Showing posts with label Welcomes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Welcomes. Show all posts

Friday, April 13, 2018

Jamie Lynn Spears Welcomes Baby Girl!

Back in December, fans rejoiced at the news that Jamie Lynn Spears was pregnant with her second child. Now, she’s announced even more good news.

And we don’t just mean her sister Britney Spears’ new GLAAD Award — though she did give her big sis a shout-out over it.

Jamie Lynn Spears has welcomed the birth of her baby girl!

Speaking to People, Jamie Lynn Spears spoke of her second daughter, Ivey Joan Watson.

“We are beyond excited to welcome this beautiful baby girl to our family!”

This newborn baby is the second daughter that Jamie Lynn has had with her husband, Jamie Watson.

“Her middle name, Joan, is to honor my Aunt Sandra, who passed away 10 years ago from ovarian cancer.”

That’s so sad. And so sweet.

“She was the most graceful woman I’ve ever known.”

It’s always good to have an inspirational namesake.

On Instagram, Jamie Lynn linked to the People article, writing:

“Baby Ivey Joan Watson is here!”

Ivy is such a beautiful name, and she’s giving it a unique twist to differentiate it from the type of plant by adding that “E.”

Also, despite her explanation for the middle name, it’s worth noting that Joan Watson is the name of Lucy Liu’s iconic character on the CBS series, Elementary.

When the news broke, some fans immediately began tweeting that perhaps this is not a coincidence.

The People article also includes the exact details.

Ivey Joan was born on Wednesday, April 11, at 10:02 a.m. It’s kind of rare to have such specific numbers from the initial announcement.

(That’ll be helpful for a fan if they’re into astrology and want to do a horoscope for a baby they’ll never meet)

This sweet baby girl was born in Covington, Louisiana, weighing 7 lbs., 8 oz.

That’s above average but not especially large for a newborn.

She measured 19½ inches in length at birth, if the body lengths of newborns born to former Nickelodeon stars who were once the sisters of celebrities are a thing that interest you.

But, as we mentioned, this was not even the only highlight this week for the extended Spears family.

Though Britney is known for not always attending events to which she has been invited, she arrived at the 2018 GLAAD Media Awards.

And she brought her unnecessarily attractive boyfriend, Sam Asghari, as her date.

In addition to receiving the 2018 GLAAD Vanguard Award for her role in accelerating acceptance for the LGBTQ community, Britney also “caused” a bit of a disruption.

She didn’t actually do anything other than accept the award.

But other attendees were so excited to see her that there was reportedly a bit of a commotion that slowed down the presentation of awards.

Hey, who wouldn’t be thrilled to bask in Britney’s presence?

Jamie Lynn already has a daughter named Maddie.

Just two months ago, Jamie Lynn was celebrating the anniversary of her daughter’s miraculous recovery from a frighteningly close brush with death.

Maddie is incredibly resilient and pulled through, making an impressive recovery and even returning to school within days.

We’re sure that, having reflected on nearly losing her daughter, Jamie Lynn will pull out all of the stops to make sure that nothing like that can happen to Ivey Joan.

Just as she’s gone above and beyond to ensure that Maddie remains safe.

Congratulations to the Watson family on their newest addition!


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Welcomes Baby Girl!!!

On Wednesday, the news that Khloe Kardashian was in labor was almost drowned out by reports about Tristan Thompson’s cheating.

Now, despite all of the chaos and the cheating drama, there is finally some good news.

Khloe has given birth to her baby girl!!!

TMZ reports that Khloe Kardashian has given birth to her baby girl.

At approximately 4 in the morning, in a hospital just outside of Cleveland, Khloe delivered her first child with Tristan Thompson.

If you’re hoping to know the baby name — and names from the Kardashians are always interesting — you may have to wait.

In a curious twist, TMZ reports that Khloe has not yet decided upon a name for her baby girl.

Given the circumstances, it’s understandable that she’s feeling less than certain.

This happy news comes only two days after news broke that Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe.

On Tuesday evening, The Daily Mail revealed that Tristan had been filmed appearing to kiss a woman at a bar.

At the time, it was already known that Khloe might give birth at any day.

Shortly thereafter, TMZ released a video that appears to show Tristan getting physical with a pair of women in a hookah lounge, back in October.

