Showing posts with label Schwarzenegger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schwarzenegger. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger Fires Income Tax Shot Across Trump"s Bow

If it’s a fight President Trump wants, it looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s willing to give him one — and now he’s ripping DJT for his infamous, still-unreleased, income tax records. Hours after Trump’s Friday morning swipe at Arnold’s record as…


Donald Trump Continues Schwarzenegger Attack

Donald Trump has doubled down on Arnold Schwarzenegger, not only trashing his performance on ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ but ripping him over his tenure as Governor of California. Trump tweeted, “Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger did a really bad job as…


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger SLAMS Donald Trump: Let ME Be President, Girly Man!

Donald Trump"s bafflingly successful presidential campaign was centered around convincing Americans that his doughiness, advanced age, sickly complexion, and inability to take a joke at his own expense, the Donald is a high-testosterone, giant-handed alpha sex machine.

Of course, if you tell a lie long enough, you begin to believe it yourself, and it seems that"s what"s happened with Trump, who will begin posting Putin-esque shirtless cowboy selfies any day now.

Laboring under the mistaken belief that his lifetime of cushy, sedentary jobs and constant fast food consumption has sculpted him into the perfect specimen of masculinity, Trump has decided to take on a man who should who"s the literal living embodiment of the word badass.

We"re talking, of course, about Arnold Schwarzenegger.

As you"ve probably heard by now, Schwarzenegger replaced Trump as host of the Celebrity Apprentice, when Trump was promoted to what he clearly sees as an only slightly more important gig.

Because Trump is what happens when you coat the human ego in Cheeto powder and bring to life Frankenstein-style, he"s been taking shots at Schwarzenegger on Twitter, suggesting that the former California governor and freakin" Terminator is less popular than the most hated president in US history.

Today, Trump appeared at the National Prayer Breakfast, usually a solemn, respectful occasion, as its name would suggest.

But this Donald Trump is Donald f–king Trump, he took advantage of the opportunity to fire more shots at his reality TV rival.

Fortunately, Arnie fired back in epic fashion.

Check out both men"s comments in the video below:

Arnold schwarzenegger slams donald trump let me be president gir

Donald Trump Trashes Arnold Schwarzenegger ... "Say a Prayer" for "Apprentice" Ratings (VIDEO)

Donald Trump just cut off his nose to spite his face by calling out Arnold Schwarzenegger and the show which supposedly lines the president’s pockets with money. Trump was at the National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. Thursday when he took aim at the…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger on Immigration Ban: It Makes Us Look Stupid!

By now, the whole world has heard about Donald Trump’s latest vile act as President of the United States. 

It was revealed just a few days ago that Trump was banning people from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the country. 

This would even extend to people who hold a visa for the U.S and even if they had family in the United States. The whole thing is pretty ludicrous and celebrities were quick to voice their displeasure at the way Trump was going about things. 

Arnold Schwarzenegger is the latest celebrity to weigh in on the ban and he seems to think it paints America in a bad way. 

“It’s crazy and makes us look stupid when the White House is ill-prepared to put this kind of executive order out there,” Schwarzenegger told ExtraTV during an interview on Monday.

“I think the real problem is that it was vetted badly. If they would run this by the Justice Department and Homeland Security and had the lawyers really study and focus on it and give it some time to do it the right way,” he added.

“I know what he’s trying to accomplish.” He says.

“His fear about people coming in from other places, causing harm to the country, there is another way to going about it to do it the right way and accomplish all of the goals. I think they were hasty with it.”

Before Trump became President, he had a lot of promises, but nobody really expected him to follow through on them… until now. 

Schwarzenegger previously sparred with Trump on social media when Trump poked fun at Celebrity Apprentice tanking in the ratings. 

However, Arnie wants the show to have his own mark on it. 

“I put my own mark on it, and it has been extremely entertaining and a lot of fun doing it.”

“To work with so many celebrities that are really talented, you have all these different people working together, and making them get out of their comfort zone and making them do something they’ve never been done before… and it’s fun to watch that and, of course, I am a fan of a lot of them myself.”

How do you feel about Trump’s ban?

