Showing posts with label Saran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saran. Show all posts

Monday, June 26, 2017

Simon Saran: Farrah Abraham"s Mom is Trying to Steal Sophia (and Bangs Guys While Babysitting)!

Farrah Abraham’s troll slash boyfriend Simon Saran is at it again, taking the Teen Mom OG star’s mom to task in a series of brutal tweets.

As usual, he does not mince words.

Simon’s latest salvo was fired at Debra Danielsen’s fiance, Dr. David Merz, for basically ignoring everyone else so he could watch golf.

Twitter users were loving Simon’s take on the Teen Mom OG scene in question, but Debra came to the defense of her beau by noting:

“It was the Masters and the final few holes,” Danielsen said, referring to the sport’s marquee tournament in April. “Nothing else.”

The conclusion of the 2017 Masters was pretty all-time, in David’s slight defense, but clearly Simon’s words hit a little close to home.

“Simon isn’t even in the know. Haha! Just says sh!t to make money. He hurts people with his lies and thinks it is ok!” Deb added.

Things only escalated from there.

When fans accused her of talking s–t, Debra defended herself, clarifying, “I speak truth! No hate. Just want things to be happy and healthy.”

Perhaps she needs to look up what “happy and healthy” mean, because Debbo’s comments caught the attention of Saran yet again.

“You beg Farrah for screentime,” Simon responded in an alarming allegation. “Heard you and an attorney are talking to take Sophia away.”

Say what now!?

We had no knowledge of any such plot by Danielsen to fight for custody of Farrah’s daughter, but it’s perhaps Simon was just trolling.

Whether it’s true or not, his comment about Deb and Soph caught the attention of none other than … Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans!

Jenelle tagged Simon and tweeted, referencing Farrah’s mom and her own, “shiiiiit is Debra and Barbara talking now?! they are twins man.”

In any case, Simon wasn’t done.

Not even close. Upping the ante, he proved he’s not messing around by dropping a megaton bombshell on his mother-in-law-to-be:

“Here’s a truth for you Debrah slept with two different guys in 2 days her basement in Nebraska while she was suppose to be watching Sophia.”

Uhh. Really? It’s scary to think that this could be true, and that Sophia (presumably) found out about it, but Simon went on to add:

“Debra hasn’t worked in years. Leaches off of Farrah and Sophia. She doesn’t care about them like [Michael Abraham] does!”

Turning his attention back to Deb’s fiance, he continued, “David has another motive. Just like I called out Matt, this guy is on that level.”

“He’s hiding something big!”

Matt, of course, is Matt Baier – another frequent target for Simon’s tirades and one who is hiding “something big” every week it seems.

He did not elaborate on what exactly Dr. Dave is allegedly hiding, but Simon took one final parting shot … at his own employer.

“Farrah is so much happier when she’s not brainwashed by @bhurvitz #mtv” Sarah wrote, not pulling any punches as always.

He shared that with the image of himself and Farrah above. Guy literally never misses an opportunity to throw shade and stir the pot.


Friday, June 16, 2017

Simon Saran: Matt Baier DID Abuse Amber Portwood, and She Needs to Speak Up!

Is it just us, or does Amber Portwood seem intent on breaking our hearts these days?

She refuses to just leave Matt Baier alone — though she’s said they’ve broken up, they’re rumored to be going on Marriage Boot Camp together, so we’re not holding our breath on a permanent split.

Even after he was shown to have a pocket full of pills on TV, even after he embarrassed himself with the immortal words, “Do you forgive Daddy?”, she’s still involved with the creep.

It’s all very disappointing, but perhaps the most disappointing thing of all is that horrible Instagram Live rant Amber went on earlier this week.

In the video, she decided to open up about her history with abuse.

“I’ve been through domestic violence,” she said. “I was the one on the other f-cking end with the domestic violence — it went both ways.”

Meaning that in addition to being the one dishing out the physical violence, she was abused, too.