At that time, Khloe would have been three months pregnant with his child.

Then, The Shade Room came out with a video that allegedly shows Tristan with the woman from the bar, no longer in the bar. It appeared that the two were headed for a more private location for a potential hookup.

Reportedly, Tristan Thompson denies cheating on Khloe.

That denial didn’t stop him from getting booed by his own fans.

Maybe Tristan doesn’t care if his adventuring penis causes problems for him at home — Khloe wouldn’t be the first baby mama he left, after all.

But surely he has to care when it’s impacting him in his professional life.

Like we said, Tristan reportedly denies the whole thing.

And a report even claim that Khloe bought his denials. But, in the face of mounting evidence, many suspect that Khloe couldn’t dismiss the images and videos that the entire world has seen. She’s not dumb, folks.

TMZ does not mention whether or not Tristan Thompson was present for his daughter’s birth.

It was previously reported that Kris Jenner had hopped onto a plane and flown out to Cleveland so that she could be by her daughter’s side.

She was there to witness the birth of her grandchild, but one imagines that she would be a comforting and reassuring presence in the face of the grief, outrage, embarrassment, and betrayal that Khloe must be experiencing.

Kim and Kourtney were reportedly packing their bags to fly out at a moment’s notice to support their sister — and, of course, to meet their niece.

In the mean time, Kylie kept posting butt pics.

We don’t know what name Khloe Kardashian will choose for her precious baby girl.

At this point, given how murky their relationship has become, one wonders if Tristan Thompson will get any input over the name.

In fact, some fans speculate that perhaps Khloe had decided upon a name with Tristan, and is now reconsidering it in light of Tristan’s alleged unfaithfulness.

Congratulations to Khloe on the birth of her daughter!

We only wish that Khloe’s other circumstances were not so complicated.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Florida Shooting Survivor Dimitri Hoth Welcomes Celebrities in March for Our Lives

A student who survived the Florida shooting says he’s happy George Clooney and Scooter Braun are super involved with their cause — in fact, he says the more, the merrier. Dimitri Hoth — a student survivor at Marjory Stoneman…


Monday, February 26, 2018

Joy-Anna Duggar Welcomes First Child! It"s a ...

Joy-Anna Duggar is a mom! The Counting On star and her husband, Austin Forsyth, welcomed their first child Friday afternoon.

Did the newlyweds welcome a boy or girl?

The couple’s first-born son arrived at 3:39 p.m. on February 23, measuring 22 inches long and weighing a massive 10 lbs., 3 oz.

Yes, he broke double digits. Poor Joy.

“We are blessed beyond measure with the arrival of our son, Gideon Martyn Forsyth,” the couple said in a statement today.

The new mom and Gideon are both doing well, according to the family … which is a relief, given the size of the new arrival:

“Looking at our child for the first time was such an incredible moment! God is so good, and we are both so thankful.” 

The couple got married 39 weeks ago.

That’s not a lot of time to be married before starting their own family (they “started” it the night they got hitched, according to the couple).

Ever since their wedding – before it, really – talk of the relatively rebellious duo breaking courtship rules started to run rampant online.

The Duggars move fast, for sure, but despite shotgun wedding rumors and this Joy-Anna due date speculation, it looks like it adds up.

A typical pregnancy lasts 40 weeks from the end of the woman’s last menstrual period, so there’s nothing unusual about this whatsoever.

Well, medically. 

Joy-Anna, 20, and Austin, 24, first met when his family moved to Arkansas and began attending the Duggars’ church – almost 15 years ago.

In November 2016, Joy-Anna announced on a very special episode of Counting On that she had entered into a courtship with her friend.

By March of last year, they were ready to marry. Not even three months later, they exchanged vows at Cross Church in Rogers, Arkansas.

Following their “I dos” and first-ever full-frontal hug (and other things), Joy-Anna and Austin went to Switzerland, for an “incredible” honeymoon.

In August, they announced they were expecting.

“We’re so happy and thankful to announce that we’re expecting a baby!” said Joy-Anna. “Every child is such a precious gift from God.”

The mother-to-be added, “I’m most looking forward to watching Austin as a dad and raising children together with him.”