Hit the comments below!


Arnold Schwarzenegger Goes All American After Taking on Trump (PHOTO)

Arnold Schwarzenegger showed his true colors Monday after calling President Trump out for making the U.S. look “stupid.” The bodybuilder-turned-movie star-turned-politician was tooling around Venice, CA wearing red, white and blue.   He weighed…


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger Meets Pope Francis (PHOTOS)

While Washington D.C. is getting tuned upside down, the Terminator came face-to-face with His Holiness on the other side of the planet. Arnold Schwarzenegger met with Pope Francis Wednesday at the Vatican. Arnold’s there promoting his low-carbon and…


Friday, January 6, 2017

TMZ Live: Trump vs Schwarzenegger: "Apprentice" Ratings War

TMZ Live no longer supports comments, but the article comments section is still open. ON TODAY’S SHOW Nicki Minaj: Reuniting With Ex? Vivica A. Fox: Not Stripping For Gays Birdman: ‘Carter V’ Is Coming Out! Jerry Springer: The New Elvis? SKYPE US…


Arnold Schwarzenegger Fires Back at Donald Trump: Go Do Your Job!

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a message for Donald Trump.

Actually, Arnold Schwarzenegger has a few messages for Donald Trump.

Just hours after the President-Elect went on one of his typical Twitter storms – slamming Schwarzenegger as a has-been due to the poor ratings for this week’s Celebrity Apprentice premiere – the ex-movie star has fired back.


The NBC reality show returned on Monday night to 4.9 million total viewers, along with a 1.3 rating in the key demographic of adults 18-49.

The previous season premiere, which was hosted by Trump and aired back in January 2015, garnered 6.8 million viewers and earned a 2.4 in this same under age category.

That’s a pretty huge dropoff.

And it’s one The Donald took pointed notice of on social media.

“Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got ‘swamped’ (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT,” Trump tweeted on Friday, morning.

Added the impending President of the United States:

“So much for being a movie star-and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1. But who cares, he supported Kasich & Hillary.”

In this case, at least, we have to give Trump credit:

He got his numbers right.

This rarely happens when it comes to Trump on Twitter.

Schwarzenegger, the former Republican Governor of California, has never been one to back down from a fight, however.

So he quickly jumped on social media and took Trump down with a couple piece of advice.

“There’s nothing more important that the people’s work, @realDonaldTrump,.

“I wish you the best of luck and I hope you’ll work for ALL of the American people as aggressively as you worked for your ratings.”

Damn! Shots fired!

And Schwarzenegger wasn’t finished, either.

djt tweets

“Please study this quote from [Abraham] Lincoln’s inaugural, @realDonald Trump,” he wrote. “It inspired me every day I was Governor, and I hope it inspires you.”

Schwarzenegger then went ahead and read the quote in a video. This is what it says:

We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.

The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

Without doubt, these profound, helpful words will turn Trump around and he’ll focus entirely on governing the country, sympathizing with all Americans and doing everything he can actually make this country better.

Darn. We almost did it.

We almost wrote that entire paragraph with a straight face.

It’s worth noting that Trump is an executive producer on The Apprentice.

This is ridiculous, yet it’s true.

It means he actually makes money if you watch the show, which could explain why he’s so bitter over these terrible ratings.

The guy is clearly in need of money. A lot of money. He may owe Russia hundreds of millions of dollars.

Expect Vladimir Putin to hack into the NBC ratings database any day now.


Arnold Schwarzenegger Tells Trumps To Focus on U.S., Not TV Ratings (VIDEO)

Arnold Schwarzenegger just fired back at Donald Trump, calling out his priorities and commitment to making America great again. Arnold is clearly reacting to Trump’s blustery tweet, in which he says Schwarzenegger got creamed in ‘Celebrity…


Donald Trump To Arnold Schwarzenegger: Good Job Terminating The Celebrity Apprentice!

Donald Trump is not impressed in the slightest with The New Celebrity Apprentice. 

If you recall, Arnold Schwarzenegger replaced Trump on the most recent season of the former NBC hit, but that was not the only change in store. 