“However,” Amber went on, “I never opened my motherf-cking mouth about anybody ever f-cking hitting me! Anybody! Because that’s what a real f-cking woman does!”

“That’s what a real woman does. I can f-cking take that!”

Yes, that’s Amber explaining that a man she was in a relationship hit her, but she kept it to herself. Because apparently, that’s what a real woman does.

Except it’s not. At all. And that’s a really ignorant thing to say.

Amber’s on this thing right now where she feels the need to repeatedly remind everyone that she’s a “real woman,” whatever that means, so whatever she does is what a real woman does.

It’s been getting old for a while, but now it’s getting dangerous.

And Simon Saran, Farrah Abraham’s sometimes boyfriend and everybody’s favorite Teen Mom troll, isn’t standing for it.

He kicked off over on Twitter by claiming that yes, Matt was the one who abused Amber.

“Matt has punched her on several occasions,” he wrote. “Mtv does nothing. They are more worried about setting Farrah up on more fake dates.”

Simon also tweeted that “A real woman opens up about domestic violence. Don’t listen to that bimbo. You can save someone’s life later down the road.”

When one of his followers tried to defend Amber’s statement, saying that “it takes time to deal with domestic violence,” he still wasn’t having it.

“Time is against you in these situations,” he wrote. “It takes courage and fast action. Do not ever wait! One time is more than enough!”

“In the end, let’s not discourage her,” he added. “She needs help from you #TeenMomOG fans!”

Simon was so fired up, and rightfully so, that he carried his message on over on his Instagram page.

“I know a majority of my followers are from the show, but ladies and gents, don’t ever keep domestic violence on the hush,” he began.

“You can save someone’s life later down the road.”

Simon, ever our faithful Teen Mom guide, wrote that the “majority of these cast members are airheads,” but “clearly they have a huge following and fans will do whatever they say.”

“Be smart and think with your head!”

We never thought we’d say this, but thank goodness for Simon Saran.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Farrah Abraham Pregnancy: Confirmed By Simon Saran?

For the past week, rumors that Farrah Abraham is pregnant have been circulating non-stop on social media.

Part of the reason that the unconfirmed reports refuse to go away is that Farrah’s number one coattail-rider, Simon Saran, insists on dropping hints that he and Farrah are expecting a child.

So far, he’s favored relatively subtle methods, such as posting photos in which it looks like Farrah might be sporting a baby bump, but today he decided to kick it up several notches:

Asked by Radar Online if Farrah is knocked up, Simon responded, “Yes, she’s 26 and pregnant.”

Now, before you get too excited/devastated about the prospect of Abraham welcoming a second child, you should know that Simon has a unique sense of humor.

And by “unique,” we mean bad, unfunny, and just generally very lame.

Radar notes that Saran’s comment was “perhaps joking” when he made the remark.

You might be asking yourself, how is it possible for such a straightforward statement to be a joke?

That’s a good and difficult question that we feel qualified to answer, having endured the arduous task of scrolling through Simon’s Twitter page.

You see, Saran thinks any word play-ish reference to the titles of Farrah’s reality shows is absolutely fall-down HIGH-larious.

So when he says she’s “26 and pregnant,” that’s not necessarily his way of confirming that she’s actually pregnant.

You have to imagine Simon nudging you in the ribs and saying, “Ya know? Like 16 and Pregnant!”

It’s best to politely chuckle and hope that he’ll go away.

The statement contradicts Simon’s earlier remarks on the subject, in which he blamed Farrah’s “baby bump photos” on … Dr. Pepper?

Yeah, we don’t get it either.

“She’s not pregnant. I believe she had too much Dr. Pepper to drink for breakfast that left her looking bloated,” he told Radar last week.

Erm … is Dr. Pepper for breakfast, like, a pop-culture reference that went over our heads, or something?

