Showing posts with label Walking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walking. Show all posts

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Walking Dead Poll: Who Did Negan Kill?

It finally happened on The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 16.

Following weeks and weeks of hype and anticipation, we finally met Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan.

We also met the villain’s trusty barbed wire-covered baseball bat, Lucille, and we watched as Negan delivered a menacing speech to Rick and his many other captured foes.

They had been ignoring the “new world order.”

They had killed Negan’s men.

And now someone had to pay.

But who?

For nearly the entirety of The Walking Dead Season 6, viewers had been anticipating a significant death on the finale.

Loyal comic book readers were aware that Negan murders Glenn in the graphic novel series on which The Walking Dead was based, so many assumed he would be the character to bite the dust.

And maybe he was.

When you watch The Waking Dead online or on television, all you see if Negan taking swing after swing with Lucille, telling his unnamed victim that he or she is initially taking the beating “like a champ.”

Creator Robert Kirkman, meanwhile, simply says that someone is, indeed, dead… and that this someone is a “beloved character.”

Does that narrow down the field for you?

Can you believe we need to wait until Season 7 to learn the victim’s identity?!?

Until then, all we can do is take our best guess. So go ahead and do so below:


The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 16 Recap: NEGAN!

Heading into The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 16, viewers were confident in two things:

We would finally meet Negan; and someone would die.


As the 93-minute finale kick off, Morgan was still chasing down Carol when he came across a sign that read “YOU ARE ALIVE!”

This was followed by the sight of the horse for which the Hilltop dude had claimed to be looking last Sunday.

Good news, right? Not exactly, as fans saw Roman the Savior inching closer to Morgan just as he caught up with an annoyed Carol.

Over in Alexandria, Carol locked Enid in a closet in order to prevent her from going off on the trip to race Maggie to The Hilltop to pay doctor Harlan a reverse house call

Rick and company then headed out on this mission, but not before Gabriel assured the leader that Judith was his “first priority” and that everyone would be safe with him in charge.

On the way to The Hilltop, Rick told Maggie that the doc would “make things better” because “we can do anything” as long as “it’s all of us.”

No sooner had he uttered these words than their RV was halted by a group of Saviors.

Some tense back and forth was surprisingly followed by the Saviors letting our heroes go, while also issuing a warning for them to be “kind to each other,” as if this was “your last day on Earth.”

Rick and everyone then ran into another bunch of Saviors, while Morgan lost control of Carol and had to go chasing after her on horseback.

We saw her get attacked and shot by Rowan, who simply wanted to watch Carol die before his mean eyes.

But Carol simply laughed at this threat, saying she was going to die anyway. So Rowan shot her again. Just as he was about to finish her off, Morgan appeared … and killed Rowan dead. So much for his rules when Carol’s life was at stake, huh?

The Hilltop denizen then showed up and offered to help.

After seeing the Saviors hang a victim and set fire to a blockade of felled trees, meanwhile, Rick was sounding less confident and the group was forced to retreat.

From there, Eugene volunteered to take the RV in order for the others to escort Maggie to the Hilltop on foot.

It didn’t take long, however, for the Saviors to capture Eugene and surround the survivors again. The lead Savior disarmed the group and had them get on their knees.

It was then time to meet Negan.

The iconic villains proceeded to explain how the new world order meant half of their stuff was his and if they tried to fight it… things would only get worse.

He said he planned to kill one hero as payback for all the Saviors deaths, taunting Carol, telling Maggie she looked terrible and then see Glenn freak out. He then wound up his barbed-wire bat, Lucille, took a swing and… cut to black.

Yup. That was it.

Go watch The Walking Dead online to see if you can guess who Negan killed and then sound off in the Comments below.

What a way to end The Walking Dead Season 6, huh?!?

Watch The Walking Dead Online: Check Out Season 6 Episode 16!

So… was he worth the wait? Did he meet expectations?

We speak of Negan, of course, the iconic comic book villain who viewers finally met on The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 16.

On the finale of what has been an incredible season, Rick and the group had to go outside the walls to save one of their own.

However, what they experienced on the road could easily change their lives forever. In what way? And did all the survivors even survive the finale?

There’s one very easy to way out. Click on the above video to watch The Walking Dead online and see what transpired.

