Showing posts with label Rescue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rescue. Show all posts

Monday, April 3, 2017

"Zoey 101" Star Matthew Underwood"s Blow-by-Blow of Baby Rescue (VIDEO)

Matthew Underwood thought he was looking at a couple of dead bodies — not heroin users — when he rescued a baby from a car crash police say was triggered by drug abuse. The former “Zoey 101” star walked us through the scene he came upon after a…


Friday, January 13, 2017

Uma Thurman to the Rescue of Fallen Photographer (VIDEO)

Uma Thurman’s custody hearing with her ex-fiance got off to a rocky start … for the paparazzo trying to shoot her as she walked into court. The video’s pretty hilarious for everyone but the guy who went down … hard. To her credit, Uma didn’t…


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Final 9/11 Rescue Dog Dies: Goodbye, Bretagne…

The animal kingdom has suffered a great loss.

The entire world has suffered a great loss, really.

Bretagne (pronounced Brittany), a 16-year old search and rescue dog, had to be put down this week.

She was the last search and rescue dog alive who helped search through the rubble of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Join us in honoring her memory below…

1. Near Ground Zero

Near ground zero

Denise Corliss, an electrical engineer from Texas, and a then-two-year-old Bretagne were deployed to the area around the World Trade Center a week after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

2. Long, Hard, Important Work

Long hard important work

Bretagne was one of approximately 300 dogs working after 9/11. She and her handler worked 12-hour shifts together for 10 days .

3. End of the Heroic Line

End of the heroic line

On June 6, just a few months shy of her 17th birthday, Bretagne had to be put to sleep. Her owner said she could no longer climb stairs at home and was experiencing kidney failure.

4. A Hero Until the End

A hero until the end

Up until her health failed, the caine was spending time at a a local elementary school as a dog that children could read to in order to practice their reading skills.

5. A Trip to Remember

A trip to remember

In 2014, Bretagne made her first trip visit back to New York since the attacks, visiting One World Trade Center.

6. A Sweet 16

A sweet 16

For her 16th birthday party, BarkPost threw Bretagne a party that brought her back to New York for festivities that included food, games and presents.

View Slideshow

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Rob Kardashian Just Drove 1,377 Miles to Rescue Blac Chyna

Rob Kardashian is actually really in love with Blac Chyna…

… or really dedicated to his act of vengeance against his family.


On Friday night, Chyna was arrested for public intoxication after boarding an airplane in Austin, Texas and causing quite the drunken scene.

After screaming at an employee and refusing to quiet down, Chyna was taken into custody by police who boarded the plane.

How did Rob react upon learning that his controversial new girlfriend was in trouble with the law?

According to TMZ, Kardashian hopped into his car almost immediately and drove from Beverly Hills to Texas in order to extricate Blac Chyna from the Lone Star state.

That’s a 1,377 mile drive.

Chyna shared a photo on Snapchat of her standing alongside a Bentley; a Bentley with a California license plate frame that has been confirmed as belonging to Rob.

“Bye Texas,” she wrote as a caption to the image.

Chyna was arrested at Austin International Airport Friday at 4:20 PM Texas time and the photo was posted at around 12:20 PM PST, 22 hours after the incident took place.

Insiders say that Rob’s relatives are concerned because they see this insane road trip as proof that Kardashian may be involved with drugs or alcohol.

They view it as an irrational course of action.

Due to Blac Chyna’s ongoing beef with Kylie Jenner (she is the ex-girlfriend and mother of Tyga’s son), Rob’s famous family members have made their negative feelings on the romance VERY clear.

But might Rob just be in love with Chyna?

Might this be the work of a caring boyfriend who is worried about his significant other and nothing so insidious?


All we know for now is that Rob and Blac are driving back to Los Angeles from Texas as we type and that this relationship is only just beginning.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West: Renewing Vows ... to Cement Popularity and Rescue Show?!

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are planning an over-the-top marriage vow renewal ceremony this summer, according to reports.

The motives of Kimye are suspect to say the least, however.

The duo’s second wedding anniversary is coming up in May, and what better way to celebrate than rake it in and rejuvenate their popularity?

Yes, that was cynical. But would you really be surprised?

“They want this to be a tradition, with an extravagant celebration instead of anything low-key,” an insider told Radar of the celebrities.

In typical fashion, “they both want next year’s ceremony to take place in Paris, where Kanye still wants to set up a home eventually.”

Or at least build an epic mansion there for two years while living with Kris Jenner, then turn around and sell it without ever moving in.

‘Ye is White House bound in 2020, after all. Don’t forget.

According to the celebrity gossip sources that bring us this story – and common sense – matriarch Kris Jenner is ALL ABOUT this plan.

“Kris has has told them they’d be crazy not to cash in, because their stock is so high right now and they’d easily make tens of millions.”

Naturally, the Momager is already pondering all the “sponsorships and media deals” she could score by “selling the rights to the event.”

