Showing posts with label Proof. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Proof. Show all posts

Monday, October 16, 2017

Ex-Boston College RB: X-Rated Recruiting Parties Ain"t New, I"ve Got Video Proof

A former Boston College football player says strippers and underage boozing is nothing new when it comes to recruiting players … and claims he’s got the video to prove it.  We spoke with ex-BC running back Jamall Anderson — who says he…


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Nelly"s Accuser Claims Rape Without Condom, His Lawyer Says He Has Proof She"s a Liar

The woman who claims Nelly raped her says she had been partying with him before he forced her to have sex without a condom, but Nelly’s lawyer says he will expose her for what she is … a liar. We’ve learned the 21-year-old Seattle resident claims…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Usher Accuser Quantasia Sharpton: We Made a Sex Tape! I Have Proof!

Usher is being sued by multiple women.

An anonymous woman is accusing him of giving her herpes. Usher’s response has basically been that the woman can’t prove that he’s the one who gave her herpes, though his legal team isn’t exactly denying that he has the infection.

A not-so-anonymous woman, Quantasia Sharpton, is also suing Usher. And she says that she can back up her claims … with a sex tape.

Quantasia Sharpton says that she went to an Usher concert for her birthday, where Usher brought her up on stage.

She alleges that, afterwards, Usher returned with her to her hotel room where they had sex.

Though she did not contract herpes, she accuses Usher of having recklessly endangered her by exposing her to his own (alleged) herpes infection without telling her.

(If you point a gun at somebody and fire and it misses or doesn’t go off, that’s still a crime — it makes sense that knowingly exposing someone to an incurable STI would be treated in the same way)

Quantasia has a witness — a hotel staffer who backs up her story of entering the lobby with Usher and taking him back to her room for an extended period of time.

Usher and source close to Usher have been trying their hardest to shoot down Quantasia’s story, even starting right at the beginning.

“He may have pulled her up onstage, he doesn’t remember, but he absolutely didn’t hook up with her.”

Now, the usual he-said, she-said is expected in a lawsuit predicated upon whether two people had sex.

Shamefully, they’ve been attacking Quantasia’s story by attacking her body-type, saying things like:

“He’s just not into her type.”

In addition to being hurtful to countless women with similar body types to Quantasia’s, this tactic — whether true or not — preys upon prejudices that many people have towards larger women.

A lot of people seem shocked to learn that fat women have sex at all, let alone with conventionally attractive men.

After a story came out that Usher had infected a woman with herpes and paid $ 11 million in hush money, Usher could have nipped all of these lawsuits in the bud by offering to prove in court that he does not have herpes.

Many have taken the fact that he hasn’t offered anything of the sort as an indirect admission that the star has herpes.

If he is infected, that alone is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s literally just an infection. We don’t shame people for getting sick, do we?

If he knowingly infected women with herpes, or lied about not carrying the infection, or even just knowingly recklessly exposed women to contracting his infection … well, that sounds inexcusable.

Well, despite the hotel staffer witness, there isn’t any “smoking gun” style evidence just yet that Usher and Quantasia had sex.

We can’t think of anything else that a person might reasonably assume that a celebrity and a random woman from his show’s audience would be doing in that woman’s hotel room.

But courts of law are based upon evidence and the legal system, not on common sense.

That may no longer be the case, though.

In an interview with YouTube vlogger Miss Jacob Kohinoor (which is the most random platform for dropping such a bombshell that we can imagine), Quantasia Sharpton says that she and Usher have a sex tape.

Before you think that she’s admitting to a crime, she says that Usher knew that they were being recorded.

She also says that her legal team is subpoenaing the Days Inn in order to get security camera footage of her and Usher entering her hotel room.

This is explosive and … as we said, an odd place to release this information.

Unless you believe that Quantasia is just some sort of compulsive liar or will say anything if backed into a corner (Miss Jacob Kohinoor expressed a lot of doubt, and even asked stupid questions like “why would you keep these all these years?” as if somebody’s just gonna delete their celebrity sex tape, ever), this is huge.

Frankly, even the security footage, corroborated by the hotel staffer’s testimony, would be enough to make most people reasonably put two and two together.

Video of the act itself would be real proof that the two had sex.

If Quantasia really has this tape, and if it really shows their faces (a lot of homemade sex tapes do not), maybe Usher’s team will start singing a different tune and soon.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Usher Responds to Herpes Lawsuit, You Have No Proof, Lady

Usher wants one of those pesky herpes lawsuits tossed out, because the woman suing him has no proof he gave her anything … TMZ has learned. The singer has responded to the $ 20 million lawsuit filed by a Georgia woman who claims he gave her genital…


Usher Responds to Herpes Lawsuit, You Have No Proof, Lady

Usher wants one of those pesky herpes lawsuits tossed out, because the woman suing him has no proof he gave her anything … TMZ has learned. The singer has responded to the $ 20 million lawsuit filed by a Georgia woman who claims he gave her genital…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

John Cena is Really Just a Huge Softie. This Video is Proof.

