Showing posts with label Stefani. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stefani. Show all posts

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: We"re Not NOT Trying to Have a Baby!

There’s just something about Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton, isn’t there?

Something that makes even the most logical, sensible people lose their dang minds over the vaguest pregnancy rumor.

It makes sense — Gwen and Blake are pretty cute together, and they come from almost totally different worlds, so it’s very exciting.

And since they’re such different kinds of celebrities, they each bring large, totally different fan bases together to create one big happy family of Gwake supporters.

It’s so nice to see, really.

And if you happen to be one of those supporters, or even just someone who can appreciate a good love story from a reasonable distance, you’ll be pretty happy about this new report!

But first, a bit of bad news …

Even though the rumors that Gwen is pregnant with Blake’s baby have really been heating up lately, even more than usual, a source tells Hollywood Life that “Gwen is most definitely not pregnant.”

“Blake has been low-key hoping for a while that they might have a happy accident and Gwen would wind up pregnant again but for now that is simply not the case.”

As for the persistent rumors, the source explains that “Gwen is so tiny, if she has a big lunch, she can appear to be 3 months along.”

“But she is not … not now at least.”

It cuts a little, doesn’t it?

But here’s where things start to look up!

The source says that “Blake and Gwen are happy, totally in love and are not actively trying to have babies right now.”

“However, they are also not trying to not have babies … so they are leaving things to chance and fate.”

Another source says that if she did end up pregnant soon, “nobody would be surprised.”

And that’s because “Gwen’s made no secret of how much she would love to have a baby with Blake, and they haven’t been using contraception.”

So that’s two different sources claiming that Gwen and Blake aren’t trying to prevent pregnancy … could this actually happen? Finally? At long last?!

Of course, there is that small matter about biology … Gwen is 47 years old, and there’s a very solid chance that her baby-making days are behind her.

The source admits that “Obviously, given Gwen’s age, it’s a lot tougher for her to get pregnant naturally — but she’s incredibly fit, eats really healthily, and has never had any fertility issues, so it’s definitely not out of the question.”

As for Blake, he’s “always wanted to be a dad, and it’s something they’ve been talking about pretty much from the start of seeing each other.”

Apparently, the plan they made back then was for them to “try and get pregnant naturally, but if that didn’t happen, they were willing to try IVF, and if that didn’t work then they agreed that they would explore surrogacy.”

So even if she isn’t able to conceive with Blake, we could still end up seeing those two raising a child of their own together!

Sometimes the world sure can be a beautiful place, huh?


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: Let"s Have a Baby Already!

From what we keep hearing, Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are in love.

So in love. So very, very in love. Probably the most love anyone’s ever been in, ever.

Theirs is a love story like any other: they met on a singing competition show, and when both of their marriages fell apart at the same time, they healed each other.

That’s been almost two years ago now, if you can believe it, and ever since then, they’ve been 100% adorable.

They’ve been adorable on The Voice, they’ve been adorable at each and every public appearance they’ve made, they’ve been adorable on social media.

They’ve especially been adorable on social media when any or all of Gwen’s three sons with Gavin Rossdale are also involved.

Which leads us to out point …

Isn’t it high time they had a baby already?!

A two-year relationship is more than enough time in Hollywood to make the commitment of having a child together, and it’s obvious Blake is fatherly with Gwen’s sons.

So what’s holding them back from having one of their own?

According to a source who spoke with Hollywood Life — nothing!

Absolutely nothing is holding them back from making a baby, and the source even says that “Adding to their family is in the game plan for Gwen and Blake.”

“Gwen loves being a mom,” the source explains, “and as much as she thought she was done having kids, that all changed when she met Blake.”

“She feels like Blake is her true soul mate and there’s nothing she’d love more than to have a baby with him.”

Having a baby would be a very big decision though, and not just for the obvious reasons.

As we’ve said, Gwen is already a mother of three, and she’s also got a very busy schedule. A baby would seriously throw them for a loop.

And besides, she’s 47 years old right now — a time when most women have an extremely difficult time conceiving, if they can even conceive at all.

But whatever happens, Blake “isn’t putting any pressure on her.”

However, “they’re trying” to get pregnant right now, because having a baby together “is something he wants just as much as she does.”

What a darling little story, right?

And it would be so sweet to see Gwen have such a happy ending after the mess that was the end of her marriage to Gavin.

