Showing posts with label 'Deeply. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Deeply. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Brody Jenner Deeply Hurt that Caitlyn Won"t Attend His Wedding

Caitlyn Jenner will not attend her son Brody’s wedding, and TMZ has learned it’s the result of a profound family divide that goes back to the time Bruce married Kris … and Brody is deeply hurt. Jenner family sources tell us Brody is…


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Katy Perry Actually Sends Peace Offering to Taylor Swift, Is "Deeply Sorry" for Feud

Swish, Swish Bish has turned into…

My Bad, Taylor!

In a move that took many music and celebrity gossip fans by surprise, Katy Perry penned an open Instagram Stories letter to long-time rival Taylor Swift on Tuesday, just hours before the latter kicked off her “Reputation” stadium tour.

Perry and Swift, of course, have been engaged in a passive aggressive rivalry for years.

Neither has spoken much about it directly, but each has seemingly referenced the other in songs and in various interviews.

The beef goes back about half a decade and was allegedly ignited due to Perry’s stealing of a couple Swift backup dancers for one of her own international tours.

“She did something so horrible. I was like, ‘Oh, we’re just straight-up enemies.’ And it wasn’t even about a guy!” Swift told Rolling Stone of the subject of the track “Bad Blood” in 2014, never actually saying Perry’s name.

Added Taylor in this revealing exchange:

“It had to do with business. She basically tried to sabotage an entire arena tour. She tried to hire a bunch of people out from under… So now I have to avoid her. It’s awkward, and I don’t like it.”

We’ve loved it, however.

The feud has been a blast to speculate over and cover.

But now it’s come to an end?

Evidently so.

“Hey Old Friend – I’ve been doing some reflecting on past miscommunications and hurt feelings between us,” Perry wrote in a letter we can see parts of via a Swift Instagram video.

The letter is partially obscured, but it also appears to say Katy is “deeply sorry” and wants to “clear the air.”

Included along with the letter, which was actually mailed to Swift, is a literal olive branch.

Panning over the gift in her dressing room in response, Swift says on social media:

“I just got to my dressing room and found this actual olive branch. This means so much to me.”

This is quite the departure for Perry, who tried to use her negative back-and-forth with Swift to promote her last album.

About a year ago, Perry said Swift tried to “assassinate my character” and didn’t sound anywhere close to someone willing to issue a Mea Culpa.

But then Swift released ALL of her songs on streaming music the same day Perry’s album dropped and Katy perhaps realized she was in way over her head.

Her album sales tanked, Swift was viewed as the Queen of Passive Aggression and here we are now.

Granted, it’s also possible Perry just wants to make up with Swift for personal reasons, not because she feels she’s been bested by her foe in the music world.

“I am ready to let it go,” Perry told Thrive CEO Arianna Huffington last summer, adding:

“I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her … I love her, and I want the best for her. And I think she’s a fantastic songwriter.”

So we guess the action Perry took on Tuesday has sort of been a long time coming.

Perry added last year that she thinks she and Swift could put their differences aside and be “representatives of strong women.”

“Maybe I don’t agree with everything she does and she doesn’t agree with everything I do, but I just really, truly want to come together in a place of love and forgiveness and understanding and compassion,” the singer said.

Fair enough.

We’re willing to believe Perry is being sincere and we’re now hoping to see these two take the stage peacefully together at some point.

That would be fun to see, wouldn’t it?

Heck, perhaps an album of duets?!?

Okay, maybe now we’re aiming too high.

But in a polarizing country, where it seems like no one can get along, it’s nice to see Perry and Swift setting an example for the rest of us to follow.


Monday, October 30, 2017

Netflix Issues Statement on Kevin Spacey, "Deeply Troubled" By Allegations

Netflix has spoken out about the allegations against Kevin Spacey — a huge star of one of their biggest shows — saying they’re disturbed by the revelations.  The TV streaming company issued a joint statement Monday along with Media Rights…


Monday, September 18, 2017

Kevin Hart Deeply Involved in Police Extortion Investigation, Talking to Law Enforcement Today

Kevin Hart is aggressively helping authorities nab the people who tried extorting him over that sexually charged video … and TMZ has learned he’s speaking with them today to tell them everything he knows. Sources connected with Hart tell us Kevin…


Monday, July 31, 2017

Steve Bartman "Deeply Moved" After Getting World Series Ring from Cubs

The Chicago Cubs are giving a World Series ring to infamous superfan Steve Bartman — and Bartman is so moved by the gesture, he says he can finally move on with his life.  The Cubs superfan went into self-imposed exile after interfering with a…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz "Deeply" Apologizes, Vows to "Do the Right Thing"

United Airlines’ CEO is taking a much more apologetic stance about the doctor who was forcibly dragged off a United plane, and promising to make big changes.  Oscar Munoz issued a statement saying … “The truly horrific event that occurred on…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Why Their Central America Update Has Us Deeply Worried

Judging by their most recent update, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard are facing some pretty harrowing situations down in Central America.

