Showing posts with label United. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United. Show all posts

Thursday, April 13, 2017

United Passenger David Dao Not Suing Yet, Suffered Concussion and Major Facial Injuries (VIDEO)

Dr. David Dao and his attorneys aren’t suing United or the City of Chicago … YET, but they put intense pressure on them with a blockbuster news conference where they revealed Dao’s injuries. Attorney Tom Demetrio said, “We’re not ready…


United Passenger David Dao Not Suing Yet, Suffered Concussion and Major Facial Injuries (VIDEO)

Dr. David Dao and his attorneys aren’t suing United or the City of Chicago … YET, but they put intense pressure on them with a blockbuster news conference where they revealed Dao’s injuries. Attorney Tom Demetrio said, “We’re not ready…


United Airlines Passenger Stung by Scorpion

Another attack on a United Airlines flight, and this time it was a scorpion that got its revenge on a passenger. Richard Bell was on a flight from Houston to Calgary Sunday when a scorpion reportedly fell from an overhead bin and stung him. The…


United Passenger David Dao"s Lawyers and Daughter Hold News Conference About Lawsuit (LIVE STREAM)

United Airlines and the City of Chicago are likely to hear they are about to be sued as David Dao’s lawyers take the mic at 10 AM CT to announce their intentions. In addition to the lawyers, one of Dao’s daughters will also speak. Dao’s lawyer, Tom…


United Passenger David Dao"s Lawyers Speak as Lawsuit Looms

United passenger David Dao is pulling out the heavy artillery Thursday as his lawyers and daughter get in front of reporters, and there’s a likelihood they will announce a lawsuit against United and the city of Chicago. Dao’s daughter will speak to…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

United Passenger David Dao Asks Judge to Preserve All Video of Incident

David Dao is making his first legal move against United … demanding the airline preserve all evidence related to his bloody incident. TMZ has learned the doctor’s lawyers filed documents in court demanding United preserve all surveillance…


United Flight Attendants say David Dao"s Injuries Easily Preventable, Cops Should Know Better

United flight attendants are shocked David Dao was brutalized and bloodied because police could have prevented any injury if they had a clue about the plane they boarded. We spoke to several United employees who say the officers should have known…


United Flight Attendants say David Dao"s Injuries Easily Preventable, Cops Should Know Better

United flight attendants are shocked David Dao was brutalized and bloodied because police could have prevented any injury if they had a clue about the plane they boarded. We spoke to several United employees who say the officers should have known…


"Black-ish" Star Deon Cole Just Flew United and It Was "Stressful as Hell" (VIDEO)

“Black-ish” star Deon Cole has the Midas touch — he just flew on United from Chicago and lived to talk laugh about it. The actor was out in Bev Hills Tuesday when our photog asked about United’s epic fail. Deon confessed he had just flown…


United Airlines CEO Says Cops Will Never Remove a Booked Passenger Again (VIDEO)

United’s CEO, Oscar Munoz, is vowing cops will never board another one of his flights to remove a booked passenger again. Munoz also apologized again to Dr. David Dao, his family and all passengers who witnessed the now…


United Passenger Tells Cops to Drag Him Off Plane (VIDEO)

The United passenger who was bloodied and dragged off a jet by cops dared the officers to drag him off the plane and take him to jail. David Dao was confronted by officers at O’Hare Airport when he refused to get off the plane. You hear him say, “I…


United Passenger Tells Cops to Drag Him Off Plane (VIDEO)

The United passenger who was bloodied and dragged off a jet by cops dared the officers to drag him off the plane and take him to jail. David Dao was confronted by officers at O’Hare Airport when he refused to get off the plane. You hear him say, “I…


United Airlines Victim: EVERYthing Hurts!

David Dao, the 69-year old doctor from Kentucky who was dragged off a United Airlines flight against his will on Sunday night, has finally spoken out.

Talking to Louisville affiliate WLKY, Dao said he’s recovering from his injuries in a Chicago hospital and that “everything” hurts at the moment.

Added attorney Stephen Golan, whose name will likely surface often in the weeks ahead when Dao undoubtedly sues United for a kajillion dollars:

“The family of Dr. Dao wants the world to know that they are very appreciative of the outpouring of prayers, concern and support they have received.

“Currently, they are focused only on Dr. Dao’s medical care and treatment.”

By now, of course, you are likely familiar with Dao’s story:

He was violently removed from an aircraft at O’Hare International Airport after he refused to volunteer to give up his seat on an overbooked flight.

