Thursday, August 11, 2016

Lamar Odom: Still Struggling To Stay Sober?

Lamar Odom still has a long road to recovery, but he has one more person in his corner making sure that happens.

Long Island-based trainer Oneil Pryce is an old friend of Odom’s, and offered his expertise to help the former NBA star stay sober and get in shape.

Pryce gave Us Weekly an update on Odom’s progress, something the public has been wondering about since he was kicked off a Delta flight on July 11th for being too drunk.

“From what I know [he’s not drinking], because right now he is focused and that is the state I have him in right now,” Pryce told Us.

“I have been letting him know that [this] is going to be a rough road, a hard road,” Pryce said, referring to Odom’s October 2015 overdose that left him in a coma.

“And one thing he has to do is make sure that the partying, the drinking, all of that stuff, is going to be tough on his body.  So right now, he has been drinking his water, staying low key and pretty much staying out of sight of everybody else, all of the negative stuff.”

Pryce warned that though Odom might look fine, his body is still recovering.

“He might look physically fit on the outside, but on the inside, you have to understand, his liver has been through a lot, his kidney has been through a lot, and his heart has been through a lot,” the trainer explained.

“I’m just trying to show him it is one day at a time … Just two, three months ago, people were saying you weren’t going to walk again, you weren’t going to live. So, just to be where you are right now, you are doing good.”

Pryce is helping Odom focus on staying positive and “keeping his mental state high.”  

Knowing that his friend has been through hell, Pryce encourages the Queens native to weed out the negative influences in his life.

“He [has] certain people around him that I am trying to get him away from, and just keeping him positive,” Pryce said.