More likely, Simon is just batting .1000 with the nonsensical jokes lately and enjoying every second of the attention that comes with his ex-girlfriend possibly being pregnant.

Naver change, homey.

Just kidding, change immediately; your whole thing just isn’t working for us.

Watch Teen Mom online for more of Simon’s wacky hijinks.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Simon Saran: Ryan Edwards Got Drugs From Teen Mom Producers!

Even when the cameras aren’t rolling, the drama never stops with the Teen Mom cast and their oft-shady boyfriends and baby daddies.

The biggest shade-thrower of the lot, of course, is Farrah Abraham’s on-again, off-again boyfriend/sugar daddy Simon Saran.

Saran has started fights with Amber Portwood, Matt Baier, Debra Danielsen, and just about everyone else who’s run afoul of Farrah over the years.

Now, Simon has apparently decided to kick a member of the Teen Mom family while he’s down and unable to respond, going after Ryan Edwards with a bizarre and seriously inflammatory tweet.

In case you missed it, Edwards checked into rehab recently following a long and highly-publicized battle with substance abuse.

His ex, Maci Bookout, broke down in tears during a recent episode, revealing that she fears Edwards’ addiction will cost him his life.

Needless to say, Ryan’s going through a tough time, and most who know him well have sent nothing but positive energy and well wishes in his direction.

Naturally, Simple Simon has served as the exception to that rule.

Earlier this week, Saran took to Twitter to level a shocking accusation with no proof or elaboration:

He claims that Teen Mom producer Kirsten “Kiki” Malone provided Edwards with the prescription pills he was addicted to during filming:

“I wonder if I should talk about [Kiki] giving Ryan pills during shoots or save that for another day,” Saran tweeted.

It’s a particularly low blow as Ryan is in rehab and unable to respond to the accusations himself.

And like the sniveling coward that he is, Saran has offered no details or responded to requests for further comment.

Look we’re not saying with 100% certainty that Malone didn’t provide Edwards with his drug of choice, but it’s important to bear two very important things in mind:

1. Few details are known about Edwards’ addiction. He could have been prescribed the pills, and Malone “providing” him with drugs could have been nothing more than her literally handing him a pill.

2. Like Farrah, Simon Saran is never to be trusted under any circumstances.

Watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself of the extent of Saran’s rampant douchery.


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Farrah Abraham and Simon Saran: Actually Getting Married?!

It’s been so hard to keep up with all of the relationship shenanigans of Farrah Abraham and Simon Saran, but let’s try anyway, OK?

Otherwise how would we be able to enjoy outrageously dumb and alarming updates like these new wedding rumors?

So let’s see, Farrah began dating Simon sometime towards the end of 2014, and it’s been madness ever since.

They’ve broken up, gotten back together, gotten into nasty fights, said awful things about each other on social media and to the press, cozied up to each other whenever they thought it could get them a bit of attention.

It seems like the unhealthiest of relationships, but darn it, we can never look away.

And if these new photos of the (un)happy couple are anything to go by, it seems like we may never have to.

That’s Farrah and Simon looking mighty friendly … in an Indian bridal boutique.

That’s “bridal” as in “bride,” as in “wedding” as in “oh no no no, these two can’t possibly be planning on getting married, right?!”

Simon posted a series of photos from the boutique — they’re apparently filming for his Teen Mom OG spin-off web series, Being Simon.

His followers were quick to assume that the photos were evidence of an upcoming wedding.

Some comments were sweet, things about how Farrah looks nice in the outfits and how “Indian weddings are sooooo lit!”

But most of them weren’t so kind.

“You really want to spend the rest of your life with her?” one person asked. “Look how she treats her own mom!!! Girl has NO respect…”

Another person told him “You just destroyed Indian culture with one pic.”

Several people advised him to run, which, you know, is pretty good advice.

It looks like Farrah’s daughter, Sophia, also got in on the fun — Farrah shared this photo featuring her in her own Indian fashions:

Could that be a flower girl ensemble?