“I’m really looking forward to the journey of this pregnancy and all the different stages it will bring,” added Austin.

“It’s really exciting and I feel so blessed!”

The image above, showing Joy appearing to be further along than 11-12 weeks, was a major catalyst of the shotgun wedding chatter.

In the end, the rumors were likely just that.

Rumors can be rooted in truth, and certainly the Duggars don’t do themselves any favors with their penchant for secrecy (and hypocrisy).

Any chance of premarital body-slapping appears to have been dashed by Gideon’s on-schedule arrival, however. So it goes.

The not-so-little one broke double digits in multiple ways, becoming the 10th grandchild for Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.

Gideon joins Jill and Jessa’s sons Israel, Samuel, Spurgeon and Henry. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named also has five kids.

Jinger Duggar and her husband Jeremy Vuolo will welcome #11 later this year; Jill and Jessa are both rumored to be pregnant as well.

They’re well on their way to 100. Poor Jana.

It’s unclear if Joy had a natural birth or when we’ll see the first photos of the little one, but congratulations to the happy family!

As if this weren’t enough Duggar news for one day, incredibly, the family reality show Counting On returns THIS EVENING on TLC.

Not even Jim Bob could time it that well.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Adam Levine Welcomes Baby #2 ... Will He Leave The Voice?

Just a couple of days ago, Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo welcomed the birth of their second child, a daughter with a very unique name.

Many have wondered if the demands of being a father of two young girls will finally tear him away from his swiveling chair on The Voice.

But apparently NBC is pulling out all of the stops — and by stops we mean cash — to entice him to stay. Will it work?

Fans rejoiced at the news that Blake Shelton and Behati Prinsloo were expecting baby #2.

Their first young daughter, Dusty, is still a very little girl, so these two sweet girls will be very close in age. Dusty Rose is, for the record, 16 months old.

And this second baby is named Geo Grace Levine.

But … how much of their childhoods is Adam prepared to miss with his work on The Voice?

Though obviously he and Behati have the means to provide childcare for their children no matter what their schedules might be, that can mean missing valuable bonding time.

Is being on a talent competition show really worth missing your daughter’s first word?

It’s worth noting that a number of factors aside from fatherhood might draw Adam away from the show, and that he’s not the only one.

For example, new judge Kelly Clarkson has been accused of “diva” behavior behind the scenes on The Voice. That doesn’t really match her brand, but one could imagine how fame and success can go to just about anyone’s head.

Then, of course, there are rumors that Blake Shelton might quit The Voice … and reports that the Country crooner has gained an inflated sense of self-importance since going on the show, and may now believe that he’s too good for it.

There have also been rumors for a while now that Blake and Adam dislike each other on a personal level, one well beyond playful rivalry for cameras.

Overall, The Voice isn’t the same as it was when Levine joined it — so why would he stay when he could be at home with his stunning wife and two beautiful daughters?

As it turns out, the answer to that might be simple: money.

RadarOnline reports that Adam Levine has been offered a lot of money by NBC in an effort to get him to remain on The Voice.

Specifically, a massive bonus of $ 500,000.

That might seem like pocket change to a guy whose net worth is estimated to be somewhere in the range of $ 60 million.

But remember that he’s believed to make somewhere from $ 10 million to $ 12 million per cycle of the show. So this is a bonus, like sprinkles on ice cream.

(We won’t say icing on the cake, as cake without icing is just pointless bread)

Why are execs at NBC so desperate to keep Adam Levine that they’re paying him so much?

Apparently, when word first reached fans that Adam might consider leaving the show, fans protested. In a very vocal manner.

Many longtime fans of The Voice, which has always had a rotating cast, that the show just wouldn’t be the same without Adam Levine.

For what it’s worth, many of them said the same about Blake Shelton. Probably a different group of fans.

The Voice‘s fandom sure is passionate.

Of course, not everyone has a lot of confidence in Adam Levine’s fathering skills.

Recently, he was slammed for “naked time” with his young daughter.

While plenty of folks might love to be in the room with a naked Adam Levine, they point out that Dusty Rose is too old to see her father naked.

That’s bordering on a taboo that exists for a very good reason, but many parents bathe with their children who are babies. It is unlikely, though possible, that Dusty will grow up remembering what her dad looks like naked.