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Walking Dead Season Finale Promo: Heeeere"s Negan!

With The Walking Dead Season 6 set to wrap up on Sunday, April 3, viewers of cable"s highest-rated drama should prepare to have at least two key questions answered:

  1. Is Daryl really dead?!?

  2. What does Negan look like?

The first question, of course, is all anyone can really think of following the dramatic event that concluded The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 15.

And the second question has been on the minds of viewers ever since they learned that the iconic graphic novel villain was on his way to the small screen.

Negan will be played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan and he’ll have his trusty barbed wire-covered baseball bat handy.

But that"s about all fans know at this point about the character, who is featured briefly in the following trailer for the 90-minute season finale.

"He"s a game changer and it"s a complete 180 from what I"m doing on The Good Wife, which as an actor it"s a dream come true," Morgan recently told Seth Meyes.

"I get to be the biggest ass in the world. It"s awesome… I am super excited about it; it"s going to be cool.

Are you ready to meet Negan?

Check out the trailer for this wildly-anticipated season finale now:

The walking dead season finale teaser heeeeres negan

The Walking Dead Season Finale Promo: Heeeere"s Negan!

With The Walking Dead Season 6 set to wrap up on Sunday, April 3, viewers of cable"s highest-rated drama should prepare to have at least two key questions answered:

  1. Is Daryl really dead?!?

  2. What does Negan look like?

The first question, of course, is all anyone can really think of following the dramatic event that concluded The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 15.

And the second question has been on the minds of viewers ever since they learned that the iconic graphic novel villain was on his way to the small screen.

Negan will be played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan and he’ll have his trusty barbed wire-covered baseball bat handy.

But that"s about all fans know at this point about the character, who is featured briefly in the following trailer for the 90-minute season finale.

"He"s a game changer and it"s a complete 180 from what I"m doing on The Good Wife, which as an actor it"s a dream come true," Morgan recently told Seth Meyes.

"I get to be the biggest ass in the world. It"s awesome… I am super excited about it; it"s going to be cool.

Are you ready to meet Negan?

Check out the trailer for this wildly-anticipated season finale now:

The walking dead season finale teaser heeeeres negan

Watch The Walking Dead Online: Check Out Season 6 Episode 15!

We are just one week away from the finale of The Walking Dead Season 6.

Just one week away from the introduction of Negan… at last.

First, however, on The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 15, an installment titled “East,” Alexandria was on alert after citizens realize someone had done missing.

In response, several search parties will ventured out, yet what they find wasn’t what they were hoping to find.

How is THAT for an intriguing tease?

Use the video posted above to watch The Walking Dead online and find out plenty more right here and now.

Watch The Walking Dead Online: Check Out Season 6 Episode 15!

We are just one week away from the finale of The Walking Dead Season 6.

Just one week away from the introduction of Negan… at last.

First, however, on The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 15, an installment titled “East,” Alexandria was on alert after citizens realize someone had done missing.

In response, several search parties will ventured out, yet what they find wasn’t what they were hoping to find.

How is THAT for an intriguing tease?

Use the video posted above to watch The Walking Dead online and find out plenty more right here and now.

The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 16 Recap: NOOOOO!

So… THAT’s what we call a cliffhanger.

On The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 16, Carol ended up in a very unfair fight… Rick and Morgan took off to track her down… Daryl went after after Denise’s killer… Michonne, Glenn and Rosita then went after Daryl… and it appeared as if a fan favorite bit the dust.

But did he ors he really?

We opened the episode with some calm before the inevitable sh-t storm between Alexandria residents and the Saviors.

Foreshadowing Negan’s debut on The Walking Dead Season 6 finale next Sunday, Carl found a gun with a barbed wire-covered bat carved into the handle, while Glenn noticed all of Maggie’s bruises and Michonne turned down morning sex with Rick because she didn’t want to be late in carrying out Maggie’s orders.

With Carol heading east to avenge Denise’s murder, Daryl soon went after her and Glenn, Michonne and Rosita also gave chase in hopes of bringing him back for the war against Negan.

Upon finding Carol’s abandoned car and the bullet-riddled Saviors who suffered her wrath, Rick marveled over his cohort, labeling her “a force of nature.”

However, as he and Morgan started to follow a trail of blood, he also acknowledged that the siege on the Saviors’ headquarters hadn’t ended the conflict as he has hoped it would.

