Showing posts with label Sober. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sober. Show all posts

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Lamar Odom: Out of Rehab, Trying to Stay Sober!

Last month, we reported that Lamar Odom had checked into rehab after struggling with his sobriety in very public fashion.

Today, TMZ is reporting that Odom has been released from the facility where he spent the past 35 days receiving treatment.

And it’s not hard to see why those closest to the former NBA star are already concerned about the possibility of a relapse.

The severity of Odom’s struggles with substance abuse first came to light when he overdosed at a Nevada brothel in October of 2015.

After emerging from a coma, the 37-year-old reportedly promised family and friends that he would swear off alcohol and drugs for good.

Unfortunately, it seems his resolve didn’t last long.

Prior to checking himself in for treatment, Odom suffered several relapses, and was spotted in public several times in various states of intoxication.

His return to his dangerous old habits culminated in Odom being removed from a plane after he vomited and stumbled into other passengers prior to take off.

Sources say Odom’s relapse was triggered by the anniversary of the 2006 death of his son.

He reportedly checked into rehab out of fear that his situation would only get worse as the date of his son’s passing drew closer.

Insiders TMZ that Odom completed his 35-day program with little difficulty, and he now looks forward to maintaining his sobriety in the new year.

For obvious reasons, of course, his family and friends remain vigilant in their efforts to keep him away from booze and drugs.

It wouldn’t be the first time that Odom completed treatment only to return to his hard-parting ways shortly thereafter.

Even after his near death experience he was unable to stave off temptation for long.

At that time, his estranged wife, Khloe Kardashian, was by his side nearly 24/7.

These days, Khloe is dating Tristan Thompson, and the two are rumored to be talking wedding plans.

For obvious reasons, that could easily serve as a trigger to Lamar.

Here’s hoping Odom is able to find the support he needs in order to resist falling back into his old habits.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Valerie Fairman "Tried So Hard" to Get Sober, Ex Says

Yesterday, the world learned the sad news that former 16 & Pregnant star Valerie Fairman had passed away at the age of 23.

Details were slow to emerge, but we eventually learned that Fairman died of an overdose.

Her struggle with substance abuse was chronicled during her brief period of MTV stardom, and Valerie struggled mightily to get sober over the years.

Unfortunately, in the end, she succumbed to the opioid abuse epidemic that’s already affected so many millions of Americans.

In the wake of her death, thousands expressed their condolences on social media, including several of Fairman’s former colleagues in the 16 & Pregnant/Teen Mom franchise.

Now, those closest to the troubled mother of one are opening up their loss and a life cut tragically short.

“I wish that I could have done more for her, that’s basically how I feel,” Valerie’s ex-boyfriend David Pryce tells Us Weekly.

“She was trying so hard. It’s a lifelong problem.”

Pryce says Fairman was badly misunderstood, not only by fans, but by those who thought they knew her best.

“All I have to say about Valerie is people don’t know how she really was,” Pryce added.

“She was very loving. She was very insecure. She always wanted to go places with me and just kind of hang out. Always wanted to be near me. She was a very, very good woman.

“She would just talk. She was very, very intelligent, which surprised me that she would end up like that.”

Pryce and Fairman dated for nine months in 2013, and the father of her 7-year-old daughter, Navaeh, is Pryce’s nephew.

Pryce paid tribute to Fairman on Facebook after learning of her death, but he also angrily called for something to be done about the worsening opioid problem in America:

“I will always miss you Valerie and I am want to tell anyone who is selling s–t to people to stop,” he wrote.

“We have lost too many loved ones to what you are doing and I am going to start taking care of it.”

Fairman was arrested twice in the past two years for crimes related to her addiction, but her family says that in the final weeks of her life, they had reason to be hopeful that she had turned things around.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Joseline Hernandez to Stevie J: SEE! I"m Clean and Sober!

We have an update on the never-ending, somewhat-hilarious-but-also-very-sad saga that continues to take place between Joseline Hernandez and Stevie J.

As has already been established, Hernandez is pregnant with Stevie’s baby.

There had been some (that is, A LOT) of controversy over whether Stevie was the one who fertilized Joseline’s egg with his sperm, but a recent DNA test has confirmed that the impending baby is, indeed, his.

But the question of just who will raise this poor child remains.

Earlier this month, Stevie J said on social media that he would consider “getting back together” with his fiery ex.

But he then filed legal documents that alleged Hernandez is basically a whack job. Like, for real.

Stevie wrote to a judge and outlined how Joseline had recently attacked him and how she made him fear both for his life… and the life of his unborn child.

In response to this supposed incidents, Stevie asked a judge to order psychological evaluation for his baby mama, along with anger management counseling.

As it turns out, Hernandez DID actually attack Stevie J at his home a few weeks ago, reportedly because she thought he was hooking up with another woman.

