Wednesday, November 18, 2015

President Obama Talks Game of Thrones, Smoking Cigarettes in the White House

President Obama covers the new issue of GQ, and the interview (conducted by sportswriter and pop culture reference machine Bill Simmons) is a continuation of 44’s ongoing lame duck tour of cool.

After all, just because the media’s focus has shifted to the race to replace, that doesn’t mean Obama can’t take this last year in office to remind us that with the possible exception of Bubba Bill, he’s the smoothest mo-fo to ever occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Last week, Obama hilariously assured a veteran that he’s not the lead singer from Korn.

In his GQ profile, he holds court on everything from Tyrion Lannister to the difficulties of quitting smoking in the White House.

“I do love Game of Thrones,” Obama says. “My favorite character is probably…the dwarf, what’s his name? The problem with Game of Thrones, though, is that I don’t remember the names of any of the characters.

“I remember the characters, so when I watch it, I know exactly what’s going on. But if you read a review of the show afterwards and they’re mentioning such and such, the only one I remember is Jon Snow, because I can pronounce Jon Snow.”

Whatever your political beliefs, you have to admit that it’s nice to have a president who’s up on the biggest TV shows. Dubya probably thinks Game of Thrones is what Brits call musical chairs. 

Later in the piece, Simmons asks Obama point-blank about putting down the cancer sticks, and Barry replies:

“Zero in the last five years. I made a promise that once health care passed, I would never have a cigarette again. And I have not.”

He goes on to say that he would’ve “enjoyed” campaigning against Donald Trump, and that if Malia Obama wants to become the next Oprah, he’d be okay with her “making a whole lot of money.”

Needless to say, the whole interview is definitely worth a read.