Showing posts with label Victims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victims. Show all posts

Monday, August 1, 2016

Teen Choice Awards Honor Gun Violence Victims, Ask to #StopTheViolence

The Teen Choice Awards are not known as one of the more serious ceremonies in Hollywood.

This year’s version, for example was co-hosted by John Cena and Victoria Justice.

It also hands out surfboards instead of trophies and its categories include Choice AnTEENcipated Movie Actor and Choice Female Hottie.

Still, on Sunday evening, the 2016 Teen Choice Awards stopped and took a few moments to go from goofy to emotional.

Joined on stage by the loved ones of victims killed in recent shootings, Jessica Alba told their stories and the stories of the family members these people lost.

“Here with me tonight is a group of brave teenagers who share an unlikely bond that is hard to comprehend. They are the brothers, sisters, daughters and family members of recent victims of gun violence,” the actress said to open her speech.

“I am talking about Aurora, Baton Rouge, Dallas, Minneapolis, Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown. It keeps happening, and it has to stop.”

Alba went on to say that each teenager on stage was connected to someone who died via gun violence.

It was tragic stuff to hear.

“J.T. [Lewis] was just like you, until he lost his 6-year-old little brother, Jesse Lewis, one of the 26 victims of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in Newtown,” Alba said, adding more names to the list:

“Jolene and Colin wake up every day missing their mother, Bennetta Betbadal, who was one of the 14 people killed in San Bernardino.”

Some critics may say this was an inappropriate platform to use in order to send a political message.

But nearly anyone with a pulse had to be moved by the message anyway.

“Tonight we stand together with these teens, united in our call for peace and an end to this violence,” Alba said. “Now more than ever we need to stop, feel and ask what’s going on.”

From there, Ne-Yo took the stage to perform Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On.”

As he sang this classic track, photos of gun-violence victims and their families flashed on a screen behind him.

Again, powerful stuff.

“These teens had the courage to come here and share their grief and take a stand,” Alba told the crowd after Ne-Yo performance. “And tonight, Ne-Yo and I and all of us here and all of you watching need to do the same.”

Ne-Yo then asked attendees to come together as one by snapping a picture of the teens on stage and Tweeting it with the hashtag “#StopTheViolence.”

This isn’t the first time this summer that an awards ceremony sent an emotional message in regard to ongoing violence affecting America.

Take a look below at four of the best basketball players on the planet opening the ESPYs by talking about troubled race relations in the country:

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Disney Gator Attack: Victim"s Family Decides NOT to Sue!

Last month, a 2-year-old boy named Lane Graves was killed by an alligator while staying at a Disney World resort with his family.

As the details of the tragedy emerged, it began to look as though the park was at fault for failure to post signs warning guests that gators and other dangerous wildlife may be present in the shallow waters surrounding the resort.

The case seemed to have the makings of a lawsuit that would not only result in a massive judgment for the Graves family, but also send a message about the importance of proper safety measures to theme parks around the country.

Shockingly, however, TMZ is now reporting that the Graves family has decided not to sue the Disney corporation.

According to the site, Matt and Melissa Graves issued a statement moments ago in which they shared a personal message about their worsening grief, but also revealed that they will not be seeking damages from Disney.

In the statement, the Graves stated that they’re struggling to “comprehend why this happened” and feel that “the pain gets worse” with each passing day.

However, they say that they see nothing to be gained by enduring a lengthy legal process.

In lieu of a lawsuit, the Graves announced that they will found the Lane Thomas Foundation in order to “keep his spirit alive.”

The family didn’t go into specifics regarding the purpose of the foundation.

They also didn’t reveal how it would be funded, but it’s widely assumed that Disney will be footing the bill.

The Graves family has spoken out about the tragedy in the past, and while their anger and grief is clear, they never explicitly blamed Disney.

Perhaps they believe that the death of their son was simply a senseless tragedy and they prefer any action taken in his name to be entirely positive.