Make it happen, universe!


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Gwen Stefani: Expecting Twins, Asking Beyonce for Help?!

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton have been dating since the fall of 2015, just a few months after their respective splits from Gavin Rossdale and Miranda Lambert.

And since then, how many times have we heard that Gwen is pregnant with Blake’s baby?

Approximately a billion.

It’s like every single time we turn around, someone somewhere is swearing up and down that Gwake is expecting, and every single time it turns out to be a lie.

And our hearts can only take so much disappointment, you know?

So there better be some truth to this new report from OK! magazine …

As a source explains to the magazine, Gwen and Blake are “head over heels in love,” and at least we know that much is true.

“Gwen and Blake were desperate to start a family together,” the source says, “and they think tying the knot would be the perfect way to celebrate.”

Oh yeah, we forgot to mention that in addition to a new round of baby rumors, this report also suggests that we’ll see a wedding at the end of this summer.

But, going back to the baby angle, the source admits that “At her age, a pregnancy would be nothing short of a miracle.”

Gwen’s 47 years old now, by the way.

“But it’s not out of the realm of possibility. She’s always said Apollo, whom she had at 44, was totally unexpected.”

And besides, she’s always said she wants “a little girl” to “hang out and play dress-up with.”

But Gwen doesn’t want just one baby … she wants twins.

“Word is they run in her family, on her dad’s side,” and besides, “Friends are saying she’s been talking constantly about Beyonce’s pregnancy and wanting to reach out to her for advice.”

“People are starting to put two and two together.”

Because — you guessed it! — the source claims that she’s already pregnant with two babies right at this very moment.

Apparently she broke the news to Blake on his birthday last month, and “He said it was the best birthday ever.”

“There were lots of hugs and happy tears, and they talked about baby names all night.”

It’s especially exciting because if Gwen actually is pregnant with twins, the new babies will be Gwen’s fourth and fifth kids, but Blake’s first.

And since he’s so good with Gwen’s three sons — the source says that “He is crazy for Gwen’s boys, especially Apollo, who idolizes the giant man who makes his mom laugh” — it’ll be extra cute to see him with babies.

And Gwen, bless her heart, is “just dying to see him with little babies.”

“Gwen and Blake really reel fate brought them together and continues to bless them with this promise of more kids,” the source concludes.

“The say they have to pinch each other to make sure it’s real.”

OK, so if this is true, if Gwen is pregnant and she told Blake on his birthday last month, then she’d be about two months along right now.

And since this would be her fourth pregnancy, and since she’s apparently having twins, she should start showing pretty soon, right?

So we’ll see, friends. We will see.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Gwen Stefani Sued for Causing Stampede at Concert, Injuring Woman

Gwen Stefani created a dangerous stampede at one of her concerts when she invited fans to rush the stage … at least according to a woman who’s suing her for just that. Lisa Stricklin just filed suit against the No Doubt singer, claiming she…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: Secretly MARRIED?!

From reports that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are closer than ever to photos and video of the two celebrating Blake Shelton’s birthday together, it’s looking like these two are absolutely inseparable.

In fact, according to a new report, things between Gwen and Blake may have just escalated beyond inseparable and entered new, more official, territory.

According to what an insider told Life & Style Magazine, Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton were secretly married.

The source claims that the two “want to be together forever,” which most of us could have guessed given … everything.

“So they decided to just do it.”

That’s a little impulsive, especially without news of an engagement.

(Well, except for what may have been a botched proposal earlier this year)

According to the report, they wanted it to be just very close friends and close family, including Gwen’s kids.

Apparently, Gwen’s three were not only included, but Blake had bracelets made for all of them, depicting them as five stick figures as a family.

That’s all kinds of precious.

A representative for Blake Shelton responded that the story of these two having a secret wedding was simply:

“Not true.”

Representatives aren’t officers of the court or anything, so they can straight-up lie if they really need to.

They also don’t always know as much as they think that they do about the stars whom they represent.

Because we could see Gwen and Blake, both having hooked up right after experiencing nasty breakups, not bothering with a big production and just getting married in secret.

Presumably after a secret engagement, though, right?

And they might not have as many of the usual concerns that stars do about a rushed marriage.

Gwen Stefani only had, what, one serious boyfriend before she married Gavin Rossdale?