Sunday, February 4, 2018

Kylie Jenner Welcomes Baby Girl!!

For the better part of a year, Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy remained shrouded in secrecy. Even after it was announced to the world, Kylie refused to give any confirmation or acknowledgment. 

Until Sunday, February 4th — which had been Kylie’s due date. Emphasis on had been.

Kylie took to social media to announce that she has given birth.

A safe, healthy birth is wonderful news for Kylie and her whole family!

Interestingly, Kylie starts her post with an apology:

“I’m sorry for keeping you in the dark through all the assumptions.”

Totally her right to do, but many fans felt bewildered by the sudden radio silence.

“I understand you’re used to me bringing you along on all my journeys.”

They sure are.

“My pregnancy was one I chose not to do in front of the world.”

And she explains her very good reasons why.

Kylie Jenner Gives Birth Announcement

“I knew for myself I needed to prepare for this role of a lifetime in the most positive, stress free, and healthy way I knew how.”

That’s actually really good advice when it comes to pregnancy. Advice that not everyone is financially equipped to take.

“There was no gotcha moment, no big paid reveal I had planned.”

We’ve read and discussed a lot of speculation about that recently, but it seems that Kylie’s quest for privacy was motivated personally rather than for business reasons.

“I knew my baby would feel every stress and every emotion.”

To a degree, that may be accurate. Certain stress hormones are believed to be shared during pregnancy, which is probably not great at such a fragile stage of fetal development.

“So I chose to do it this way for my little life and our happiness.”

Honestly? It’s a daring choice — risking her entire brand in the process — but it was probably the right one.

Kylie reflects on the pregnancy itself.

“Pregnancy has been the most beautiful, empowering, and life-changing experience I’ve had in my entire life.”

Her takeaway from the experience is almost unbelievable.

“And I’m actually going to miss it.”

I may not have a uterus of my own but my suspicion is that not everyone who’s been through pregnancy revels in the experience.

“I appreciate my friends and especially my family for helping me make this special moment as private as we could.”

And now, for the very good news:

“My beautiful and healthy baby girl arrived February 1st and I just couldn’t wait to share this blessing.”

Awwww!! So Kylie gave birth on Thursday. She does not share her daughter’s name, but we’ve heard that Kylie has selected a baby name.

“I’ve never felt love and happiness like this; I could burst!”

Oxytocin is one hell of a hormone. We understand that feeling.

Finally, she thanks her fans.

“Thank you for understanding.”

This is wonderful news. It’s also a great gesture for her fans who felt that she was mocking them by not acknowledging her pregnancy.


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Hillary Scott Welcomes Twin Daughters!

A couple of years ago, Lady Antebellum singer Hillary Scott opened up about her miscarriage, confessing that she had struggled to move forward after such a tragic loss.

Last year, she revealed wonderful news — she’s pregnant again! With twins, no less.

Now, Hillary Scott has given birth, and she’s taken to social media to share the wonderful news with her fans and followers.

No, Lady Antebellum didn’t take home yet another Grammy Award on Sunday.

But that’s probably just fine for HIllary Scott, and not just because she already has three.

No, Hillary Scott gave birth in the wee hours of Monday morning.

She shared this joyous news with fans, who’ve known for a while that she and her husband, Chris Tyrell, are expecting their second and third children. She’s been using the #waitingonthetwins tag for a while on Instagram.

While she hasn’t yet posted a photo of her twin daughters, she announced the birth with a photo:

Hillary Scott Baby Hats

In the captions, Hillary wrote:

“Our family is thankful and proud to announce the arrival of our precious baby girls.”

That’s great news!

“They were born in the early hours of January 29th, 2018.”


“And we can’t wait to share more about them in the days to come.”

No photos yet and still no names, but it sounds like they have plans to share those details soon.

Hillary Scott also writes:

“Thank you to everyone who prayed and prayed for these little ladies, and thank you Lord for healthy babies. #twins”

It’s always a relief to give birth to healthy babies, particularly when there are potential complications. (Twins come with twice the birthing risks, folks; some people had twins they never got to meet).

For Hillary Scott and Chris Tyler, however, the relief must have been magnified.

Because a few years ago, Hillary suffered a miscarriage.

