Showing posts with label Smoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smoking. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Smoking Pot While Pregnant?!

Jenelle Evans has made a lot of questionable decisions in her life.

We would list them all here, but there’s only a slim chance that we would actually finish before the sun expands and engulfs the Earth.

Suffice it to say, Jenelle has been arrested more times than Katt Williams, and despite the fact that she’s currently pregnant with her third child, she doesn’t seem to plan on settling down any time soon.

Or at least that’s what her ex-fiance and baby daddy Nathan Griffith would have us believe.

Teen Mom 2 Season 8 hasn’t even premiered yet, but according to Radar Online, the ladies assembled in New York City to film the annual reunion show over the weekend.

Because they all post every detail of their lives on social media, we pretty much know what the main storylines will be this season, and naturally, Jenelle’s pregnancy will be a major focal point.

And not surprisingly, Jenelle is being accused of behaving irresponsibly while knocked up.

Specifically, Griffith claims she smoked pot on several occasions while pregnant with daughter Ensley, who’s due in January.

Witnesses say Griffith leveled the allegation against a shocked Evans while the two of them were participating in an awkward interview segment at the reunion.

An irate Evans reportedly denied the accusation:

“Of course he’s going to accuse me of crazy things at this point,” she’s quoted as saying.

Jenelle’s mother Barbara Evans didn’t speak on Griffith’s allegations, but she did accuse Jenelle’s current boyfriend, David Eason, of abusing substances with kids in the house.

“She said he uses drugs,” a source on set said. 

Jenelle reportedly denied that accusation as well, saying:

“I don’t know where that information came from, but that isn’t true.”

Whether the drug use rumors are true or not, we think it’s safe to say it was a tough reunion show for Jenelle.

We’re guessing it’s equally safe to say the whole season will be tough on Jenelle.

We’d feel bad for her, but if there’s a poster child for self-created problems, it’s Jenelle Evans.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online in order to get caught up for season 8.

And to remind yourself just how many mistakes Jenelle has made over the years.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Malia Obama Pot Controversy: Was She Smoking SOMETHING ELSE?!

As you may have heard, Malia Obama was caught smoking pot at the Lollapalooza music festival in Chicago last month.

The incident has made news, because apparently teenagers getting high at a concert is the kind of thing we should all worry about in the midst of the most bonkers election year in history.

As you can see, video evidence of the toke heard ’round the world has emerged, and it’s already racking up crazy views on YouTube.

The totes un-chill narc who blew Malia in is an 18-year-old fellow festival-goer with the George R.R. Martin-esque name of Jerrdin Selwyn.

Selwyn gave her full account of the incident to Radar Online, like she witnessed the freakin’ Kennedy assassination or something:

“I saw some young guy hand her a cigarette; she took at least one hit on it. She had it in her hand for about one minute then gave it back to him,” Selwyn told the site.

“She was literally only a few feet from me … and she was the only person who had any form of pipe or cigarette that I could see.”

“All during this time, the Secret Service was in the background, I’m not sure whether or not they saw her take a hit on a joint,” 

Selwyn further blew up Malia’s spot (You’re totally gonna be the RA’s bestie in college, Jerrdin.) by revealing that her toke buddy might have been a dude she’s dating on the sly.

“I saw the same guy sitting in a chair with Malia crouched down in front of him near the fencing area,” she revealed.

“I walked past them on my way out and I heard Malia ask him, “Do you want to go smoke?’

“I didn’t hear his response but he got up after a few seconds and they walked off together.”

Well, well, well. Someone get Trey Gowdy and Ken Starr on the phone, because we’ve got a scandal on our hands that could make Watergate look like Teapot Dome.

(Did we successfully convince you that we paid attention in history class? We didn’t think so.)

This whole molehill situation took an interesting twist today when folks who spent way too much time examining the footage claimed that it appeared that Malia is actually smoking plain, store-bought tobacco.

If it was a regular old Marlboro (“Harmless tobacco,” in the words of Mr. Burns), then Malia isn’t the first Obama to develop a taste for the cancer sticks.

Her father smoked for several years and countless photos of the Prez enjoying a cig (many of them photoshopped) surfaced during his early years in the White House.