This makes Blake her third boyfriend.

What we’re saying, basically, is that she seems to be someone who falls hard and “loves with her whole heart,” whatever that means.

(Which is also why Gavin’s alleged cheating with the nanny hurt so much)

And Blake Shelton projects an image of a guy who might just go “screw it” and tie the knot.

Also, where some stars might fret over pre-nups, they’re both loaded.

Gwen is worth something in the neighborhood of $ 80 million last we checked, with Blake worth about $ 60 million.

So yeah, there’s a disparity, but it’s hard to imagine that either of them are marrying for cash.

Even with as many details as this includes, we’re not sure that we believe this insider.

We feel like it’s likely that elements of that are true — the bracelet thing is so specific.

But maybe whoever it was misunderstood what they heard, and it was just a sweet gesture.

In fact, this little get-together sounds more like how you’d celebrate a private decision to get engaged, don’t you think?

There’s another reason that we’re not super convinced that this was a wedding, and it’s not because nobody was dressed in traditional wedding attire.

Gwen’s kids were there.

Kingston is 11, Zuma is 8, and Apollo is 3.

Now, most 11-year-old can keep a secret, especially one that’s important to their mom.

Some 8-year-olds can keep secrets.

3-year-olds cannot keep secrets. They absolutely cannot.

What exactly is the point of a secret wedding if precious little Apollo is going to accidentally “leak” it to Gavin Rossdale and who knows who else?

This whole story could even be the couple floating the idea of them getting married without a real engagement and seeing the response.

Though neither Gwen nor Blake seem the calculating type.

Surely they’ll have an engagement period, though.

No matter how in love they both are right now, they’ve both just “recently” been hurt in their previous relationship.

“Fools rush in,” as they say.

We were just talking yesterday about Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell’s wedding registry, and pointed out that their half-year engagement is going to be short, even by Duggar standards.

Surely this starcrossed power-couple will have a longer engagement than that, right?


Monday, June 19, 2017

Gwen Stefani Celebrates Blake Shelton"s Birthday: See the Photos!

Remember last year, when Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton had a goofily distinctive celebration for Blake Shelton’s 40th birthday?

Well, they’re back at it again, this time for his 41st.

And yes, of course there are photos. No birthday would be complete without a little PDA, right?

Gwen snapped this selfie over Blake’s shoulder.

The two didn’t celebrate alone, but with various members of Gwen’s family.

We’ve already told you that Gwen and Blake are closer than ever, but these photos prove it.

There was a video of Blake balancing a present on his head, which even we have to admit is endearingly goofy.

There’s a photo of Blake posing with his birthday cake … which is shaped like an armadillo.

You also see Blake giving his father-in-law, Dennis Stefani, a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek.

In other words, they’re already acting like family.

Kinda makes you wonder what’s on the horizon for this star-crossed couple, right?

Gwen posted the series of photos, but Blake had something of his own to say.

He tweeted: “Thanks for all the happy birthday wishes!!! 41…. S–t man I’m beating the odds.”

We’re not sure what the odds are that make it an achievement for a rich straight white man to survive into his early forties.

But … he’s probably joking.

It kind of fits with the voice that he uses on Twitter.

Now, no offense — and we really don’t mean any offense by this.

But … Blake Shelton is only 41?

We’d technically known his age before, but it really hits you in the face when it’s a birthday celebration.

Because he for sure looks older than that.

Maybe there’s some sort of Gwen Stefani effect when it comes to age perception.

Gwen Stefani is 47 and looks young for her age.

(Actually, if you swapped their ages, they’d look just about right but she’d still look young)

Remember last year, during the GOP primaries — somehow better than our current political climate — when she was 46, and people brought up that she was older than Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz was 45 at the time and looked, like, a decade older, and also like a poorly disguised Lovecraftian horror.

Anyway, Gwen Stefani is a bad basis for guessing somebody’s age.

The two met because they’re both judges on The Voice.

But they only bonded and got to know each other as a couple because they’d apparently both just been cheated.

It was famously reported that Gavin Rossdale was cheating on Gwen with the nanny.

Making it the worst-kept secret … though technically not directly confirmed.

Though Gwen has hinted that there may have been more, saying that people have no idea what she went through.

Tales of Miranda Lambert cheating on Blake Shelton were a little vaguer and more hushed.