“This is something that is not talked about very often,” Hillary Scott said at the time.

It’s true that there’s an awkward culture of silence around miscarriages. It may be that people just don’t know what to say.

One minute, a couple is happily preparing for their family to be larger. The next … they aren’t.

“I also feel that there’s this pressure that you’re supposed to be able to snap your fingers and continue to walk through life like it never happened.”

Of course. Recovery is complicated, and everyone recovers from grief and loss at their own pace.

In 2013, Hillary Scott gave birth to her first child.

The couple’s daughter, Eisele Kaye, is currently 4-and-a-half years old (those halves count when you’re that young!). 

Though she was probably too young to really wrap her head around her mother’s miscarriage (though, sometimes, people don’t give children enough credit), she’ll be 5 this year, and is certainly old enough to be excited about being a big sister.

Congratulations to Hillary and Chris and Eisele and to their two beautiful new additions to the household.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Lady Gaga Welcomes the New Year, Butt First

Lady Gaga’s getting deep for 2018, but not so deep to be above an awesome thong bikini photo. Gaga struck this pose somewhere in the wilds of … well, we don’t know, and who really cares? She looks amazing, and sounds like her New Year celebration…


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sarah Stage Welcomes Baby #2! (Is It a Boy or Girl?!?)

Six-Pack Mom is now a two-time mom.

The California native and Instagram model, who has received backlash during both her pregnancies for sharing photos of her tiny baby bump and well-sculpted body, welcomed another child into the world this week,

Along with husband Kris Jason, Stage is now the parent to a boy named Logan Alexander.


The 33-year-old gave birth on Monday via C-section, E! News has confirmed.

The precious bundle of joy weighed seven pounds two ounces at birth and measured 19 inches in length.

“We are so overjoyed and happy to welcome baby Logan into our family,” Stage and Jason told E! in a statement.

The couple is also parents to a two-and-a-half-year old named James.

Added a rep in a separate statement:

“Sarah, husband Kris and baby Logan are resting. Sarah delivered Logan this afternoon and is resting with new baby per the Doctors orders.

“Her toddler James is with family, has met his baby brother and the family is very excited.

“Sarah and family thanks everyone for their overwhelming amount of support, and promises everyone will get to see baby Logan soon.”

Stage has over 2.3 million followers on Instagram.

She has become a viral sensation and also a source of viral confusion and anger due to the photos she so frequently shares online.

Take the picture at the outset of this article, for example.

Would you believe Stage posed for it a mere FOUR days before becoming a mother?!?

In August, when she was seven months along with her second child, Stage said that she has gained 18 pounds during her pregnancy thus far, weighing 137 pounds.

She even told followers that she “craved In-N-Out” while expecting, yet her fitness routine and/or impressive metabolism enabled Stage to look like this even with many burgers and one baby in her belly: 

“As long as the baby is healthy, I don’t think anything else matters…That should be the most important thing,” she told Good Morning America during her first pregnancy, amidst criticism over her svelte body.

Stage has also clapped back against accusations of Photoshop over the years.

“She shares her images with her audience to embrace all different body types and her pregnancy,” a rep told People Magazine this summer, adding:

“She’s been shamed through both pregnancies. She’s trying to put her journey out there to encourage others.”

We’re not about to judge her, that’s for sure.

We’re just going to send her our hearty congratulations on the baby boy. We can’t wait to see a photo!

In the meantime, take a look below at the many other celebrities who became fathers and mothers in 2017. It’s quite the list…


Friday, September 15, 2017

Cincinnati Zoo Welcomes First Gorilla since Harambe

The Cincinnati Zoo opened its doors to another gorilla for the first time since Harambe was tragically killed. The zoo welcomed Mshindi … a 29-year-old silverback that previously called the Louisville Zoo its home. It’s the first time…


Sunday, July 9, 2017

Jill Duggar Welcomes Second Child!!!!!

The Jill Duggar birth rumors have turned into a Jill Duggar birth reality.

Which is to say the following:

The TLC star has given birth to her second child!

Following a few days of speculation of whether or not Duggar and husband Derick Dillard had welcomed baby number-two into the world, the famous couple has come out and confirmed the miraculous truth.

