Showing posts with label Struggling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Struggling. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2016

Catelynn Lowell: Is She Still Struggling with Her Mental Illness?

Back in March, Catelynn Lowell checked into a rehab center to get help with her mental health issues, namely her depression and anxiety.

She spent three weeks there, but sadly, she’s still been having significant problems stemming from her illnesses.

And in this new sneak peek from next week’s episode of Teen Mom OG, it looks like things are coming to a head. Again:

Things start off normal and fine, with Catelynn telling her husband, Tyler Baltierra, about her visit with little Nova to see some horses.

She says that Nova wanted to get down and run around, but that she wouldn’t let her because there were so many horses around — cute, right?

But then Catelynn mentions that she saw a horse for sale that she was interested in buying. And that’s when things got weird.

“They had one of the ones there that I liked for sale,” she tells Tyler.

“She’s $ 3,000 because she’s young, and she’s very, like, um … a broad spectrum, you can put little kids on her, you can put scared adults on her, and she does really good.”

She goes on to explain that “It’s just first of all finding a horse that you like, and if I’m interested in one, then that’s when, you know, you call boarding facilities, see what they offer, how much they are, before you even buy a horse, and then you just kind of go from there.”

Which might be a normal conversation, except it’s clear by the expression on Tyler’s face that he’s not even remotely interested in buying a horse, not even a little bit, not even at all.

But he tries to be reasonable about it, and he asks Catelynn how much it costs to board a horse.

She really tries to sell it here, telling him that some boarding costs as little as $ 100 a month, but a producer interrupts to mention that the guy they spoke with at the stables actually said boarding was $ 1,000 a month.

Still, Tyler tries to find a way to politely end the conversation, this time by suggesting that Catelynn volunteer at some horse stables instead of actually buying a horse.

“No, volunteering’s different though,” Catelynn sneers. “I want to be able to ride if I’m having a panic attack.”

And there it is.

Tyler still thinks volunteering would be good, because she’s be “right there, and it’s free, I’m just sayin’,” but she’s not having it.

She insists that owning a horse would be much better for her, because that way she wouldn’t have to pay $ 30 whenever she had a panic attack to ride a horse that wasn’t hers.

(It’s interesting to note that, at this point in the video, Nova takes off her diaper and runs into another room by herself. But sure, let’s keep talking about horses.)

Good ol’ Tyler points out that it might make more sense to just pay $ 30 for each riding session instead of paying thousands and thousands of dollars to own a horse, and Catelynn actually laughs at him.

After that, he gives up, and she starts repeating, over and over, that she will own a horse.

It’s just a little bit unbearable.

We feel for Catelynn, we really do, and it must be terrible to suffer from mental illness like she does.

But let’s remember that, earlier this season, she bought a miniature pig, and that pig was a big part of what drove Catelynn to go to rehab.

The poor animal squealed and squealed, like pigs do, but she couldn’t handle it, and she told her Teen Mom producers that she needed help.

So she went to rehab, she came back home, but she’s still been struggling with even getting out of bed in the mornings.

But she wants to buy a horse?

Things just aren’t looking great for Catelynn. That’s all.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Lamar Odom: Still Struggling To Stay Sober?

Lamar Odom still has a long road to recovery, but he has one more person in his corner making sure that happens.

Long Island-based trainer Oneil Pryce is an old friend of Odom’s, and offered his expertise to help the former NBA star stay sober and get in shape.

Pryce gave Us Weekly an update on Odom’s progress, something the public has been wondering about since he was kicked off a Delta flight on July 11th for being too drunk.

“From what I know [he’s not drinking], because right now he is focused and that is the state I have him in right now,” Pryce told Us.

“I have been letting him know that [this] is going to be a rough road, a hard road,” Pryce said, referring to Odom’s October 2015 overdose that left him in a coma.

“And one thing he has to do is make sure that the partying, the drinking, all of that stuff, is going to be tough on his body.  So right now, he has been drinking his water, staying low key and pretty much staying out of sight of everybody else, all of the negative stuff.”

Pryce warned that though Odom might look fine, his body is still recovering.

“He might look physically fit on the outside, but on the inside, you have to understand, his liver has been through a lot, his kidney has been through a lot, and his heart has been through a lot,” the trainer explained.

“I’m just trying to show him it is one day at a time … Just two, three months ago, people were saying you weren’t going to walk again, you weren’t going to live. So, just to be where you are right now, you are doing good.”