Maybe because people know less.

Maybe because they’re both country stars and that’s just it’s own, entirely separate world.

But the two have been going strong, so close that we repeatedly hear rumors that they’re engaged.

This party really shows how close they are.

Not just with each other, but Blake seems close with Gwen’s whole family.

All in all, even though Gwen and Blake seem like they come from different planets, things are looking good for them.

Most of the fans of one of them have probably never met any fans of the other.

Honestly, the only Blake Shelton fan I know is a relative.

But maybe this unlikely celebrity union will build some cultural bridges or something.

Or, at the very least, get people to sample some music that they’d otherwise have never ever heard.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani: Still Together, Closer than Ever!

Fans of this unlikely couple had been so worried since stories emerged of a possible breakup.

But it looks like any issues have been resolved and that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are back on track.

In fact, based on Blake’s new statements, it sounds like they’re closer than ever!

These two might both be in the music business, but they come from completely different worlds.

Gwen Stefani is a pop icon with numerous hits

She’s very well-known in popular culture.

Blake Shelton is a musical titan … in the context of country music.

Country music has a huge fanbase, sure, and some of Blake Shelton’s name-recognition even spills over into popular culture.

Before these two were judges on the same show and became an item, your average person could probably only tell you much about one or the other, but not both.

But, despite effectively being from different planets, they met on The Voice and, in 2015, freshly broken up with their spouses, they began dating.

It turns out that they might not be as much of a case of “opposites attract” as people might think, though.

We have to keep in mind that Gwen Stefani only had, what, one real boyfriend before she dated and then married Gavin Rossdale?

She came from a fairly conservative background, which was probably part of why she took Gavin’s reported cheating so personally.

Plus, even with the most serious relationships, you don’t always need to be romancing a cultural clone of yourself.

Sometimes all that you need is chemistry.

Regardless, the Gwen and Blake have meshed together well, comforting each other after their respective breakups.

And then some.

Still, many had worried that the star-crossed romance had finally come to an end.

Well, Blake’s interview with Hoda Kotb assures the world that he and Gwen are rock solid.

“We’re just content and happy, and it’s just an incredible feeling,” he says.

“She’s my best friend.”

Yeah, it sounds like these two are still head-over-heels.

And this is coming up on a two-year relationship. That’s a long-ass honeymoon phase.

You know, a lot of people who get married or are considering marriage refer to “marrying their best friend.”

We don’t think that Blake’s necessarily dropping hints, but … maybe he’s subconsciously choosing words that betray his intentions.

It’s an exciting time for fans of these two songbird lovebirds.


Friday, May 26, 2017

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: Broken Up After Botched Proposal?!

It’s kind of hard to believe that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton have lasted this long, isn’t it?

They began dating in 2015, very quickly after their respective divorces from Gavin Rossdale and Miranda Lambert, and they’re remarkably different people.

Like, Gwen Stefani is Gwen Stefani, and Blake Shelton has deer tracks tattooed on his arm. They might as well be from different planets.

But still, despite the odds, Gwake has managed to survive for over a year and a half now.

Unfortunately, it looks like it could all be over now.

According to a new report from Life & Style, NBC executives were pushing Gwen and Blake “to act very affectionate and playful with each other” during the most recent season of The Voice.

In fact, they “really wanted an on-screen proposal,” but the season finale aired earlier this week, and obviously the proposal never happened.

And that’s because, in real life, the couple is “miserable.”

A source claims that Gwen “wants the world to think everything is perfect with Blake. But that’s just not the case anymore.”

“Gwen and Blake began to argue more. Then she started to realize they’re just too different to spend the rest of their lives together.”

They’re allegedly so close to a breakup that Gavin Rossdale is beginning to worry for the sake of the three children he shares with Gwen.

“Gavin is a very concerned parent and wants to be sure Gwen and Blake aren’t arguing in front of the boys,” the source explains.

“And he has concerns how the boys would handle a breakup.”

So this is all pretty sad, right?

It would totally make sense if Blake didn’t want to propose on The Voice, or if Gwen wouldn’t be down with it.

After all, they’ve always been somewhat private about their relationship, and we can’t see them enjoying something as gimmicky as an on-screen proposal.

But if the reason for the proposal not happening isn’t how lame it would be, if it’s actually because they really are having all these issues …

No one is prepared for that kind of sadness.

