Thursday, August 11, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Did Zakiyah"s Mistake Ruin Her Game?

Zakiyah’s romance with Paulie has been on thin ice for the past few weeks. 

The two of them just seem to be bickering pretty much all the time. 

That’s no doubt down to the fact Paulie knows it’s getting close to the time that he will have to get rid of her. 

Paulie’s all-male alliance with the men in the house means that he can’t take Zakiyah with him to the end of the game. 

It’s not like she’s been winning any competitions, so she doesn’t really deserve to go much further in the game, unless she decides to play it. 

We picked up at the nominations ceremony. Michelle was crying after how awful Victor’s speech was about her and she flipped out. 

She stormed away and shouted a torrent of abuse at her houseguests. That’s probably the worst thing she could do, but she’s an emotional player, so it was hardly unexpected. 

It was horrible that her fellow houseguests took it upon themselves to mock her when she went away from them. What did they expect from her?

They blindsided her and took her best ally out of the house. Now, she’s up on the block with one of her best friends in the house. 

It’s a tough time to be a woman in the Big Brother house. Paulie and his band of misfits have made it their mission to make the final 5 all-male. 

The houseguests went to try comfort Michelle, but she said they probably all knew what was happening and never thought to tell her. 

It was time to pick players for the veto ceremony and Zakiyah was the only one who got the houseguest’s choice chip. 

She chose Paulie, who told her he would remove her from the block if he won. 

Little does she know that he was the one who got her nominated in the first place. 

The competition was the one in which the six houseguests hide their card somewhere in the house and the one that doesn’t get found is the winner. 

All James seemed concerned with, was trashing the house. It looked horrible. The reaction from the other houseguests was great. 

In the end, Paulie won the veto.

Zakiyah was impressed, but she was horrified to learn that Paulie was not using the veto, so she picked him for nothing.

At the veto meeting, Michelle made it clear that she knew what Paulie’s game was and may just have solidified her fate. 

What do you think of the latest drama?

Who will be evicted?