United had offered up to $ 1,000 to any individual who was willing to take a later flight to Kentucky and then randomly selected a quartet of passengers after no volunteers emerged.

After Dao refused to leave the plane, employees contacted members of the Chicago Police Department, who dragged Dao away, opening up a wound on his lip at the very least.

“He was bleeding,” said passenger Jayse Anspach, one of several witnesses who filmed the ugly incident. “He hit his face when they initially dragged him off.”

Shortly after footage of the physical, one-sided confrontation (below) went viral, United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz made things worse.

He Tweeted a lame apology that referred to Dao’s removal from the plane as an example of how the company must sometimes “re-accommodate” passengers.

“Our team is moving with the sense of urgency to work with the authorities and conduct our own detailed review of what happened,” Munoz added at first.

“We are also reaching out to this passenger to talk directly to him and further address and resolve the situation.”

This message was not received very well by the public.

Munoz also wrote an email to employees that went viral, actually complimenting how they handled the awkward situation.

In this email, Munoz describes Dao as acting “disruptive and belligerent” while telling his staff the following:

“I emphatically stand behind all of you, and I want to commend you for continuing to go above and beyond to ensure we fly right.

“As you will read, this situation was unfortunately compounded when one of the passengers we politely asked to deplane refused and it become necessary to contact Chicago Aviation Security Officers to help.”

You can read the full email below:

oscar statement

Also lambasted on social media for this note to employees, Munoz tried to make amends once again on Tuesday.

He vowed that the company will  “do better” when it comes to overbooking flights, adding in the first statement that made him sound like an actual human being:

The truly horrific event that occurred on this flight has elicited many responses from all of us: outrage, anger, disappointment.

I share all of those sentiments, and above all: my deepest apologies for what happened.

Continued to CEO:

Like you, I continue to be disturbed by what happened on this flight and I deeply apologize to the customer forcibly removed and to all the customers aboard.

No one should ever be mistreated this way.

Thank you! Would that really have been so hard to come out and say right after this happened?

munoz statement

In other news semi-related to this heinous occurrence, TMZ has learned that Dao had his medical license suspended for many years after being convicted of drug trafficking.

He also admitted to accepting sexual favors from a colleague in exchange for forgiving a debt she owed him.

Not very cool at all of the doctor, but not relevant to this situation in any real way.

Dao’s sordid history doesn’t mean United treated him fairly; it’s not as though the company was even aware of his past, or that professional mistakes from a decade prior should be considered in regard to what transpired on Sunday.

Oh, and United is also the airline that banned a 10-year old girl from boarding a flight because she was wearing leggings at the gate.

Really, this happened:

Come fly the friendly skies, huh, United?

We assume you were going for irony with this motto.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Poker Pro Matt Stout Got Knocked Out of Tourney by United Airlines Passenger Dr. David Dao (VIDEO)

Matt Stout – a 12-year poker pro with over $ 1.4 million in WSOP earnings — got his butt kicked once by the passenger who was savagely yanked off the United Airlines flight. Stout tells TMZ he was in a poker tourney with Dr. David Dao in…


United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz "Deeply" Apologizes, Vows to "Do the Right Thing"

United Airlines’ CEO is taking a much more apologetic stance about the doctor who was forcibly dragged off a United plane, and promising to make big changes.  Oscar Munoz issued a statement saying … “The truly horrific event that occurred on…


"Bosch" Star Titus Welliver Says He"ll Boycott United Over Doctor Dragged Off Plane (VIDEO)

“Bosch” star Titus Welliver will NOT fly United after watching the video of a doctor getting dragged off one of its jets … and the reason he’s boycotting is the airline’s justification for the incident. Titus, who also starred in ‘Transformers’…


United Airlines Passenger Convicted of Drug Trafficking, Sex Crimes

The passenger who was dragged off a United Airlines flight against his will on Sunday night has been identified.

And he has quite the sordid history.

To be clear up front: This doesn’t make the heinous actions of United, or the tone deaf statements made by United’s CEO, any less heinous or tone deaf.

But this is still a newsworthy follow-up to the original story.

According to TMZ, the 69-year old doctor who refused to give up his seat on this now-infamous United flight is named David Dao.

In 2005, Dao was charged with 98 felony drug counts for illegally prescribing and trafficking painkillers.

Prosecutors claimed at the time that Dao fraudulently and illegally filled prescriptions for hydocodone, Oxycontin and Percocet.