Quite the contrary, noted Morgan, telling Rick that he “started something.”

And it was true: After they walked away, the one Savior to survive his group’s encounter with Carol came out of hiding, picked up her rosary and followed the duo.

Rosita, Glenn and Michonne, meanwhile, tracked down Daryl near the railroad tracks where Denise has taken the arrow to the eye.

Rosita chose to stay with Daryl, while Glenn and Michonne headed back home. Only to be capture by Dwight and his Saviors.

After Morgan and Rick went back and forth over the merits of shooting first and asking questions later, the former sent the latter back to Alexandria, saying he’s find Carol himself.

So Rick returned to Alexandria and admitted to Abraham that he was scared to get close to someone again.

At Glenn and Maggie’s place, Enid gave Maggie a new haircut… and then the pregnant character doubled over in crazy pain.

Finally, to close the intense hour, Daryl and Rosita came upon Glenn and Michonne tied up in the woods.

The prisoners attempted as best they could while gagged to warn their friends that they were walking into a Saviors-led trap, but it was too late.

As Daryl turned to face Denise’s killer, Dwight shot him – at point blank range, seemingly in the back – and blood splattered across the screen before the credits rolled.

You need to go watch The Walking Dead online in order to see this crazy event transpire for yourself and then you need to answer the following question:

No way the show just killed off Daryl, right?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Walking Dead Sneak Peek: Richonne in Bed!

We understand that fans of The Walking Dead may need a few minutes to recover after what went down on The Walking Season 6 Episode 14.

Heck, fans of The Walking Dead may need a few days to recover after what went down on The Walking Season 6 Episode 14.

That"s what happens when a beloved character (Denise) gets shockingly killed off in an unexpected manner (via an arrow directly through the eye, courtesy of Dwight, that Savior who Daryl should have killed).

So go ahead and take a few days to let this death sink in, especially because it did not take place in the same way as Denise"s death in the comic book series on which The Walking Dead is based.

But AMC has at least given fans something to get excited about for next Sunday.

In a clip from The Walking Season 6 Episode 15 that has already hit the Internet, see Rick… and we see Michonne… and we see them in bed.


Rick is anxious to get their day started off in fun fashion (if you know what we mean!), but Michonne has other ideas and you can find out why below.

You can also watch The Walking Dead online via our friends at TV Fanatic.

Do so now in order to relive Denise"s untimely death and then click Play on the video below for some red hit Richonne action!

The walking season 6 episode 15 sneak peek richonne in bed

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 14: Watch Online!

Has your heart rate slowed down enough from last week’s intense installment to feast your eyes on another?

Do you need a few moments to prepare first? We understand…

Okay? All set?

On The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 14, two different groups departed Alexandria on supply runs.

How did each fare? What sort of obstacles did they encounter? Those are both good questions.

While each of these groups were concerned with the future of the community, immediate danger derailed them both and forced them to focus on even more immediate concerns.

Such as what? Use the above video to watch The Walking Dead online and find out now!

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 14 Recap: Who Died?

Yes, they really did kill off SPOILER on The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 14.

We just want to give you a moment to emotionally prepare yourself for the answer before we delve into our recap of events…

At the outset of this installment, viewers learned that Morgan had completed the building of his jail cell, while Rosita was sleeping with Spencer and Daryl was haunted by his NON-killing of Dwight, the Savior dude who stole his bike and crossbow. 

Conversely, Paula was freaked out that she did kill Paula.

Overall, though, things seemed pretty calm and chill.

Denise then insisted on going on an apothecary run after she told Daryl and Rosita that one existed.

On the way there, she opened up to the duo about Dennis, her twin brother who taught her how to drive a stick.

When a fallen tree forced the group to hike the rest of the way, Daryl left his companions instead of joining them on the shorter route, following the tracks.

The threesome came together again in time to raid the pharmacy, only to hear a walker trapped somewhere in the store.

Denise, anxious to prove herself, went to investigate… and nearly vomited when she came across both a ripe walker and what appeared to be a drowned child.

Following this incident, Daryl attempted to cheer Denise up by giving her credit for leading them to the store’s collection of drugs and asking about her twin, who was apparently as angry as he was brave… just like Merle.