“We are excited to finally announce the arrival of Samuel Scott Dillard,” Jill and Derick wrote on their website Saturday afternoon, adding in exciting detail:

“The newest addition to our family arrived on Saturday, July 8, 2017 at 1:02pm. He weighs 9lb 10oz and is 22” long. After 40 of labor, he was delivered via C-section at the hospital.

“Thank you for your continued prayers and support!”

This precious bundle of joy joins two-year old brother Israel as part of the immediate Duggar-Dillard family.

Duggar and Dillard have been married since 2014 in Arkansas and announced their pregnancy this past December.

They opened up about their second child (and first child) in a TLC video in January, excerpts of which went as follows, courtesy of Dillard:

“Israel didn’t really understand what was happening, but he’s just excited because other people are excited, so he’s just excited about his new little baby brother.”

Added Jill at the time:

“We’re really excited about having another son.

“I know that Israel and this little one will be best friends. …Thank y’all for your well wishes. We’re so excited about this new blessing from God.”

The birth of little Samuel comes just over one month since his mother spoiled his name for the world, telling the world in a blog post on June 7:

“We are so excited to announce the name of Baby Dillard #2! Samuel Scott Dillard. We can’t wait to welcome him to the world and have him join our family very soon!”

Yes, Samuel Scott. It’s not Spurgeon or Israel. But it is biblical.

Israel David Dillard was born in April of 2015, while sister Jessa Duggar has kids named Spurgeon Elliot and Henry Wilberforce.

The Duggars aren’t just known for having many kids, they are known for having many kids with unusual first or middle names.

(No judgment here, it’s worth noting. We’re just stating some facts.)

“Children really are a wonderful blessing from God,” Jill previously told People Magazine, adding:

“Having Israel has been such a delight to us that we know a second sweet baby will only continue to add joy to our family.

“We are thankful to God for this sweet child and we cannot wait to see her or him face to face!”

And we can’t meet to see the first photos of Samuel Scott.

We’d expect them to hit the Internet any day now and we’ll be sure to share them on The Hollywood Gossip as soon as they go live.

“There’s a level of ease that comes with your second pregnancy,” Jill also told People.

“Derick and I have been down this road together, so we’re comfortable. I’m just going to see how it goes, try to be healthy and prepare as much as I can. “

Until we’re privy to pictures of the latest Duggar baby, we send our very best wishes to Jill, Derick and their entire family!

We wish nothing but the best for their newborn son.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Lauren Conrad Welcomes First Child!

At least one major part of Lauren Conrad’s book is longer unwritten; The Hills and Laguna Beach alumna has just become a mother!

Lauren and her husband, William Tell, welcomed son Liam James Tell on Wednesday, July 5, a source confirms just moments ago.

As you can see above, the lifestyle maven announced this incredible milestone in vintage Lauren Conrad fashion on Instagram.

“He’s here! We’re so excited to welcome Liam James Tell into the world!” she captioned a picture of a cross stitch depicting the family.

Conrad, 31, revealed on New Year’s Day that she and Tell, 37, were starting their family after just over two years of marriage.

She celebrated a baby shower on May 20, where she showed off her baby bump in a striped dress and celebrated with friends poolside.

“So lucky to have these wonderful ladies in my life!” Lauren, who looked predictably gorgeous, captioned an Instagram photo of the event.

“They spoiled me with a beautiful shower today.”

Tell, who was in the band Something Corporate from 2001-04 before getting a business degree, first met Conrad when she was just 16.

They went on a blind date 10 years later.

Soon enough, the head over heels in love duo were dating exclusively, then getting engaged, then getting married in September 2014.

“What a perfect way to start our lives together; surrounded by the people we love most,” the smitten couple said on their wedding day.

Lauren announced her pregnancy in similar fashion to her son’s birth, sharing a sonogram on the first day of this calendar year.

“Happy New Year! I have a feeling 2017 is going to be the best year yet…” Conrad wrote as a caption to that special image.

In a 2015 blog post, she responded in a Q&A about how many kids she wants to have with her husband. “Maybe two,” she wrote.

“That way we aren’t outnumbered.”

Time will tell if that changes, but we’re fairly certain in saying she, William and Liam will be one incredibly happy family for now.

“My favorite thing about being married is knowing that I have a partner in life that I get to do so many wonderful things with,” Lauren said.

