Showing posts with label Prompts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prompts. Show all posts

Friday, December 9, 2016

Rogue One: Star Wars Film Prompts Neo-Nazi Boycott

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is almost unquestionably the most highly-anticipated film of 2016.

And, of course, as with any major Star Wars release, the film became the subject of intense online scrutiny months before its release, thus generating word-of-mouth that usually serves as free advertising for Disney.

Now, however, a week before it hits theaters, Rogue One is at the center of a heated debate that could wind up hurting its box office receipts for the most bizarre reason imaginable.

Past Star Wars controversies have centered around mixed responses to story developments within the franchise, or retroactive changes to the original films.

Sadly, the Rogue One debate has taken a much more sinister tone that says more about our nation’s current political climate than about George Lucas’ film franchise.

On Thursday, the hashtag #DumpStarWars began trending on Twitter, and it quickly became clear to any fan who investigated that this was not the result of some spirited critiques of the series’ creative shortcomings.

While it’s unclear how it originated, the hashtag has proven popular among white nationalists and members of the “alt-right,” both movements that have been tied to the KKK and other hate groups.

The most common complaint is that the film (which the outraged have not yet seen) is “anti-white” and espouses a “feminist agenda,” because the cast is multi-cultural and the film’s main character is a woman.

The baffling outrage began back when the first Rogue One trailer was released online several months ago, with YouTube commenters describing the film as “nothing but a Jew masturbation fantasy of anti-White hate.”

The bigoted movement gained steam back in November, when two of the film’s screenwriters, Chris Weitz and Gary Whitta, pointed out that the Empire has always been an obvious metaphor for Hitler’s regime.

“Please note that the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization,” Chris Weitz tweeted.

Whitta retweeted the statement, adding:

“Opposed by a multi-cultural group led by brave women.”

Indeed, fantasy and science-fiction films and literature have a long history of advancing (usually left-wing) political causes, but don’t tell that to the chronically butthurt boycotters who are currently stamping their tiny feet and holding their breath til they turn blue all over social media.

Some lowlights (complete with newly-trendy #FakeNews):

“Stop using your multiculturalism anti-American agenda in a science fiction Disney movie. We just want to enjoy a fun movie.”

“Just got a full refund on my Rogue One tickets. Keep your politics out of my galaxy.”

“Star Wars writers rewrote and reshot Rogue One to add in Anti Trump scenes calling him a racist. Disgusting.”

“Rogue One is an anti-Trump propaganda film. BOYCOTT!!! Trump supporters!”

“#DumpStarWars Race baiting will not be tolerated.”

On the sane side, the situation might be best summed up by David Slack, who tweeted:

“If Star Wars — an obvious allegory about Nazism  — feels like an attack on your candidate, the problem isn’t with Star Wars…”

Of course, our favorite #DumpStarWars tweet belongs to the incomparable Patirck Monahan, who writes:

“After the election they changed the title of ROGUE ONE to DONALD TRUMP HAS A TINY WIENER? I’ll be spending my money elsewhere!”

On point as always, @PattyMo.

As for the anticipated impacted on the film’s bottom line – something tells us Disney will be just fine.


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Joseline Hernandez GOES OFF on Stevie J, Prompts 911 Call

Forget reality show cameras, DNA tests and celebrity gossip blogs.

The police are now involved the ongoing feud between Stevie J and Joseline Hernandez.

According to official reports, the Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta star was just hanging at his house this past Sunday when his occasional lover and the mother of his impending child stopped by…

… and went BANANAS.

Stevie J called 911 after he alleges Hernandez flipped out because he was at his crib with another woman (originally reported to be Joseline rival Tommie Lee, though this appears to be incorrect).

Based on what he told the cops, Joseline tried to punch and scratch him out of a jealous and anger-filled rage.

Despite Stevie’s claims that his baby mama screwed up his face and hurt his eyes, police on the scene say there were no visible injuries.

Joseline had fled the premises by the time authorities arrived and, of this writing, Stevie J has not yet taken their advice to get a restraining order against his fiery ex.

Perhaps he should, however, because members of the Sandy Springs Police Department were then called to Stevie’s house again on Monday.

According to THIS police report, Stevie says Joseline used her hands, feet and teeth to attack him in a vicious manner.

This craziness comes on the equally crazy heels of Stevie and Joseline’s relationship over the past few months.

Did we mention that the latter is pregnant? Because she is.

And that Stevie is the baby’s father? Because he is.

The artist denied paternity for a long time, only to eventually take responsibility for knocking up his fellow star and even suggest online that he could see himself getting back together with Joseline.

Which is a statement we did not see coming… considering she once referred to Stevie J as a deadbeat child molester in a series of Tweets that also insulted Stevie’s family as being “sick.”