If you feel like maybe this whole thing is just another publicity stunt, there’s one more concerning piece of evidence: the bridal boutique shared the photos of Farrah on their own page.

And they used the hashtag “Indian bride.”

It’s all pretty scary to think about, but Farrah herself has come forward to deny the rumors, telling In Touch that she just wanted to learn about Simon’s culture.

In fact, she told the publication that she’s not dating Simon right now, or anyone else, for that matter.

When she was asked if she thought that she and Simon would eventually settle down together, she said “No, I don’t really plan to.”

“I paid for my own ring — I can just do it all on my own and marry myself, really. That would be the best honeymoon, the best life — it’ll be good!”

Hey, whatever works, girl.


Friday, March 31, 2017

Farrah Abraham and Simon Saran Break Up ... Again

Sad news for fans of love and romance and happy endings … though why you’d be looking at Farrah Abraham for any of these things doesn’t really make sense.

Farrah and her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Simon Saran, are officially off again.

And it actually seems pretty serious this time.

It all started when Simon had the nerve to post a photo on social media of himself out at a club with some friends, along with a couple of women, heaven forbid.

Farrah flipped out, as Farrah is wont to do, and shared a photo on Snapchat with the caption “When your ex can only get bottle girls LMAO FaceLike.”

We assumed that meant that they’d broken up, but Simon has confirmed the sad news in a new interview with Hollywood Life.

“I think Farrah overreacted based on her emotions,” he explains. “There’s a harmless picture, and that’s all it is is a picture.”

“But I get it,” he adds. “I am a really handsome guy with a great sense of humor and it is something that is very hard to let go of.”

Oh, Simon. Oh, honey. No. Stop.

Though he did share this amazingly accurate meme, so we can’t hate on him too hard:

“A good man is hard to find cuz he ain’t lookin’ for you” … truer words, right?

About the status of his relationship with Farrah right now, he says “I think we are taking a break,” which makes it sound like he knows they’re going to get back together as soon as she cools down or one of them requires some attention.

The issue, he says, is things are difficult when Teen Mom OG is filming because Farrah turns into that nasty, awful monster we see every season.

And they’re filming right now, so the nightmare is real.

As Simon describes it, “During filming season she has a split attitude that I really can’t deal with. She turns into a whole different creature that I don’t really have the patience for anymore.”

And speaking of having a “split attitude” … it looks like this latest breakup has sent Farrah to a very dark place.

She’s deleted both her Instagram and Twitter accounts, though she kept her Snapchat.

It’s a good thing, too, because how else would she show Simon what he’s missing?

She’s in Miami right now, where she ran into Mob Wives star and fellow Marriage Boot Camp attendee, Renee Graziano:

“Single & ready to mingle,” get it? Because Simon messed up by being in a place with other women, so she’s going to get with other dudes ASAP?

Real mature, Farrah. As always.

She also shared a totally topless photo, because hey, why not?

Feast your eyes on this, Simon:

Bet you’re totally regretting being around other girls now, huh? You could have been in Miami with this, but instead you’re single and away from Farrah’s insanity and …

On second thought, congrats, Simon.

Now teach the rest of us how to get away from her.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Throwing Shade at Simon Saran on Snapchat!

Remember last week when Amber Portwood invited Simon Saran and Farrah Abraham to her wedding?

In case you missed it, Farrah and Simon were huge d-bags about the whole thing and publicly rejected the invite.

But as many fans pointed out, there was something strange about their reaction.

Simon was the first to throw shade, but he seemed to do so in a particularly half-hearted fashion, comparing Amber and Matt’s wedding to a “circus.”

(A lame diss even by Simon’s not-so-lofty standards.)

Farrah didn’t respond until days later, almost as if she hadn’t heard about the invite.

But how could Simon be aware of the invitation and not Farrah?

Perhaps for the same reason Simon offered up such a lazy, tepid response to an olive branch from Farrah’s rivals.