Remember when the news first broke that Gwen had filed for divorce from Gavin? She was absolutely heartbroken.

She’d been with him for several years, and she’d only had a couple of boyfriends before him … Blake is one of very, very few men to get so close to her, and losing him would be devastating for her.

We’re not ready to witness sad Gwen Stefani again. We simply cannot go through it.

So come on, kids. Work it out.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Gwen Stefani: REFUSING to Work With Miley Cyrus on The Voice?!

Last week, we reported on rumors that Blake Shelton is quitting The Voice because of Gwen Stefani.

Some “insiders” claimed that the reason for both stars quitting the show is that Gwen is pregnant with Blake’s baby, and she reasons that if she has to leave her spinning coach’s chair behind, so should Blake.

That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense (With a new baby on the way, wouldn’t Gwen want someone to continue earning?), and other sources close to the show claimed have offered a more likely explanation:

They claimed that Gwen is refusing to work with Miley Cyrus, who’s reportedly set to return to the show next season.

Apparently, there’s no specific reason for the bad blood between Gwen and Miley.

They’ve never worked on the show together before, but insiders say that after hearing about the feud between Miley and Adam Levine, Gwen believes she simply wouldn’t get along with Cyrus.

Producers reportedly fear a “domino effect,” and are afraid that Gwen’s decision will prompt other coaches to quit the hit NBC series – and might even mean the end of The Voice.

“Producers would love nothing more than for both Gwen and Miley to be on the show at the same time because there would be so much drama, but Gwen simply does not want any part of it,” a source close to production tells Radar Online.

“They would even throw [Gwen] a considerable amount of money, but between her and Blake [Shelton], money really doesn’t matter.”

Yes, we imagine “a considerable amount of money” is involved in every season of the show.

Equally unsurprising is the fact that Gwen isn’t exactly struggling financially these days.

Sources say Stefani is completely inflexible on the Miley issue and has basically issued an ultimatum to NBC execs: It’s me or Ms. Wrecking Ball.

“Gwen just does not want to be any part of the show when Miley returns,” says one tipster.

Hey, we don’t blame her.

Gwen Stefani has NO TOLERANCE for spunky blondes with unique senses of style who were initially dismissed as flash-in-the-pan pop stars but wound up being taken semi-seriously as artists.

No tolerance at all, sir! Good day to you.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Gwen Stefani: ACTUALLY Pregnant With Blake Shelton"s Baby?!

Last week, we reported on rumors that Blake Shelton may be quitting The Voice at the behest of Gwen Stefani.

Sources close to the show claimed that Gwen had made up her mind to permanently cut ties with the singing competition, and she’d very persistently suggesting that her boyfriend join her in moving on.

At the time, the rumor was that Gwen wanted nothing to do with the show that introduced her to Blake for the simple reason that she caught wind of news that Miley Cyrus was returning to The Voice, and she wasn’t keen on sharing the spotlight.

Now, however, there are reports that Gwen is clearing her work schedule for a very different reason.

Rumors about Gwen getting pregnant with Blake’s baby have been circulating pretty much from the time these two started hooking up, so perhaps it’s no surprise that the rumor mill read way too much into Gwen’s decision to quit The Voice.

Countless anonymous “insiders” have sprung up in the past week insisting that the real reason for Gwen’s departure from the show is her desire to begin fertility treatments. 

“The father bug has bit Blake here and there,” a source recently told Hollywood Life.

“He sometimes gets his fix by hanging out with Gwen’s kids and then sometimes it makes him think he wants his own,” the insider adds.

“He knows that Gwen is getting up there in age and would love for her to be safe if the miracle of child birth happens.”

Another insider says that part of the reason Blake divorced Miranda Lambert was that she didn’t share his desire for a big family.

“Blake would be over the moon if he and Gwen end up having a baby together,” the tipster told HL.

“Having children has been a dream of his for a long time.”

The source added:

“He comes across as a carefree, sometimes immature guy, but deep down he’s a family man who wants to be surrounded by children. 

“He always wanted kids with Miranda [Lambert], but her resistance to it was part of the reason they ended up splitting.”

At 47, we suppose it’s not surprising that Gwen would feel a sense of urgency when it comes to having more kids.

And maybe she feels that if she take on fewer professional responsibilities in order to do so, Blake should have to be at home more, too.

