Showing posts with label Shore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shore. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Floribama Shore Season 2 Episode 2 Recap: World War Toothpaste

Don’t mess with Aimee’s toothpaste, bruh!

On Floribama Shore Season 2 Episode 2, Aimee flipped the eff out over some wasted toothpaste as a new prank from Codi sent her into an emotional meltdown. 

“Nilsa, who squirted my toothpaste all on the f–king floor?” she asked Nilsa Prowant after noticing what happened. 

“In this house, since I walked in here, there’s been nothing but bullshit,” Aimee subsequently said in a confessional. “I’m so angry right now. This isn’t some off brand f–king toothpaste. This is the good stuff.”

Aimee then made her way downstairs in a robe and a blue wig to unleash holy hell on her fellow houseguests. 

“Y’all better say a prayer for us up in here because it’s about to go down,” said Nilsa as her friend made her way downstairs to confront Codi and Gus. 

The duo previously pulled a prank on Kortni by moving all of her belongings into another room in the aftermath of a huge fight. 

“Bitch, I know your messy ass did that shit,” Aimee said to Codi, who denied having anything to do with the incident. 

The pair went at it, argued, and Aimee even hit Codi when he called her a “Cotton Candy Bitch.” 

Aimee did not grow up in a wealthy household, so she admitted that she likes to look after what she does have and felt betrayed at the way it all went down. 

Gus was mad because he came from a similar family to Aimee’s and was cut up about how this affected his friend. In the end, the houseguests managed to put the feud to bed. 

But then there was Jeremiah and Codi. If you watch Floribama Shore online, you know that the pair hates one another and would probably rather speaking to Angelina Pivarnick than each other. 

Yes, the relationship is that frosty.  

Codi was especially mad that Jeremiah shut him down when he tried to help calm Kortni down after her bust-up with Logan.

Codi waited until the next day to call Jeremiah out for his actions and maintained that if anyone is a tough situation, they should not look to Jeremiah for assistance. 

Jeremiah made a good point: He was the one who helped Codi when he returned to the house following his grandfather’s death. Jeremiah struggles to build connections, and it could be attributed to the fact that he lived a sheltered life before the show. 

As for Kortni, she was all over the place following her argument with Logan. While the show seemed to edit Logan in a good light, we now know that Kortni has a restraining order against Logan

Oh, and we can’t forget the myriad of mugshots of Logan floating around the internet. It’s amazing how reality TV can conceal so much and build a false narrative. 

There’s something different about Kortni when she’s around Jeremiah. He manages to keep her grounded in a way that we never thought was possible. 

Her actions are questionable at best, but there’s a good chance the two will wind up in a relationship down the line. 

Speaking of relationships, Nilsa wants to get jiggy with Gus again. They had a tumultuous relationship on Floribama Shore Season 1, so we’re not sure what a relationship between them would look like this time around. 

Gus is a player and is using his newfound fame to have sex with as many willing females as he can. Will that stop Nilsa from going there?

It’s doubtful, but we will need to tune in to future episodes to find out. 

Floribama Shore continues Mondays on MTV. 


Monday, July 16, 2018

Floribama Shore: Kortni Gilson Files Restraining Order Against Boyfriend Logan

If you’ve been keeping up with recent episodes of Floribama Shore, you know that Kortni Gilson seems head over heels for her boyfriend, Logan.

But reality episodes air months after being filmed.

In real life, Kortni got a restraining order against Logan for stalking and violence. And he has already been charged with violating the order.

Logan from Floribama Shore Mugshot

Starcasm reports that, on April 23, Kortni Gilson filed a restraining order against Logan.

The protective order was filed for violence and for stalking.

They also report that, on May 18, Logan was charged for violating the restraining order.

He was apparently seen riding his skateboard in front of her residence. He is said to have then illegally entered a club where she was located.

Within that club, he allegedly ran up to Kortni and other victims, plural, and only left when he saw that someone was on the phone.

The specifics of the alleged violence that prompted the order are unknown, but he was cited for disorderly conduct at Diego’s Bar and Grill just before 3 PM on the same day on which the order was filed.

“Upon arrival, I observed the defendant standing in the roadway doing inappropriate hand gestures (shotting [sic] the bird) to the restaurant staff,” the responding officer’s report reads.

“The defendant proceeded to yell “f–k you” loudly towards the staff,” the officer writes.

“During this,” the report says. “The restaurant was open for business.”

This apparently happened across the street from a location where families were shopping with their children, as the officer notes.

