Showing posts with label Speaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Speaks. Show all posts

Monday, June 11, 2018

Anthony Bourdain: Ex-Wife Speaks Out, Shares Pic of Daughter

Three days after Anthony Bourdain committed suicide, the celebrity chef, author and television host’s ex-wife has spoken out for the first time.

And she’s done so via a photograph of Bourdain’s only child, an 11-year old named Ariane.

In her first post on social media since Bourdain’s stunning death, Ottavia Busia posted a picture of the former couple’s only child with a microphone in her hand at DROM, a music venue in New York City.

Bourdain, who was 61 years old when he took his own life, was married to Busia, an Italian-born Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighter, from 2007 until 2016.

She was his second wife.

“Our little girl had her concert today. She was amazing. So strong and brave. She wore the boots you bought her,” Busia captioned the snapshot, pointing out her daughter’s pair of studded black boots on Sunday.

She then concluded with a message directed at Bourdain:

“I hope you are having a good trip, wherever you are.”

Short, simply and beautiful, wouldn’t you say?

In public, Bourdain did not talk a lot about being a father.

But an insider tells People Magazine that he took an immense amount of pride in this role and, of course, in Ariane.

“It was quite evident that Tony was a ‘lighter’ human being around his daughter,” says this source, adding:

“When he spoke about her, his eyes danced. He talked about her constantly.”

Bourdain, of course, was found dead by his close friend Eric Ripert in a hotel room in France late last week.

According to the latest reports on the tragedy, Bourdain used his bathrobe belt to hang himself in the bathroom.

On the personal life front, he had been dating Italian actress Asia Argento.

This is what she Tweeted the day his body was found in France:

Anthony gave all of himself in everything that he did. His brilliant, fearless spirit touched and inspired so many, and his generosity knew no bounds.

He was my love, my rock, my protector. I am beyond devastated. My thoughts are with his family. I would ask that you respect their privacy and mine.

Bourdain was filming an episode of his Peabody Award-winning show Parts Unknown when he chose to end his life.

It’s unclear whether CNN plans to air the episodes of Season 12 that had already been filmed at some point; this feels rather irrelevant at the moment, of course.

Ariane, meanwhile, lived in New York City with her mother.

Bourdain arranged his work schedule so he could always spend at least five days a month with his daughter.

“I do feel I have things to live for,” he actually told People Magazine in February of this year, explaining at the time:

“There have been times, honestly, in my life that I figured, ‘I’ve had a good run – why not just do this stupid thing, this selfish thing… jump off a cliff into water of indeterminate depth."”

However, parenthood gave Bourdain a new perspective on life, he added in this interview, referring to past dark times and saying:

“I don’t know that I would do that today – now that I’m a dad or reasonably happy.”

Those are chilling words to read now, aren’t they?

Let’s just hope Anthony Bourdain has found the peace in death that he could not find in life.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner: My Own Family Barely Speaks to Me

Though Caitlyn Jenner has come to realize that Trump is “the worst ever” for trans rights, she alienated a number of members of the transgender community with her support for him in 2016.

She also isolated herself from members of her own family. Tell-all books do not make for friendly family dinners.

Now, in a newly published interview, Cait discusses the distances from her children, and her regrets and mistakes as an activist.

kardashian body guess 46

In a lengthy and newly published interview with Broadly, Caitlyn

“I spend a lot of time by myself here in the house.”

We should note that the actual interview took place last autumn. Which was before Cait began to seem inseparable from rumored girlfriend Sophia Hutchins.

“I have a lot of children, but sometimes just because of circumstances, maintaining a close relationship with your kids is very tough.”

She has six children, including Kylie and Kendall. She also played a parental role with the Kardashian children, so one could argue that she has ten children.

“They all have lives. They’ve all moved on.”

Things between Cait and her erstwhile stepchildren have turned downright hostile.

And though she still has a relationship with some, like Kylie and Kendall, they’re adults doing their own things.

Cait waxes philosophical about existence and life itself.

“We’re just human beings; we’re going to be here for a very short time.”

Ultimately, she hopes to have strong relationships with her loved ones that last until the end of her life.

“We come and we go and at the end, when it’s all said and done, hopefully your family is going to be there.”

It only recently came to life that Caitlyn at one time considered suicide.

In this interview, Cait reveals that she had thought about her eventual death, and, long before she ever publicly came out as trans, had considered a stipulation in her will that she be buried in what society considers to be ‘women’s clothes.”

Now, that would no longer be a shock. But Cait does share what she expects — or at least, hopes for — when she, as a Christian, one day dies.