To be specific:

“Your family is sick your dad is a child molester and so are you. Me my baby and I will have a better life without you in it,” wrote Hernandez in July on Twitter, adding:

“Now go run along and stop knocking on my door and calling me at 5 in the am after you been getting high all night.”

In light of these latest incidents, meanwhile, Stevie J has filed legal documents.

He has asked a court to evaluate the psyche of Hernandez, believing her to be a mentally unfit mother.

Oh, yes, we’re going down a very dangerous path here, people.

Stevie is afraid that Joseline will hurt him or their baby and wants her to undergo anger management counseling.

The ex-lovers and current enemies were in court on Tuesday to deal with this charge and this request.

And while we’re giddy that this relationship has blown up in such an epic and entertaining manner, we’re also concerned. We’re worried. We’re scared.

A child is about to come into the world. Joseline is due to give birth to a girl any week now.

She deserves better than to be raised in this sort of tension-filled environment.

Please work things out, Stevie and Joseline.

Not for the sake of gossip blogs like ourselves. For the sake of your daughter.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

McKayla Maroney: Bikini Pic Prompts Boob Job Rumors

As you watch the US women’s gymnastics team dismantle rivals at the 2016 Olympics, you may find yourself wondering about the absence of one of the 2012 team’s most high-profile competitors.

McKayla Maroney chose not to participate in the Rio games for reasons that are still not entirely clear.

Maroney’s explanation is that she’s focusing on launching her music career.

Seems to us that the burst of front-page exposure that comes with competing at the Olympics would be a great way to help one’s chances of succeeding in a highly-competitive field, but sure, we’ll buy it.

In the end, we guess it doesn’t matter, as McKayla is still receiving plenty of attention these days.

You see, in addition to being one of our nation’s most gifted gymnasts, McKalya is super hot and enjoys posting photos like the one below:

Not surprisingly, this particular photo has received a lot of attention on Instagram.

The first round of comments were mostly along the lines of daaaaaaayum!

Then things took a weird turn as rumors that McKayla got lip injections began to make the rounds on social media. 

Maroney assured fans that her lips are totally natural, but shortly thereafter, a new round of unfounded speculation left the meme star characteristically unimpressed.

Many fans are now under the impression that Maroney has undergone breast augmentation.

It may sound ridiculous (and it probably is) but Radar Online has consulted with a few of those, “I’ve never met this celeb, but I’m gonna diagnose her anyway” doctors who claim that in this case, the fans know what they’re talking about:

Dr. Michael Salzhauer (aka, “Dr. Miami,” and if that doesn’t fill you with confidence, we don’t know what will), was first asked about McKayla’s lips

“I believe she has had filler to her lips a la Kylie Jenner,” he told Radar. “Most likely Juvederm.”

“Is that McKayla Maroney or a Kardashian?” chimed in a weirdly snarky Dr. Anthony Youn. “A touch of Botox under her eyebrows may be the source of her arched, higher brows as well.”

Dr. Zara Harutyunyan  stated that “her breasts look larger, but that can also be because she is not training aggressively and has gained weight. Or she could’ve undergone a breast augmentation.”

The good Doc Miami added: 

“It’s definitely possible she’s had a breast augmentation, taking her from a B to a C. They fit her frame well.”

So there you have.

McKalya had a bunch of work done. Or she didn’t.

“What am I, a doctor?!” – Dr. Miami (probably)

McKayla Maroney: Bikini Pic Prompts Boob Job Rumors

As you watch the US women’s gymnastics team dismantle rivals at the 2016 Olympics, you may find yourself wondering about the absence of one of the 2012 team’s most high-profile competitors.

McKayla Maroney chose not to participate in the Rio games for reasons that are still not entirely clear.

Maroney’s explanation is that she’s focusing on launching her music career.

Seems to us that the burst of front-page exposure that comes with competing at the Olympics would be a great way to help one’s chances of succeeding in a highly-competitive field, but sure, we’ll buy it.

In the end, we guess it doesn’t matter, as McKayla is still receiving plenty of attention these days.

You see, in addition to being one of our nation’s most gifted gymnasts, McKalya is super hot and enjoys posting photos like the one below:

Not surprisingly, this particular photo has received a lot of attention on Instagram.

The first round of comments were mostly along the lines of daaaaaaayum!

Then things took a weird turn as rumors that McKayla got lip injections began to make the rounds on social media. 

Maroney assured fans that her lips are totally natural, but shortly thereafter, a new round of unfounded speculation left the meme star characteristically unimpressed.

Many fans are now under the impression that Maroney has undergone breast augmentation.

It may sound ridiculous (and it probably is) but Radar Online has consulted with a few of those, “I’ve never met this celeb, but I’m gonna diagnose her anyway” doctors who claim that in this case, the fans know what they’re talking about:

Dr. Michael Salzhauer (aka, “Dr. Miami,” and if that doesn’t fill you with confidence, we don’t know what will), was first asked about McKayla’s lips

“I believe she has had filler to her lips a la Kylie Jenner,” he told Radar. “Most likely Juvederm.”

