Thursday, August 11, 2016

Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom: Wedding on the Way?!

Rumors that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are dating began to circulate back in February.

Last week they were confirmed in the most blatant (and most Hollywood) way possible.

Nude photos of Bloom showed the actor on vacation with Perry, his penis pointing directly at the actress like some sort of sexual divining rod.

Sure prior to that, Perry revealed that Bloom assisted her with her DNC speech, but anyone can help you introduce the probable next president.

Pointing genitals at one another suggests a next-level sort of intimacy.

So just how close are these two getting?

Well, they reached the penis-pointing stage in their relationship rather quickly, so it’s no surprise that there’s already talk of them taking it to the next level.

Several media outlets have reported that Katy and Orlando are talking marriage, but sources for Hollywood Life have a different take on the matter that makes perfect sense.

Apparently both parties are understandably a bit gun-shy when it comes to walking down the aisle.

“She really is having a great time with Orlando, but she wants to wait with marriage because she has already done that and it failed, and the same thing has happened for him,” says one insider.

You may remember that Katy’s marriage with Russell Brand lasted about as long as one would expect a marriage to Russell Brand to last.

Bloom split with Miranda Kerr back in 2013 after three years of marriage.

So it should come as no surprise, that for right now at least, these two are happy to just around on exotic beaches wagging dongs.

“They really want to keep having fun and don’t really want to add any titles to their relationship,” continues the source.

“They are totally fine with how things are going and marriage isn’t going to change that for the better! It really is the best case scenario for both not to be married right now. They’re happy with the way things are.”

Yes, from the looks of those pics, Orlando was at least halfway happy to see Katy.