Fans and viewers are not necessarily surprised by this grim turn of events.

Many minds immediately went to Logan’s toxic, unhealthy reactions on the show.

Remember when Kortni was hopelessly drunk? Okay, that’s too vague. Remember when she was so drunk that she had to be carried into the vehicle?

She was goofing around while Logan seemed to be looking at her and seething.

Instead of supporting her or checking on her health, he instead walked over to her and, in front of everyone and the cameras, chastised her for “embarrassing” him.

Logan Mugshot (Floribama Shore)

After seeing that display of fury, it is all too easy for a lot of Floribama Shore viewers to see his anger turning violent.

But it appears that Kortni was not the only person who took out a restraining order on Logan.

It was apparently Sean Hogan, a producer on the series, who called the police when Logan barged into the club.

Which is why it is now believed that perhaps the entire cast and crew of Floribama Shore is included within the protective order against Logan.

We don’t know what he did to prompt this. But we do know that this is not his first time getting in trouble with the law.

Logan has multiple mug shots for a reason.

In October of 2016, Logan was arrested for harassing communications.

In June of 2016, Logan was charged with felony first-degree theft of property.

In June of 2017, Logan was charged with disorderly conduct.

This kind of criminal history suggests that Logan is a person with behavioral problems.

We hope that the entire cast and crew of Floribama Shore remains safe.

Viewers will now have to cringe their way through the final episodes depicting Kortni’s romance with Logan.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Floribama Shore Season 2 Episode 1 Recap: Psycho-Ass Beach

MTV’s trashier and more extreme version of Jersey Shore returned to the air Monday night, and it meant we got to catch up with the wild cast once again. 

At the top of Floribama Shore Season 2 Episode 1, we learned that Nilsa had been messaging Kortni to get her to give up the room she had on Floribama Season 1 and settle for a smaller room. 

The reason for this request? Nilsa wanted to bunk with Aimee and felt like she had the right to ask for someone else to give up their space for her. 

If you watch Jersey Shore online, or any other reality TV series that focuses on a group living in a house together, you know that the room situation is generally dealt with in a reasonable manner. 

If you get to the house first, you get a good room. If not, you get to sleep outside with the alligators. We kid, mostly, but you get our drift. 

Needless to say, Kortni was not at all amused about it and admitted that she was ready to fly off the handle with Nilsa if she tried to pull any crap with her during the summer. 

Also, Kortni was the one who urinated all over the room on the series premiere, so we think it’s fair to say that she had every right to want that room back. 

It’s best to keep the bed wetters contained to the one room because, well, the whole house could be deemed unfit for purpose if it smells of urine. 

Kortni has always been a livewire and has the potential to throw in enough drama to cause World War III. Codi and Gus wasted no time in using the room situation to their advantage. 

They swapped her belongings with Nilsa’s, and it sent Kortni off on an expletive-filled tirade that would give Jenelle Evans a run for her money. 

Kortni wanted to know who was “f–cking with my s–t.” She might as well have been a robot created by the same people who made the Sammi doll on Jersey Shore. 

Codi made his way to the loo and claimed that if she thought he was dropping the kids off at the pool, it would take him out of the frame. 

Well, he did not put it quite like that, but he was freaking the eff out in case Kortni lashed out at him. Instead, Kortni went straight to his belongings and started throwing them down the stairs. 

Codi wants to look good, and that’s why he walked into the house with all of his clothing on hangers. Despite his freshly ironed shirts being put in jeopardy, the thing that set Codi off was that she threw his white pants down the stairs. 

Kortni called a house meeting, but that did not do anything to diffuse the situation. She subsequently punched the wall, leaving a huge dent and claiming that she would do the same to anyone who crossed her. 

Kortni did finally calm down, but the damage was done. The wall was busted. We should probably say her hand was busted, too, but we do not condone violent behavior. 

When Codi fessed up, Kortni was happy to know it was not Nilsa, but there was visibly something going on behind those eyes. She was all over the place. 

The roomies went out to make sure they had the best first night ever, and bumped into Kortni’s new squeeze, Logan, who was surprisingly calm. 

They do say that opposites attract, right?

Kortni was dancing on the bar for some free shots, and just generally making an ass of herself. Logan did not like this and flipped out when his girlfriend and Kirk started playing stupid games in the cab. 

Kortni was too drunk even to know whether she needed a poop or a haircut. In true Kortni fashion, she raced out of the cab and got ready to start throwing punches at Logan. 

