Showing posts with label Tape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tape. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2018

Donald Trump Sex Tape: Oh, God, Does It Actually Exist?

Stormy Daniels has made it very clear over the past several days:

The porn star says she will NOT be silenced about her affair with Donald Trump.

Similarly, a new rumor is making its way around the Internet that alleges Daniels was once very, very loud during a certain interaction with Donald Trump.

A certain naked interaction with Donald Trump.

A certain naked interaction with Donald Trump that was filmed on camera.

Yes, what we’re saying is this: A sex tape starring Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels may very well exist.

Such chatter is making folks cringe and vomit across social media after Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, Tweeted the following:

If ‘a picture is worth a thousand words,’ how many words is this worth?????

The mysterious caption accompanied the photo of a compact disc, implying that there’s some salacious material out there that features Trump and Daniels.

djt accuse

Will it ever see the light of day?

What might this disc contain?

We shudder at the thought.

Daniels, of course, is an adult entertainer who alleges that she carried on an affair with Trump back in 2006.

Trump’s own lawyer has admitted to paying Daniels $ 130,000, although he did not explicitly state this was in exchange for her silence over said affair.

Stormy and her legal team have said on many occasions that she did, indeed, sign a non-disclosure agreement after accepting this sum of money… but that is it not legally binding because Trump never signed it.

In the past few days, Daniels has made a point of keeping herself in the news in order to make it clear to the President that she isn’t going away.

The porn star has been Tweeted back and forth with critics and even claimed to have passed a lie detector test that PROVES she formerly slept with Trump.

Well, not sleep, exactly.

“Technically I didn’t sleep with the POTUS 12 years ago,” Daniels recently wrote in a pretty iconic Tweet, adding:

“There was no sleeping (hehe) and he was just a goofy reality TV star.

“But I digress…People DO care that he lied about it, had me bullied, broke laws to cover it up, etc. And PS…I am NOT going anywhere. xoxoxo.”

Stormy Daniels Tweets about Trump Affair

Daniels, it should be noted, will appear on 60 Minutes this Sunday night.

It’s very possible that her lawyer was simply drumming up interest for that interview with his above Tweet, although that doesn’t make us wonder any less to what he’s referring with this image.

Thanks to Vox, for example, which published text from the non-disclosure agreement reportedly signed by Daniels, we know that Stormy may be in possession of explicit Donald Trump material. 

These excerpts mention that Daniels agreed in 2016 to divest herself of any evidence of the affair … including “video images” and “still images.”

In other words: maybe there isn’t a sex tape.

But there may be pictures out there of Donald Trump’s penis.

God help us all.


Monday, February 26, 2018

Blac Chyna Talks About Sex Tape Leak, Doubts There"s Another One

Blac Chyna’s leaked sex tape could be just the tip of the … iceberg, because she’s bracing for the worst and hoping for the best when it comes to more explicit videos leaking. Chyna was out in L.A. — the first time we’ve seen her since the video…


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Mechie on Blac Chyna Sex Tape: Okay, So THIS is What Happened...

Are you ready to get to know the man behind the penis?

In an interview with The Shade Room late this week, random rapper Mechie talks about his relationship with Blac Chyna – and, specifically, how he ended up holding a camera while the reality star performed oral sex on him.

“Basically, we were at the club and she’s like we need to link up so we did and then that’s what lead to the video happening,” Mechie says simply.

He makes it sound like this is routine:

You meet someone out. You go home with this person. You grab her cellphone and record a BJ.

While we can’t vouch for the validity of the way Mechie describes meeting Chyna and arranging their sex tape, there’s no debate over whether or not a sex tape exists between the pair.

The footage lasts for about a minute and 23 seconds and it features Chyna lying on her back in bed, her partner’s genitalia going in and out of her mouth.

A bit of dirty talk is also exchanged.

This is what folks on the Internet had to say about the leaked video:

A day after the footage went viral, a rep for Mechie confirmed that the artist is the one holding the camera.

