Showing posts with label Snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snow. Show all posts

Monday, May 2, 2016

Kit Harington on Jon Snow Shocker: Sorry For Lying!

Okay, so maybe it wasn’t the show’s most shocking moment, as it was widely assumed [SPOILER ALERT!] that Jon Snow would be brought back from the dead by Melisandre.

Even so, the conclusion of last night’s episode of Game of Thrones packed an emotional punch, as we finally got to see the resurrection fans have been awaiting for the better part of a year.

As hard as the wait was for rabid Throners (Worst. Fan nickname. Ever.), the whole ordeal was even tougher on actor Kit Harington, who endured numerous press events in which he was basically forced to lie about his character’s fate.

In the above clip from Harington’s recent interview with Entertainment Weekly apologizes to fans for attempting (and failing) to throw them off the trail:

“Sorry!” Harington says. “I’d like to say sorry for lying to everyone. I’m glad that people were upset that he died. I think my biggest fear was that people were not going to care.

“Or it would just be, ‘Fine, Jon Snow’s dead.’ But it seems like people had a, similar to the Red Wedding episode, kind of grief about it. Which means something I’m doing — or the show is doing — is right.” 

With apologies to fans who were forced to DVR last night’s episode, the magazine revealed a super spoiler-iffic cover this morning:

Like we said, not exactly subtle, but by this point in the show’s run. even the most flaccid Throners should know to stay off social media the day after missing an episode.

(We’re gonna make that nickname happen, dammit!)

If you’re among the unlucky few who didn’t catch the episode live, we’ve got you covered:

Sure, you already know that Jon comes back from the dead, but that twist has overshadowed a number of much more genuinely shocking moments:

Ramsay found a way to become even more revolting! We got our first look at Jon’s possible mom, Lyanna Stark! Tyrion talked to the Khaleesi’s dragons! Best of all…


Oh…uh, is it too late to say spoiler alert?

It’s probably a good time to go watch Game of Thrones online before we ruin any other surprises for you.

Pay close attention to the scene where Robb wakes up and realizes the Red Wedding was just a dream. Just kidding!

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 2 Recap: A Song of Snow and Fire

If the Season 6 premiere of Game of Thrones felt a tad uneventful, this week’s episode more than made up for it by arguably doing as much advance the plot as any individual episode in the show’s history.

We begin with the long-awaited return of Bran – and the first appearance of Lyanna Stark, who according to some theories, is the mother of Jon Snow.

Interesting stuff, but let’s face it, the real revelation here is that Hodor talks! And his real name is Willis!

Unfortunately, that’s all in the past.

In the present, he and Meera just stand idly by while Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven have visions. They’re basically like the straight-edge roommates in a stoners’ dorm. 

From there, we move to Castle Black for a showdown nearly as tense as any scene in the acclaimed “Watchers on the Wall” episode in Season 4.

At first we were disappointed, as it seemed that the show would be spending another episode attempting to convince us that Jon Snow is really dead (more on that later), but hey – it was cool to see that badass Wildling giant again.

Also making a return in this episode – the d-bag who flashed his dong at Cersei during her painfully memorable walk of shame.

We get the feeling the dude won’t be making any further cameos. If you like giants slamming regular-sized people into walls, this was episode for you!

The Lannisters continue to make their case for the most dysfunctional family in Westeros, as Tommen suspects Cersei of killing Trystane and prevents her from attending Myrcella’s funeral.

The High Sparrow returns, and it appears he won’t be as easily dispatched as many (including Jaime) initially thought.

It’s beginning to seem like he’s another villain who’s in this for the long haul, but his aims, and the impact that he’ll have on the struggle for the Iron Throne are still unclear.

“Everyone is poor and powerless, and yet together, we can overthrow an empire,” he tells Jaime, doing his best impression of Bernie Sanders’ evil twin.

As the sole bad guy who claims to be working for the greater good, the Sparrow could prove to be a dangerous and formidable foe to the Lannisters.