Is it Monday yet? 

The other houseguests were overshadowed by Kortni’s antics, but the other most notable scene involved Aimee and Codi thinking they had somehow made their way to Washington, D.C. 

The pair thought they were standing outside the White House and started chatting about independence. Little did they know the rest of the world was laughing at them.

What did you think of the premiere? Did Kortni go too far?

Hit the comments below. 

Remember you can watch Floribama Shore online!


Saturday, July 7, 2018

Bikini Babes Makin" Waves -- For Shore!

The summer heat is crashing in and these stars are making a splash by showing off how they handle the motion of the ocean … dunk yourself into these shots of bikini babes making waves for a real shock to your system!


Friday, July 6, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Eats With Baby and Baby Mama Jen Harley

‘Jersey Shore’ star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro is truly a man of forgiveness — breaking bread with his baby mama and friends — like their bloody domestic dispute never even happened. Ronnie was at a Friday’s in NJ Thursday with Jen Harley, their…


Thursday, July 5, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro & Jen Harley Not Rekindling Romance, Yet

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s hanging with his baby mama a little more than a week after she allegedly dragged him with her car … but it’s not all amoré just yet. Sources close to the on-again-off-again couple tell TMZ the ‘Jersey Shore’ star and Jen…


"Jersey Shore" Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro & Jen Harley Not Rekindling Romance, Yet

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s hanging with his baby mama a little more than a week after she allegedly dragged him with her car … but it’s not all amoré just yet. Sources close to the on-again-off-again couple tell TMZ the ‘Jersey Shore’ star and Jen…


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: FIRED From Jersey Shore Over Jen Harley Drama?!

If you watched the inaugural season of Jersey Shore Family Vacation or even just paid passing attention to any of the cast member’s social media pages, then you know the drama between Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley has made Ron’s relationship with Sammi Giancola look downright stable by comparison.

In fact, the whole situation has been more Jerry Springer than Jersey Shore.

On the show, the couple mostly kept things civil, despite the well-publicized incident in which Ronnie got handsy with a French Fry.

In real life, Ronnie and Jen welcomed a daughter, and it briefly looked as though they had every intention of trying to make things work.

But then Ortiz-Magro’s famously volatile (and allegedly steroid-fueled) temper became an issue, and the new dad launched a virulent and incessant tirade of irate tweets against Harley.

In other words, Rahn refused to Stahp.

He called Harley a “c-m dumpster” and publicly accused her of cheating.

She responded by calling him a deadbeat dad and accusing him of engaging in his own infidelities.

The situation came to a head last week when Jen allegedly dragged Ronnie alongside her car and was arrested on assault charges.

The cast is currently filming a second season of JSFV, and needless to say, Ronnie’s situation has complicated the production process.

Shooting began in Vegas, the city that both Ronnie and Jen currently call home.

For obvious reasons, this turned out to be a mistake.

Ronnie got in a fight on the second day of filming, forcing production to shut down for the day.

The operation has now relocated to the crew’s original stomping ground of Seaside Heights, New Jersey.

But according to a new report from The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Ronnie did not make the trip with the rest of the cast.

The situation has led to rumors that Ronnie was fired from the show due to his tumultuous relationship with Harley.

Sources have confirmed, however, that that’s not the case, and Ortiz-Magro is simply taking time to recover from injuries he suffered during the car dragging incident.

“His family flew there to be with him,” one insider told US Weekly.

“He’s recovering from his injuries. He was hurt pretty badly and needs the time to heal.”

Police determined that Ronnie was blameless in the incident, as he was attempting to get out of Harley’s car when she began to drive away.

“He asked [her to] pull over and let him out of the car,” the source told Us.

“She stopped, and Ronnie tried getting out and got caught in his seatbelt. Jen started driving away, dragging Ronnie…Ronnie’s face was bloodied and bruised, and he’s got a nasty road rash.”

Sounds like we’re in for another season of serious Ronnie drama, but fear not — there will be plenty of comic relief as well.

The Dirty Hamster herself, Angelina Pivarnick, was reportedly spotted touring Seaside with the rest of the guidos.

She’s not exactly a fan favorite, but we may need Angelina’s absurdity to help keep things light in future episodes.

Watch Jersey Shore online in order to get caught up for what promises to be a drama-packed season.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Ronnie Goes at Mike in EPIC Jersey Shore Finale Fight

On the season finale of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, Mike told Ronnie that he thought his friend should go to rehab.

And Ronnie replied no, no, no.