However, this same rep denied talk that Mechie is responsible for releasing the video the public, claiming he used Chyna’s cellphone to record it and that she has always had the only copy.

(Chyna, meanwhile, also denies the leak, prompting us to believe that someone is lying.)

Mechie dated Chyna for a few weeks in the summer of 2016.

There are photos of the stars kissing on social media (above and below)… and it was actually a video Chyna sent to ex-fiance Rob Kardashian of her and Mechie in bed that led to him firing off a bunch of revenge porn-type messages.

“She left Rob the year before we met back in December,” Mechie explained to The Shade Room, adding:

“She was not with Rob when we linked up. She had the baby and had already moved out and dipped off from him.”

Mechie says here that Rob is a “nice guy” and that his fling with Chyna ended last August.

“To be completely honest, it just got to a point where the so called hype and fame of the relationship was starting to get out of hands and overshadow what I had going on with my music and my brand,” he says.

“It was getting in the way of what I had going on.”

It remains unclear just what Mechie has going on outside of lewd photos and videos with Chyna, but whatever.

In conclusion, he has the following to say about his time in and around Chyna:

It helped me get more fans and followers around the world but it also hurt me because it tied me to her brand and a lot of people didn’t want to deal with a messy situation and she’s got a messy situation.

I have my own label and I lost investors and sponsorship deals because I was tied to her. You gain and lose.

Chyna has said she plans to file a police report in order to determine who released this sex tape.

She is willing to cooperate fully with the authorities. 

We’ll soon see if Mechie is willing to do the same.


Friday, February 23, 2018

TMZ Live: Blac Chyna Another New Sex Tape?

ON TODAY’S SHOW Aaron Rodgers & Danica Patrick: Romantic Vacay Trump Jokes About His Bald Spot J Lo Throws Epic Birthday Party For Twins Oprah & Reese Witherspoon Surprise Fans


Blac Chyna: That"s Not Me in the Sex Tape!

When it rains, it pours. And Blac Chyna is finding that out the hard way.

Absolutely no one, Chyna included, deserves to have their nudes or sex tapes shared online or broadcast in any way without their consent. There is no excuse for doing so.

But Blac Chyna points to the latest alleged sex tape and says that it’s not her.

Earlier this week, Twitter exploded after a sex tape appeared to show Blac Chyna, topless, performing oral sex on an unidentified-at-the-time man.

The man was unidentified because viewers, many of whom innocently clicked on her name when they saw that it was trending only to be subjected with a sight that they could never unsee, saw only his penis.

Leaked sex tapes deserve our outrage — because they’re a violation of privacy and often come as personal attacks.

Twitter’s focus, however, seemed to be on what viewers perceived to be Blac Chyna’s woefully inadequate oral skills.

Many expressed surprise that a woman of Blac Chyna’s reputation seemed to be inept at sex. As funny as their commentary was, many were disturbed at the lack of outrage that someone leaked the video.

Blac Chyna fought back against the slut-shaming and revenge porn, however, through two attorneys.

One spoke out about the dangers of leaked videos like these — that it’s often a form of domestic abuse, as a final act of revenge by a jilted lover who wants to ruin his ex’s life.

You know, like we all saw with Rob Kardashian’s alleged revenge porn attack against Chyna in July of 2017.

Another attorney mentioned that this is of course a criminal matter.

The unidentified human who came attached to the penis featured in the video was identified as a rapper named Mechie, who enjoyed a fling with Chyna last year.

And Mechie is not happy about the video’s release. And as far as suspects go, he says that he never even had a copy, so he couldn’t have released it even if he’d wanted to.

But that infamous video, terrible that it was, is not the one that Blac Chyna says wasn’t her.

That oral video with Mechie lasted for one minute and twenty-three seconds.

Another video leaked, and this one was thirteen minutes long.

TMZ reports that this new “Blac Chyna” video features a woman of Chyna’s skin tone, body type, and hairstyle. Like Chyna, she also has tattoos.

She is, of course, engaged in sexual intercourse in the video, with an unnamed black man.

