Saturday, November 21, 2015

Rescue Dog Experiences Joy of Very Own Bed

Is there any better feeling in the world than coming home to your own, soft bed after a long, hard day?

You just slide right under the covers and pull them up tight. Maybe you curl up with a book or turn on the TV. Perhaps you turn on your partner.

Or maybe you just go right to sleep.

No matter what, home is not really where your heart is. It"s where your bed is. And it just feels so gosh darn nice to tuck yourself in at night.

Now… imagine you are a rescue dog who has had a tough life. Imagine you"ve never even had your own bed before.

Imagine you then get brought into a foster home and led into a room and then told to go ahead, take a jump. Go for it. See how that bed feels.

Because it"s all yours!

Yes! Finally!

This is what"s about to go down in the following video, as a seven-year old bull terrier named Mellie is introduced to her first EVER bed.

And we"ve never seen an animal so happy in all of our lives. It puts a giant smile on our face just to watch this video… which we may or may not have done about 37 times already.

Get ready to laugh and cheer and then share with all your friends online.

And good luck getting anything done today that doesn"t include watching this footage over and over and over again.

Rescue dog experience pure joy of very own bed