They were often found on conservative websites that sought to tarnish Obama’s image, but somehow, they only made the coolest commander-in-chief since Franklin Pierce (Trust us, that was a down-ass dude.) look even cooler.

To clarify: smoking isn’t cool; Obama just looked cool while doing it.

So stick to weed, Malia!

It’s cool that you’re taking a gap year, but fill it with THC, not tumors!

Malia Obama: Caught Smoking Pot at Lollapalooza?!

The Obamas seem like cool parents.

We’re sure they didn’t freak out when video of Malia Obama twerking at Lollapalooza emerged online.

And we doubt they’re too pissed about new reports that their eldest daughter was spotted smoking weed at the iconic music fest.

That said, if either of these minute mini-scandals had taken place any earlier – say, before Malia had turned 18 or when her father still had a reelection battle to fight – we can’t help but feel there would be some harsh punishments doled out at 1600 Pennsylvania.

Jerrdin Selwyn, an 18-year-old festival-goer who says she partied with Malia, claims that the First Daughter was puff, puff passing during a set by rapper and R&B artist Bryson Tiller.

“I caught Malia smoking pot and I have the pictures to prove it,” Selwyn tells Radar Online. “You could smell the marijuana smoke.”

“I saw some young guy hand her a cigarette and she took at least one hit on it,” Selwyn continued. “She had it in her hand for about one minute, then gave it back to him.”

It’s not the first report of the 18-year-old enjoying the occasional intoxicant.

Sources say Malia drank and partied during a recent tour of Europe (but only in nations where it was legal for her to imbibe) and she was photographed standing near a beer pong table while visiting Brown University on her college tour.

After a gap year, Malia will attend Harvard in the fall of 2017.

We’re sure those think it might be politically advantageous will seek to make a big deal out of this, but clearly a legal adult taking a hit off a joint at a music fest is no biggie.

And obviously it pales in comparison to reports of Malia working for Lena Dunham.

Just kiddin’, Lena! Kind of…

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Smoking While Pregnant?!?

Lindsay Lohan appeared to be making some progress this week.

Over the weekend, the often-troubled actress returned to making headlines for all the wrong reasons, getting into a very public fight with her fiance, Egor Tarabasov.

The world was made aware of their argument because Lohan went on an Instagram rant in which she accused Tarabasov of cheating on her with a Russian hooker.

Soon afterward, video surfaced of Lindsay and Tarabasov engaged in a screaming match outside their London apartment, one that included Lindsay yelling the following:

“Please please please. He just strangled me…He almost killed me…

“Do it. I dare you again. You’re f*****g crazy. You sick f**k. You need help. It’s my house get out of my house.”

From there, Lohan told the public to butt out of her private business, despite Lohan clearly being the one who made it public.

But then the turnaround! Then the sign of maturity!

Lohan actually apologized for her actions, writing on social media on Tuesday:

“I am taking time for myself with good friends. I am sorry that I’ve exposed certain private matters recently. I was acting out of fear and sadness… We all make mistakes.”

Fair enough, right?


The actress was spotted in a pink-and-white floral bikini while aboard a luxury yacht in Italy yesterday, soaking up the sun with friends and stirring a brand new controversy:

Witnesses say she was smoking a cigarette.

And just why is this a big deal?

Because Lohan is pregnant!

Michael Lohan confirmed this pregnancy himself, and he’s actually on good terms with his daughter these days. There’s no reason not to believe him.

If this really is the case, the following People Magazine report is very disturbing.

The online version of this publication just wrote the following, regarding Lohan on the aforementioned yacht:

Lohan was also spotted smoking cigarettes on several occasions, and walking around with a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in her hand.

Lohan first sparked talk about a rumored pregnancy after she Tweeted an image of herself wearing a phony baby bump from her 2009 movie Labor Pains and captioned it with “I’m pregnant!”

The Tweet has since been deleted.

But questions remain.

Lohan’s father, then told People on Wednesday that his daughter confirmed her pregnancy news to him via text message earlier this week.

“She texted me and said [she was pregnant],” he said. “I’m going to believe what she says.”

And if this is the case, hey, more power to Lohan. We wish her luck.