Pryce is helping Odom focus on staying positive and “keeping his mental state high.”  

Knowing that his friend has been through hell, Pryce encourages the Queens native to weed out the negative influences in his life.

“He [has] certain people around him that I am trying to get him away from, and just keeping him positive,” Pryce said.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Josh & Anna Duggar: Struggling to Rebuild Marriage After Rehab?

Last week, the world learned that Josh Duggar had returned to Arkansas after spending six months at an Illinois rehab facility, where he was treated for sex addiction. 

We know that Anna Duggar visited Josh in rehab, but there’s been no word on the state of their troubled marriage in the time since his return.

Now it looks as though that may be by design, as the couple is reportedly having trouble now that they’re living under the same roof for the first time in half a year.

“Things are very sensitive between Josh and his wife Anna,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“She also is doing her best to forgive him but she is getting pressure from friends to divorce Josh. The relationship is in trouble now that he is back.”

The insider says the rumors that Anna is planning to leave Josh are untrue, and she’s committed to making their marriage work, but the task is proving much more difficult than she imagined:

“They are doing lots of prayer together and trying to make it work for the kids but their future is still uncertain,” says the source.

As for the reports that Anna is pregnant with Josh’s baby – the family has been quiet on that front for several weeks now, which leads us to believe they could be building up to a surprise announcement. 

Band-Aid babies are a terrible way to try and fix a troubled marriage, but given how much the Duggars love procreating, we could see how it might strike Josh and Anna as a good idea.

The family returns to TV tomorrow night with the premiere of Jill & Jessa: Counting On

Anna’s story will be featured, but Josh will not appear on the show.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Kailyn Lowry: Kids "Struggling" as Javi Marroquin Leaves

We’ve known for several months that Javi Marroquin was soon to deploy with the US Air Force for what will probably be a 12-month tour of duty overseas.

But just because they knew it was coming, that doesn’t mean the separation was any easier for Kailyn Lowry and her two sons.

We know now that rumors of Kailyn and Javi breaking up prior to his deployment were bogus, and OK! magazine is reporting that the young mother is having an extremely hard time without her husband by her side.

“Kailyn and Javi stay in touch mostly through FaceTime,” a source tells the tabloid, adding that Lowry has been doing her best to keep herself distracted 

“Kailyn is in school, always busy with the kids and her friend is visiting,” the insider says. “Kailyn misses him, but she’s not going crazy about it. She’s so occupied with the kids and her friend visiting.”

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know Javi and Kailyn have had their ups and downs, but their relationship seemed to be doing better than ever in the weeks leading up to his deployment, so it’s a bit surprising that she’s taking it so well.

Apparently, however, Kailyn has not had an easy time explaining Javi’s absence to her two young sons:

“Isaac and Lincoln are missing Javi really bad,” the source says. “Isaac is struggling with it worse than Lincoln.

“Isaac really doesn’t get it [that his dad is gone]. “He talks to him on FaceTime and asks to call him, but that’s it.”

The insider adds that things will “get harder” around the house once Kailyn’s friend leaves.

Here’s hoping Ms. Lowry doesn’t attempt to cope by getting more plastic surgery.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Rob Kardashian: "Still Struggling" With Depression, Low-Self Esteem, Sources Claim

Over the past few weeks, Rob Kardashian has been receiving lots of public praise from his sisters on social media.

Khloe Kardashian gushed about Rob, stating that she’s “obsessed” with him in an Instagram post.

Kourtney Kardashian posted a photo of herself and Rob with a caption that read simply, “Bobby,” followed by a heart Emoji.

It was a touching outpouring of support for a young man whose struggles with depression, addiction and compulsive eating have been well-publicized. 

Unfortunately, it seems all that support was the result of Rob suffering a string of setbacks after several months of progress.

Apparently, it seemed that Rob was on the verge of the comeback that he’s been promising for years, but after hitting some stumbling blocks in his weight loss regimen, he seems to have once again given up.

“Rob is still struggling and it makes the family sad,” the source tells People magazine. “He deals with depression, weight issues and low self-esteem, but that’s been going on for a long time.” 

“The family, especially Khloé, is very much there for him but it has to be his own journey to figure out.”

Fortunately, the 28-year-old former reality star seems to have the full support of his famous family.

The Kardashians may take a lot of flak in the media, but they certainly know how to stick up for one of their own.