No, really. Amy Winehouse references aside, this intense argument was at the center of an explosive concluding episodes.

(Not concluding forever, mind you. Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Season 2 will premiere in August.)

This is how it all started:

While having dinner with Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, Pauly D, Jenni “JWoww” Farley, Vinny Guadagnino and Deena Cortese, Ronnie confessed to getting “crazy” when he goes out. 

However, he maintained this partying never really affected his life

Heck, he was even “blessed [that] Sam didn’t come” for the season so that his roommates could at last see Ronnie himself… and not someone only known for having a toxic relationship.

(Note to Ronnie: We know this finale was filmed months ago, but have you read the recent headlines about you and Jen Harley?)

“I think Ronnie is confused about where he is in life,” Vinny told the cameras. “He’s trying to convince himself he’s happy, but when Ronnie gets drunk, he’s talking different.”

In his own confessional later on, Paul D agreed:

“Ron’s scared of not having that perfect life, which is bullsh-t. This is the modern family now.

“You don’t need to be married to have a child, you don’t need to be with the baby mama to have a good relationship with her daughter. He’s scared of all that.”

More prescient and profound than ever, the DJ continued:

“I also think Ron’s scared of being alone as well because I’ve never seen him legitimately single.

“I think that’s where a lot of the issues stem from. He forces relationships to happen because he thinks he needs to be in one.

“He needs to get himself right because you can’t jump into a relationship until you’re fixed. He’s not fixed from his relationship with Sammi.”

So this was the background for when Jenni came right out and said during the quasi family meal:

“Mike, why did you say Ronnie needs rehab?”

Oh. Boy.

Someone hold Ronnie back, folks.

First of all,” he said immediately in anger. “I’m having a kid in like six weeks. When I drink, I like to f-cking party. I didn’t make it my life. You made it your life. You let it affect your whole life. You let it destroy your life. So don’t sit there saying I need f-cking rehab.”

He wasn’t done screaming at The Situation, either.

“Bro, look at you! You f-cking got a tax evasion! You almost lost everything you f-cking earned.”

From here, as you might expect, it was totally on between the close friends.

“Did you not call me two weeks before we came here and say you needed rehab?!” Mike yelled back, to which Ronnie corrected Sitch by saying he asked for “help,” not rehab.

(You may be picking some nits there, Ronnie.)

“You put people’s dirt out there,” Ronnie said, truly starting to lose his temper and screaming at Mike:

“Your sh-t is public! Your sh-t is real news! That sh-t is on the papers! That’s why I talk about it. I don’t bring your dirt in the house. I don’t f-cking sweep your name in the f-cking mud.

“I just say what the facts are.”

Mike tried to remain calm.

“You need help,” he simply said in response.

“I don’t have a problem, bro!” Ronnie fired back. “I help myself. You never help yourself. Lauren [Mike’s new fiancee] helps you now. I take care of Jen, I take care of my kid, and her f-cking kid. Fact!

“End of the story. Bottom line. So don’t ever f-cking say I need help.”

Eventually, Ronnie went outside to cool down, admitting to Jen that he would have “literally beat [Mike’s] ass” if they had talked for even 10 seconds more.

So, what happened when mike went outside to continue the chat?

Was said ass beaten?

Thankfully, no.

“Number one, I care about you. Number two, I was f-cking wrong. I’m f-cking concerned about you,” Mike told his muscle-bound colleage, continuing as follows:

“You told me while we were in here that you are gonna get your act cleaned up when we get out of here. But, I went low.”

Ronnie: “And I went lower and I’m sorry for that. That’s something I need to work on.”

Would you look at that? Maturity and progress!

Then co-stars then hugged. AWWW!

As we said, Jersey Shore will return in August.

If Ronnie ever stops fighting with his baby mama, that is.


"Jersey Shore" Ronnie Gunning For Custody After Ex-GF Assault

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s 3-month-old daughter has been primarily in his care since the violent car dragging incident with his baby mama … and we’re told he’s got custody on his mind. Sources close to the ‘Jersey Shore’ star and Jen Harley tell TMZ ……


Thursday, June 28, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro"s Baby Mama Claims He Hit Her

‘Jersey Shore’ star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s baby mama told cops the reality star struck her multiple times during their domestic dispute … but cops concluded she was the one in the wrong. Jen Harley was arrested Sunday in Vegas for domestic battery…


"Jersey Shore" Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro"s Baby Mama Claims He Hit Her