At the very least he’ll be the primary target of Cersei’s inevitable revenge.

Speaking of Lannisters, Tyrion is still working for the missing Khaleesi.

Although these days, that mainly means drinking a lot and spouting witty one-liners.

In fairness, if we were about to single-handedly prove that dragons aren’t so bad after all, we’d need a glass of wine or seven, too.

Tyrion unchains Dany’s scaly pets, and survives the encounter, but we still don’t know much about how well the dragons follow orders and what role they’ll play in her rescue.

Unfortunately, that was the closest we got to a Daenerys update this week.

Arya continues to practice the world’s most painful religion, though for once, she seems to be making progress.

Meanwhile, Ramsay gets backed further into a corner and reacts like the evil vermin that he is by perpetrating one of the most despicable acts we’ve seen on GoT (no mean feat!).

Like Ramsay, Sansa, Reek and Brienne are also laboring under the impression that Jon is alive, well and in command of the Night’s Watch.

It’s partially for that reason that Reek (in a surprisingly touching scene) abandons the mission to return Sansa to safety and heads home. (The title of the episode applies to just about every storyline in equal measure.)

That brings us back to the Iron Islands (Also worth noting: This episode was filled with some impressively seamless transitions.) where Euron Greyjoy throws his brother Balon to his death.

And then finally – finally! – we get a direct answer to the question that Thrones fans have been asking for months: Can Melisandre bring Jon Snow back to life?

The answer yes – but it ain’t easy.

The showrunners did a good job of building tension during Jon’s resurrection scene, but the whole thing felt a bit inevitable, which was perhaps unavoidable, as fans have been predicting this outcome for months.

We all knew that Jon was coming back somehow.

His character is too significant to the show’s other storylines, and it would’ve been absurd to spend so much time establishing his importance just to kill him off in somewhat random fashion.

Now that the “Jon is dead” storyline is resolved (Paul is still the walrus, BTW.) it almost feels like we can let out our bated breath and go about the business of beginning to bring “the great game” toward its conclusion.

The episode is entitled “Home,” after all, and that could’ve meant several things in Jon’s case, but in the end, it seems to affirm that the Lord Commander truly belongs at Castle Black.

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 2 Recap: A Song of Snow and Fire

If the Season 6 premiere of Game of Thrones felt a tad uneventful, this week’s episode more than made up for it by arguably doing as much advance the plot as any individual episode in the show’s history.

We begin with the long-awaited return of Bran – and the first appearance of Lyanna Stark, who according to some theories, is the mother of Jon Snow.

Interesting stuff, but let’s face it, the real revelation here is that Hodor talks! And his real name is Willis!

Unfortunately, that’s all in the past.

In the present, he and Meera just stand idly by while Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven have visions. They’re basically like the straight-edge roommates in a stoners’ dorm. 

From there, we move to Castle Black for a showdown nearly as tense as any scene in the acclaimed “Watchers on the Wall” episode in Season 4.

At first we were disappointed, as it seemed that the show would be spending another episode attempting to convince us that Jon Snow is really dead (more on that later), but hey – it was cool to see that badass Wildling giant again.

Also making a return in this episode – the d-bag who flashed his dong at Cersei during her painfully memorable walk of shame.

We get the feeling the dude won’t be making any further cameos. If you like giants slamming regular-sized people into walls, this was episode for you!

The Lannisters continue to make their case for the most dysfunctional family in Westeros, as Tommen suspects Cersei of killing Trystane and prevents her from attending Myrcella’s funeral.

The High Sparrow returns, and it appears he won’t be as easily dispatched as many (including Jaime) initially thought.

It’s beginning to seem like he’s another villain who’s in this for the long haul, but his aims, and the impact that he’ll have on the struggle for the Iron Throne are still unclear.

“Everyone is poor and powerless, and yet together, we can overthrow an empire,” he tells Jaime, doing his best impression of Bernie Sanders’ evil twin.

As the sole bad guy who claims to be working for the greater good, the Sparrow could prove to be a dangerous and formidable foe to the Lannisters.

