Showing posts with label Weapon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weapon. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Katt Williams Assault with a Deadly Weapon Case Dismissed in Plea Deal

Katt Williams just got a big break — the result of a plea deal — his felony assault with a deadly weapon case has been dismissed. Katt’s lawyer, Shawn Holley, was in court Tuesday when the judge threw out the case involving an altercation at the…


Katt Williams Assault with a Deadly Weapon Case Dismissed in Plea Deal

Katt Williams just got a big break — the result of a plea deal — his felony assault with a deadly weapon case has been dismissed. Katt’s lawyer, Shawn Holley, was in court Tuesday when the judge threw out the case involving an altercation at the…


Monday, February 27, 2017

Jackie Warner Arrested on Assault With Deadly Weapon, Ambien Defense

Jackie Warner, who starred in a Bravo fitness show, has been arrested for felony assault with a deadly weapon, and we’ve learned her defense is a little white pill called Ambien. Law enforcement sources tell us Jackie crashed her car in West…


Friday, February 17, 2017

MLB Stars Get Iconic "Walking Dead" Weapon (VIDEO + PHOTO)

ZOMBIES, BEWARE … a couple of MLB stars just got some heavy-duty undead killing weaponry in the form of Lucille, the iconic barbed wire covered baseball bat from “The Walking Dead.” BTW — if you don’t watch ‘TWD’ (which you should), Lucille is…


Saturday, January 21, 2017

"Lethal Weapon" Set Crashed by Cop Whose Johnny Depp Bubble Got Burst

“Lethal Weapon” star Clayne Crawford was shooting a scene when an LAPD officer busted it up … purely by accident, but that’s not the most embarrassing part for the cop. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … one of their own made the blunder…


Thursday, December 22, 2016

"Bridalplasty" Contestant Murder Weapon, Blood-Soaked Clothes Recovered

The hammer allegedly used to murder Lisa Marie Naegle — along with her blood-soaked clothes — has been recovered by cops … law enforcement sources tell TMZ. TMZ broke the story … Jackie Jerome Rogers confessed to cops he bludgeoned…


"Bridalplasty" Contestant Murder Weapon, Blood-Soaked Clothes Recovered

The hammer allegedly used to murder Lisa Marie Naegle — along with her blood-soaked clothes — has been recovered by cops … law enforcement sources tell TMZ. TMZ broke the story … Jackie Jerome Rogers confessed to cops he bludgeoned…


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Chris Brown: Arrested For Assault With a Deadly Weapon!

The inevitable has happened; Chris Brown has been arrested for assault with a deadly weapon following the insane events of this morning.

According to officials, Brown pulled a gun on a guest at his home early Tuesday morning after an argument, allegedly over some jewelry.

The woman, Baylee Curran (below), filed a police report against the troubled R&B singer, and the cops followed up, obtaining a warrant.

Incredibly, things got even weirder from there.

While he was holed up in his residence, Chris hurled bags of guns and drugs at the cops in a dramatic (even by his standards) standoff.

Seriously. All of that happened! Today.

At that point, it was only a brief matter of time until police officials arrested the singer, who will be taken down to the station for processing.

It’s a place he knows well at this point.

TMZ, which broke the story earlier, says that some friends of Brown’s were hanging out him when a couple of uninvited guests rolled up.  

Curran got into an argument with Chris and was told to leave, allegedly at gunpoint. Bailey called the police, who went over to investigate.

After a few hours of being stonewalled, officers called SWAT for back-up and demanded to see if Brown had the gun Curran had described.

Chris refused to allow them in.

The 27-year-old did dump a duffel bag full of weapons and drugs at the cops’ feet, however, taunting law enforcement officials as he did so.

“Come and get me,” the deeply disturbed star screamed, aware that they had a warrant and seemingly unaware of the consequences.

For her part, Bailey Curran says she’s hung out Chris Brown in the past and that he had been perfectly nice to her, but not this time.

Curran says she and a friend went over to his crib, chilled outside in the hot tub and went back inside, which is when all hell broke loose.

After seeing a member of Chris’ crew show off a piece of jewelry, Curran went to get a closer look, only to have the dude totally freak.

Chris then flipped the f–k out as well.

Screaming at Baylee to “get the f–k out” of his house, Brown then allegedly pulled out a piece and pointed it in her direction.

Curran tried to do just that, but says Brown’s friends tried to take her phone and make her sign a non-disclosure agreement.

She refused, and left with her friend, unharmed; Brown, she believes, was likely under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

Naturally, Chris denied he did anything and posted a profane rant against the police, who can “suck a fart out of my ass.”

For all he cares. Yes, that is a direct quote.

There you have it, people. At least for now.

We caution that this story is still developing, details are still unclear and yes, Team Breezy, he is innocent until proven guilty. 

We know. He is entitled to and will receive due process and the best legal defense money can buy. But this much is clear:

He is a very, very troubled individual.

Monday, April 4, 2016

O.J. Simpson Murder Weapon: NOT Knife Found at Crime Scene!

After nearly a month of testing, LAPD detectives have stated that a knife found at the former estate of O.J. Simpson is not THE knife.

Simpson, as everyone knows, was acquitted of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman in 1994.

The one missing piece from the “mountain of evidence” that could (should?) have convicted Simpson was the missing murder weapon.

Conspiracy theories abound as to what happened to the knife used in the brutal slayings, but its whereabouts were never discovered.