“I hope when I get up there to the pearly gates, God looks down and says, ‘You did a good damn job, you won the Games, raised wonderful children, and you know, you made a difference in the world. Yeah, come on in.’ That’s the way I want to go.”

The subject of Cait’s conflicts within the trans community — her interviewer herself was trans, and knows this struggle from the inside — absolutely comes up.

Cait does acknowledge that she made some mistakes after coming out.

“But I never did it maliciously. I just didn’t know, you know?”

She also admits that, particularly after the initial widespread support that she received after coming out, she was not prepared for the criticisms from trans people.

“And I really didn’t realize how critical the community was going to be.”

It’s appropriate that this interview is coming out now, just days after her major conflict with a trans advocate and model went public in a big way.

After Carmen Carrera spoke out about Cait on TMZ, Caitlyn texted her — which we know because Carmen revealed those texts in a now-deleted Instagram post.

Cait wrote to her, saying:

“Instead of putting negative things out in the press, about me, which hurts what I’m doing, you should be aware of what I’m actually doing. Call me and I’ll give you an update.”

Carmen’s reply was … not friendly.

“Although I’m happy someone has knocked some sense into you, please don’t forget about how I came to you with ideas of moving this movement outwards and you said you’d help but you never did.”

Carmen did make an offer for how they could make nice, but apparently did not receive a reply.

“If you’d like to have dinner to apologize and make it up to me, lets do it. Less talking, more doing.”

It was then Cait’s gal pal, Sophia Hutchins, who told Carmen that she had “burned a bridge” with Cait.

In addition to sharing those texts, Carmen wrote about how she met and offered support to Cait before Caitlyn’s big reveal as a trans woman.

“What I found was this lady’s ego is way too big for no reason and she’s the most selfish person I’ve ever met.”

That goes hand in hand with how many people view Cait. She may be marginalized as a trans woman, but she’s still rich white conservative woman who may have trouble empathizing with people whose lives are so very different from her own.

“She even told me to my face that she ‘wanted to be #1,’ whatever that means. Doing humanitarian work means you have to actually be a human.”


“Honestly, what does she actively do everyday for trans folks? And why does she take credit for what real activists are doing?”

Those are some solid questions. 

Carmen then calls Cait’s qualifications into account.

“Who even is she?.. A retired athletic hero turned background reality star, who is now stealing credit from the already disenfranchised trans community all for her own public benefit?”

That … isn’t the least accurate characterization of Caitlyn that we’ve seen.

“Be who you really are instead of who you think you need to be to gain more popularity. I will not let you take advantage of my people.”

Carmen’s very public post then ends with a jab at Cait and Sophia:

“Also, since you’re too much of a coward to communicate, please do not send your sidekick to handle your dirty work. She’s just as fake as you are. @hutchins_sophia”

We can all observe that Caitlyn has alienated herself from both many trans activists and other members of the LGBT+ community and from many members of her own family.

But it’s worth noting that her biggest fear for decades, that she would be rejected because she is a trans woman, did not come true.

Instead, people are wary of her for her political actions and statements and, in the case of her family, for what they perceive to be betrayals.

You don’t write a tell-all book without facing some personal consequences, folks.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Jill Duggar Speaks Out After Derick Dillard"s Homophobic Rant

After Derick Dillard’s latest controversy, fans are encouraging former Counting On star Jill Duggar to dump Derick.

It looks like she’s still standing by her man. This time, she’s backing up his homophobic Twitter rant. At least, that’s what it looks like she’s saying.

Take a look at her cryptic post below and decide for yourself.

Taking to Instagram, Jill wrote — without any context:

“To disagree doesn’t = hate, or judgement.”

That is true enough … on certain subjects.

“Love doesn’t always = approval.”

That is absolutely true. You can love and support someone without personally liking, say, their new haircut.

“Just because I disagree with my child on something doesn’t mean I hate him.”

We should certainly hope not.

“And just because I love and forgive him doesn’t mean I approve of everything he does.”

That makes sense, too. Up to a point.

“You can be friends with, love, and care for people you don’t agree with 100%.”

It’s not difficult to see that Jill is indirectly referring to Derick Dillard’s homophobic tweets, in which he attacked husbands Nate Burkus and Jeremiah Brent and their show, Nate & Jeremiah by Design.

It’s a home improvement show but, as with other series like Fixer Upper, it includes a personal touch about the designers’ lives.

Nate and Jeremiah are parents to two young children, which is apparently what had Derick so incensed that he had to tweet out his disdain for their show 

“What a travesty of family,” he wrote in the widely condemned tweet.

He continued, saying:

“It’s sad how blatant the liberal agenda is, such that it both highlights and celebrates a lifestyle so degrading to children on public television as if it should be normal.”