Yes, there are reports that Farrah and Simon have broken up yet again, and the above Snapchat pic isn’t doing much to suppress those rumors.

“When your ex can only get bottle girls LMAO face like,” Farrah wrote.

Sure, she could be talking about a different ex, but Simon really fits the profile on this one.

He’s well-off financially (or at least he pretends to be), so he’s probably the type of dude that enjoys bottle service in the VIP.

During their relationship, Farrah frequently pointed out to him that he can’t do any better.

It wouldn’t be the first time that Farrah and Simon called it quits, and the last time we saw these two on Teen Mom: OG, they weren’t exactly killing it in the relationship department.

“I can’t believe the person who I was trying to have a good relationship with really turned out to be someone who is kind of unstable,” Farrah said about Simon in one of the show’s most recent episodes.

It was the most understated dramatic statment of all time, but words have never been Farrah’s strong suit, and we know what she was trying to say.

She figured Simon would be a nice, reliable sugar-daddy/doormat, but he turned out to be almost as emotionally unstable as she is.

A relationship can’t have two Farrahs, or the resulting mushroom cloud would envelop the Earth and bring about the End Times.

And even Farrah knows that in the End Times, no one spends any money on sex tapes.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive Farrah and Simon’s horrendous-from-day-one relationship.


Friday, March 24, 2017

Simon Saran SLAMS Amber Portwood & Matt Baier Over Wedding Invite!

For someone who seems to be trying to make a career out of being a douche, Simon Saran simply isn’t very good at trash talk.

We suppose if you talk about the quantity of shade thrown he’s posting GOAT-level numbers, but the humor is on the level of rpast night at a community college frat house.

Simon’s not sending anyone running to the burn unit, is what we’re saying.

These days, the main target of his weak-sauce disses is Amber Portwood and her fiance, Matt Baier.

Now, you really couldn’t ask for an easier target than Baier.

The man is a middle-aged Teen Mom obsessive and deadbeat dad who’s marrying Amber after unsuccessfully cyber-stalking several of her co-stars.

Saran has taken shots at Baier on several occasions, but they never quite land the way they should.

His latest attempt at insult comedy was inspired by Amber’s recent comments about her upcoming wedding.

To the surprise of many Portwood revealed that she plans to invite all of her Teen Mom co-stars – including Simon and Farrah Abraham – to watch her say “I do.”

“Every single Teen Mom [star] will be invited,” Amber told People.

“Every single one from Teen Mom 2 and Teen Mom OG.”

It was a surprising announcement, as the last time we saw all four castmembers in the same place was when Amber and Farrah fought at last season’s Teen Mom: OG reunion show.

Simon might actually be the thirstiest of the franchise’s deeply parched star, so it was only a matter of time before he sounded off on Amber’s comments.

And, as expected, his smack talk was as lame as Farrah’s claims that her porn debut was actually an amateur sex tape:

“I haven’t been to a circus in a while, it could be fun,” Saran told Radar Online.


You bothered to make a statement, but you couldn’t come up with anything better than comparing their wedding to a circus?

If you follow him on Twitter, you know that Simon is constantly trying to pick a fight with Amber and Matt.

Saran’s insults are usually uninspired, but this latest is corny even by his standards.

“All of a sudden everyone is buying a house,” he joked when Portwood and Baier were looking at homes this season.

“Everyone got their MTV bonuses and got no jobs! You actually need to have a job and do something with your life to have an office Matt!”

That’s a bit more like it, but before we can co-sign that burn, we’d like to know what percentage of Simon’s income is Teen Mom-related.

If it’s more than half, he surrenders his right to take shots at Matt’s joblessness.

Sorry, Simon.

Them’s the arbitrary rules we just made up.

Watch Teen Mom online to enjoy the sight of Simon and Farrah pretending they like each other.


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Farrah Abraham & Simon Saran: Back Together!