Our thoughts go out to the Graves during this difficult time.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Taylor Swift Pens Tribute to Orlando Shooting Victims

We interrupt our daily Taylor Swift Romantic Life Update to bring you a piece of news about the singer that has nothing to do with who she is dating.

It actually has to do with something far more important.

On Friday afternoon, Swift took to Instagram to post a message about the 49 men and women who were killed inside Pure nightclub in Orlando last weekend.

They were shot dead by Omar Mateen, a New York native and terrorist who appeared to disagree with the gay lifestyle and who aligned himself with ISIS prior to being killed by police.

Over the weekend, and in the days ahead, memorial services will be held for these victims.

And that was the topic of sad discussion for Swift in her social media post. 

It opened as follows:

“As you bury your loved ones this week, please know that there are millions of us sending you love and our deepest sympathy in the face of this unthinkable and devastating tragedy.”

It then went on to list the name of everyone who died at Mateen’s hands.

Orlando pic

A countless number of celebrities have honored these Orlando shooting victims in their own way, but this marked the first time Swift spoke out about the massacre.

Take a look below at how other stars have reacted:

It pales in comparison, of course, but Swift has been in the news of late due to her personal life.

Just a couple weeks after splitting from Calvin Harris, Taylor was seen kissing Tom Hiddleston.

There are photos online as evidence and everything.

Since then, sources have confirmed that Harris thinks Swift cheated on her, while other sources claim Swift dumped Harris on the phone.

None of those rumors paint Swift in a positive light.

But we salute her for this message and we join her in sending our condolences to the loved ones of those slain.

Taylor Swift Pens Tribute to Orlando Shooting Victims

We interrupt our daily Taylor Swift Romantic Life Update to bring you a piece of news about the singer that has nothing to do with who she is dating.

It actually has to do with something far more important.

On Friday afternoon, Swift took to Instagram to post a message about the 49 men and women who were killed inside Pure nightclub in Orlando last weekend.

They were shot dead by Omar Mateen, a New York native and terrorist who appeared to disagree with the gay lifestyle and who aligned himself with ISIS prior to being killed by police.

Over the weekend, and in the days ahead, memorial services will be held for these victims.

And that was the topic of sad discussion for Swift in her social media post. 

It opened as follows:

“As you bury your loved ones this week, please know that there are millions of us sending you love and our deepest sympathy in the face of this unthinkable and devastating tragedy.”

It then went on to list the name of everyone who died at Mateen’s hands.

Orlando pic

A countless number of celebrities have honored these Orlando shooting victims in their own way, but this marked the first time Swift spoke out about the massacre.

Take a look below at how other stars have reacted:

It pales in comparison, of course, but Swift has been in the news of late due to her personal life.

Just a couple weeks after splitting from Calvin Harris, Taylor was seen kissing Tom Hiddleston.

There are photos online as evidence and everything.

Since then, sources have confirmed that Harris thinks Swift cheated on her, while other sources claim Swift dumped Harris on the phone.

None of those rumors paint Swift in a positive light.

But we salute her for this message and we join her in sending our condolences to the loved ones of those slain.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Christina Aguilera to Donate Proceeds Oo New Single to Orlando Shooting Victims

Christina Aguilera has announced that she will be donating the proceeds her new song, “Change,” to the victims of the Orlando shooting. 

It’s been almost one week since the massacre in Pulse nightclub, with Christina extending her thoughts to the victims with this nice gesture. 

“The horrific tragedy that occurred in Orlando continues to weigh heavily on my mind. I am sending so much love and so many prayers to the victims and their families,” the star, 35, wrote in a heartfelt letter posted late Thursday night on her website.

“Like so many, I want to help be part of the change this world needs to make it a beautiful inclusive place where humanity can love each other freely and passionately.”

The world has reeled in the aftermath of Omar Marteen’s shocking attack on the LGBT community that claimed the lives of 49 people. 

It’s been a horrible week in the news for Florida. 