First of all, that tweet is of course appalling.

Though it is no surprise coming from Derick Dillard, who was fired from Counting On last year over his transphobic tweets about trans teen Jazz Jennings.

(Pro-tip: networks prefer for you to support their other shows, not condemn them, and when you’re a grown man repeatedly tweeting vile things about a teenage girl, you’re not going to come across as the good guy)

Second of all … it’s always funny (well, as funny as bigotry can get) when people refer to something like “the gay lifestyle.”

We know that they phrase it that way to make it seem like a peculiar choice than part of who someone is.

But, clearly, Nate and Jeremiah’s lifestyle is that they’re parents and designers and, now, reality stars. Those are all lifestyles.

Well, following the backlash that Derick incited with his homophobic rant, Derick continued.

He tried to defend himself without walking back his tweets, insisting that he has gay friends but he simply “doesn’t agree” … with their existence, we suppose.

(It’s powerfully reminiscent of the how can I be racist if I have black friends? argument that people still try to make sometimes)

Derick even suggested that The View was bullying him for being a Christian, even though a number of the hosts are Christians themselves and they mostly addressed gay parents whom they know and admire.

It seems clear that Jill Duggar is, once again, standing by her man.

Her post seems designed to defend herself from fans who share Derick’s homophobia — by stating that she does not endorse their “lifestyle” — and against Derick’s detractors, by saying that at least she and Derick don’t hate gay people.

Jill has shared some cringeworthy posts of her own in the past, including a transphobic prayer that disappointed many fans.

Fans didn’t have a difficult time connecting her new post to Derick’s most recent controversy, and some of the comments were excellent.

“Not a problem to disagree. The problem is to post on a public place that gives you access to many people, and you disparage other people! I do Not Believe the God I worship would want me to publicly disparage people.”

“Instead of encouraging someone you have now turned them away from you and probably have them not too interested in Your God. Yes you do have a right to your opinion, but remember for every action there is a reaction.”

“The reaction to your judgement is people don’t want to be around you any longer.”

“I’ll pray for God to soften your heart! They are a loving family trying to provide a loving home like any other family.”


Monday, April 30, 2018

Tristan Thompson Actually Speaks! And Plays!

Tristan Thompson balled out on Sunday afternoon.

By which, no, we don’t mean the dishonest baby daddy took some random Instagram model to a hotel room and railed her to orgasmic completion.

Instead, we mean the controversial power forward actually played meaningful minutes for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

As previously documented, Thompson had been essentially benched by Head Coach Tyronn Lue over the past few weeks.

Not because he cheated on Khloe Kardashian, as some outlets suggests, but because his limited skill set on the court negatively affected the Cavs’ offense.

However, in Game 7 of his team’s first round playoff series against the Indiana Pacers, Thompson was named a starter… and ended up rewarding his coach’s faith in his abilities.

Big time.

Thompson scored 15 pounds and grabbed 10 rebounds, helping the Cavs eliminate the Pacers and move on to face the Toronto Raptors in round two.

It’s VERY safe to assume Thompson will see many minutes tomorrow night in Game 1 as well.

In response to his breakout performance, Thompson took to Instagram for the first time since his Khloe cheating scandal broke about three weeks ago.

Did he apologize to his girlfriend?

Vow to be a better man?

Share a photo of daughter True Thompson?

No, no and no.

Thompson simply reference the game and the home crowd in his not-so-revealing message.

“WHAT AN ATMOSPHERE IN THE Q!! GREAT WIN #OnToTheNextOne,” wrote Thompson after Cleveland’s 105-101 victory.

post by tt

As you can see from one comment above, not all fans are ready to forgive Thompson just because he rolled hard to the basket yesterday, finished strong and used his hustle to assist on many second-chance points for the Cavs,

“You’re still fowl if the only thing that’s important,” reads one remark in response to his post.

“Those skanks won’t want to know you when you’re old and washed up. Your daughter probably won’t either.”

For the first time in awhile, however, Thompson’s name was trending on Twitter for a reason aside from his wandering penis and inappropriate behavior.

Folks were talking about Thompson for what he did on the court Sunday, although these exploits also led to many easy jokes for some to make on social media.

To wit:

thompson slams

LOL at Thompson playing hard because he doesn’t want to go home to Cleveland.

It is true that Tristan and his colleagues are now off to Toronto for the next two games in this second round series.

He gets to be in an entirely different country than Khloe for a few days! No wonder he wanted yesterday’s win so badly, right?!?

A previous report had alleged that Thompson is angry his infidelity has become so public. He’s not dealing with the hate very well, apparently.

But whatever, right? Khloe isn’t dealing with his cheating very well, either, we’re sure.