At the very least he’ll be the primary target of Cersei’s inevitable revenge.

Speaking of Lannisters, Tyrion is still working for the missing Khaleesi.

Although these days, that mainly means drinking a lot and spouting witty one-liners.

In fairness, if we were about to single-handedly prove that dragons aren’t so bad after all, we’d need a glass of wine or seven, too.

Tyrion unchains Dany’s scaly pets, and survives the encounter, but we still don’t know much about how well the dragons follow orders and what role they’ll play in her rescue.

Unfortunately, that was the closest we got to a Daenerys update this week.

Arya continues to practice the world’s most painful religion, though for once, she seems to be making progress.

Meanwhile, Ramsay gets backed further into a corner and reacts like the evil vermin that he is by perpetrating one of the most despicable acts we’ve seen on GoT (no mean feat!).

Like Ramsay, Sansa, Reek and Brienne are also laboring under the impression that Jon is alive, well and in command of the Night’s Watch.

It’s partially for that reason that Reek (in a surprisingly touching scene) abandons the mission to return Sansa to safety and heads home. (The title of the episode applies to just about every storyline in equal measure.)

That brings us back to the Iron Islands (Also worth noting: This episode was filled with some impressively seamless transitions.) where Euron Greyjoy throws his brother Balon to his death.

And then finally – finally! – we get a direct answer to the question that Thrones fans have been asking for months: Can Melisandre bring Jon Snow back to life?

The answer yes – but it ain’t easy.

The showrunners did a good job of building tension during Jon’s resurrection scene, but the whole thing felt a bit inevitable, which was perhaps unavoidable, as fans have been predicting this outcome for months.

We all knew that Jon was coming back somehow.

His character is too significant to the show’s other storylines, and it would’ve been absurd to spend so much time establishing his importance just to kill him off in somewhat random fashion.

Now that the “Jon is dead” storyline is resolved (Paul is still the walrus, BTW.) it almost feels like we can let out our bated breath and go about the business of beginning to bring “the great game” toward its conclusion.

The episode is entitled “Home,” after all, and that could’ve meant several things in Jon’s case, but in the end, it seems to affirm that the Lord Commander truly belongs at Castle Black.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1 Recap: Fallen Snow

Jon’s lifeless corpse in the bloodied snow and his direwolf, Ghost, howling desperately in a lonely cage. 

There’s no more potent way that Game of Thrones could’ve opened its sixth season, and no doubt fans were pleased to see that the creators would be following up on last season’s most hotly-debated scene right off the bat. 

And surely almost as many felt that their theories about Jon’s resurrection were confirmed the moment the otherworldly Melisandre arrived to grieve his passing.

More on that later.

Things are generally a mess at Castle Black, as Thorne attempts to justify Jon’s murder, while Ser Davos and his band of rogues guard his corpse.

We won’t believe he’s really gone for good until he’s six feet under.

From there, we switch to a death that was considerably less mourned by viewers, with Ramsay grieving Myranda, who was tossed from a tower by Reek in the Season 5 finale.

Roose Bolton then reminds us that Stannis is also dead, but there’s reason to believe otherwise, (In Westeros, no one is really dead until you see a corpse. Even then…)

The unlikely duo of Reek and Sansa ford an icy river (Hey, at least he doesn’t have to worry about his junk getting cold!) to escape Ramsay’s hounds, and for a moment, it looks as though their escape efforts will be short-lived.

With Bolton soldiers on their tail, Reek instructs Sansa to go find Jon at Castle Black, and one gets the feeling that all of the show’s storylines are beginning to intersect in a way that screams endgame.

That feeling is underscored moments later when Brienne and Pod come to Sansa’s rescue in the episode’s most rousing action scene.

In case you’d forgotten just how many characters didn’t survive Season 5, Jaimie returns from Dorne short one daughter.

Thankfully, we’re spared another distressingly rape-y post-death sex scene as he attempts to console Cersei.