Break out the tissues, readers.

And prepare your eyes to fill up with tears due to the following footage of… John Cena?

Yes, WWE Superstar John Cena is about to make you cry.

That"s because John Cena himself cries hysterically in this video, which comes to us from Cricket Wireless and which features Cena getting surprised by a number of his most passionate fans.

In the clip, Cena is asked to sit down and read thank-you notes from some supporters.

In one, a man sends his gratitude for Cena telling him to "never give up" after he got into a serious car crash.

In another, a mother sends Cena the same kind of gratitude for passing along the same message while she was thinking of adopting a little girl.

Finally, a young boy records a video in which he tells Cena how a wristband the wrestler once gave him helped the boy stay strong through his mother"s breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

She is now cancer-free… and she and her son were on hand to surprise Cena at the studio in which he was filming.

And so was everyone else who sent the star a letter!

Cena, it should be noted, has taken part in more Make-A-Wish events than anyone in history.

Some may claim that wrestling is fake, but his impact on these people is very real.

A teary-eyed Cena addresses the group toward the end of the video below, saying:

“Just remember that you guys do the work. Don"t think that you"re the only one who"s up against it, and don"t think you"re the only one who [has] challenges to face every day.

"You all lead by example, and I mean it when I say it: Don"t ever give up."


John cena receives surprise from fans breaks down into adorable

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Justin Gatlin: I Didn"t Cheat to Beat Usain Bolt, Here"s My Proof

Justin Gatlin wants to make 1 thing very clear to all the haters … he DID NOT cheat to beat Usain Bolt … and he’s got some numbers that back up his case. We talked to Justin after his 100m win at the World Athletic Championships…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Kim Kardashian, LuMee Offer Proof There"s No $100 Million Rip-off

Kim Kardashian and LuMee — makers of her fave illuminated phone case — say they have proof they didn’t steal another company’s tech, and it includes a government stamp of approval. LuMee is firing back at the $ 100 million lawsuit filed by…


Kim Kardashian, LuMee Offer Proof There"s No $100 Million Rip-off

Kim Kardashian and LuMee — makers of her fave illuminated phone case — say they have proof they didn’t steal another company’s tech, and it includes a government stamp of approval. LuMee is firing back at the $ 100 million lawsuit filed by…


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Floyd Mayweather: I Can Read, Here"s Video Proof

Floyd Mayweather wants Conor McGregor to know … I’M LITERATE, BITCH!  After Conor mocked Floyd at news conference #2 on Wednesday, the Mayweather camp released a video to our friends at BSO showing Floyd clearly reading fight promos off a…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Halle Berry: Here"s Proof I"m Not Pregnant (PHOTO)

Halle Berry couldn’t stomach rumors she was pregnant, so she let her stomach do the talking to prove she’s not. The 50-year-old actress was leaving Cecconi’s restaurant in WeHo Thursday night … baring just enough to throw shade on everyone who…


Halle Berry: Here"s Proof I"m Not Pregnant (PHOTO)

Halle Berry couldn’t stomach rumors she was pregnant, so she let her stomach do the talking to prove she’s not. The 50-year-old actress was leaving Cecconi’s restaurant in WeHo Thursday night … baring just enough to throw shade on everyone who…


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Charles Woodson Says Tom Brady Is Madden Curse Proof (VIDEO)

Dear Patriots fans, Here’s Oakland Raiders legend Charles Woodson explaining why Tom Brady is completely immune to the Madden Curse. Listen to Charles, he knows all about bad luck. #RememberTheTuckRule


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tom Brady"s SB 49 Jersey -- PROOF OF LIFE!!! (PHOTO)

IT’S BACK!! Here’s the first photo of Tom Brady’s missing Super Bowl 49 jersey since it was recovered by Mexican authorities! VIVA MEXICO!!! The Mexican Attorney General’s Office has released the photo of the uniform — grass stains and all –…


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Donald Trump Wiretapping Claims, House Intel Committee Sets Monday Deadline for Proof

Donald Trump might have to fold or show his cards on his claims about Obama wiretapping his phones … the House Intelligence Committee wants proof by Monday. The committee — chaired by Republican Devin Nunes and ranking Democrat/Trump skeptic…


Donald Trump Wiretapping Claims, House Intel Committee Sets Monday Deadline for Proof

Donald Trump might have to fold or show his cards on his claims about Obama wiretapping his phones … the House Intelligence Committee wants proof by Monday. The committee — chaired by Republican Devin Nunes and ranking Democrat/Trump skeptic…


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: New Proof of Pregnancy?!

So there’s this new rumor going around, don’t know if you heard about it, that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant.

Yes, right in the middle of all the divorce drama with Javi Marroquin, she could be preparing to welcome her third kid.