Since the video first surfaced, some people have uploaded it to multiple porn sites, claiming that it’s Chyna.

But TMZ also reports that sources close to Chyna — and we’re inclined to believe that TMZ is reasonably confident in their sources — say that it’s not Blac Chyna in the video.

Oh, they definitely admit that she looks the part, but they don’t think that it’s her.

TMZ notes that Chyna’s team has sent 20 or so cease and desist letters at porn sites that are claiming that the video is of Chyna.

It sounds like Chyna’s concerned about her name being attached to these. Which would be a different warning than they’d be giving out if it were actually a video of a Chyna.

Blac Chyna did not leak her oral sex tape — and it sounds like she means to sue whoever did.

This new video sounds like a ploy by someone who wanted to capitalize — somehow — on Blac Chyna’s oral sex tape with a follow-up sex tape of their own.

Since it’s allegedly not real, this sounds like someone who just wants to embarrass Chyna, rack of views, or both.

If someone has a problem with Blac Chyna, it’s fine to express that. But revenge porn is never an acceptable weapon, folks. Feuds can be waged on Twitter, not PornHub.


Blac Chyna Says Woman in New Sex Tape Sure Looks Like Her, But It"s Not

Blac Chyna says a new sex tape floating around featuring a woman who’s the spitting image of her is just that … a spitting image, but it ain’t her. An out of focus, 13-minute video surfaced online just a day after Chyna’s oral sex vid with…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Blac Chyna: I Did Not Leak My Oral Sex Tape!

According to a new report, when Blac Chyna learned that a tape existed on the Internet of her giving an ex-boyfriend a bit of oral pleasure, the reality star did a spit take.

What we’re trying to say is this:

Blac Chyna swears she did not release the explicit footage that features her sucking on the penis of Mechie.

Earlier this week, the Internet was shocked to learn…

… okay, let’s start this section again.

Earlier this week, the Internet was anything but shocked to learn that a video exists in which Chyna is lying naked on her back while a man’s genitalia is dipped in and out of her mouth.

The X-Rated footage lasts for about one minute and 23 seconds and ends with Chyna gagging on her lover’s large unit.

The response by most who have followed Chyna’s “career” was less surprise and more mockery, as we’ve documented below:

But questions over Chyna’s technique were not the only thing on people’s minds in the wake of this explosive* tape.

(*To be accurate, it wasn’t actually explosive… if you catch our inappropriate drift.)

A nation is now wondering: Who the heck leaked this thing?!?

On Tuesday, a rep for random rapper Mechie confirmed that his client is the individual on the receiving end of Chyna’s fellatio, but also insisted that Mechie did not leak the BJ.

(You likely forgot, but Mechie is the dude who got with Chyna last summer for, like four weeks, and who also got a tattoo of her initials on his neck.)

This rep alleges that Mechie filmed the very close encounter with Chyna’s phone and didn’t make a copy or anything of that nature.

Just like he pointed his penis in the direction of Chyna’s mouth in this sex tape, he appears to be pointing the finger of blame in her direction now.

But this isn’t the case, Chyna tells TMZ.

She swears to that website that she is not responsible for this footage going viral; that her phone was not stolen; and that there’s no evidence it has been hacked.

(That is, no other videos or photos have made their way online. Just the video.)

The ex-reality star says she plans to file a police report later in the week and will cooperate entirely with the investigation.

Here is a photo of Mechie and Chyna from last July, meanwhile, around when the video was filmed:

We think we believe Chyna in this case.

What would she possibly have to gain by releasing such a video to the world?

She went through the whole nude image/revenge porn thing with Rob Kardashian last summer and we can’t imagine she’d want to continually be known as someone who lets boyfriends film her in the act of sex.

As the slideshow above makes clear, this isn’t even an especially flattering act, from Chyna’s point of view.

Mechie, conversely, is a total unknown.

He was reportedly mad several months ago after Chyna cut him loose.

We don’t want to say he definitely released this tape to embarrass his ex, but we’re pretty darn sure he released this tape to embarrass his ex.