‘Jersey Shore’ star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s baby mama told cops the reality star struck her multiple times during their domestic dispute … but cops concluded she was the one in the wrong. Jen Harley was arrested Sunday in Vegas for domestic battery…


"Jersey Shore" Star Ronnie Left Trail of Blood in Car Dragging Incident

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro left a mess behind after his baby mama allegedly dragged him with a car … and TMZ has some bloody shots of the vehicle. In the photos, blood streaks can be seen on the outside of the ride we’re told Jen Harley was driving…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro"s Friends Are Worried for His Safety

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s friends are warning the ‘Jersey Shore’ star to cut ties with his baby mama, out of fears her latest domestic violence arrest is a bad omen of what’s to come if he stays with her. Sources close to Ronnie tell us he’s been trying…


"Jersey Shore" Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro"s Friends Are Worried for His Safety

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s friends are warning the ‘Jersey Shore’ star to cut ties with his baby mama, out of fears her latest domestic violence arrest is a bad omen of what’s to come if he stays with her. Sources close to Ronnie tell us he’s been trying…


Monday, June 25, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro"s Baby Mama Busted for Domestic Violence

Ronnie from “Jersey Shore” was allegedly dragged by a car driven by his baby mama, Jen Harley … and she’s been arrested for domestic battery. Jen was busted late Sunday in Vegas after she and Ronnie got into a fight while driving home from a…


Friday, June 22, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: The Sitch Is Getting Hitched!

The first season of Jersey Shore Family Vacation (or the seventh season of Jersey Shore, depending on your perspective) has excelled at taking a single event and stretching it out into an entire episode’s worth of genuinely entertaining content.

While creative editing certainly plays a role, the cast deserves most of the credit for filling the downtime with lol-worthy capering and quotables.

The crew clicks like few other casts in the history of reality television, and when they’re firing on all cylinders, it’s like watching the guido Golden State Warriors in action.

Take last night’s episode, for example.

Mike popped the question to Lauren Pesce — which we already knew was gonna happen — and Ronnie went full goth teen, basically lying in bed for the entire episode.

That’s it.

And yet somehow, it was a pretty engaging (no pun intended) hour of television.

Mike recruited the whole crew to assist with his proposal, which was definitely the right move from the viewers’ perspective.

It’s great that the Sitch has turned his life around, but we don’t tune in to Shore for an hour of a tee-totaling middle-aged dude waxing philosophical, ya know?

Some questionable decisions were made (the all-white engagement outfits for the guys; loading Lauren up on booze before she goes out to dinner with her relatively newly-sober boyfriend), but in the end, it all worked out.

Mike and Lauren got engaged, in the sort of genuinely amusing scene we don’t typically associate with Jersey Shore.

“You’re my best friend, my college sweetheart, my better half. You make me a better person,” Sorrentino told Pesce.

“Please make me the happiest man on Earth. Will you please marry me?”

The couple stated that they plan to work on making little baby Sitches as soon as they tie the knot.

Here’s hoping Sorrentino can stay out of prison in order to be there for his family.

And that’s not our way of slipping in Ronnie-esque dig at the Sitch.

Mike surely made some bad decisions, but he seems to finally be on the right path, and we hope the judge in his case will take that into consideration.

Speaking of Ronnie, we guess he had a premonition about just how ugly his relationship with Jen Harley would get, because dude is seriously bummed about the prospect of going back to the real world.

In the same way that the original Shore captured the carefree frivolity of your twenties, Family Vacation serves as a reminder that your thirties are loaded with stress and obligations that are never far from your mind, even on vacay.

Fortunately, Pauly D is always there to lighten the load with some amusing catchphrases.


Friday, June 15, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: A Proposal Situation

The problem with reality television in the age of social media is that real-time spoilers are pretty much unavoidable.

For example, we’ve known for months that Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino is engaged to Lauren Pesce, so any suspense on last night’s Jersey Shore Family Vacation regarding whether or not JWoww will ruin his proposal because Mike threatened to throw a pie in her face (?!?!?) didn’t really have us chewing our cuticles with anticipation.

But before the guidos could make way for Lauren, they had to say goodbye to Vinny’s mother, Paula, and his uncle Nino.

There’s a strong possibility that Vin’s uncle is named Nino Guadagnino, but that doesn’t even crack the top ten on the list of funniest things about the guy.

So it makes sense that Vinny and company would decide to hit him with an old-fashioned roasting as a parting gift.