“Dreaming of the things we will do 20 years from now is so fun. William hates it when I say this, but he really is a very nice guy.”

“When you meet a nice guy who also keeps your interest, that is the dream. If you’re going to settle down, it should be with someone you can’t stop thinking about.

Congratulations to the new parents!


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Counting On Recap: Oh, Baby! Jessa Duggar Welcomes Second Child!

Monday night, on a brand-new Counting On entitled “A New Baby,” all eyes were on the arrival of a new Duggar family member.

Maybe you could’ve guessed that.

On Counting On Season 3 Episode 3, speculation was running rampant about Jinger Duggar expecting … but she isn’t. We think. Yet.

If you watch Counting On online, however, you will see the expectant Jessa Duggar welcome her second child into the world this week.

We’re pleased to report it went significantly more smoothly than when her first child, Spurgeon, was born. Like, 250 times more smoothly.

Whereas Spurge’s birthing process lasted for over two days and ended with a blood transfusion, his brother arrived in just five hours.

Jessa’s sister Jana Duggar even called it a “perfect birth.” (No, Jana, that would be went you entered this world, because you’re perfect.)

We see her point, though. Welcome, Henry Wilberforce!

“It couldn’t have gone any better,” Jana said after Jessa, just like when she had Spurgeon, opted for a home birth – at least at the start.

“We’ll begin labor at home and see what happens,” Jessa had said earlier, and soon enough, her water broke and husband Ben said:

“At that moment, everything changed.”

That’s how it typically works, indeed.

At 3:30 am, four and a half hours after everything changed, Jessa’s mom Michelle Duggar came over to her house along with Jana.

Jessa’s other sister, the pregnant Jill Duggar – who had been on mission trip in Central America for Spurgeon’s birth – was there also.

“When we came over, it sounded like she was going to give birth soon,” Jill said. “I was like, ‘I hope my mom and Jana make it!’”

They did. The gang was all there.

While the labor pains were intense, Jessa’s delivery went about as quickly and complication-free as you could hope for in that situation.

After Henry Wilberforce arrived, Jessa remembered just being completely shocked by how quickly the whole process went by in a blur.

“I was relieved, I couldn’t believe it.”

Ben whispered, “You did it, babe!”

“Ben was crying too,” Jessa recalled of seeing her emotional husband break down. “You look at that little miracle in your arms.”

“There’s nothing like it.”

Henry weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz., which is remarkably a whole pound lighter than his big brother Spurgeon, who met him a few hours later.

Congrats to the Seewalds on this joyous occasion! It’ll be interesting to see if they adopt #3 or have him or her the traditional way.

As for Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo, it looks like they’re putting off starting their own family by a good couple of months at this point.

Will Joy and Austin Forsyth beat them to the punch? Unclear, but Jill Duggar is now on tap to welcome a second son of her own.

She and husband Derick Dillard, already the parents to two-year-old Israel, are expecting a baby brother for him next month.

Exciting times in Tontitown!


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Paulina Gretzky Welcomes Second Child with Dustin Johnson!

Paulina Gretzky is a wealthy young woman who just so happens to be the daughter of Wayne Gretzky. Yes, that Hockey player nicknamed The Great One. 

The 28-year-old confirmed she was expecting baby number two back in February. It feels like just yesterday she made the announcement, and the star has now given birth to a healthy baby boy. 

Time really does fly when a celebrity steers clear of the public eye, right?!

ESPN’s Ian O’Connor confirmed the baby news while stressing that a baby name would be coming soon. All we can do for now is speculate. 

We can do so with a picture Ian shared on Twitter congratulating the parents. 

“Meet the beautiful baby boy of Paulina Gretzky & Dustin Johnson. Name to come,” the tweet said. No other details are known at this stage. 

Considering, Paulina is active on Instagram and used that as a platform for the pregnancy announcement; we’re sure there will be updates from her on the matter. 

In case you missed it the first time, the announcement picture is below. 

Paulina met Dustin in early 2013, and the pair were engaged seven months after dating. She gave birth to the couple’s first child in January 2015 and named him Tatum Gretzky Johnson. 

The pair has yet to marry, and we can only imagine how lavish their wedding will be whenever the heck it arrives. 