Don’t you agree?


TMZ Live: Blac Chyna I Didn"t Leak My Sex Tape!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Kendrick Lamar & SZA: Sued Over Black Panther Video Drake: Here’s How I’ll Top Giving Away $ 1 Mil Chris Rock: Controversial Shooting Joke Mark Cuban: Embarrassed After Bombshell Report 


Blac Chyna Not to Blame for Poor Sex Tape Performance, Claims Expert

Blac Chyna’s not the only one who blew it with her sex tape performance — her ex-BF’s lazy attitude is just as much to blame … according to the sex expert, the “Head Doctor.” Chyna’s been slammed online since the video with Mechie leaked, with…


Blac Chyna Not to Blame for Poor Sex Tape Performance, Claims Expert

Blac Chyna’s not the only one who blew it with her sex tape performance — her ex-BF’s lazy attitude is just as much to blame … according to the sex expert, the “Head Doctor.” Chyna’s been slammed online since the video with Mechie leaked, with…


Blac Chyna Says She"s Not Behind Leaked Sex Tape

Blac Chyna says her sex tape may be dirty, but she’s clean.  The video — which shows Chyna performing oral sex on a man — was leaked Monday on Twitter. Her ex-bf, Mechie, claims to be the man in the video. Sources close to Chyna tell TMZ…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Blac Chyna Sex Tape Partner: Identified... and Angry!

In the Blac Chyna sex tape that made its way around the Internet on Monday, this controversial reality star is on her back, performing a blow job.

But the man to whom she is providing this pleasureful act has now made his identity known, and his reaction to the leaked footage may come as a surprise to some readers.

He says it blows!

According to TMZ, the Blac Chyna sex tape in question was filmed last July.

The star’s partner is her ex-boyfriend, a rapper named Mechie who enjoyed a memorable fling with Chyna around that time.

We shared fairly explicit images of Mechie kissing Chyna on Instagram last summer, along with the rather shocking news that he actually got a tattoo of his then-lover’s initials across his neck.

The fling only lasted for a few weeks (reports indicated last year that Chyna dumped Mechie due to his excessive social media flirting with other women)…

… but it was apparently serious enough for Chyna and Mechie to film themselves being all intimate and stuff.

Here’s the thing, though:

Even though a rep for Mechie confirms this little-known artist was holding the camera while Chyna placed her mouth over his penis many times, the rep also claims Mechie is NOT the person who leaked the footage.

In fact, the rep tells TMZ that Mechie is really pissed the video went public!

He states that he used Chyna’s phone to film the sexual encounter and that he never had his own copy of the taped BJ.

This means that only one of three possibilities are really at play here:

ONE: Blac Chyna is lying and she leaked the sex tape.

TWO: Mechie is lying and he leaked the sex tape.

THREE: Someone hacked into Chyna’s phone and this person leaked the sex tape.

On Monday evening, a few hours after the Internet scoffed and laughed at Chyna for going down on some dude on video, two lawyers spoke out on Chyna’s behalf.

First, Lisa Bloom said via statement:

“Revenge porn – posting explicit images without the consent of everyone in those images – is a crime, a civil wrong, and a form of domestic abuse.

“It’s also a cruel attempt to slut shame women for being sexual. Girls have killed themselves over revenge porn. It’s not a joke.”

Then, Walter Mosley (seen above with his client) said simply that this was a “criminal” matter that ought to be investigated by the police, while adding a lengthy and heartfelt statement.

It’s worth reposting again below.

Here it is:

We have to change this culture of abuse and assault against women. Today’s post saddens me deeply as it is an attack not only against my client but my friend.

Why do we think it’s acceptable to sell, or publish, or seek revenge, or blackmail women in this way and without their consent? It’s not.

Men … we have to do better. I’m tired of telling my clients to not make videos because the men will put them out later.

It’s like I’m telling them not to wear short skirts because you’re going to entice a man to rape you. #smh And like most rapes, these betrayals often come from those most close to us.