He even joined the women on the tracks for the trek back to the truck.

En route back to Alexandria, Denise actually killed a walker all by herself while grabbing a cooler out of a car. She then threw up on her glasses.

And then she was killed.

By an arrow shot by Dwight, who laughed about how he was aiming for someone else when he emerged by the woods with some Saviors and a captured Eugene.

But Eugene distracted the villains for a second, bit Dwight in the penis and allowed Abraham to open fire from nearby. The Saviors were forced to make a hasty retreat as a result.

To close this episode of The Walking Dead Season 6, Daryl and Carol buried Denise. Following this loss, Carol wrote a letter to Tobin that was read via voiceover.

“I love you all here,” she wrote. “I do. But I’d have to kill for you, and I can’t. I won’t.”

So… is this really the last we’ve seen of Carol? Will Morgan follow her out of town?

Make sure you watch The Walking Dead online in order to catch up and sound off in the Comments now!

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 13 Recap: We"re All Negan

To open The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 13, we flashed back to the moment the Sunday before when Carol told Maggie to stay put…

… right before she then winged the Savior who was creeping up behind her.

Before Maggie could kill this individual (later identified as Donny), however, a female Savior named Paula pointed a gun at Carol’s head.

She had two more Saviors by her side: an older woman named Molly – Molls, to Paula (and us) – and a brunette approximately Maggie’s age. They took charge of the situation.

Checking things out through binoculars back at Negan’s headquarters, fellow Savior Primo was shot off “his” bike and apprehended by Rick and company, prompting Paula to intervene via walkie talkie.

Although Donny was anxious to get Primo back because he apparently had the skills needed to treat a gunshot wound, Paula wasn’t sold on the two-for-one deal that Rick offered.

After Carol and Maggie moved to the Saviors’ safe house and bound, the former swiped a rosary from a downed walker who was being dragged out of the room.

She think pretended to hyperventilate until Molls removed her gag, “found” the rosary in her pocket and gave it to the “nervous little bird.”

Carol then said she was unafraid to die and was focused solely on the safely of Maggie and her unborn child.

Elsewhere, Donny’s pain intensified later on, as did his anger. He didn’t understand why he should be hurting while Carol sat there, totally unharmed. He wanted Paula to at least shoot her in the arm.

He struck his significant other when she refused, prompting a tied-up Maggie and Carol to try and break up this attack.

Paula proceeded to have the brunette Savior take Maggie to another room for questioning, but viewers learned more here about the Savior than the she did about Maggie’s camp.

After Paula turned down Rick’s hostage swap deal, Carol lied that they’d murdered all the Saviors out of fear of retaliation for Daryl taking out the men who had attempted to rob him, Sasha and Abraham on the road.

Those supposedly dead Saviors mentioned Negan, Carol added. Who is he, she asked?

“Sweetie, sweetie,” replied Molls. “We’re all Negan!” 

GULP. Also: WTH?!?

After Paula determined that Rick and company were near, they prepared for an ambush… which enabled Carol to break free via the crucifix and then free Maggie as well.

The latter insisted that they had to finish off the Savior, using Donny’s corpse as a weapon. She killed Molls with it. Carol was hesitant to do the same to Paula, but ended up with little choice in the matter.

We ended the busy, intense hour with Rick and Daryl arriving and finding both Carol and Maggie visibly shaken.

After failing to get answers about Negan from Promo, Rick shot him in the head … as Carol clutched the rosary so tightly that her hand bled.

Crazy stuff, huh? Watch The Walking Dead online to make sure you are caught up and then sound off in the Comments section below.

Monday, March 7, 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 12 Recap: The Darkest Episode EVER?!


After this long, it’s hard to believe we’d call The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 12 the single darkest installment ever, but …

If you watch The Walking Dead online, you knew that Rick and the survivors would contemplate what life would be like after Alexandra. 

They also knew that for their people, they had to go against the saviors, but that doing so could mean signing their own death warrant.

The assault on Negan’s stronghold wasn’t the entire crux of “Not Tomorrow Yet.” In fact, it looked like we might not even see it yet.

Most of the episode, which built up to the attack and subsequent cliffhanger, focused on Carol’s character development, and humanization.

For example, only she opposed Maggie’s decision to join them.