Starting with Christina Grimmie’s murder last week, the news just seemed to get worse for the State. 

Aguilera co-wrote the song with Fancy and Flo Reutter. 

For the next three months, all of the proceeds from the track will be donated to the National Compassion Fund to directly benefit the Orlando shooting victims and their families. 

The label and publisher will also donate their side of the proceeds. 

It really is a beautiful single that tugs at the heart strings. 

“Waiting for a change to set us free / Waiting for the day when you can be you and I can be me / Waiting for hope to come around / Waiting for the day when hate is lost and love is found / Waiting for a change,” she sings in the chorus.

You can purchase the song here.

And you can have a listen to the track below with the official lyric video. 

What do you think of the song? And of this gesture in general?

Hit the comments below!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Beyonce Dedicates "Halo" to Orlando Shooting Victims

Beyonce has become the latest celebrity to pay moving tribute to the victims of last weekend"s terrorist attack in Orlando.

Not by getting a tattoo on her head, but by singing an emotional version of one of her biggest hits.

The artist stopped by Detroit on Tuesday night as part of her Formation Tour, stopping for a moment prior to performing "Halo" in order to tell the crowd that this would be a special rendition.

"This next song is about love and I"d like to dedicate it to all of the family members that had family that lost their lives in Florida," she told attendees.

Beyonce, of course, was referencing the horrific actions taken on Saturday night and Sunday morning by a terrorist named Omar Mateen.

He entered a gay nightclub called Pure and used a semi-automatic weapon to kill 49 people, while wounding several others.

Prior to this performance, Beyonce shared a photo on Instagram of a floral peace sign with the caption, "Condolences and prayers to Orlando."

Over the past few days, many other stars have also sent their condolences to the victims in this tragedy via song or speech.

Lady Gaga, for example, broke down in tears as a candlelight vigil in Las Angeles:

Late night hosts such as John Oliver, Conan O"Brien and Jimmy Fallon also expressed powerful messages to their viewers:

Then there was Adele, who tried to fight back tears while talking about the incident prior to a concert overseas:

Will new gun regulations be passed across the country as a result of this despicable action?

Will anything actually change after the deadliest shooting massacre in U.S. history?

Or will we tragically be hearing similar sentiments from stars such as these at some point again in the near future?

Check out Beyonce"s tribute below:

Beyonce dedicates halo to orlando shooting victims

Kelly Osbourne Finds Unique Way to Honor Orlando Victims

Kelly Osbourne has found an unusual way to honor the victims of last week’s horrible terrorist attack in Orlando.

While many celebrities have expressed their sympathy over the 49 people who were killed inside Pure nightclub, and while some have pushed for better gun control, Osbourne is the first to get a tattoo on her head in tribute of those who perished.

At least the first that we know if.

The fashion guru and former reality star debuted this new piece of ink via her Instagram account yesterday.

It reads “Solidarity” and Osbourne got it done as a show of support for the LGBT community.

The terrorist who committed this unspeakable atrocity, Omar Mateen, targeted Pure because he believed the gay lifestyle to be a sin.

This is what Osbourne wrote as a caption to the image above:

Solidarity: “Noun. Unity of feeling of individuals with a common interest or purpose.”

Individually, we have rights and unique gifts. Together, we have strength and powerful harmony. I have wanted to get this tattoo for a long time. The tragedy in Orlando devastated me and reminded me that every moment of our lives is precious.

Every human is precious. Love hard. Live gracefully, authentically and with conviction, respect, purpose and compassion. Together we achieve what is impossible to those who stand alone.

Those of us who embrace and respect freedom stand together, progress together, celebrate together and grieve together.

You are not alone.

This is actually not the first time Osbourne has gotten a tattoo on her head… this month.

Just a few days ago, she shared an etching online that reads “Stories.”

It was accompanied by a caption that asked “what’s your story?”


Osbourne’s story appears to be one of compassion.

