Thursday, August 11, 2016

Jinger Duggar & Jeremy Vuolo: Violating Courtship Rules AGAIN?!

It’s only been six weeks since we first learned that Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo are courting.

Shortly thereafter, Jinger and Jeremy got engaged, so needless to say, they’re following Duggar tradition when it comes to speeding past relationship milestones at breakneck speed. But are they breaking her family’s rules in other ways?

That’s a photo of Jinger and Jeremy that Jill Duggar posted on Instragram yesterday.

(As far as we can tell, Jinger is still not allowed to have her own social media accounts.)

Jill captioned the pic:

“Goodbyes are so tough! I remember those days! Loved getting to hang out with these lovebirds yesterday,”

It may all look innocent enough at first, but as with everything the Duggars do there’s a scandal bubbling just under the surface.

Of course, this one is only an issue because of the family’s own ludicrously strict rules governing relationships and sexuality.

Duggar obsessives have picked the pic apart like it’s footage of the freakin’ Kennedy assassination, and what they found may shock you to your very core.

But only if your last name starts with “D” and ends with “-uggar.”

You see, the Duggars forbid “front hugs” prior to marriage, as Jesus expressly forbade the mingling of premarital genitals separated only by twin layers of denim, or some such nonsense.

Only hand-holding and “side-hugs” are permitted so as not to arouse those sinful urges.

Some fans believe what’s pictured above qualifies as a front hug, and they’re all like:

“Hope those three seconds were worth an eternity in HELL, missy!”

Believe it or not, this isn’t even the first time that Jinger and Jeremy have broken courtship rules.

No word yet on when they’ll be getting married, but we assume the ceremony will take place in the First Ozzy Osbourne Temple of Satan.