Did Robert Kardashian dispose of it? Or make Kris Jenner hide the O.J. murder weapon? At this point, we’ve pretty much heard it all.

You can imagine the speculation, then, when TMZ broke the story last month that a knife was found buried at Simpson’s former estate.

A construction worker found it years ago and turned it over to an off-duty cop, who only recently shared it with the LAPD upon his retirement.

A lawyer for retired Officer George Maycott has said the construction worker gave his client the knife after meeting him on a film set.

The officer was on private security duty, while the worker was part of a crew demolishing the former Heisman trophy winner’s home.

Attorney Trent Copeland said his client was told there was no need to hand the knife over to the LAPD earlier since Simpson was acquitted.

Bizarre as that turn of events is, it’s a moot point. Investigators ruled the knife out after forensic tests, Police Captain Andy Neiman said.

“We have confirmed, we have determined, there is no nexus,” he said.

Investigators previously said it was unlikely this knife was the murder weapon, as it was too small to inflict the damage the victims suffered. 

Also, any DNA would be nearly impossible to extract 20 years later.

Simpson could not be criminally charged again regardless, because of protections against double jeopardy, but the case remains open.

Over the years, police have examined several knives as well, but have never found one they could connect to the infamous killings.

O.J., meanwhile, is serving a sentence of nine to 33 years in a Nevada prison for a botched 2007 Las Vegas hotel robbery. Seriously.

Friday, March 4, 2016

O.J. Simpson: LAPD Confirms Discovery of Possible Murder Weapon

Earlier today, TMZ reported that a knife which may have been used in the 1994 murders of Ronald Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson was found buried at the former estate of disgraced football legend O.J. Simpson.

Now, the Los Angeles Police Department has confirmed that it is investigating the matter and treating the knife as possible new evidence in one of the most high-profile crimes of the 20th Century.

“Within the last month LAPD became aware of an item that was allegedly recovered by a citizen from the Rockingham property during the demolition of the site,” says LAPD Captain Andrew Neiman in the video above.

“We need to vet that, we still don’t know if that’s an accurate account.

“That item has been recovered by robbery homicide investigators. It is being treated as we would all evidence. It has been submitted to our lab. They are going to study it and examine if for all forensics, including serology and DNA and hair samples.”

Addressing the rumor that a retired LA police officer may have been in possession of the knife since as early as 1998, Neiman stated:

“I was really surprised. I would think that an LAPD officer – if this story is accurate as we’re being told – would know that anytime you come into contact with evidence, you should and shall submit that.”

TMZ’s sources claim that the knife was discovered by a civilian and turned over to an officer, who allegedly decided to keep it as a valuable momento.

The timing of the discovery is bizarre, as the Simpson case has been back in the news in recent months due to the popularity of an FX miniseries about the trial.

Simpson, of course, was acquitted of the murders in 1995, but is currently in prison after being found guilty on unrelated kidnapping, robbery and assault charges in 2008.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Kris Jenner Hid O.J. Simpson Murder Weapon, Tabloid Alleges

Robert Kardashian Sr. may have used Kris Jenner to hide evidence that O.J. Simpson killed Nicole Brown Simpson, a tabloid alleges.

Oh yes. Of all the rumors connecting Kris Jenner to O.J. Simpson over the years, this may be the most outrageous, by a wide margin.

(Considering the long-held belief by many celebrity gossip readers that O.J. is Khloe Kardashian’s father, that truly is saying something.)

According to the National Enquirer, Robert Kardashian, O.J.’s confidant, asked Kris to hang onto a briefcase for him after the slayings.

The father of Kim, Kourtney, Khloe (probably) and Rob Kardashian Jr. was seen with the Louis Vuitton bag not long after the murders.

It’s a pretty big leap to assume anything nefarious on behalf of the first family of reality TV, but the family was close with the Simpsons.

O.J. contemplated suicide in Kim’s room after being charged with murder, and Kris and Nicole had plans to meet the day after she died.

Prosecutors spoke of a “mountain of evidence” tying O.J. to the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman in June 1994.

Despite widespread belief that Simpson did it, which has only intensified in the two decades since, he was acquitted in criminal court.

The D.A.’s case imploded for many reasons we won’t get into here, but there’s no disputing the one piece of evidence they never discovered.

Either O.J. or the “real killer” he nebulously spoke of brutally slaughtered two people with a knife that to this day has not been uncovered.

One theory is that the bag Robert Kardashian carried out of O.J.’s house contained the knife, and that he gave it to Kris for safe keeping.

She probably never even knew what was in it, insiders reveal, and perhaps the one person who could divulge this information is dead.

Ron’s sister Kim Goldman spoke with the National Enquirer and divulged that her family was contacted regarding the missing satchel:

“We were notified by either a lawyer or someone from the Kardashian family. Robert wanted the bag to be given to me after his death.”

Kardashian, who was married to Kris Jenner from 1978-1991, before she married Bruce Jenner (now Caitlyn) died of cancer in 2003.

Kim Goldman divulged that Kardashian “instructed his heirs to turn over O.J.’s mysterious bag to Ron’s family in the event of his death.”

Yet the briefcase has never surfaced, the Goldman family has no idea what its contents were, and the mystery remains to this very day.

Simpson’s ex-manager has suggested that the bag was probably stolen, noting a series of burglaries at the Kardashian / Jenner homes.

We’ll never know with certainty what was in the bag or what happened to it, but it’s hard to imagine its disappearance being an accident.