Friday, April 8, 2016

Game of Thrones Sneak Peek: Is That Jon Snow?!?

We have two new pieces of information regarding the April 24 return of Game of Thrones:

  1. Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1 will be titled "The Red Woman."

  2. Jon Snow will make an appearance on the premiere!

But does this mean he"s alive and well? Not exactly.

Liam Cunningham, who portrays Davos Seaworth on television"s most epic drama, was a guest on Conan this week, first revealing that author George R.R. Martin has told him a major Game of Thrones secret.

But he wasn"t about to spill ot.

Cunningham did, however, bring a clip from the Game of Thrones Season 6 premiere along with him.

It depicts Davos about to do battle with the men who killed Jon Snow and, yes, it does give us a glimpse of Jon Snow himself.

But it"s a glimpse of his corpse. GULP.

This, meanwhile, is the official HBO description for the upcoming premiere:

Jon Snow is dead. Daenerys meets a strong man. Cersei sees her daughter again.

The question of whether or not Jon Snow is dead, of course, is the wrong question to ask.

We should be wondering this: Will Jon Snow REMAIN dead?

Check out the following sneak peek and let"s hear your theories on this topic below…

Game of thrones season premiere clip is that jon snow