For a variety of reasons, this has left us alarmed.

They’ve been back in the mission field for several weeks now, and after they finally checked in with their fans last week, worry set in.

Working with a short-term team, they’re “traveling a lot between different countries doing ministry traveling throughout Central America.”

This is different from the Arkansans’ previous mission trip there, in which they remained in one location – El Salvador – almost exclusively.

As usual, Derick and Jill have asked for fans’ prayers and money as they’ve been ministering people they hope will come to know Jesus.

The people they speak of live hard lives, make no mistake.

Jill said that one young teenage girl she came to know had died a tragic death from a seizure and a fatal fall, after living a tough existence.

Her mom had been in prison, and as Jill said later:

“Most people say she died of a broken heart.”

Derick also relayed a scary moment after he offered a ride home from church to an older woman who started “wheezing and coughing loudly.”

The Dillards pulled over to help tend to her.

Jill shared that “because we live in a rural area,” their options were limited with the elderly woman’s life hanging in the balance that day:

“They decided it was best to have the local medical person come check her out first, instead of [going] to the hospital, which is over an hour away.”

Terrifying. So what happened to her?

Thankfully, an inhaler helped and she bounced back from the coughing, likely due in part to the dust from the dry season in that region.

Stories like these are sad, but also worrisome.

Jill and Derick want to save the world, or at least do their small part in making it a better place, which is both selfless and commendable.

Still, you can’t help but wonder about the impact on her health, on Derick’s, on her toddler son, and the baby she’s currently making.

If she doesn’t take care of herself and her own family first, then she won’t be able to help anyone else in an unstable, developing world.

This isn’t some far-fetched concern, as some fans have openly wondered if Derick Dillard’s health has once again become an issue.

Perhaps to allay those concerns, Jill added that Derick recently “participated in a basketball tournament with guys from the local town.”

As for little Israel, Jill says her son is making the most of his international upbringing, adding that he is making friends and happy there:

“Israel loves it and so do we! Last week, we were able to host the children from church in our home for children’s church and snacks.”

Jill concluded her missive by assuring fans that all is well, writing, “We are excited to be back doing the work our hearts love so much.”

The Dillards hope that they can help “all peoples of the world” naturally “come to repentance and put their hope in the Lord, Jesus Christ.”

Again, though, is she risking their lives to do it?

One fan asked simply: “What is wrong with Jill?”

It’s a valid point, considering “she nearly died in childbirth last time. I know we are to trust the Lord but He gave us a brain with common sense.”

Again, a fair argument, especially with Zika.

El Salvador has advised residents not to pregnant until at least 2018 due to the mosquito-borne disease linked to infants’ brain damage.

“Why would they bother returning for just a couple of months,” another fan asked, given the virus’ range and “especially with Jill pregnant?”

Beyond the risk of the virus, there’s a lack of adequate prenatal care (especially with a high-risk VBAC delivery, which she plans to have).

Even flying home late in pregnancy is risky.

“Why don’t they just wait another 6 months for the baby to be born and Jill to have time to recover after the delivery?” another fan wondered.

“Think about your children’s safety first!”

Beyond medical problems, they have lamented the kidnapping, rape and murder that are surprisingly routine in this region of the world.

“Every week, it seems like there would be different instances,” Jill recalled of the sometimes dangerous conditions they would encounter. 

Dillard has asked for prayers for her own safety numerous times, and thank goodness no one has been seriously hurt or sick thus far.

Nevertheless, the longer they’re down there, the closer she gets to her due date, and the more alarming their stories seem to become.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Pacman Jones "Deeply Embarrassed" Over Hostile Arrest Video ... "Committed to Anger Management"

Pacman Jones says he’s seeking counseling and anger management after telling a Cincinnati police officer to “suck my d**k” and “die” during an arrest earlier this month.  TMZ Sports broke the story … the Cincinnati Bengals star went insane…


Pacman Jones "Deeply Embarrassed" Over Hostile Arrest Video ... "Committed to Anger Management"

Pacman Jones says he’s seeking counseling and anger management after telling a Cincinnati police officer to “suck my d**k” and “die” during an arrest earlier this month.  TMZ Sports broke the story … the Cincinnati Bengals star went insane…