Fair is fair.

Just don’t ask the dude to quit drinking for nine months.


Friday, April 14, 2017

Blake Shelton Quitting The Voice Because of Gwen Stefani?!

It’s been a year and a half since we first learned that Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are dating, and unlike most workplace romances, the relationship seems to have had only positive impacts on the singers’ careers.

The Voice viewers seem to enjoy the Gwen-Blake dynamic, and ratings for the show continue to surge.

But whenever co-workers date, the situation is always fraught with peril, and it looks as though audiences and producers of The Voice may soon find themselves wishing Shelton and Stefani had never hooked up in the first place.

Sources close to the singing competition say Gwen is ready to leave her her coaching duties behind.

The problem, it seems, is that Miley Cyrus plans to return to The Voice next season, and Gwen is less than thrilled by that development.

From the time of her first appearance on the show, there were rumors that Miley didn’t get along with her co-stars.

Most of the reports involved a feud between Miley and Adam Levine, but it seems Cyrus also rubs Stefani the wrong way.

Gwen and Miley have never appeared on the show together (Miley served as Gwen’s temporary replacement in 2016.), and sources claim Gwen intends to keep it that way.

Insiders say Gwen has made it perfectly clear to her bosses that The Voice Season 12 will feature either Stefani or Cyrus – not both. 

“Since Miley is set on coming back to the show next season, Gwen definitely does not want to be on the panel alongside her,” says one tipster.

And what does all of this have to do with Blake Shelton?

Well, it seems that The Voice producers aren’t the only ones receiving ultimatums from Gwen these days:

Sources have indicated that if Gwen doesn’t come back to the show, Blake won’t be returning either:

“Since Gwen does not want to return, now Blake is considering throwing in the towel as well,” one insider claims.

The show has been a consistent hit for NBC for years, but producers now fear that Miley-gate could bring it all crashing down:

“Producers feel like it might be a domino effect,” said one source when asked about the possibility of other coaches quitting as well.

We guess this time Miley really did come in like a wrecking ball.


Friday, March 3, 2017

The Voice Recap: Did Gwen Stefani Go Too Far?

Did the coach manage to get the people they wanted for their team of singing sensations?

That was their plan on the third night of the blind auditions, but there was a lot of tension as each coach tried desperately to emerge from the auditions stage with some solid singers. 

This was made difficult by the contestants who got to choose which team they joined. All of this was made possible by the coaches turning those red chairs because they liked what they heard. 

Oh, and we can’t forget Gwen Stefani trying to imply the contestants can get the best of both worlds because she is boning Blake Shelton. 

Let’s run down the list of people who managed to make it through the audition stage of the reality hit…

Ashley Levin

23-year-old Ashley opted to sing “Let Him Fly” by Patty Griffin. It was a solid performance, but it did not impress Adam Levine. Yes, you guys, Adam did not turn his chair for this one. 

That left Gwen, Alicia, and Blake to duke it out to have Ashley. Gwen felt the need to flaunt her relationship with Blake to her advantage. She reasoned that Ashley would have access to both Gwen and Blake. 

Um, that’s not how it works, Gwen. In the end, Ashley chose to go with Blake. 

Brandon Royal

Brandon went with Stevie Wonder’s “Master Blaster” and it was pretty spectacular. There were a few moments that made me question whether he was for real, but he hit all of the beautiful notes you would expect of someone singing that song. 

Brandon decided to go with Gwen, which was a good idea when you consider the fact you could imagine the pair performing a duet together. 

Julien Martinez

Julien wowed the judges with his rendition of “Pride and Joy” by Stevie Ray Vaughn. You could tell from his vocals that he would fit in well with Adam. As you can probably expect, Adam turned around. 

It was between Adam and Blake. Julien chose Adam in the end, with Blake looking rather unimpressed that his team was still lacking in the male department. 

Quizz Swanigan

Quizz was one of the more different voices on the show this season, and that’s a good thing. Variety is always best and there’s nothing worse than everyone sounding the same on the show. 

Quizz opted to sing “Who’s Lovin’ You” by The Jackson 5. Alicia and Gwen wanted him on their respective teams, but Quizz went with the Queen of the high note, Alicia Keys. 

Casi Joy

Casi went with “Blue” by LeAnn Rimes. It proved that people know LeAnn aside from her various celebrity feuds. Her voice was a delight, but she started something like a bidding war when everyone turned around to claim her. 