So today I’m saying, men we need to do better. We need to tell each other to do better.

We need to stop sharing these videos with each other in the club, at the barbershop or (and especially) online. It is a morally corrupt action, which is (at least in California) criminal.

Maybe it is time to set an example.

Mechie, of course, is alleging that he does know better and did not release this tape.

We’ll update this story as more news breaks.


Blac Chyna Unfazed by Sex Tape, Has Sexy Pajama Party with Dream and Amber Rose

If Blac Chyna is upset about her sex tape leaking to the world … she sure as hell wasn’t showing it during what looks like a sexy sleepover party with Amber Rose — and her baby girl, Dream. BC was strutting her stuff in an animal-print onesie…


Blac Chyna Vows to Legal Action Against "Criminal" Sex Tape Release

Blac Chyna once again finds herself in the news for naked, lewd and possibly illegal reasons.

Several months after the former reality star and mother of two attacked ex-fiance Rob Kardashian for posting revenge porn-like images of her on social media, Chyna has once again been exposed online.


On Monday afternoon, a one minute and 23-second video of Blac Chyna went viral on Twitter.

The footage is mostly a close-up of Chyna’s nude torso and face in bed, as she’s lying on her back and performing oral sex on the mystery man.

There’s some dirty talk exchanged between the two, mostly centered on how much of the man’s penis Chyna can take into her mouth at once.

It actually ends with her choking on her unnamed lover’s genitalia.

While Twitter had a field day making fun of Chyna for her role in the sex tape (below), two attorneys have spoken out on her behalf and taken a very different approach to this matter.

First, Lisa Bloom spoke to E! News and TMZ, among other outlets.

The lawyer has become known for representing celebrities, especially those in these kinds of situations.

(She previously repped Mischa Barton in a “revenge porn” trial against an ex-boyfriend, for example.)

“Revenge porn – posting explicit images without the consent of everyone in those images – is a crime, a civil wrong, and a form of domestic abuse,” Bloom says, adding:

“It’s also a cruel attempt to slut shame women for being sexual.

“Girls have killed themselves over revenge porn. It’s not a joke.”

Walter Mosley, meanwhile, was equally direct in telling USA Today:

“This is a criminal matter for the police to investigate.”

Mosley also shared the above snapshot of himself and his client.

He went on to pen a lengthy caption that touched on the #MeToo movement, this moment in society and how men really need to change.

This is what the caption says:

We have to change this culture of abuse and assault against women. Today’s post saddens me deeply as it is an attack not only against my client but my friend.

Why do we think it’s acceptable to sell, or publish, or seek revenge, or blackmail women in this way and without their consent? It’s not.

Men … we have to do better. I’m tired of telling my clients to not make videos because the men will put them out later.

It’s like I’m telling them not to wear short skirts because you’re going to entice a man to rape you. #smh And like most rapes, these betrayals often come from those most close to us.

So today I’m saying, men we need to do better. We need to tell each other to do better.

We need to stop sharing these videos with each other in the club, at the barbershop or (and especially) online. It is a morally corrupt action, which is (at least in California) criminal.

Maybe it is time to set an example.

Pretty strong and admirable words, right?

The real issue here really isn’t Blac Chyna’s sexual nature, desires or habits.

If she truly did not give Rob permission to share explicit photos of herself last year, and did not give this mystery person permission to leak this video online, then perhaps she has to reconsider the way she chooses men.

Yes, of course it’s entirely the fault of the men in question for posting these photos and this footage.

But this is an unfortunate pattern for Chyna and it may have something to do with her self-esteem.

Until she learns to love herself more and respect herself more, she may continue to end up with guys who want to film her pleasuring them in bed.

This can be a fun act in the right context.

However, Chyna has clearly never found herself in that context.

In September, Chyna and Rob agreed on a custody arrangement for their daughter, Dream Kardashian.

Blac dropped all revenge porn charges against Rob at the time, as well, and, to her credit, has never tried to keep him from seeing his only child.