While Kim insists she wants to keep things classy, “It’s highly likely she’ll cave in and do whatever for the cash if the offers are right.”

Especially with Keeping Up with the Kardashians ratings in free fall mode and Kris resorting to more and more desperate measures.

Who needs Justin Bieber shagging Kourtney or edited storylines when you can stage the Wedding of the Century II … or III, or IV?!

This is what dreams are made of.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Rescue Dog Experiences Joy of Very Own Bed

Is there any better feeling in the world than coming home to your own, soft bed after a long, hard day?

You just slide right under the covers and pull them up tight. Maybe you curl up with a book or turn on the TV. Perhaps you turn on your partner.

Or maybe you just go right to sleep.

No matter what, home is not really where your heart is. It"s where your bed is. And it just feels so gosh darn nice to tuck yourself in at night.

Now… imagine you are a rescue dog who has had a tough life. Imagine you"ve never even had your own bed before.

Imagine you then get brought into a foster home and led into a room and then told to go ahead, take a jump. Go for it. See how that bed feels.

Because it"s all yours!

Yes! Finally!

This is what"s about to go down in the following video, as a seven-year old bull terrier named Mellie is introduced to her first EVER bed.

And we"ve never seen an animal so happy in all of our lives. It puts a giant smile on our face just to watch this video… which we may or may not have done about 37 times already.

Get ready to laugh and cheer and then share with all your friends online.

And good luck getting anything done today that doesn"t include watching this footage over and over and over again.

Rescue dog experience pure joy of very own bed

Monday, October 5, 2015

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 2 Recap: To the Rescue?

There’s a fine line between good and evil.

As recapped below, this might as well have served as a tagline for Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 2

IN CAMELOT, King Arthur reveals that Merlin (who holds the key to turning Emma away from the Darkness) is trapped inside an old tree. Only the Savior can free him, Arthur says.

However, with Emma under a dark spell, that title now belongs to Regina, who tries to pull off a heroic side while attending a ball in her honor in Camelot.

But what began out as a night full of happiness and dancing quickly devolved into a nightmare of tears and bloodshed.

Apparently Percival recognized Regina from her Evil Queen days – when she burnt his childhood town to the ground… oops! – and he was out for revenge.

Fortunately, David stepped up and killed Percival before he could do Regina harm, though he also ended up fatally stabbing Robin Hood. Even bigger oops!

Because the weapon was enchanted, Regina’s magic was powerless to save him. So she had to plead with Emma to use her dark magic.

As we know of course, and as her inner-Rumpelstiltskin stated, all magic comes with a price. Therefore, if Regina wanted magic, she had to pay for it.

The natural question now remaining is this: How?!?

IN STORYBROOKE, residents were having a difficult time adjusting to Emma as the Dark One. Hook even attempt to fix her with True Love’s kiss, but had no luck.

These concerns were pushed aside, though, when a Fury appeared in town and kidnapped Robin in the hopes of bringing him to the underworld.

This magical bounty hunter showed up because Regina fails to pay her pride and the Fury took it upon himself to therefore take her man.

Regina did end up up sacrificing herself to save Robin, but when Mary Margaret and company joined in, they overpowered the Fury and destroyed it.

So it does appear as if the gang thinks Regina is officially a new Savior, one worth believing in.

Finally, after heading home for the evening, Emma is visited by her inner-Rumple once again. He tells of her a new task:

She must reunite Excalibur with the dagger in order to snuff her light out forever and free her from any attachment to her friends and loved ones. She’ll need to get someone to pull the famous sword out of the stone for her, however.

Check out the official ABC teaser for Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 3 to see where this might go:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Man Rides Rescue Pets Around in Custom-Built Dog Train

We try not to exaggerate too often here at The Hollywood Gossip, so take the following statement however you see fit:

This video may feature the greatest thing we have ever seen in our entire lives.

It stars Eugene Bostick, a Fort Worth, Texas native who retired 15 years ago, but who has since dedicated his life to helping Golden Retrievers in need.

The 80-year old tells The that he and his brother tragically witnessed numerous owners dumping their dogs out near their horse barn, “leaving them to starve.” So he “made a place for them to live.”

And now he"s made a unique way of ferrying them around town.

"One day I was out and I seen this guy with a tractor who attached these carts to pull rocks. I thought, "Dang, that would do for a dog train,"" said Bostick.

"I"m a pretty good welder, so I took these plastic barrels with holes cut in them, and put wheels under them and tied them together."

And there you have it. That"s how Bostick"s dog train was born and that"s how he transports his pets (nine at the moment) to and from town or to and from the local creek for a fun day out.

"Whenever they hear me hooking the tractor up to it, man, they get so excited," says Bostick. "They all come running and jump in on their own. They"re ready to go."."

This is amazing.

Man rides rescue pets around in custom built dog train