She may express it in unexpected, unique ways. But it’s better than not caring, right?

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

WATCH Lady Gaga Pay Tribute to Orlando Shooting Victims

Lady Gaga broke down in understandable tears on Monday night.

The artist stood in solidarity alongside the grieving LGBT community at Los Angeles’ City Hall, delivering an emotional speech in tribute to the 49 victims killed over the weekend at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

Gaga, of course, is especially close to the gay, lesbian and bisexual community.

“We mourn the tragic loss of these innocent, beautiful people. Let’s all today pledge an allegiance of love to them and to their families who are suffering so deeply," the singer said.

She continued:

"They are sons and daughters. They were fathers and mothers. They are all our brothers and our sisters.

But, tonight I will not allow my anger and outrage over this attack to overshadow our need to honor those who are grieving truly for their lost ones; lost members of the LGBT community.”

It was at this point where Gaga could not hold back her tears any longer.

"I hope you know that myself and so many are your allies," she said.

"Not only me, but everyone here. We represent the compassion and the loyalty of millions of people around the world that believe in you. You are not alone, you are not alone."

A number of celebrities have sent powerful messages to the world and to the LGBT community in the days since this heinous attack.

This is what Conan O"Brien said in his monologue:

This is what Jimmy Fallon said:

Gaga also read aloud the names of each victim of the deadliest mass shooting in American history, which took 49 lives in the early morning hours of Sunday, June 12.

Here is a look at all who perished:

And here is a full look at Gaga"s speech:

Lady gaga pays tribute to orlando shooting victims breaks down

Orlando Shooting Victims: In Memoriam...

There are no words of comfort we can offer to the families and loved ones of those killed in Orlando on the night of June 11, 2016 and the morning of June 12, 2016.

They were simply out, having a good time, when a mad man named Omar Mateen opened fire inside Pure nightclub.

All we can do is send our thoughts and prayers to those affected by this tragedy.

Along those lines, we"ve collected the following photos of several of the 49 victims in this horrific tragedy. May they rest in peace…

1. Luis Vielma

Luis vielma

Only 22 years old, Vielma worked at Harry Potter World in Florida.

2. Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera

Eric ivan ortiz rivera

This photo was shared on Facebook by Ortiz-Rivera. We do not know the date on which it was taken.

3. Edward Sotomayor Jr.

Edward sotomayor jr

May Edward Sotomayor Jr. rest in peace.

4. Stanley Almodovar III

Stanley almodovar iii

May Stanley Almodovar III rest in peace.

5. Juan Ramon Guerrero

Juan ramon guerrero

May Juan Ramon Guerrero rest in peace.

6. Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo

Luis omar ocasio capo

May Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo rest in peace.

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Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar: Blaming Victims of Orlando Shooting?!

It’s no secret that the Duggars don’t believe in gay rights, but are Jim Bob and Michelle actually blaming the victims for Sunday’s massacre?

According to the latest media reports, 49 victims tragically lost their lives in the June 12 shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

A homophobic, American-born man, Omar Mateen who pledged allegiance to ISIS reportedly targeted Pulse because it was an LGBT club.

Reports that Omar Mateen was gay himself have put an interesting twist on this story, but regardless, it was a hate-filled act of terrorism.

Celebrities, politicians, and other public figures quickly offered condolences to the family members and everybody who lost loved ones.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were among those who offered prayers after the tragedy, but did so in a way that has sparked controversy.

The 19 Kids & Counting couple posted the following Bible verse:

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. James 4:7-8.”

Naturally, this has become subject to wide-ranging interpretation.

Some critics have posited that the Duggars are implicitly opining that the gay men and women who died brought the attack on themselves.

By failing to “resist the Devil,” at least in JBD’s warped world view.

That may be a stretch, but not to their growing chorus of critics, many of who accused them of lacking compassion and being self-righteous.

They aren’t even the first to take heat over this in their own family.

Earlier, Jim Bob’s daughter and son-in law Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald quoted anti-gay leaders in their response to the massacre.