She does seem like a responsible mother.

Maybe soon she’ll find herself a responsible sex partner.


Blac Chyna"s Ex, Mechie, Says That"s Him in the Sex Tape and He"s Pissed

Blac Chyna’s most recent sex tape partner is her ex-boyfriend, Mechie … according to him, and even though he admits recording it himself, he’s as pissed as she is about the leak.  A rep for Mechie tells TMZ … the explicit video showing a…


Monday, February 19, 2018

Blac Chyna Sex Tape: Twitter Reacts!

On Monday, many people on Twitter saw Blac Chyna"s name trending and, innocently, clicked the link out of curiosity. Perhaps there was news about her lawsuits with the Kardashians

Not so.

Many a tweeter was subjected to a leaked Blac Chyna sex tape.

The Instagram-based gossip page, The Shade Room, reports on who they believe is allegedly responsible for the video"s release:

"Yikes! #CardiB bestie @star_brim5 pulled a #RobKardashian move on #BlacChyna and released her sex tape (kinda)😩 #DisTewMuch #IssaLawsuit (Somebody said #LisaBloom rubbing her hands together like birdman right now)"

Blac Chyna did not initially respond to the leaked video. Star Brim, however, clarified that she didn"t leak it, and that it was already "all over the internet" and that she has no beef with Chyna.

The video of Blac Chyna performing oral sex has been roasted across social media, as many were shocked to see a woman with Chyna"s reputation as a seductress appear to be so very inadequate at oral sex.

Obviously, it"s terrible that Blac Chyna and her unidentified partner were violated in this way. Leaking nudes and sex tapes is a terrible thing to do, whether it"s revenge porn or simply for "fun."

But people on Twitter, who are not responsible for that violation, couldn"t help but react when they saw the video. And their responses are a real riot.

1. In case you did not see the leaked video

Blac chyna sex tape leak 02

This tweet pretty much summarizes it.

2. Naturally, a reference to Tyga came up

Blac chyna sex tape leak

To be fair, Kylie was in high school, not middle school when Tyga started dating her. To be even more fair, that’s still super gross.

3. In fact, both Tyga and Rob came up

Blac chyna sex tape leak 03

People had assumed that Blac Chyna’s femme fatale reputation was accompanied by mind-blowing bedroom skills. Now they are second-guessing that assumption.

4. Though the man recording the video seemed thrilled …

Blac chyna sex tape leak 04

… The people who saw the video were thoroughly unimpressed.

5. The disappointment was almost palpable

Blac chyna sex tape leak 05

Some people admire Chyna for “scamming” Rob Kardashian into impregnating her.

6. This one’s like a mini-essay

Blac chyna sex tape leak 06

To be clear, there are many ways to, um, have value. Even to have value in bed. Maybe Blac Chyna’s just bad at this one particular thing. Or maybe this just wasn’t a good day.

View Slideshow

Blac Chyna Sex Tape Leaks, She"s Calling in Cops

A sex tape Blac Chyna made — with an unknown guy — has leaked online, but it doesn’t appear she has anything to do with it, and she wants cops to track down whoever posted it. The video shows Chyna performing oral sex on the mystery…


Sunday, February 18, 2018

"Big Brother" Star Jessie Godderz Duct Tape Waxes TMZ Photog"s Body Hair

What happens when “Big Brother” legend Jessie Godderz runs into his favorite TMZ photog? This time, the answer is DUCT TAPE HAIR WAX — a punishment for not staying up on “Mr. Pec-Tacular” … and the reality show that made him…


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Jax Taylor Cheating Tape: What Exactly Did He Say?!

If you watched this week’s episode of Vanderpump Rules, you know that the show’s run of appalling behavior and popcorn-worthy drama continued unabated.

At what was initially shaping up to be a rather dull housewarming party for Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright, things heated up in a hurry when the Jax cheating scandal once again reared its ugly head.

The early portion of the episode saw Jax once again claiming that he cheated due to a simple lack of control.