Yesterday, we reported that Simon Saran inserted himself in the drama surrounding Tyler Baltierra joking confession that he cheated on Catelynn Lowell.

(We hope Tyler learned a valuable lesson about the Internet’s inability to understand sarcasm.)

Many wondered why Saran was still meddling in the lives of Teen Mom cast members despite the fact that Farrah dumped him back in May of 2016.

Now, it seems we have our answer …

Actually, we have two answers:

1. Simon is thirstier than a ficus in the Sahara, and the harassing Teen Mom stars is the only thing that’s ever brought him any attention.

2. It seems that Simon and Farrah are actually back together.

We already knew that Farrah had a stellar Valentine’s Day thanks to all the presents her daughter bought her, but yesterday, she revealed that the day was extra special thanks to a reconciliation with Saran.

She broke the news with the pic above, and confirmed with this photo of Saran and … Colin Kaepernick?

Yes, Simon and Farrah each posted the above shot of Kap, confirming both that they’ve been spending a lot of time together in LA, and that Farrah is profoundly confused about her own political beliefs.

We’re guessing the fact that Farrah is a Trump supporter went unmentioned at this little meet-and-greet.

Of course, Kaepernick is one of those folks who foolishly believes both candidates were equally unsuited for the job, so maybe he and Farrah decided to team up on designing a submarine with screen doors or something.

We’re getting off topic …

The point is, Farrah and Simon are definitely back together.

If you’ll recall, when they last parted ways, Abraham was pressuring Saran to propose.

So now that they’re back on, fans are already wondering when he’ll pop the question.

Some are going so far as to pore over pics of Farrah in search of a rock on her left hand, but we can’t help but feel that that’s a waste of time.

This is Farrah Abraham we’re talking about.

When she eventually suckers some poor soul into putting a ring on it, she won’t be keeping it on the down-low.

In fact, she’ll probably take out a full-page ad in Variety to inform the industry that she’s auctioning off TV rights to the wedding.

MTV won’t be happy, but as Farrah has reminded us many times, she’s bigger than Teen Mom!


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Simon Saran: I"m Here For Catelynn Lowell!

Wait… is Simon Saran trying to play the peacekeeper of the Teen Mom cast these days?

Farrah Abraham’s boyfriend has shockingly opened up about the cheating allegations surrounding Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell and his comments are surprisingly nice. 

“I feel really bad about everything,” Saran told Radar.

“Marriage is something sacred between two people.”

If you watch Teen Mom online, you’re probably wondering what the heck Simon knows about being in a loving relationship when all he and Farrah seem to do is argue.

“I’m here for Catelynn if she needs anything,” Simon continued.

It’s really difficult to judge whether Simon is being genuine or just trying to kick off another feud amongst everyone involved in the Teen Mom franchise. 

Like Farrah, he has a knack for causing drama. It makes for good TV, but it leads to everyone questioning his motives when he is nice. 

He even went as far as shouting on a weekly basis via Snapchat about how much he hated his fellow cast members.

There was a terrible excuse about why the cheating would not be addressed on the series. Apparently, it did not fit the narrative for Baltierra and Lowell. 

Surely, a bomb as huge as that would be used as a way to drum up some free publicity. The rumors could’ve been concocted out of thin air. 

Tyler was quick to admit to cheating, but it seemed like he was joking. 

“Damn it! We really tried keeping that a secret too! Well I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist her/him… idk it was dark and I was drunk,” he tweeted, as Lowell added, “Well since it’s out in the open @TylerBaltierra did cheat on me. He’s busted.”

Now, with all of that fake drama very much out in the open, Saran emerging from the woodwork is certainly odd. 

However, he’s not the only cast member to open up about it. 

Javi Marroquin and Amber Portwood recently revealed their thoughts on the matter, and they seemed to think that the rumors were untrue. 

Given the way they came about, it all seems pretty absurd. 