“Is that McKayla Maroney or a Kardashian?” chimed in a weirdly snarky Dr. Anthony Youn. “A touch of Botox under her eyebrows may be the source of her arched, higher brows as well.”

Dr. Zara Harutyunyan  stated that “her breasts look larger, but that can also be because she is not training aggressively and has gained weight. Or she could’ve undergone a breast augmentation.”

The good Doc Miami added: 

“It’s definitely possible she’s had a breast augmentation, taking her from a B to a C. They fit her frame well.”

So there you have.

McKalya had a bunch of work done. Or she didn’t.

“What am I, a doctor?!” – Dr. Miami (probably)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Chris Brown: Gaunt Appearance Prompts Drug Rumors

Chris Brown has a long history of treating other people badly.

But based on his latest photos some fans think the one he’s been abusing lately is himself. Oh, and drugs. They also think he’s abusing drugs:

We know Chris loves weed, but his recent weight loss has many wondering if he’s hitting harder stuff these days.

Brown has been to rehab in the past, but it was court-ordered and he’s always maintained that he doesn’t suffer from any addiction issues.

In fact, he went back to partying – hard – right after he finished his most recent stint:

So it’s not too outlandish to think that Chris has bigger issues with booze and drugs than he admits (or is aware of).

The combination of his gaunt appearance and slightly drooping eyelids have many fans wondering if Breezy is sipping on the sizzurp lately.

Of course, it’s possible Chris has been dieting and/or that he was a bit tired at his latest appearance.

No one knows for sure, but at this point, no one really puts anything past the singer, either.

Finding out that Chris Brown is a fiend for the lean wouldn’t even crack the top on the list of most troubling things about him.

Chris has yet to comment on this latest round of rumors, but you can be certain he’s going to at some point.

This is a guy who compulsively shares his thoughts on feuds that don’t involve him.

He’s certainly not going to bite his tongue about speculation that he’s wasting away due to addiction.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Kylie Jenner "Baby" Photo Prompts Pregnancy Chatter

Kylie Jenner apparently wants the world to think she is pregnant.

What other conclusion can we draw from one of Kylie’s latest Instagram photos?

The 18-year old reality star just shared an image on her official social media page of her striking the sort of pose one would strike if pregnant.

She is raising her jean jacket aloft as if she’s showing off a baby bump.

And, lest you think we’re the ones who are starting a KYLIE JENNER PREGNANT rumor out of thin air here, consider the caption Jenner included with the photo:


Yup, that’s what she wrote.

There actually has been talk for months that Kylie is expecting Tyga’s love child, but that chatter has faded away now that Jenner isn’t dating the rapper any longer.

They split last month after about two years of dating.

So why should Jenner get the pregnancy rumor mill churning once again?

Probably as some sort of PR move.

We say this because other recent Kylie Jenner photos added to this account also depict her in this same outfit, but a couple of their captions are pushing products available from Kylie Cosmetics.

Go to Kylie’s Instagram for the pregnancy rumor… but stay for the makeup line! That’s basically what she’s saying here.

We can’t fault her too much for such a strategy, we suppose.

It’s better than trying to garner publicity for a Kylie Jenner sex tape, right?

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner Billboard Prompts Controversy, Company Apology

A company in New Zealand has apologized for ringing in the holidays in very offensive fashion. 

“I hope your sack is fuller than mine this Christmas,” reads the billboard from Cranium Signage, which features the famous Vanity Fair cover picture of Caitlyn Jenner, Photoshopped to include a Santa hat.

The tagline, of course, is a reference to Caitlyn’s transformation this spring from man to woman.

The reality star has not, however, undergone surgery, meaning her “sack” is just as full as ever.

But the company’s mistake in this area isn’t really the focus of critics.

Rebecca Jones, mother of a nine-year-old transgender boy, told that the billboard (which is located in East Tamaki, just outside Auckland) is “absolutely disgusting,” explaining why as follows:

“Transgender suicide rates are extremely high. If they had put a racist board up, would they have got away with it? They shouldn’t be mocking a marginalized sector of society.”

Added Jesse Evenblij to The New Zealand Herald:

“The company should be ashamed. People just have no clue how Caitlyn has literally saved lives by making transgender ‘normal.’

“Young people can look up to Caitlyn and realize they aren’t alone.”

It’s certainly true that Caitlyn Jenner has done all she can to serve as a role model within the LGBT community.

Following a number of these complaints, Cranium Signage owner Phillip Garratt issued a mea culpa.

“I as the owner have no feelings of discrimination to the Gay or transgender community and if one of my family was I would love them just the same,” he wrote on Facebook.

“Cait is more then welcome to stay at my house with my family anytime. I will have a wine or a beer with her quite happily and it would be an honor.”