Should she finally end the relationship? Will she finally end the relationship?

We delve into those questions below:


Monday, April 23, 2018

Abby Lee Miller Speaks Out After Cancer Diagnosis

Late last month, Abby Lee Miller was released from prison after eight and a half months behind bars, and moved to a halfway house. 

Abby underwent treatment for what was believed to be an infection … and has unfortunately been diagnosed with cancer.

Now, she’s released a selfie from the hospital with a message for her supporters.

Early last week, Miller underwent emergency surgery over pain in her neck and increasing levels of paralysis in her extremeties.

At the time, it was believed to have been caused by an infection. 

Unfortunately, it turned out to be more complicated than an infection, and will need more than antibiotics to treat.

The former Dance Moms star has cancer, specifically in the form of Burkitt lymphoma, a type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that was first identified in the 1950s.

Now, for the first time since that diagnosis, she’s opening up with a statement.

And that statement accompanies a powerful selfie from her hospital bed.

In the captions beside this very vulnerable photo, Miller writes:

“So much gratitude and love for those who listened, those who looked deeper, and those who leapt into action.”

She doesn’t mention the cancer, but … she knows that we all know.

“So much more I wish I could say……about how quickly your life can change at the hands of others.”

She extends her thanks.

“Thanks for [the love].”

She spelled out that love with emojis, and then followed it with a number of tags.

“#abbyleemiller #abbylee #aldc #aldcla #aldcalways #dancemoms #iwilldance”

That caption is very raw and genuine and it really tugs at your heartstrings.

(If she were a Millennial, she probably would have written “I lived b–ch,” after the meme, and left it at that, but there’s probably no wrong way to post a selfie after you’ve undergone surgery)

The good news is that Burkitt lymphoma has a 90% survival rate.

The bad news is that the survival rate is said to be lower among adults, among whom this particular form of lymphoma is considerably less common.

That said, Abby Lee Miller is nothing if not a fighter.

She is expected to undergo both chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

This is actually the first glimpse that Abby Lee Miller has given the world of herself following her stint in prison, during which she apparently lost a great deal of weight.

(They weren’t starving her — she underwent weight loss surgery before going behind bars)

You can see how the shape of her face has changed, even though you can only see part of it.

All things considered, she looks great.

We wish that the photo had come under better circumstances.

No one, even controversial reality stars, deserves cancer.

As she undergoes treatment, one of the top priorities for Abby’s well-being will be that she remain hydrated.

Doctors are not yet certain whether her lymphoma has spread, as it is known to do.

The good news about Burkitt lymphoma, which is a fast-spreading cancer, is that it tends to respond more quickly to treatment than slow-spreading cancers.

We certainly hope that Miller will make a full recovery as soon as possible.


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Meek Mill Speaks from Prison, Pissed About Being on Probation for 10 Years

Meek Mill is speaking from the prison where he’s serving his controversial sentence — and insists the judicial system set him up to fail … from jump street. Meek talked by phone to Lester Holt of NBC Nightly News about the 2-4 years Judge Genece…


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Blac Chyna Fight Victim Speaks Out: "I Slapped the Sh-t" Out of Her!

It was SO very on this weekend between Blac Chyna and a woman named Lex.

In case you missed the awesome news, Rob Kardashian’s baby mama got into a pretty serious melee on Easter Sunday at Six Flags Great Adventure.

The reality star and occasional sex tape maven was trying to enjoy a peaceful day at the amusement park with her two kids when a woman dared to touch little Dream and refer to Chyna as a “hood rat.”

This is the story Chyna has told to TMZ at least.

The Instagram model says she had no choice but to fight back, especially considering this woman actually touched her baby daughter.

And fight back Chyna most definitely did, as evidenced by the following WILD video:

However, and this is truly shocking, the woman on the receiving end of Chyna’s anger tells a different story.

Named Lex (short for Alexis), she tells TMZ that the incident started because she complimented Chyna’s nanny on Dream, saying the child was cute.

She then patted Dream’s hand

Chyna noticed the hand-patting, according to Lex, and started to curse her out, warning her to stay away.

Lex alleges that a physical altercation only began with Chyna’s boyfriend, some Z-Lister rapped named YBN Almighty Jay, actually punched her and her sister numerous times.

She claims she never came to blows with Chyna and that security guards quickly intervened, advising everyone to go on their way without filing a report.

In her retelling to TMZ, Lex is very calm and collected, which is a stark contrast to how she detailed the fracas on Twitter a few hours after it occurred.

“[S]ooo I was having a good little time and I see black chyna’s beautiful baby right?” wrote the 18-year old early Monday morning, adding:

“So I’m like awwwww like omg this baby is so cute (not even knowing this was her f—ing baby) so I’m guessing it was the nanny but she rolled the baby towards me right?”