The Duggars’ not-so-subtle dislike of the gay community dates back years, evidenced by things like their “kissing challenge” on Facebook.

If you recall, they asked their followers to help them celebrate love by posting pictures of themselves kissing their significant others.

Jim Bob and Michelle deleted gay couples’ photos, of course.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Names of Orlando Shooting Victims Released

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, at 2 am on Sunday morning, a gunman by the name of Omar Mateen carried out the largest mass shooting in U.S. history, killing 53 patrons of Pulse nightclub in Orlando and injuring 50 others.

It’s impossible to make sense of a tragedy on the scale of the Orlando shooting, but a newly released list of the names of the victims helps us to at least begin to comprehend the magnitude of the loss. 

The victims were mostly young, Hispanic men who were in attendance for the club’s weekly Latin music night.

One of them worked on the Harry Potter ride at nearby Universal Studios.

Another had recently relocated from Brooklyn to enjoy the city’s warmer climate. 

All of them lost their lives in the sort of senseless bloodshed that once would have been inconceivable but has now become commonplace in America.

Our thoughts are with their families as they struggle to cope with this unimaginable tragedy: 

Edward Sotomayor Jr., 34 years old

Stanley Almodovar III, 23 years old

Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, 20 years old

Juan Ramon Guerrero, 22 years old

Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, 36 years old

Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22 years old

Luis S. Vielma, 22 years old

Kimberly Morris, 37 years old

Eddie Jamoldroy Justice, 30 years old

Darryl Roman Burt II, 29 years old

Deonka Deidra Drayton, 32 years old

Alejandro Barrios Martinez, 21 years old

Anthony Luis Laureanodisla, 25 years old

Jean Carlos Mendez Perez, 35 years old

Franky Jimmy Dejesus Velazquez, 50 years old

Amanda Alvear, 25 years old

Martin Benitez Torres, 33 years old

Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon, 37 years old

Mercedez Marisol Flores, 26 years old

Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado, 35 years old

Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez, 25 years old

Simon Adrian Carrillo Fernandez, 31 years old

Oscar A Aracena-Montero, 26 years old

Enrique L. Rios, Jr., 25 years old

Miguel Angel Honorato, 30 years old

Javier Jorge-Reyes, 40 years old

Joel Rayon Paniagua, 32 years old

Jason Benjamin Josaphat, 19 years old

Cory James Connell, 21 years old

Juan P. Rivera Velazquez, 37 years old

Luis Daniel Conde, 39 years old

Shane Evan Tomlinson, 33 years old

Juan Chevez-Martinez, 25 years old

Jerald Arthur Wright, 31 years old

Leroy Valentin Fernandez, 25 years old

Tevin Eugene Crosby, 25 years old

Jonathan Antonio Camuy Vega, 24 years old

Jean C. Nives Rodriguez, 27 years old

Rodolfo Ayala-Ayala, 33 years old

Brenda Lee Marquez McCool, 49 years old

Yilmary Rodriguez Sulivan, 24 years old

Christopher Andrew Leinonen, 32 years old

Angel L. Candelario-Padro, 28 years old

Frank Hernandez, 27 years old

Paul Terrell Henry, 41 years old

Antonio Davon Brown, 29 years old

Gay Men"s Chorus Pays Beautiful Tribute to Orlando Shooting Victims

Words sometimes fail, but the power of music sends a powerful message of love and hope.

This was the case on June 13th, one day after the largest mass shooting in U.S. history left 50 dead, including the gunman responsible, Omar Mateen.

The tragedy took place after 2am E.T. at Pulse, an Orlando, FL gay nightclub that was celebrating "Latin Night."  Mateen opened fire with an assault rifle inside the venue, causing mass pandemonium as patrons scrambled for the nearest exit.

As stories of heroism and bravery emerge, the New York Gay Men"s Choir took center stage in Times Square this morning to perform "Light," from the Broadway play, Next To Normal.