But Stevie has also claimed that Joseline is a drug addict who continued to snort cocaine while pregnant – and Hernandez has now responded to this accusation with proof that Stevie is lying.

Just this week, according to TMZ, Hernandez filed her own set of documents with the court, attaching three drug test results that showed she tested negative for various substances, including cocaine, amphetamines and weed.

Moreover, Joseline included a note from her healthcare provider that stated she is enjoying a healthy pregnancy (one she keeps photographic tabs on for public consumption often, as you can see above and below).

So… case closed, right?

Joseline is not taking drugs and her baby is in good health and she and Stevie will reconcile and maybe even raise this child in a happy, calm household?

Not quite.

In her legal papers, Joseline says she voluntarily submitted to the drug tests, adding that Stevie’s allegation that she has abused drugs throughout the past few months is a disgusting ploy meant to embarrass her.

She then took a dig at her ex-lover by saying in official papers that Stevie’s $ 5,000 check for her medical costs bounced.

(NOTE: This might explain why Stevie has agreed to star in a reality series titled Leave It to Stevie. Is the dude hard up for cash?)

(SECOND NOTE: You should go watch Leave It to Stevie online. It’s hilarious.)

Stevie, meanwhile, is not exactly accepting Joseline’s results or claims of sobriety.

He calls total BS on these tests because they were not conducted by a medical processional.

So, with a baby set to be born in just three weeks, things are as terrible as ever between her parents.

We often joke about Stevie and Joseline for obvious reasons.

But this isn’t funny. They are about to be parents. 

Step it up, guys. Get over yourselves. There’s a young life about to be at stake.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Lamar Odom: Still Struggling To Stay Sober?

Lamar Odom still has a long road to recovery, but he has one more person in his corner making sure that happens.

Long Island-based trainer Oneil Pryce is an old friend of Odom’s, and offered his expertise to help the former NBA star stay sober and get in shape.

Pryce gave Us Weekly an update on Odom’s progress, something the public has been wondering about since he was kicked off a Delta flight on July 11th for being too drunk.

“From what I know [he’s not drinking], because right now he is focused and that is the state I have him in right now,” Pryce told Us.

“I have been letting him know that [this] is going to be a rough road, a hard road,” Pryce said, referring to Odom’s October 2015 overdose that left him in a coma.

“And one thing he has to do is make sure that the partying, the drinking, all of that stuff, is going to be tough on his body.  So right now, he has been drinking his water, staying low key and pretty much staying out of sight of everybody else, all of the negative stuff.”

Pryce warned that though Odom might look fine, his body is still recovering.

“He might look physically fit on the outside, but on the inside, you have to understand, his liver has been through a lot, his kidney has been through a lot, and his heart has been through a lot,” the trainer explained.

“I’m just trying to show him it is one day at a time … Just two, three months ago, people were saying you weren’t going to walk again, you weren’t going to live. So, just to be where you are right now, you are doing good.”

Pryce is helping Odom focus on staying positive and “keeping his mental state high.”  

Knowing that his friend has been through hell, Pryce encourages the Queens native to weed out the negative influences in his life.

“He [has] certain people around him that I am trying to get him away from, and just keeping him positive,” Pryce said.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bam Margera Gets Sober, Buddies Up to Michael Lohan on Family Therapy

The last time we heard from him, Bam Margera was getting beat up after trash-talking some random Europeans while on tour doing…whatever it is Bam Margera does on tour.

So when Bam popped up on the debut season of VH1’s Family Therapy a few weeks ago, we weren’t surprised to see that he’s since admitted he has a problem with alcohol. We were a bit surprised by his choice of sober companion:

Yes, that’s Bam bonding with Michael Lohan, which – fun fact – is actually far more dangerous than any stunt he ever pulled on Jackass.

Much of the the show is typical VH1 trainwreck-rubbernecking disguised as an earnest attempt to help some C- and D-listers battle their demons, and that’s fine.

The insane relationship between Tiffany “New York” Pollard and her mother is enough to justify the series’ existence.

But Margera and Lohan both take the show from typical guilty-pleasure reality TV to disturbing glimpse into the minds of some very troubled men.

Many fans have noted (with an upsetting amount of schadenfreude) that Bam no longer resembles the slender, energetic daredevil his fans knew and loved.

Lohan, on the other hand, is exactly as we remember him:

He’s still terrorizing Dina Lohan, who, in turn is still lying about everything she can, including her well-documented habit of doing coke with her daughter.

We don’t think VH1 bargained for quite this much sadness when they picked this roster of celebs. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Brandi Glanville on Kim Richards: She"s Sober!

According to Brandi Glanville, Kim Richards has used a recent tragedy to turn her life around.