The news of her daughter’s death prompts a heart-wrenching soliloquy from the defeated former queen that proves this show really can make any character sympathetic.

What might be even more impressive is that the writers have managed to make Dorne interesting with the assassinations of Doran and Trystane Martell. Fortunately, the action doesn’t linger in the sun-soaked south for long.

With the sort of jarring shift in tone and locale that defined this episode, we then head to Meereen, where Tyrion and Varys are still making their case for a spinoff buddy sitcom.

Meanwhile, Jorah and Daario were also bouncing insults off one another (It was all about odd couples last night!) as the hunt for the missing Khaleesi progressed with surprising speed.

No complaints on that score, as we don’t want to see these two doing their Holmes and Watson routine all season, do we?

From there, we get updates on Daenerys and Arya who are both doing about as well one would expect for a captured queen and a blind beggar.

More interesting is the episode-ending revelation about Melisandre.

Apparently, when she removes her color-changing mood choker, the sexy redhead transforms into the naked old lady from The Shining. Who knew?

Anyway, she never brought Jon back to life, but considering he’s still above ground, and Davos and company are rather heavy-handedly guarding his body, you can bet that’ll happen soon.

All-in-all, the episode had the feeling of an hourlong recap (Daenerys even reminded us how many nicknames she has!), which might have been unavoidable considering how much happened at the end of last season.

The show is at its best when it doesn’t feel the need to bring us up to speed on every character, but at least in “The Red Lady” it effectively reminded us of the ways in which their stories are intertwined, and inched however incrementally toward their inevitable conclusion.

It was a table-setting episode of GoT, but an occasionally thrilling one, nonetheless.

Watch Game of Thrones online to get caught up in time for next week.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Game of Thrones Sneak Peek: Is That Jon Snow?!?

We have two new pieces of information regarding the April 24 return of Game of Thrones:

  1. Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1 will be titled "The Red Woman."

  2. Jon Snow will make an appearance on the premiere!

But does this mean he"s alive and well? Not exactly.

Liam Cunningham, who portrays Davos Seaworth on television"s most epic drama, was a guest on Conan this week, first revealing that author George R.R. Martin has told him a major Game of Thrones secret.

But he wasn"t about to spill ot.

Cunningham did, however, bring a clip from the Game of Thrones Season 6 premiere along with him.

It depicts Davos about to do battle with the men who killed Jon Snow and, yes, it does give us a glimpse of Jon Snow himself.

But it"s a glimpse of his corpse. GULP.

This, meanwhile, is the official HBO description for the upcoming premiere:

Jon Snow is dead. Daenerys meets a strong man. Cersei sees her daughter again.

The question of whether or not Jon Snow is dead, of course, is the wrong question to ask.

We should be wondering this: Will Jon Snow REMAIN dead?

Check out the following sneak peek and let"s hear your theories on this topic below…

Game of thrones season premiere clip is that jon snow

Game of Thrones Sneak Peek: Is That Jon Snow?!?

We have two new pieces of information regarding the April 24 return of Game of Thrones:

  1. Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1 will be titled "The Red Woman."

  2. Jon Snow will make an appearance on the premiere!

But does this mean he"s alive and well? Not exactly.

Liam Cunningham, who portrays Davos Seaworth on television"s most epic drama, was a guest on Conan this week, first revealing that author George R.R. Martin has told him a major Game of Thrones secret.

But he wasn"t about to spill ot.

Cunningham did, however, bring a clip from the Game of Thrones Season 6 premiere along with him.

It depicts Davos about to do battle with the men who killed Jon Snow and, yes, it does give us a glimpse of Jon Snow himself.

But it"s a glimpse of his corpse. GULP.

This, meanwhile, is the official HBO description for the upcoming premiere:

Jon Snow is dead. Daenerys meets a strong man. Cersei sees her daughter again.

The question of whether or not Jon Snow is dead, of course, is the wrong question to ask.

We should be wondering this: Will Jon Snow REMAIN dead?