Don’t ask Paulina about the wedding on social media, you guys. She flipped out last year on people who were trashing her husband. 

The reason? Her husband opted to stay away from Brazil where the Summer Olympics were taking place. With the threat of the Zika virus, he stayed away from the event. 

He was not the only one to, however, but he got trashed all over social media when a picture was shared with him, and Gretzky was shared. 

Gretzky was not ready to let her man be trashed and went toe-to-toe with the trolls

“Listen here you hating pieces of shit trolls,” she wrote on Instagram.

“I’ll say it once he didn’t work his ass of his entire life for a gold medal he achieved his MAJOR and let everyone else do what they need to do and leave my fanf—kingtastic man alone [peace sign].”

What do you think of all this?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Miguel Welcomes El Chapo to his Fan Club!! (VIDEO)

Miguel knows better than to diss El Chapo, and proved it when we put him on the spot with a hypothetical pregunta. The singer — who’s half black, half Mexican — was at LAX Tuesday when our photog posed a perplexing question: if the…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Maddie Brown Welcomes First Child! See the Photo!

Finally, some good news for the Sister Wives family.

Correction: finally, some GREAT news for the Sister Wives family!

With negative chatter continuing to surround this reality TV family (is Robyn really leaving Kody?!?), Maddie Brown has come out and given her loved ones something to celebrate for a change.

Actually, to be more accurate, someone else has come out and given her loved ones something to celebrate for a change.

And that someone is a baby!!!!!!

Maddie and husband Caleb Brush welcomed their first child into the world on Saturday, May 20, providing fans shortly afterward with the following details:

– It’s a boy.

– He was born at 12:13 a.m.

– He weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces.

– He measured 21 inches in length.

– And his name is Axel James Brush.

How precious, right?!?

“We’re feeling both excited and exhausted at the same time,” the couple told People Magazine, adding:

“We’re looking forward to having a family. Now that he’s here, we’re excited to grow our family a little bit more and spread our love even more.”

Maddie linked to her interview with People on Instagram and included the above photo of her son just a few hours ago, writing as a simple caption at the time:

Welcome to the world Axel James Brush.

The adorable baby marks the very first grandchild for Kody and Janelle Brown, who star on the aforementioned TLC reality series and who also spoke to People about little Axel.

“I think being grandparents hasn’t sunk in yet,” said. “It’s so fun. I can’t believe how much we love this baby already.”

The Browns, of course, are an unusual family; Kody is married to four different women and has 18 kids overall.

This has led to a lot of controversy over the years, but it also means Maddie will have quite the support system.

If it really does take a village to raise a child, she’ll be fortunate enough to rely on her very own city.

“The whole family is excited,” Kody and Janelle say. “In fact, the biggest trick will be giving Maddie her rest because there’s going to be this long line of parents and siblings that will be continuously wanting to hold the baby.”

Maddie and Caleb got married in Montana in June of last year and then announced their pregnancy.

Said the 21-year old mother-to-be at the time:

“We are both really excited and anxious. I think every soon-to-be parent is anxious, but we have so much support from both sides of our family.

Talking to People back then as well, Maddie tried to predict what sort of parents she and Caleb will be.

“I think I’ll be the disciplinarian parent just because Caleb already has such a soft spot for the baby,” she explained. “He already has so much love for the baby.

In January, meanwhile, Maddie and Caleb shared a photo of themselves surrounded by blue balloons, confirming that a boy was on the way.

“Little baby boy Brush! We can’t wait to meet you!!” Maddie wrote to her Instagram followers at the time.

Throughout the pregnancy, Maddie has kept fans apprised of the state of her baby bump, while also gushing over her husband.

Take this social media entry in honor of her six-month anniversary, for example:

“Six months being married to you has been more than a fairy tale come true,” she captioned a picture taken at Yellowstone National Park, adding:

“You truly are my best friend and soul mate! I look forward to the years to come!”

AWWW, right?

You can watch Sister Wives online to get to know Maddie a bit better, and you can likely get to know her son a little more when new episodes of the TLC program air this summer.

Look for the show to return with a wedding special on Monday, June 12, at 9/8c.

For now, join us in sending your best wishes to the newly-expanded family!