The spectacularly moving tribute was featured on Good Morning America as the show"s reporters delivered the broadcast from the scene in Orlando.

Some of the lyrics from the song include:

“When we open up our light/Sons and daughters, husbands, wives/Can fight that fight.”

"Day after day/We’ll find the will to find our way/Knowing that the darkest skies will someday see the sun.”

"And when they night has fin"ly gone, And when we see the new day dawn, We"ll wonder how we wandered for so long, so blind.

"The wasted world we thought we knew— The light will make it look brand new."

As the men sang, images of people memorializing the tragedy appeared on screen.  

Gay, straight, up, down, left, right – none of it matters when faced with the loss of a friend or family member.  

So, this morning, we were all looking for some light.

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer put it best: "We will not be defined by the act of a cowardly hater," he said in a press conference.

"We will be defined by how we respond."

Watch the beautiful performance below, and keep the victims of the Orlando shooting in your thoughts and prayers.

Gay mens chorus sings light in tribute to orlando shooting victi

Lin-Manuel Miranda Honors Orlando Shooting Victims with Sonnet

Leave it to Lin-Manuel Miranda to find a powerful, unique way to honors those killed in the Orlando shooting early Sunday morning.

The creator and star of Hamilton, which dominated the 2016 Tony Awards last night, made a powerful statement while accepting the Tony Award for Best Original Score (Music and/or Lyrics) Written for the Theatre category.

It was written in sonnet form and it opened by thanking his wife, before Miranda moved on to paying tribute to the 50 victims who were killed inside a gay nightclub.

“We chase the melodies that seem to find us until they’re finished songs and start to play,” Miranda said. “When senseless acts of tragedy remind us that nothing here is promised, not one day.”

He later added:

Love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside.

“I hadn’t written anything going into today. I hadn’t heard about the day’s events until after our Tony rehearsal,” Miranda said backstage after the ceremony, during which Hamilton won 11 awards including best musical.

“I’d always had this time between rehearsal and tonight to think about what I’d say if I was lucky enough to be called up, and it sort of informed all of it…

"We live in this world where beautiful and horrible things exist at the same time and often on the same day. … Theater doesn’t exist without the LGBTQ community. It’s the cornerstone of our industry."

Earlier in the Tony Awards, host James Corden also honored the victims of the Orlando shooting.

“Hate will never win,” he remarked in pre-taped remarks before the event began.

Take a look at Miranda"s full sonnet below and join us in honoring those who died in this senseless act of ignorance, hate and cowardice in Orlando.

Lin manuel miranda honors orlando shooting victims with sonnet

Sunday, June 12, 2016

18 Celebrities Who Were Victims of Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone. The celebs below suffered domestic violence at the hands of someone close to them.

1. Rihanna

Rihanna at staples center

Rihanna was beaten by former boyfriend Chris Brown, resulting in physical injuries that required her to be hospitalized.

2. Tina Turner

Tina turner

Ike Turner notoriously beat wife and singer Tina Turner throughout their marriage. The abuse was depicted in the biopic What’s Love Got to Do With It.

3. Charlize Theron

Charlize theron photograph

The actress grew up with an abusive father. Theron’s mother wound up shooting him in self-defense after he came home drunk and angry one fateful night.

4. Halle Berry

Halle berry without wedding ring

Halle Berry admitted to being physically abused by a former boyfriend. She claims he hit her so hard her eardrum was punctured and she lost 80 percent of her hearing in that ear.

5. Amber Heard

Amber heard premiere photo

Amber Heard accused Johnny Depp of physical assaults against her during their short marriage, citing alcoholism and drug abuse as instigators.

6. Madonna

Madonna in w

When Madonna was married to Sean Penn in the 80s, he allegedly struck her with a baseball bat, tied her up and beat her. However, in 2015 the material girl dismissed the claims as false. Madonna was raped on a rooftop when she was 19 by an unknown attacker.

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