We’re just gonna sit back and let Lex share the details… because they’re pretty amazing coming straight from her social media account:

So a lady comes up to me and she’s like ‘omg was that you black Chyna was talking about? She said she was goonna whoop yo a—’ so now I’m in tears like lmaoooo for what wtf this b— think cause she black chyna she won’t get slapped.

So y’all know me ….. I just slap TF when I say THEE DOGGGGGGG S— I slapped the dogggg s— out hg. o when I did her f—ing boyfriend start socking on me and my sister LMAOOOOOO LIKE REALLY SOCKING ON US.

But I mean I had a blast. I just slapped the s— outa black chyna and fought her boyfriend and all her lil friends but this n— was really socking on us he’s really a b— period.

Perhaps realizing that this account could make legally liable, Lex has since deleted most of these messages.

But she did address Chyna’s fans at one point, as you can see above, seemingly admitting that she DID punch Blac at least once:

“I’m not finna be replying to y’all mad a— fans lmao period idgaf period don’t let nobody walk your f—ing baby to a stranger weirdo !!

“I touched her baby with one finger on her hand idc how nobody feel and like I said I only slapped her because she thought she wanted to fight.”

Elsewhere, a short while later, Lex once again had second thoughts.

She struck a very different tone after hearing from those out on the Internet, many of which were saying mean things about her:

As for the Kardashians?

Rob has not yet said anything about this incident, while a source tells People Magazine the family is glad he’s no longer engaged to her.

Very, very, very glad.

Their “biggest concern is that Dream is safe,” this insider says.


Monday, April 2, 2018

Blac Chyna Speaks Out About Her Fight Video: I Don"t Condone Violence, But ...

Blac Chyna went out to spend Easter Sunday with her children, Dream and King. They were accompanied by their nanny, their entourage, and by Chyna"s hot 18-year-old boyfriend.

Unfortunately, as a viral fan video shows, Chyna got into a violent-looking altercation with someone else in the park. As you"ll see below, she looked ready to wield her own child"s toy car as a weapon.

Now, Chyna is breaking her silence on the video and speaking out about violence.

Blac chyna feels dreamy

How did you spend your weekend? For Christians — and many secular households — it was Easter. For Jewish households, Passover began. Sunday was also April Fool"s Day.

Blac Chyna celebrated by taking her children, King and Dream, to California’s Six Flags Magic Mountain. It"s a great place to go … unless you get greyouts from roller coasters.

Unfortunately, as a fan video revealed, Chyna got into some sort of altercation while at the park.

After reportedly being slapped by a woman, Blac Chyna is shown trying to wield her daughter"s pink car toy as a weapon, seeming to try to throw it at the woman with whom she had a beef.

She"s not very effective at it and, after a while, the people around her try to stop her, but her fury seems very evident.

There is no sign that either Dream or King was around to see any of this.

Blac chyna six flags fight

It is difficult to verify details, but a woman claiming to have been involved explained that she was at the park and, not knowing who Dream was and seeing her little car being pushed by a white woman — her nanny — she complimented how beautiful the baby was.

(Dream really is too cute for words)

The nanny thanked her and this woman says that she interpreted that the nanny had given her permission to touch the baby. It sounds like she booped Dream"s nose or cheek or something like that, and walked on.

She was then confronted by Chyna, she says, who then departed in a fury. She says that she then heard that Chyna was ranting about wanting to beat up this woman for having touched her baby.

According to this woman"s statement — which, again, cannot be verified — she tried to talk things out with Chyna, who reportedly started taking off extra things that she was wearing.

As one might do if one is about to "throw down."

This woman says that her response to this apparent act of aggression was to slap Chyna.

Rob kardashian with dream on his birthday

You know who"s loving this story?

Rob Kardashian.

He"s back on Instagram, where he re-posted the video clip of Blac Chyna"s fury, which you can see below.

In the captions, he wrote: "Just gonna leave this here."

Though reportedly the two are getting along better than they had in the past — in fact, one report even claims that Rob wants Chyna back — it sounds like he can"t resist to urge to boost an embarrassing video of her.

At least it"s not revenge porn, this time.

Dream kardashian is adorable

Here sits Dream in the stroller-slash-car as it"s used for its intended purpose.

Blac Chyna spoke out about the incident on her Instagram story, saying:

"Being famous is hard enough dealing with scrutiny but when someone feels comfortable to come and touch your child it’s a whole other story."

Honestly, do not touch someone"s baby without their permission. Though, in this case, there may have been a misunderstanding.