This was simply terrific organic storytelling, and weaving it into subject matter like this proof positive of why the show is uniquely good.

In any case, the assault on Negan’s base did eventually play out, and it easily made for some of the grimmest moments in TWD history.

Room by room, the sleeping saviors were slaughtered in their sleep. Even in a world like these characters inhabit, it was truly disturbing.

Glenn was nearly in tears, it was so traumatizing. Soon enough, the Saviors got wind of what was going on and took up arms in response.

One epic shootout later, and we are left to pick up the pieces and try to remind ourselves that Rick and his posse are the good guys.

Is Rick that much better than Negan? Is he better at all?

Yet it’s hard to feel too good about sneaking into an enemy camp and murdering people with knives as they sleep, no matter who it is.

Only the battle isn’t over yet. A voice comes across the radio waves, telling them to stand down, and that Maggie and Carol are prisoners.

Guess it was too good to be true that no one was hurt in the initial assault, despite the fact that the mission was so hastily conducted.

The lack of recon and planning involved in this “get them before they get us” suicide mission may cost them yet, looking ahead to next week.

Hopefully by then, our hearts stop pounding.

Monday, February 22, 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 10 Recap: Shocking Sex

Viewers were treated to an especially romantic hour of television on The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 10.

Wait… what?!? Romantic? The Walking Dead?!? Yes! Kind of. Sort of. Scroll down to see what we mean…

Picking up two months after the dramatic events of last week’s The Walking Dead Season 6 installment, we saw on Sunday night what life is now like in Alexandria.

And it was pretty darn good, with Rick, Michonne, Carl and Judith playing house… Eugene thinking about grains… and Maggie encouraging Enid to embrace this new world.

On a supply run, Daryl and Rick found a truck with a pasta maker and a vending machine with candy and soda and it was seeming like the best post-Apocalyptic day ever.

Soon, however, our two heroes ran into a man named Jesus. He claimed to be “running from the dead” and then claimed he had to keep going – and then he stole Rick and Daryl’s truck full of goodies.

After Rick and Daryl tracked him down (and Jesus saved Daryl from a walker), a tussle ensued, the truck was lost to bottom of a lake and Daryl succeeded in finally knocking Jesus out.

Back in Alexandria, Spencer (shovel in hand) told Michonne that he had to take care of something; while Carl and Enid came across a walker in the woods.

But Carl did not kill it. He led it away instead because it was actually Deanna.

Spencer had seen this version of his mother the night that Alexandria fell, he told Michonne.

After putting a knife in Deanna’s skull as gingerly as possible, he explained that he was out there to bury her once and for all.

Once his heartbreaking task was over, Michonne assured Spencer that he still had family.

Toward the end of the episode, Rick and Daryl drove Jesus back to town, just before Rick and Michonne sat back and relaxed on a sofa.

And then Rick grabbed her hand and the entire television world gasped and the two made out. And then they had sex!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, Rick and Michonne are now a thing! Go watch The Walking Dead online if you do not believe us.

Later that evening, the brand new lovers were awakened – in their bedroom, no less! -by Jesus.

How did he break free? We have no idea. But this is what he said right before the credits rolled:

“We should talk.”

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 9 Recap: Eye, Eye, Eye

Following a lengthy hiatus, TV’s highest-rated show came back in calm, boring, slow fashion.


On The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 9, viewers were actually treated to an iconic development from the graphic novel on which the show is based.

We picked up with Rick’s plan (of everyone camouflaging themselves in walker guts) to get the group through the zombie group that had overtaken Alexandria to be far too much for Sam to handle.

Soon enough, the mentally unstable boy panicked, froze and and began making far too much noise.

Utter chaos reigned down from there:

The walkers descended upon the kid, tearing his neck open and causing Jessie to yell at the sight of her child being eaten alive. So, as you might expect, she was next to go.

But Jessie would not let go of Carl’s wrist as she was bring devoured, prompting Rick to cut her hand off in order to save his son.

A gun then made its way into Ron’s hands… which was dangerous because the guy just watched his family get violently killed.

He blamed Rick for their death and he took aim at the leader, only for Michonne to swoop in and cut Ron in half with her sword.

Oh, yes, that really happened, as did this: before leaving this world, Ron’s finger squeezed the trigger and the wayward bullet struck Carl in the eye.