And we beg her to put down the cigarettes.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bella Thorne: Smoking Blunts on Her Private Snapchat?

Like many celebrities, Bella Thorne has both public and private social media accounts.

On her public Instagram, Bella bounces around braless for our amusement, while on her private Instagram…well, we don’t know what she does, and frankly we don’t care. It can’t get much more awesome than that, especially with the site’s no-nipple policy.

Anyway, on her public Snapchat account, Bella interacts with fans, and – if the video above is any indication – on her private Snapchat she burns down fat-ass blunts like the love child of Miley Cyrus and Snoop Dogg.

We can understand why she tried (and failed) to keep her love of the ganja under wraps.

After all, Bella is only 18, and she’s s recent product of the same Nickelodeon star-making machine.

Then again, the girl is 18, she posts photos of her butt online like it’s her job (which we guess it sort of is), and there are far worse things she could be doing than getting stoned while taking a selfie video.

Like we said, Bella is still in that awkward stage between child and adult stardom, and she’s probably still feeling out what sort of behavior is appropriate for her.

We think this fine; others may disagree.

We just hope she doesn’t get all baked and go out licking donuts like fellow Nick alum Ariana Grande.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Chris Brown: Did His Constant Smoking Give Royalty Asthma?!

Back in March of last year, the world was shocked and a little horrified to learn that Chris Brown is a dad.

The shock stemmed from the fact that he’d kept little Royalty a secret for several months. The horror was mainly out of fear that he would do terrible Breezy-esque things like get his daughter sick by constantly smoking weed around her.

At least that’s the allegation being made by Chris’ baby mama, Nia Guzman, who claims that Brown smokes in Royalty’s presence so often that she’s developed asthma.

According to TMZ, Nia made the shocking allegations in recently-filed court papers

Guzman is petitioning the court to restrict Brown’s visitation rights. She’s also requesting that the singer’s child support payments be upped from $ 2,500 to nearly $ 16,000.

She claims that after a period of sobriety, Brown has relapsed and frequently smokes weed and drinks sizzurp while watching his daughter.

Guzman tells the judge that Royalty returns home reeking of smoke after visits with her dad.

Chris (sort of) denied the allegations in an Instagram post that he quickly deleted.

“I quit cigarettes on New Year’s,” Brown wrote. “NO ONE smokes around my daughter.”

He went on to call Guzman’s allegations “obviously a play to get some sort of increased income,” but did not address the drug use allegations.

This is not the first time that Brown’s parenting habis have been called into question.

The controversial performer was criticized for his decision to take Royalty on tour with him last summer.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

President Obama Talks Game of Thrones, Smoking Cigarettes in the White House

President Obama covers the new issue of GQ, and the interview (conducted by sportswriter and pop culture reference machine Bill Simmons) is a continuation of 44’s ongoing lame duck tour of cool.

After all, just because the media’s focus has shifted to the race to replace, that doesn’t mean Obama can’t take this last year in office to remind us that with the possible exception of Bubba Bill, he’s the smoothest mo-fo to ever occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Last week, Obama hilariously assured a veteran that he’s not the lead singer from Korn.

In his GQ profile, he holds court on everything from Tyrion Lannister to the difficulties of quitting smoking in the White House.

“I do love Game of Thrones,” Obama says. “My favorite character is probably…the dwarf, what’s his name? The problem with Game of Thrones, though, is that I don’t remember the names of any of the characters.

“I remember the characters, so when I watch it, I know exactly what’s going on. But if you read a review of the show afterwards and they’re mentioning such and such, the only one I remember is Jon Snow, because I can pronounce Jon Snow.”

Whatever your political beliefs, you have to admit that it’s nice to have a president who’s up on the biggest TV shows. Dubya probably thinks Game of Thrones is what Brits call musical chairs. 

Later in the piece, Simmons asks Obama point-blank about putting down the cancer sticks, and Barry replies:

“Zero in the last five years. I made a promise that once health care passed, I would never have a cigarette again. And I have not.”

He goes on to say that he would’ve “enjoyed” campaigning against Donald Trump, and that if Malia Obama wants to become the next Oprah, he’d be okay with her “making a whole lot of money.”

Needless to say, the whole interview is definitely worth a read.