world, despite constant requests from adoring fans online.

In response to these inquiries, Jessa jumped on Facebook Monday evening and told a commenter who asked for the name of “#babyseewald already” the following:

“Haha! We’ll be announcing as soon as we settle on a name! Still haven’t decided!”

After another supporter urged Duggar to “snuggle that baby all you can,” the TLC star replied that she’s got any and all snuggling very well covered:

“Every time I stare into his face, I can’t believe he’s mine! I feel blessed beyond measure.”

Unnamed Baby Seewald is the first child for Jessa and Ben, though he joins an extremely large (and controversial) family.

Jessa gave birth at home a few days after her due date late last week, though multiple outlets confirm that an ambulance was called to take her to the hospital due to an unknown complication.

Mother and son are now at home, however, resting happily and comfortably.

Via an Instagram post yesterday, Jessa shared a few lyrics from a song that describes accurately and warmly how she is feeling these days:

How sweet to hold a newborn baby. And feel the pride and joy he gives; But greater still the calm assurance: This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future.And life is worth the living. Just because He lives!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Lamar Odom Will NOT Need Kidney Transplant, Continues to Show Progress

More good news for Lamar Odom and family!

It seems that despite previous reports that Odom would need a kidney transplant, the 35-year-old’s organs are healing at a surprising rate, and he may be released from the hospital in a matter of days.

Earlier this week, Khloe Kardashian returned home for the first time since Lamar’s overdose on October 13, and it was initially reported that the couple had gotten into a fight.

Now, sources say the real reason was that Lamar is finally well enough to communicate with hospital staff on his own, so Khloe took advantage of the opportunity to sleep in her own bed.

In fact TMZ is reporting that it was Lamar, not Khloe, who informed hospital security that his father was not to be allowed in the building

It’s a sad situation, to be sure, but it’s certainly good news that Lamar is feeling so much better that he’s up to holding grudges.

The LA Times is reporting that Odom is still hooked up to dialysis machines, and while he’ll probably never fully recover from his brush with death, all of his organs should eventually be able to function on their own.

Sources say Odom is looking forward to the future and is already exploring his options with regard to drug counseling.