As fans of the comic know, and as viewers will soon find out, this is a monumental moment. Expect Carl to come out of it as a changed young man.

We closed the crazy hour in the infirmary, with Rick telling his unconscious son that he wants to show him “the new world” and with Carl finally showing signs of life.

Where will things go after this midseason premiere?

Head over to TV Fanatic to watch The Walking Dead online and then sound off below with your take on the episode.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Walking Dead: Watch the First 4 Minutes!

Blood, gore and violence are about to re-enter our lives once again.

On Valentine"s Day!

Indeed, following a very long hiatus, The Walking Dead Season 6 returns with new episodes on Sunday, February 14.

Love will not be in the air, however.

As you can tell by the following sneak peek, which comprises the first four minutes of the midseason premiere, threats will be instead.

The footage features Daryl, Sasha and Abraham encountering a few of cronies who work for Negan, the infamous comic book villain who will be played this winter by Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

Confronted by these bikers at a checkpoint, our heroes will be asked (not very kind, we might add) to hand over their weapons.

“Your property now belongs to Negan,” the lead underling says. “If you can get your hands on a tanker, you’re people our person wants to know.”

Their new foe also has this pearl of wisdom to add: “If you have to eat s–t, it’s best not to nibble. Bite, chew, swallow, repeat.” 

Good to know. We"ll take that under advisement.

We"ll also go watch The Walking Dead online in order to make sure we"ll all caught up and ready for its return.

Check out this extended clip now:

The walking dead midseason premiere first 4 minutes

Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Walking Dead Preview: Rick Was Wrong

In a word? GULP!

AMC has released a new trailer for The Walking Dead Season 6 and it features Rick Grimes admitting something we never thought he would admit:

That he"s not always right.

"I thought living behind these walls was possible. I was wrong," our heroes says in the following teaser.

We last saw Rick and friends covered in walker guts, of course, attempting to do their best to salvage the remains of Alexadria.

But we also saw some of our survivors encountered by a rather mean motorcycle gang comprised of bad guys under the orders of Negan, the iconic comic book villain we"ll meet when the series returns on February 14.

He"ll be played, of course, by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, although Negan is nowhere to be seen in this preview.

Instead, we"re told that the "new world" will come with a "price," which we"d have to imagine will be the lives of various main characters.

Who will survive the season? What catastrophe awaits Rick and company? What does Negan have in store?

Those questions will start to be answered in just a few weeks.

Check out the latest trailer below and remember to visit TV Fanatic if you need to catch up and watch The Walking Dead online.

The walking dead preview rick was wrong

Monday, November 30, 2015

The Walking Dead Trailer: Negan is Here!

It"s okay to breathe now.

The Walking Dead Season 6 killed off another character on Sunday night, while leaving viewers wondering about the fate of many other favorites.

But it also bid farewell for a few months, as the AMC smash is now on hiatus until February.

Not long after the midseason finale aired, the network ran a two-minute teaser for what fans can expect from The Walking Dead in 2016.

Or, to be more accurate, for WHO fans can expect to see from The Walking Dead in 2016.

The footage features Daryl, Sasha and Abraham being stopped on the road by a group of bikers, the leader of whom calmly tells the survivors to exit their vehicle, saying:

“We will end your asses, split you right in two, straight through to the sinuses."

This trio of heroes abides, but they are then confused when the biker says that everything they own isn’t theirs anymore.

Who does it therefore belong to, Sasha asks?

“Your property now belongs to Negan,” the nemesis replies, making a reference to a notorious villain from the Robert Kirkman comics on which The Walking Dead is based.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan has been cast in this role, though he doesn"t appear as Negan in the preview.

AMC is no doubt waiting to unveil him in February, as Negan is the leader of a group of survivors who refer to themselves the Savior. 

In the comics, he kills Glenn within moments of meeting him.

Check out the frightening scene below and remember that you can watch The Walking Dead online via TV Fanatic at any time during this hiatus.

The walking dead trailer negan is here

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 8 Recap: Is It Safe?

We opened The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 8 with with Sam in his room, listening to “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” and coloring a picture of himself tied to a tree, surrounded by monsters. 

Outside, meanwhile, the walkers’ appearance at least put a dent in Ron’s plan to murder Carl.