Chyna continues:

"I do not condone violence nor am I a violent person but shout out to all of the amazing mothers out there that will protect their children at all cost."

That"s the first obligation of any parent.

"Love, King and Dream"s mommy."

Blac chyna acts all sweet

This altercation might have been prevented with better communication.

Though obviously no responsible nanny is going to announce: "Yes, this is a celebrity"s baby!" And perhaps this unnamed other woman could use some better boundaries.

It looks like Chyna needs to find a healthier way to express her anger, but we"d point out that it doesn"t appear that anyone was hurt.

It also sounds like Chyna"s heart was in the right place — she was trying to set boundaries to protect her children.

We just hope that they did not see their mother go off like that in the park.

Take a look:

Blac chyna speaks out about her fight video i dont condone viole

Monday, March 26, 2018

Chris Brown Speaks Out on Karrueche Tran Dating Victor Cruz!

Folks, Chris Brown is expressing his feelings on social media again.

Usually that means some death threats are being issued and some serious trash is being talked.

But either Chris has turned over a new leaf or he recently got his hands on some extremely mellow indica, because we’re seeing a side of Breezy that we’ve never seen before.

Whatever the case, hopefully his long suffering ex Karrueche Tran can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Chris and Karrueche broke up way back in 2015, but that hasn’t stopped Chris from continuing to interfere in her life.

Actually, the two of them broke up several times, but it was the revelation that Chris had a secret daughter from a previous relationship that finally pushed Karrueche over the edge.

We guess finding out the person you’ve been dating for years has been living a double-life the whole time is a deal-breaer for some folks.

Weird thing is, on the scale of bad behavior from Chris Brown, that’s actually pretty mild.

These days, Karrueche appears to be dating Victor Cruz of the New York Giants.

The couple went semi-public recently and Chris dealt with the news remarkable well (by Breezy standards, that is).

On an Instagram pic of the couple, Brown commented:

“They look really good together.”

That’s it. That’s all he wrote.

Now, it’s possible that that’s some sort of coded threat to Cruz, like when a Mafia dude kisses another dude on the lips and it means he’s been marked for death.

But in all likelihood, this is just Chris complimenting an ex he’s been broken up with for years.

You know, like normal, relatively sane people do.

That doesn’t mean Chris is actually normal or relatively sane, however.

No, in fact, it looks like he’s just directing his irrational rage at a different former flame these days.

“Chris is furious over the latest Rihanna pregnancy rumors,” a source close to Brown tells Hollywood Life.

“Every time Chris hears about Rihanna possibly being pregnant, he gets really bothered and totally freaks out.”

It seems like Chris gets bothered and freaks out pretty much any time anything happens, so we suppose it’s not shocking that he flipped when he heard that Rihanna might be pregnant.

It is surprising that he’s so mad he can’t even focus on his other grudges, though.

“Chris has a lot of love for Rihanna and he always wanted to be the one to have a family with her,” the insider claims.

“It makes him emotional to hear that she could be having someone else’s baby.”

The source adds:

“Chris has always felt that one day things might workout between them, so if the rumors turn out to be true, he will be heartbroken.” 

Yeah, Chris we’re pretty sure that ship has sailed.

It left harbor right around the time you brutally beat Rihanna and she fled the relationship in fear for her life.


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Johnny Manziel Speaks Out on Colin Kaepernick Comparisons and Controversy

Johnny Manziel’s had it with the controversy over his quest to return to the NFL being compared to Colin Kaepernick’s situation, and he’s speaking out in favor of Kaep … and himself. The former Browns QB says he’s tired of the anger people have…


MLK Jr."s Granddaughter Speaks About Guns at March for Our Lives: I Have a Dream, Too!

Yolanda Renee King — granddaughter of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King — took the stage at March for Our Lives … and gave a rousing speech her granddad would be proud of. The 9-year-old walked out with Parkland student Jaclyn…


MLK Jr."s Granddaughter Speaks About Guns at March for Our Lives: I Have a Dream, Too!

Yolanda Renee King — granddaughter of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King — took the stage at March for Our Lives … and gave a rousing speech her granddad would be proud of. The 9-year-old walked out with Parkland student Jaclyn…


Friday, March 23, 2018

Chris Marek Actually Speaks Out: Is He Engaged to Amy Roloff?!?

Chris Marek is tired of listening.

He’s tired of reading all those insults hurled his way via social media, as Little People, Big Word fans across the Internet accuse him of being a gold digger who is no good for Amy Roloff.

He wants to finally set the record straight.

For the first time that we can remember, Marek has actually sat down for an interview, talking in depth about his relationship with Roloff.

The pair have been together for nearly a year now and show no signs of slowing down.