Either way, these cheating rumors and Simon extending the olive branch should be taken with a pinch of salt. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Engaged to Simon Saran?!?

Big news for Farrah Abraham!

Remember that time that Farrah so mortifyingly bought herself an engagement ring on the assumption that her on-again, off-again boyfriend Simon Saran would propose?

It happened last year — as Farrah explained on Teen Mom OG, she brought a ring “that Simon had organized.” 

So romantic, right?

“I thought he was going to propose,” she explained, “and nothing’s ever happened. I’ve had this ring. Simon still has not paid me back for it.”

Poor Farrah said that “He said to get it and was excited about it,” but somehow things fell through.

“I’m just really upset he did that,” our favorite trashy reality star lamented.

All that happened several months ago at this point, and nothing ever really came of it.

We never heard if Simon paid her back for the ring that she saw and liked and purchased, or if it’s still locked away somewhere, waiting for the guy dumb enough to propose to Farrah.

But last night, Farrah posted a series of photos to Snapchat, all of them featuring a great big diamond ring.

Is this it?! Is this the fabled engagement ring we heard so much about, or perhaps some new engagement ring without such a sad history?

Did Farrah finally wear Simon down enough to convince him to marry her?

We don’t know. At this point, it’s all just so new and exciting.

So let’s just keep looking at that big ol’ rock, shall we?

Before we get carried away though, we should point out that in some of these photos, Farrah seems to be wearing the ring on her right hand instead of her left.

Also, Farrah hasn’t said a word about an engagement on any of her social media accounts, and neither has Simon. It seems like if they actually got engaged, neither of them would able to keep that to themselves.

There’d be insufferable tweet after poorly communicated Instagram caption, and it would never, ever stop.

And in one of Farrah’s Snapchats of the ring, she wrote “Because I can,” which sounds like she just bought herself a big fancy ring with all her teen pregnancy/porn money, right?

But hey, maybe she did get engaged and the proposal changed her, you know?

Maybe the commitment helped her to mature a little, maybe it helped her to realize the important things in life.

Perhaps even now she’s out there somewhere, gazing at the symbol of her future husband’s love and smiling because she knows that their upcoming vows are a precious secret only they share.

… Nah, she probably just dropped some Teen Mom money on some new baubles.

It’s probably better this way.


Friday, November 4, 2016

Farrah Abraham: ANOTHER Nude Pic Shared by Simon Saran!

Farrah Abraham has gone nude many times. 

Many times. Many, many times.

She made her sex tape that was not at all porn, you freaks, it was just a sex tape that she made privately with her boyfriend at the time, very famous porn star James Deen.

That video was the stuff nightmares are made of — very specific, extremely unwelcome X-rated nightmares — and we seriously saw every inch of this girl.

In addition to the sex tape (which was definitely not porn), Farrah also works as a stripper from time to time.

And if, after all that, you feel like you could still stand to be more familiar with her naughty bits, she also had sex toys modeled after her very own genitals.

If you still feel like you just haven’t seen enough of Farrah, well, for one, maybe consider some counseling.

And after that, feel free to just follow Simon Saran on social media.

Simon is Farrah’s on-again, off-again boyfriend, and he’s posted a rather racy pic of Farrah in the past.

It looks like it’s turning out to be a habit though, because Simon just shared another nude on Snapchat.

And this one is pretty damn scandalous:

See what we mean?

We’re a shadow and a few pixels away from a straight up vagina shot with this.

And no, we’re not OK.

Why is Simon even in a position to take a photo like this?

Farrah is awful to him 100% of the time, she treats him like garbage, and he’s still around to see her naked?

And what kind of relationship is this where Farrah looks at her phone while crouched naked on a bed, Simon sees it and takes a picture of it, then shares that picture on Snapchat?

Why do these people insist on being so ridiculous all the time?

What does it all MEAN?!

We may never know the answers to any of these questions.

And really, we may be better off for it.