Check out the following sneak peek and let"s hear your theories on this topic below…

Game of thrones season premiere clip is that jon snow

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Kit Harington: Jon Snow is DEFINITELY Dead!

Unless you’ve been sentenced to take the black and join the Night’s Watch, and you just now figured out the wi-fi password at the Wall, you’re probably aware that Jon Snow was “killed” in the Game of Thrones Season 5 finale.

Naturally, in the months since, there’s been much speculation as to whether or not Snow is really dead.

After all, death takes many forms in Westeros, and even though we saw him get stabbed several times and bleed out in the snow (a fitting end, if ever there was one), it’s hard to believe a character who’s been so important to the proceedings thus far could really be gone for good.

The fact that Jon is featured prominently in the season 6 promotional materials seemed to basically confirm that he had somehow survived the attack, or would be brought back from the great beyond (perhaps by the otherworldly Melisandre).

This week, however, actor Kit Harington, who portrays Jon on the show, has been going around dashing hopes in a series of interviews:

“I think anyone who wants to know what happens in season six has to wait until it comes out,” he told E! News.

“All I can tell you is Jon Snow is dead. He died at the end of last season…. It’s going to be an exciting season. So I’m led to believe.”

Later in the week, Harington said the following during an interview with the BBC:

“People didn’t want me to die, but he’s dead. So there you go, everyone has to get used to it. I haven’t done Thrones in a while. I had quite a lot of time off last year. I’ve been taking it easy. And relaxing.”

Okay, Kit. Clearly you’re either lying to us, or like your signature character…you know nothing.

Either way, we’re guessing season six will feature more Snow than winter storm Jonas.

Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to get caught up in time for the April premiere. And hurry – spring is coming.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Kristin Cavallari: Makeup-Free For Family Snow Day!

Despite losing her brother earlier this month, Kristin Cavallari is doing her best to keep spirits high.

The reality star posted adorable photos of her family over the holidays, and revealed a makeup-free face while showing Instagram followers her snowy neighborhood.

On Christmas day, Cavallari shared an adorable photo of herself holding up her daughter, Saylor James Cutler.

“Saylor’s first Christmas! #MerryChristmas #ChristmasJammiesOnPoint,” Cavallari wrote.

Saylor, born on November 23rd, is Cavallari’s third child and first girl with Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler.  They also have two sons, Camden and Jax.

Cavallari’s older brother, Michael was found dead on December 10th after being reported missing after Thanksgiving.

Authorities found his body about three miles from his Honda, which was still running at the time.  

The cause of death is still being determined, but officials believe the freezing desert temperatures were a factor.

Cavallari posted a throwback photo of herself with Michael later that day.

“My heart is in a million pieces,” she wrote.  “Mikey, I could always count on you to make me laugh.

“You had such a good heart and will be forever missed. I’m at a loss for words but I know u are in a better place and finally at peace. I love u so much RIP.”

Monday, November 23, 2015

Game of Thrones Season 6 Poster: What Does It Say About Jon Snow?

Has HBO finally come out and revealed the worst kept secret on television?

In the closing moments of Game of Thrones Season 5, Jon Snow took a sword to the abdomen.

He fell down in a heap on the snow, the camera zooming in on his blood, the drama’s one true hero seemingly dead and gone forever.

Except… come on.

This is Jon Snow. This is the one hope for Westeros. This is the man who has a score to settle with The Night’s King and who simply ain’t going out like that

Considering Melisandre just arrived at Castle Black… considering what we know happens in the George R.R. Martin novels … and considering star Kit Harrington has even been spotted on set this summer in Belfast, it seemed rather clear:

Jon Snow may be dead. But he’s clearly coming back to life.

By actually featuring Snow on the first official poster for Game of Thrones Season 6, it would certainly appear as if the network isn’t even trying to make this a secret any longer.

We also now know that Game of Thrones will return with new episodes in April, likely April 3, as it typically comes back early on that month.

We’ll confirm the premiere date as soon as we know it.

In the meantime, sound off: JON SNOW IS TOTALLY COMING BACK TO LIFE!!!!