Marek is a successful real estate agent who seems completely smitten and who has been accepted by all members of this close-knit family.

So, why do so many people out there hate Marek so much?

Why are there so many comments on Amy’s Instagram page that urge her to dump his sorry, no-good rear end?

Marek has no idea.

But he can at least address one rumor that continue to make its way around the Web:

Is he engaged to Roloff? Are they planned a wedding?

“No, we aren’t engaged,” Marek tells Radar Online in this exclusive Q&A, adding:

“Everything is good. Everything is strong, but not at this time.”

It does sound like something Marek has considered or would consider, however, and he even may have hinted to Radar just when the major question may be popped.

“Nothing major is happening now,” he insists, prior to dropping what some could consider a significant tease:

”But we have a cruise coming up next month – that’s the biggest thing happening in the near future that we are excited about.”

Could this big thing include a big diamond as a gift to his long-time girlfriend?!?

We can only speculate at this time.

Amy, of course, split from husband Matt Roloff back in May of 2016.

The reality stars released an amicable joint statement back then and haven’t said a single negative word about each other in the media since.

Matt has moved on himself to a woman named Caryn Chandler, yet some folks out there continue to either hope for a reconciliation or to push Amy to at least find someone other than Chris.

As we said previously, we really can’t figure out why.

Marek seems really nice!

As you can see via photos such as the one above, Chris often hangs out with Amy and her kids, which is a huge reason why we’re happy to accept him in her life.

If her children don’t have any objections, how can we?!?

The only question remaining is the one Marek answers above: Are they engaged? Okay, no.

But will they soon be engaged? It sounds possible, doesn’t it?

You can expect The Hollywood Gossip to be leading the cheering section when this blessed event does, at last, take place.

We just want Amy Roloff to be happy.


Friday, March 2, 2018

Briana DeJesus Speaks Out on Guns in Classrooms

While Jenelle Evans doubles down on guns in the wake of the latest mass shooting, Briana DeJesus is stepping up and sharing some much more sensible views.

In particular, she’s trashing the idea of arming teachers, and targeting the Florida legislature’s move to do so in particular.

In a world where the President is a reality star, it’s not so surprising to hear a Teen Mom 2 star making some salient points about public policy.

On February 14th, a tragic and terrible shooting at a Florida high school left 17 dead.

The survivors have become a rallying point for common sense gun control legislation. Noting a failure of government leadership, a number of major businesses — starting with Dick’s Sporting Goods — have announced that they’re enacting their own measures.

In the mean time, Trump has suggested arming teachers with guns, an idea that’s been widely lampooned online.

And the Florida legislature, to the surprise of no one familiar with the exploits of Florida Man and Florida Woman, decided to pour $ 67 million into a plan to arm teachers throughout the state.

Briana DeJesus took to Twitter to speak out:

“Stupidest thing ever to give teachers guns … what is the point of safety patrols on campuses then??”

She’s referring to school resource officers — police who spend time working security on campuses as a measure that people hope will keep students safer.

Briana DeJesus gets very real about the role that racism plays in schools and in countless shootings.

“I have a child of color and knowing 10 teachers in her school will carry a gun terrifies me.”

With guns everyone, it just takes one racist person on one bad day to end a child’s life.

“As a parent I know I won’t be able to protect my kids every second go the day. And I would want their teachers to love and protect like I would.”

But Briana lives in real life, not in fantasy land where everyone’s a trained marksman. (Though we should note that many combat veterans have spoken out about how dangerous arming teachers could be)

“But giving teachers guns just isn’t right and spending 67 [million dollars] is crazy.”

The amount that the legislature was willing to conjure up out of nowhere is a sticking point for many people.

“They won’t ever spend 67 million on education but for guns … it’s okay?”

Someone challenged her, suggesting that arming teachers — who are not trained to be armed guards and are not paid to be armed guards — would be a great way to protect students.

“I’m all for protecting kids but there’s no reason to give TEACHERS guns.”

She’s already addressed the expense and the fact that not all teachers would be safe with a gun.

But she clearly doesn’t want to argue.

“But whatever. Let’s see how this plays out. I hope for the best!”

Trump, of course, announced his “policy proposal” just as he announces his other bad ideas — with his little orange thumbs.

“What I said was to look at the possibility of giving concealed guns to gun adept teachers with military or special training experience — only the best.”

His version of “best” is famously laughable — just look at the turnaround in the White House.

“20% of teachers, a lot, would now be able to.”

Trump then makes some weird sports analogies that perhaps golf players will understand. A real man of the people.

“I want highly trained people that have a natural talent, like hitting a baseball, or hitting a golf ball, or putting. How come some people always make the four-footer and some people under pressure can’t even take their club back, right? They can’t even take their club back.”