Unfortunately, Nino’s neurons have been pounded flat like a cutlet from five decades of constant chianti consumption, and he now only speaks a language of his own invention, a la Nell.

Meanwhile, Paula advises Ronnie that he should hold off on marrying Jen if he’s not certain that he loves her.

Yes, folks, it was bound to happen eventually — someone finally issued good advice on an episode of Jersey Shore.

As we mentioned earlier, there’s a subplot in which Jenni indignantly adjusts her old lady glasses while threatening to mess up Mike’s proposal to Lauren, but we’re almost certain nothing is gonna come of it.

And thus, as has so often been the case this season, the episode really belongs to Ronnie.

In a surprising conversation with the girls, Ron reveals that Jen cheated on him in the past:

“I want to be with her, I love her, I just don’t know where her heart is,” Ronnie says.

“Truthfully, I just don’t trust her.

“Nobody’s perfect. I did my dirt too so I can just say, like, ‘It was her.’ But everything I did was a reaction to her actions,” he continues.

“I’m also not used to being with someone like myself. Like, I met my match.”

Jeez, she’s been pregnant the whole time they’ve been together! Where did she even find the time?!

The sad confessions continue — appropriately enough — in the confessional room, where Ron breaks down in tears after confessing that he’s jealous of Mike’s, ahem, situation.

“I want a family, I want to be happy, I want to be in Mike’s shoes. I want to propose. I want to have the feeling of more than just, ‘We’re together and we have a kid.’ I want more than that,” says a tearful Ronnie.

“Everyone else goes and lives their lives, and they’re f—king happy and I don’t have all the s—t they have. It’s just me. Who the f—k is the right person at this point?”

We’d like to say there’s a happy ending to this situation, but — spoiler alert! — Ronnie and Jen are still fighting nonstop and making each other miserable.

In fact, just yesterday, filming on a second season of Family Vacation was halted due to the fact that the season was to take place in Vegas — where Ronnie and Jen live — and their relationship drama was so intense that the production had to be moved to Jersey.

When reality television producers are like, “Whoa, this is all way too intense,” you know things have gotten out of hand.

Watch Jersey Shore online to relive the many trials of Ron.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Jersey Shore Halts Filming In Vegas Due to Ronnie Magro-Jen Harley Drama

Oh, that Rahn. Will he ever stahp?

That’s likely the question on the mind of Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s castmates today, as the Jersey Shore crew was forced to stop filming ahead of schedule due to ongoing drama between Ronnie and his baby mama, Jen Harley.

Until yesterday, the cast was in Las Vegas filming a second season of Jersey Shore Family Vacation.

The title isn’t terribly apt in Magro’s case, as Vegas is his home turf these days.

So it was a bad choice of locale for reasons that go beyond the irony of filming a show with “Shore” in the title in the middle of a landlocked state.

You see, if you’ve been watching the current season of JSFV, you know that Ron and Jen’s relationship isn’t the greatest.

During his time in South Beach, Ronnie cheated on Jen with a French woman who was unimaginatively dubbed “French Fry.”

But that was only the beginning of their problems.

Shortly after that episode aired, Ronnie accused Jen of cheating on him, in a wild Instagram rant in which he also called her a “c-m dumpster.”

In the weeks since, Harley and Ortiz-Magro broke up and got back together several times, so it should’ve come as no surprise to Shore producers when their relationship drama dominated the first few days of filming in Vegas.

Maybe that was the plan. Maybe the plan backfired.

Whatever the case, the plan was scrapped when — to use the parlance of Shore’s current season — Ron spiraled and quickly spun out of control.

Last week, Magro got in a fight with another guest at a Vegas hotel.

Just days later, MTV pulled the plug on filming in Vegas and sent the cast back to the Garden State.

“They cannot wait to get the hell out of the desert and be away from everything surrounding Ronnie and Jen,” a source close to production tells Radar Online.

The situation had apparently gotten so bad that the cast was considering holding an intervention in response to Ron’s self-destructive behavior.

“They are all adults now, and they cannot watch Ronnie destroy his life anymore,” says the insider.

Hey, the guy’s been fun to watch this season, but he’s a 32-year-old dad now. 

Maybe he should cool it on the Ron-Ron juice for a bit.


Friday, June 8, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Star Ronnie Claims Baby Mama Spit On Him, Cops Investigating

Ronnie from ‘Jersey Shore’ got into a heated argument with his baby mama over their child and their dead dog … and it ended with his baby mama allegedly spitting on him … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us Ronnie’s baby mama, Jen…