Dao, who a decade later is best known for having his face bloodied (see images above and below) by members of the Chicago Police Department, was also convicted on six felony counts of obtaining drugs by fraud and deceit.

He was given five years probation for these crimes.

But this wasn’t all: Dao was also convicted for writing prescriptions and checks to a patient in exchange for sex.

Based on medical board documents obtained by TMZ, Dao denied paying for sex.

However, the physician indicated he did accept sexual favors from an associate in exchange for reducing a debt that associate owed him. (Editor’s Note: WTF, dude?!?)

In February of 2005, Dao gave up his Kentucky medical license.

TMZ has also dug deep and learned that Dao turned to the professional poker circuit during this time, when he was not permitted to actually work as a doctor.

He started playing at tournaments in July of 2006 and finished second in a 2009 tournament, walking away with more than $ 117,000 as a result.

Overall, Dao banked $ 234,664 in World Series of Poker events over the years.

In 2015, the Kentucky medical board lifted Dao’s suspension and allowed him to practice medicine with a few restrictions; as of last year, he may only practice internal medicine in an outpatient facility one day a week.

Which brings us back to Sunday and United flight 3411.

And this VERY disturbing video:

Dao was randomly selected by the airline after no passengers were willing to accept $ 800 in exchange to take a later flight (because the company overbooked this one and needed four employees to take the spots of passengers who had already paid for their seats).

But he refused to get up from his seat.

Witnesses (one of whom filmed the footage above) claim Dao told United employees that he had patients to attend to early Monday morning and simply could not afford to change his plans.

After attempting to verbally convince Dao to depart the plane, flight attendants contacted other authorities, who eventually dragged Dao away, injuring his face and causing him extreme distress in the process.

Video of this incident quickly went viral, with social media users outraged over Dao’s treatment.

In response, United CEO Oscar Munoz Tweeted his lame apology over the need to “re-accommodate” customers such as Dao.

“Our team is moving with the sense of urgency to work with the authorities and conduct our own detailed review of what happened,” Munoz added.

“We are also reaching out to this passenger to talk directly to him and further address and resolve the situation.”

united comment

We have a feeling it will get resolved.

And the resulting check to Dao will dwarf this controversial doctor’s lifetime poker winnings.

Since the assault (really, what else can we call it?) occurred, United’s stock has fallen by 3.7%; that equates to approximately $ 830 million wiped off its market capitalization.

Many are calling for a boycott of the airline, especially residents of China, who believe Dao was chosen to be kicked off the plane due to his ethnic background.

Mark Cuban has echoed this sentiment and call to action, referring on Twitter to United’s handling of the situation as “appalling” and “sickening” and adding:

“Definitely time to boycott #unitedAIRLINES.”

a plane

Jimmy Kimmel also had a field day with the incident during his monologue last night.

“Imagine if this happened in any other industry,” Kimmel said. “Imagine if this happened at Applebee’s.”

It’s sort of true, right?

Imagine if you made a reservation at Applebee’s and were sitting down for your meal… but then the restaurant said you had to leave because it had booked more reservations that night than there were tables inside the establishment.

That’s the exact same thing that airlines do ALL THE TIME.

Kimmel went on to joke about Munoz’s ridiculous attempt at a mea culpa.

“It’s like when we re-accommodated El Chapo out of Mexico,” Kimmel quipped, before getting more serious.

“That is such sanitized, say nothing, take no responsibility, corporate B.S. speak. I don’t know how the guy who sent that tweet didn’t vomit when he typed it up.”


At least the celebrities featured in the slideshow below actually did some $ hit that earned them a one-way ticket off their airplane ride…


United Airlines Stock Takes Big Dip After Passenger Dragged Out (PHOTO)

United Airlines is taking a nosedive on Wall Street — and could lose more than $ 800 million today — on the heels of David Dao getting bloodied and dragged off a United flight. United’s shares were down as much as 4% Tuesday morning, which — if it…


United Airlines Doctor David Dao Killed It In World Series of Poker

David Dao, the doctor who was dragged off the United flight, made a killing on the World Series of Poker while his medical license was suspended in Kentucky. Dao joined the poker circuit in July 2006 — one year after his medical license was…


United Airlines Doctor David Dao Killed It In World Series of Poker

David Dao, the doctor who was dragged off the United flight, made a killing on the World Series of Poker while his medical license was suspended in Kentucky. Dao joined the poker circuit in July 2006 — one year after his medical license was…