Being a country artist, she chose to go with Blake, but not everyone was impressed with this choice, and Adam even threatened to give up because he knew it was happening. 

Talk about a sore loser. 

That rounds up week one of The Voice’s spring season. There is still lots of drama to come, but who will emerge as the winner? Will that winner manage to stay relevant in a saturated market?

Hit the comments below!


Friday, February 24, 2017

Gwen Stefani: Trying to Get Pregnant With Blake Shelton"s Baby?!

Ever since the world learned that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are dating unsubstantiated reportd about their future together have circulated on social media pretty much non-stop.

We’ve heard that Gwen and Blake are engaged more times than we count, and thus far, there’s still no official word from the couple on that one.

The other most common rumor, of course, is that Gwen is pregnant with Blake’s baby.

The Voice coaches have also remained mum on that one, but now a source close to Gwen and Blake is offering some interesting info with regard to the couple’s future plans to start a family of their own.

The insider tells Life & Style that Gwen and Blake do plan to get married (though they’re not officially engaged first) – but Gwen wants to get knocked up before she walks down the aisle:

“They’re trying to have a baby first,” says the source.

“That’s their main focus right now. [Gwen’s] determined to have another baby and carry it herself, even though Blake has said it doesn’t matter if they adopt or get a surrogate.”  

The insider says Gwen has already undergone several unsuccessful in vitro treatments, but she’s not discouraged by the lack of results:

“Physically and emotionally, it was just a lot for her. So she’s trying to get pregnant naturally for the time being,” the source claims.

Wait … IVF didn’t work, so she’s back to the old-fashioned way?

We’re not sure that’s how these things work, especially at 47 years of age.

Look, we know Janet Jackson just had a baby at 50, but she’s sort of the exception that proves the rule.

Celebrities have the rest of us beat in terms of wealth, influence, and amount of food with decorative flakes of real gold eaten, and it’s only natural that after a certain amount of time, it all starts to go to their heads.

It’s easy to see how even the most humble stars could start thinking that they’re physically superior to the peasants, but if 2016 taught us anything, it’s that famous people are mere mortals.

We’re not trying to tell Gwen how to live her life …

… but since she could easily afford a surrogate and she could give some poor orphan the best childhood ever, she may want to consider other options.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Blake Shelton: Planning to Propose to Gwen Stefani on The Voice?!

Last we checked on Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani, the couple was going strong at the People’s Choice Awards.

BS and GS certainly aren’t shy about their love, but they are careful about controlling how much of their life together goes public.

Pretty much from the time they first hooked up, we’ve been hearing rumors about Gwen and Blake getting married, but both parties have been evasive when asked about plans to tie the knot.

But that may be soon to change …

Radar Online is reporting today that Shelton and Stefani are receiving more money to return for future seasons than any other judges on The Voice.

The reason seems to be that producers are well aware that viewers love ‘em some Gwake chemistry, and the relationship has proven to be a ratings bonanza.

“[Blake and Gwen] are getting paid an exceptional bonus that is significantly higher than the other judges to keep the spark alive on-camera,” a production source tells Radar.

Of course, the novelty of the fact that two of the judges are dating will eventually wear off, which means Gwen and Blake may have to offer fans more of an insider’s view of their relationship if they want to keep the audience interested.

The news of the bonus has led to speculation that Gwen and Blake might have promised producers something special.

Like, for example, an on-air proposal during one of the show’s live segments.

Obviously, that’s just speculation at this point, but makes an awful lot of sense.

Without the expectation of that sort of event television, it wouldn’t make much sense for the network to offer Gwen and Blake significantly more cash than the other judges.

After all, the tabloid interest in their relationship has begun to die down, and that will likely translate to diminishing returns in terms of ratings.

Blake proposing to Gwen on the air would certainly boost interest in the show, however temporarily.

But it seems like producers have some other tricks up their sleeve, as well:

“The producers really want to see Gwen and Blake in competition more often this upcoming season, versus working with each other like they have in the past,” says the insider.

“And, of course, there is a stipulation in their contract, which is more of a break-up clause,” the source claims.

“If, for some reason, they call it quits, they are both required to finish out the remainder of their existing contracts.”

Now that could make for some intense competition. 