But this invasion also led Eugene (stuck in shock, uttering “help”), Tara and Rosita to end up hiding out as a trio; while Carol and Morgan were also together; and Rick, Deanna, Carl, Ron, Michonne and Gabriel took refuge at Jessie’s place.

So now the scene is set.

There was also Glenn. He watched the walkers flood the east wall and deduced that he an Enid ought to make their attack from the west wall.

At Jessie’s, Michonne discovered that Deanna had been bitten, while Carol (suffering from a concussion) was forced to trust Morgan.

While they waited for Deanna to unfortunately turn, Rick explained to Jessie that he had a plan. He would lead the walkers away the first chance he could.

At the same time, Michonne tried to assure Deanna that her blueprint for Alexandria’s future could still work. Really, it could!

Over in the garage, Rick and Jessie intervened after Ron tried to get his nemesis killed by attracting as many walkers as he could.

But Carl covered for Ron and then redeemed himself by ordering the psycho to give him the gun.

“Your dad was an a–hole,” Carl told Ron, trying to help him move on.

From there, Rick went to check on Judith and found Deanna, crumpled eerily over the crib.

He was just about to kill her when she blurted out that she was alright. Knowing that the end was near, though, she gave Rick notes for Maggie and Spencer, asking him to look out for her child the way he does for all his people… especially since they now were all his people.

Great stuff.

How did the midseason finale come to an end? With Rick dressing everyone in walker-gore-soaked sheets and having them make a run to the armory.

Once Carol got away from Morgan, she went straight to kill Wolf with a knife. But Morgan caught up with her and knocked her out… and then The Wolf knocked Morgan out and was just about to slit Denise’s throat when Eugene, Tara and Rosita busted in.

Denise’s life was therefore spared, but she ended up as The Wolf’s hostage.

Finally, as you’ll see when you watch The Walking Dead online, Rick and company started making their way out of her house; Glenn caught a glimpse of Maggie; Deanna killed a few walkers as her final acts; and it appeared as if Sam was about to have a meltdown that could get his whole group killed.

Monday, November 23, 2015

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 7 Recap: Look Who’s Alive!

Hmmm… we sort of gave away the big reveal of The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 7 with that headline, didn’t we?

We apologize. But come on: Did you really think Glenn was dead?!?

At the very outset of the hour, we finally discovered that Glenn slid under the dumpster to safety while the walkers devoured Nicholas.

Upon climbing out, he was tossed a bottle of water… by Enid. She then turned and got the heck out of there.

After making multiple attempts to catch up to her, and retrieving the goodbye note along the way from the ill-fated newlywed who Michonne failed to save a few weeks ago, Glenn finally confronted Enid and insisted on taking her back to Alexandria.

Why? Because it’s what Maggie would have wanted.

In Alexandria itself, Maggie was still waiting for a signal from Glenn while Rosita was presiding over Machete for Beginners class.

Rick, Carol and Michonne, meanwhile, confronted a tortured Morgan over his having to let Wolves escape during their invasion.

Morgan admitted to having no idea anymore what is “right,” but the trio tried to convince him that one simply cannot believe “all life is precious” anymore.

Later on, Rick was forced to start seeing the entire group as part of his core group; first when Deanna presented him with a blueprint for an expanded Alexandria; and second after Tobin asked Rick not to give up on the residents.

Also: Spencer nearly died attempting to get over the wall and past the walkers to lead them away from town, prompting Tara to save him and tell Rick “that’s how it works with us.”

Yes, they are all us now.

On their way back to Alexandria, Glenn tried to be there for Enid, offering her advice and serving as a strong father figure.

Once they reached the outskirts of town and saw that it was surrounded, however, she wanted to give up, lamenting that “the world is trying to die. We’re supposed to let it.”

No effin way, Glenn basically responded, ready, willing and anxious to fight back.

Finally, as you’ll see when you watch The Walking Dead online, Morgan reluctantly asked Denise to treat the Wolf he was secretly holding hostage.

In one cliffhanger, Carol went to confront Morgan over this … while, in another cliffhanger, Ron stalked Carl with some stolen ammo … and in ANOTHER cliffhanger, Maggie spotted balloons set free by Glenn as a signal, just as a tower came tumbling down and took out one of Alexandria’s walls.