“If a f–king squirrel looked at me with a vagina, I would have f–ked it,” he eloquently opined at one point.

Once again, viewers marveled at the fact that Jax and Brittany are somehow still together in real life.

And once again, Jax somehow came off looking even worse by the end of the episode.

We already knew that Jax slept with Faith Stowers while dating Brittany, but last night, we learned that he also talked a mountain of sh-t about his loving, supportive girlfriend while attempting to seduce Stowers.

News of the trash talk came courtesy of Lala Kent, who arrived at the party bearing receipts in the form of an audio recording in which Jax slams Brittany for reasons that remain unclear.

“Not only did he do what he did with Faith, there’s f—ing audio on that phone of him saying he’s never going to marry her and that they never have sex,” Kent told Ariana Madix before sharing the recording with Brittany.

Clearly, the recording was pretty damning, as Cartwright proceeded to flip out on Jax in front of dozens of guests.

If Kent’s goal was to deliver the drama and further eff up Jax’s life, then her mission was unquestionably accomplished.

But some fans felt a little left out by the fact that viewers never got to hear the controversial audio.

After all, this is a series that’s managed to distinguish itself in the overcrowded reality TV landscape largely due to the willingness of its cast to put everything out there.

So it’s not surprising that fans began to suspect something was amiss when the episode ended without any of the recording being aired.

Madix took to Twitter last night to put to rest any rumor that the audio was fake and the drama was scripted:

“I see a lot of questions about not hearing the recording in tonight’s #pumprules. Playing it would be a huge legal issue. Just take my word for it: it was heartbreaking,” she tweeted.

We think it’s safe to say we won’t be receiving much more information about what was on the tape, but it’s equally safe to say it makes Jax look like even more of a jackass.

On the plus side, the guy owns a combination beer cooler/motorized cart, so he can’t be all bad.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more from everyone’s favorite cast of sociopaths.


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Cardi B Sex Tape: Does It Really Exist?!?

For millions of men around the Internet who did not get what they wanted for Christmas, Cardi B took to social media on Tuesday and seemed to make up for whatever they were lacking.

In other, far more clear words:

The singer appeared to be having intercourse with fiance Offset during an Instagram live session.

How else were followers to interpret what they were seeing?

In the racy footage, the 25-year old “Bodak Yellow” rapper appeared with the Migos member and very much looked like she was stark naked.

Offset stood behind Cardi B and thrusted his pelvis region at her, as if his penis was entering her vagina in a position commonly referred to as “Doggy Style.”

“I don’t got no more in me left. You gotta give a whole hour,” Cardi B can be heard telling her man.

The strong implication here?

The couple had just had sex and she needed a break before they did so again.

Sorry, gentlemen. This is not a photo of actual Cardi B banging.

So… jackpot, right?

A Cardi B sex tape to end the year?!?

Not exactly, despite the nearly visible drool one could see emanating from many accounts on Twitter.

A rep for Cardi told TMZ that the stars weren’t actually engaging in sexual activity; they were just joking around, basically playing a joke on anyone gullible enough to fall for their sexy shenanigans.

The singer later wrote on her Instagram Story;

“I was fully clothes on live, I was not f–kin on live! Yaaa can’t be that slow.”

The seemingly scandalous video surfaced just two days after Offset was accused of cheating on Cardi B, to whom he proposed on stage during a Power 99 FM concert in Philadelphia on October 27.

On Sunday, the website Fameolous published a video of a man who looked like Offset … in a hotel room … with a nude woman who was definitely NOT Cardi.

The clip was recorded in September and allegedly obtained after someone hacked into Offset’s iCloud account.

This fake sex tape was Cardi and Offset’s way of getting back at the culprit and of letting the world know everything was great between them.

Tweeted Cardi B in response to the attempt at blackmailing her:

People keep posting the nude videos of me like if i wasn’t a stripper before. You know there’s videos of me stripping with my titties & ass out on YouTube already right?

anyways i know i know i got a nice body right.

She does.

And a pretty great sense of humor.