What a wonderful world, right?

The rumors began because Kailyn has been more secretive than usual during the current season of Teen Mom 2, and also because when Javi caught her with another man, people believed tensions were higher than they should have been.

After that, people began saying that she “looked” pregnant in recent social media posts and public appearances.

About the rumors, Kailyn has said “LMAO,” and that they are “100 percent not true.”

She’s also said that if she “looks pregnant,” it’s because she’s put on a little bit of weight this winter.

But still, despite multiple denials, and despite any real proof, Teen Mom fans keep insisting that Kailyn is expecting one more child.

And that’s partially because Kailyn has kept right on making those cryptic tweets she’s so fond of.

Over the weekend, she wrote “Remember that life’s greatest lessons are usually learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes.”

Believe it or not, several people took this to be a pregnancy announcement.

Like, perhaps the mistake is hooking up with Javi in the middle of their divorce, and divorce is that “worst time,” and then the greatest lesson is that even sex with your ex-husband can result in pregnancy?

We’re not sure. But we do know that a more recent tweet of hers could be twisted much more easily to be about this fabled pregnancy.

“I may not have always made the best choices but I will say today I’m happy & my heart is so full,” she wrote.

It’s not at all difficult to make a statement like “I’m happy & my heart is so full” into a statement about pregnancy, right?

But if that’s still not good enough for you, then you should know that Radar has gone ahead and officially reported that she is, in fact, cooking up that third kid.

According to Radar, “multiple insiders” have confirmed that Kailyn is pregnant.

They also claim that the baby’s father is the man that Javi caught Kailyn hooking up with in an earlier episode of Teen Mom 2.

For what it’s worth, Kailyn’s rep has denied the entire report.

So at this point, we’re guessing only time will tell. That, or enough cryptic tweets to put this puzzle together.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Kate Middleton: Is This Proof She"s Suffering from Bulimia?!

Kate Middleton just cannot catch a break.

She can’t catch one with all those endless reports about how she’s the laziest royal in history, but lately she’s been the subject of a whole bunch of rumors about her health.

If we’re to believe the tabloids, Kate is suffering from bulimia.

Just yesterday, we discussed some new claims from the National Enquirer: claims about how the eating disorder knocked Kate, who is 5’9″, down to just 89 pounds.

If we’re to believe the Enquirer, Kate’s illness can be proved by just one photo of the duchess with a bandage on her finger.

“What does that even mean?” you might be wondering. “How can a bandage on a finger prove that she’s bulimic?”

Well, settle in, friends, because some doctor just ran his mouth to Radar and explained the whole dang thing.

Dr. Stuart Fischer explains that “It’s very common for women who suffer from bulimia to have cuts on their fingers and hands because they’re inducing vomiting, they are putting their fingers down their throat and will bite down on their fingers and knuckles.”

The good doctor continues by saying that “It’s highly suspicious that she is wearing band-aids on her hands so frequently.”

“It’s extremely unlikely she would be injured repetitively in these places on her hands. Kate would have to be a carpenter or someone opening oysters or claims for a living!”

Well, many people would say that Kate does literally nothing ever for a living, so that can’t be it.

But still, it seems like quite the conclusion to jump to, especially for a doctor, someone who knows how serious bulimia can be.

And he does know — he says that “It’s a frightful and damaging way to lose weight.”

“She’s got the best chefs in Europe,” he exclaims.

“She might feel immense pressure under the spotlight but it’s better than being under the ground in Westminster Abbey!”

Way to take it to a dark place, buddy.

While it’s true that Kate does have bandages on her fingers somewhat frequently — if you check out those three photos above, she’s wearing them in the first two, and her thumb appears to be cut in the third — that doesn’t mean she’s bulimic.

Maybe she likes to cook but isn’t that great at it. Maybe she has countless other hobbies that could hurt her fingers.

Or maybe little Charlotte is a biter. We don’t know.

The point is that yes, Kate is very thin, but she’s always been very thin. Sometimes that’s just how bodies are built.

Just because she’s slim and rocks a band-aid from time to time doesn’t mean she has an eating disorder, and it feels weird that we even have to say that.


Saturday, January 7, 2017

T.J. Miller"s Driver Says Here"s the Proof He Rode with Whip-Its! (PHOTO GALLERY)

The driver suing T.J. Miller for getting high and smacking him around might have some visual proof his story’s true — at least the “getting high” part — but T.J.’s attorney says it’s BS. TMZ obtained photos of Whip-It! refills the driver claims…


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Kanye West -- If Insurance Co. Wants Proof ... Just Listen to "Life of Pablo"! (AUDIO)

Whether Kanye West scores a $ 30 million payout from his insurance company could depend heavily on the lyrics from his latest album, “The Life of Pablo.”  We counted at least 3 ‘Pablo’ tracks where ‘Ye mentions struggling with…