There was a new receptionist, a location change and even a Terminator inspired catchphrase. It was actually pretty good.

Then again, after being off the air for so long, we were probably just glad to have the show back. 

Turns out, considerably less viewers checked the show out with the addition of Schwarzenegger.

The first episode could only muster 4.9 million viewers and a 1.3 rating in the all important 18-49 demographic. 

That’s down from the 6.8 million and 2.4 rating from the premiere of the final Donald Trump fronted season which hit the air in January, 2015. 

We can’t be the only ones who expected some bumper ratings – at least for the premiere.

There’s usually a curiosity factor that accompanies casting stunts like this. 

Trump was quick to trash Arnold’s appearance after finding out just how terrible the ratings were. 

“Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got ‘swamped’ (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT,” Trump, 70, tweeted on Friday, January 6.

“So much for being a movie star-and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1. But who cares, he supported [John] Kasich & Hillary [Clinton].”

We sure hope Trump had FedEX on speed dial to send Arnie some ice for that burn. 

Ever since it was announced that the former Governer of California would be taking Donald’s place on the reality series, Donald has made it clear he wants nothing to do with the show. 

When people voiced their pleasure at Trump being ousted from the show, his adviser Kellyanne Conway revealed that Trump would still keep an executive producer credit on the show.

However, Trump later boasted on Twitter about the fact that he would have absolutely nothing to do with the show. 

If you want to watch the likes of Nicole Snooki Polizzi, Porsha Williams and Boy George try to prove they have any business savvy, then tune in on Monday nights because it’s actually pretty fun to watch them realize they do not. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Chael Sonnen -- Arnold Schwarzenegger Coulda Killed ... As MMA Fighter (VIDEO)

He’s been a bodybuilding champion, a movie star, and the governor of California … but  Chael Sonnen still thinks Arnold Schwarzenegger missed his calling … as a dominant MMA fighter. We got Chael out in L.A. and asked how he thought Arnold…


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Arnold Schwarzenegger -- Do I Say You"re "Fired," "Terminated," or What? (VIDEO)


Arnold Schwarzenegger has a problem … he’s got way too many taglines for “Celebrity Apprentice.”

Arnold was practicing his intonations on Snapchat, and it seems he’s missing something so obvious.

Hasta la vista, baby.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Donald Trump -- Face-to-Face with Replacement Arnold Schwarzenegger at Debate




Mark Burnett is a genius … not exactly news, but the timing of the announcement that Arnold Schwarzenegger will become the new host of ‘Celebrity Apprentice‘ couldn’t be better, because we’ve learned Arnold will be front and center at Wednesday’s Republican debate. 


We’re told the former California governor was always planning to attend the 2nd debate at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, and the timing of the announcement is not accidental.

Our sources say there will be some contact between Donald and Arnold … likely a handshake and a short conversation that will not be picked up on mic.   

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Patrick Schwarzenegger Joins The Cast Of Scream Queens Just 10 Days Before It Premieres!

We’re not sure how this happened, but we’re totally supporting it!

Scream Queens is one of the most anticipated new shows of the Fall TV season, and it seems like Ryan Murphy is gearing up for it’s potential success by adding more and more characters.

Even though the horror/drama premieres in just ten days, Patrick Schwarzenegger was just announced as a new cast member on Saturday!

[ Video: Scream Queen‘s Opening Credits Are Campy/Scary Fun! ]

Most of the season has had to have been filmed by now, so we’re not too sure what role he’ll be playing in the story line, but we do know the 21-year-old will be playing Glen Powell‘s younger brother Thad.

The rest of the all-star cast is made up of Emma Roberts, Lea Michele, Abigail Breslin, Ariana Grande, Nick Jonas, Jamie Lee Curtis, Keke Palmer, Skyler Samuels, Diego Boneta, Lucien Laviscount, Oliver Hudson, Niecy Nash, Nasim Pedrad, and Billie Lorde, so we can’t wait to watch the murders get started!

Will U be tuning in for the two-hour series premiere of Scream Queens on Tuesday, September 22 on FOX??

[Image via Patrick Schwarzenegger/Instagram.]