He seemed to lose himself on a sports tangent.

Briana did not mention that even highly trained marksmen are considered to be doing “very well” if they have 40% weapon accuracy in live fire simulations.

So even if teachers are having a shootout with some gunman, where are the other 60% of the bullets going?

Some of them are going into students.

Of course, Trump said that he wanted to take away guns, and then pivoted because he doesn’t actually know what he’s saying at any given time.

He now plans to meet with video game executives, because surely those violent video games are to blame, even though Canada and the UK and Australia all play the exact same games without the shootings.

Briana didn’t get into all of that. That’s okay — she’s a reality star, not a politician.

But even she knows that children don’t need to be around guns. Which is more than we can say for certain people.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Speaks Out About Rob Kardashian"s Weight

Though Rob Kardashian is always happy to post adorable photos of North and Dream, he is personally camera-shy and spent years more or less hiding from his family"s spotlight.

A huge factor was his weight gain. He"s been honest about it, but the body-shaming that he"s received has been inexcusable.

Khloe opens up about that and more in this clip from Revenge Body, which you can see below.

Khloe kardashian on revenge body

In the Revenge Body clip that you can watch below, Khloe offers counseling to a married couple named Chad and Allison.

Allison laments being heavier than she would like — describing "worrying about" being 200 pounds when she and Chad were dating and now "worrying about" being 300 pounds as a married woman.

She believes that her current weight presents health risks, and that it would be unsafe to become pregnant with her current figure.

(We don"t know the exact date when this was taped, but in real life, Khloe just did her gender reveal, and is of course pregnant. And she probably knew that she was pregnant at this time. Her facial expression is interesting)

Chad, interestingly, also has body image issues.

He believes that he is too scrawny.

While the issues that Allison laments are somewhat more common, there is a stigma — arising from toxic masculinity — against thin or scrawny men, even though many people find their body type to be desirable or even ideal.

Revenge body 01

Khloe first addresses Allison"s desire to lose weight and her complicated relationship with her body and figure.

"I know how you feel."

That"s an interesting claim, since Khloe — though she was once less fit than she currently is — has never been what could honestly be described as "fat."

"You feel, like, trapped in your own body."

Before anyone assumes that Khloe is trying to say that her past issues compare to Allison"s, however, Khloe explains why she knows how Allison feels.

"I feel that way for my brother."

Revenge body 02

Khloe continues, discussing Rob Kardashian as an example.

"Who, you know, gained a lot of weight. It"s debilitating."

Rob Kardashian did famously gain a lot of weight and spent years in seclusion, rarely venturing into the public eye.

He was so self-conscious about his weight gain — which he has blamed on a milkshake habit that snowballed into other unhealthy habits — that he skipped out on Kim Kardashians"s 2014 wedding.

He just did not feel comfortable in his own skin.

Khloe has previously encouraged him to work out with her and with Tristan.

Khloe, of course, gets up at like 6am every single day of her life so that she can start her day with a workout.

Rob kardashian blue hat

Khloe also extends her sympathies to Chad.

"And I think that people sympathize enough when people are body-shamed for being too thin."

It sounded like a lot of Chad"s issues with his body were in his own mind — again, a product of toxic masculinity that pernicously seeps into men"s minds. But body-shamed or not, if he wants his body to be a different way, he"s welcome to pursue change.

Khloe continues: 

"My sister Kendall … When she was growing up, she was very skinny. She used to get bullied all of the time for being "too skinny.""

To be fair, Kendall is a very slender woman even as an adult. But she"s also hot for a living — she"s a model. Some could argue that she"s skinny for a living, even.

Kendall jenner relaxes

While Chad"s body type likely presents zero health risks whatsoever, if he wants to live out his beefcake dreams (or just put on a little more muscle), good for him.

Khloe can likely connect more with Allison, even though Allison"s weight loss goals are a bit heftier than Khloe"s have ever been.

Different people, based upon genetics and body types and personal histories, will have more or less difficulty gaining or losing weight.

It"s important to realize that body-shaming, since even a literal supermodel like Kendall Jenner can be on the receiving end of it, is never about the recipient. It"s always about the bully.

If a guy like Chad has been body-shamed for being slender, it"s because someone wanted to ruin his day because of their own issues.

Allison, just like Rob Kardashian, should not be shamed for being overweight, and not just because she"s working to change it.

We only wish that Rob had realized that before he went off on Blac Chyna in a revenge porn attack last summer, posting her nudes and body-shaming her.

Take a look at this video. Do you like the advice that Khloe is giving out?

Khloe kardashian speaks out about rob kardashians weight