On January 24, Richards’ ex-husband, Monty Brinson, passed away after a long battle with cancer.

Richards and Brinson shared both a child and a strong connection to each other, even if they had not been married since 1988.

In a farewell message to Brinson the day after he died, Richards referred to her ex-husband as the “best friend” she ever had.

Considering Kim’s well-documented battle with addiction, it would have been easy for her to fall even further off the wagon as a result of this sad development. 

But Brandi Glanville offered a positive update on her friend during a recent appearance on Theo Von and Matthew Cole Weiss’ podcast Allegedly.

“Kim is great. I just saw her,” Glanville said. “She is sober, day by day. She is doing really well.”

Brandi admits that she “didn’t know what to expect” from Richards after Brinson’s passing… and also admits that she may not have helped the cause.

Glanville drank alcohol at Brinson’s wake, saying that if one wants to “be sober” and “can’t handle being around someone who drinks, then don’t do it.”

Ah, yes. There’s the nice and sensitive Brandi Glanville we’ve grown not to love.

Still, Brandi claims she’ll be there for Kim if her former The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills castmate falls into trouble down the line.

“I hope [Kim] will [stay sober], but she doesn’t even know if she will,” the reality star told Von and Weiss.

“She’s really at this point of saying ‘It’s day by day and I’m not going to make any promises to anyone else,’ and I think that is what she should’ve said the whole time.”

Monday, December 28, 2015

Scott Disick & Chris Brown: We"re Sober Buddies!

Scott Disick and Chris Brown have been hanging out a lot lately, and if you think that seems like a disaster in the making…well, you’re probably right.

At some point, these two will almost certainly get one another into some sort of serious trouble, but amazingly, they actually came together with the best of intentions.

According to TMZ and Scott and Chris are one another’s sober companions, meaning they go out together but remind one another to abstain from booze and drugs.

Disick just completed rehab last month, and a relapse could have major consequences, as he’s currently trying to regain partial custody of his three children with Kourtney Kardashian.

Chris swore off alcohol and hard drugs after his stint in jail last year, but has reportedly relapsed several times since.

A profoundly intoxicated Brown was carried out of a club in June of 2014, less than a week after he finished serving his sentence.

Sources say both Disick and Brown still enjoy the night life and make regular paid club appearances, but they stick close to each other whenever possible to help avoid the temptation of poppin’ bottles.

Of course, as anyone who’s seen Disick’s appearance in Brown’s latest video knows, the two bad dads are still giving into every other kind of temptation. 

Friday, December 11, 2015

Kim Richards: 60 Days Sober!

We’ll take good health over a Housewives mess any day of the week.

It was a terrible year for Kim Richards, who counted two arrests, a public meltdown and the loss of her lucrative job as the low points of 2015.

In April, Richards was arrested at the Beverly Hills Hotel for public intoxication, resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer.

In August, Richards was arrested again for shoplifting from a Van Nuys, CA Target.

Following the April arrest, Richards went on Dr. Phil, where she freaked out and stormed out of the interview

There’s good news for Richards, though.

“Kim recently celebrated sixty days of continuous sobriety and she is doing great,” a source told Radar Online.  “She is reconnected with her sober friends and is really trying to beat her alcoholism.”

Richards’ sentence included a year of mandatory Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, three years probation and 300 hours of community service.  

“Kim has adhered to the judge’s orders and is a regular in the rooms of AA again. Of course, everyone welcomed her back with open arms,” the source added

The former child star is making her way back into The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.  

Richards was recently spotted filming upcoming scenes with Yolanda Foster and Brandi Glanville, though there’s been no confirmation in regards to her return.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: I Left Lamar Odom Because He Wouldn"t Get Sober!

It"s been over a month since Lamar Odom nearly died from an overdose while on a bender at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada.

At first, estranged wife Khloe Kardashian remained tight-lipped on his condition and the nature of their relationship, but over the last two weeks, she"s opened up in a series of candid interviews.

Khloe has already informed fans that she"s still dating James Harden and that Lamar has suffered extensive brain damage.

This morning, in what may be her most revealing interview to date, Khloe went into detail about her relationships with both men, and spoke at length for the first time about why she never finalized her divorce from Odom

"When I first filed for divorce, it was one too many times of Lamar either not following through with rehab or one of our interventions," Khloe told Ryan Seacrest today.

"Everyone kept saying to me, "You have to use the divorce card, and that"s what will get him to finally make a decision."

"I did that, and when it didn"t work I was like…I didn"t know if I really wanted that divorce. At first it was really hard for me to just let go and I kind of let it linger…I was still hopeful for a long time."

Check out the clip below to hear Khloe"s surprising description of her situation with Harden.



Khloe kardashian i left lamar odom because he wouldnt get sober