Showing posts with label Woods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woods. Show all posts

Friday, March 16, 2018

Fred Couples Says Tiger Woods Is Back, Baby!

Golf legend Fred Couples says the old, dominant Tiger Woods is here to stay — and he thinks it’s FREAKIN’ AWESOME. “Oh, Tiger’s back … I love it,” Fred told TMZ Sports at LAX. “I have a great opinion on Tiger.” You’d…


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Justin Timberlake Hands Out Shots on First Night of "Man of the Woods" Tour

Justin Timberlake’s bringing shotskis back to arena concerts — just ask the folks in Toronto who boozed with the pop star to celebrate the first stop of his new tour.  JT played Tuesday night at the Air Canada Centre to kick off his “Man of…


Justin Timberlake Hands Out Shots on First Night of "Man of the Woods" Tour

Justin Timberlake’s bringing shotskis back to arena concerts — just ask the folks in Toronto who boozed with the pop star to celebrate the first stop of his new tour.  JT played Tuesday night at the Air Canada Centre to kick off his “Man of…


Friday, February 16, 2018

Tiger Woods Takes Hot GF to Hot Sushi Joint

Tiger Woods is still going strong with reported GF Erica Herman — judging by the fact they just had a fancy dinner date at the hottest sushi joint in L.A.  The two were spotted leaving Nobu in Malibu on Thursday evening — hours after Tiger…


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Kylie Jenner"s BFF Jordyn Woods Jets to Mexico After Stormi"s Birth

Kylie Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods is taking over for the new mom when it comes to posting bikini shots on Instagram because that’s what friends are for, right?  Jordyn, who was front and center in Kylie’s birth announcement video, is down in…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Danielle Bregoli Hires Tiger Woods" Attorney to Handle Probation Case

Danielle Bregoli’s got big-time money now … which means hiring big-time help to clear up big-time legal issues comes easier, too. The ‘Cash Me Outside’ girl just hired attorney Doug Duncan … the same guy that repped Tiger…


Monday, December 18, 2017

Justin Timberlake"s Locking Down "Man of the Woods" Trademark

Justin Timberlake has been teasing a new album for months, and we found some docs that might reveal what it’s gonna be called. The singer just filed to trademark the phrase “Man of the Woods.” According to docs, obtained by TMZ, Justin’s aiming…


Saturday, December 9, 2017

Michael Bolton Says He"s Down to Caddie for Tiger Woods

Michael Bolton is PUMPED on the Tiger Woods comeback tour — and says he’s down to hit the links with Tiger … as his caddie! FYI, Bolton’s been tearin’ it up on the celeb golf circuit for years … and giving Woods words of encouragement whenever…


Friday, December 1, 2017

Alexi Lalas: Tiger Woods Will Never Be Dominant Again, Despite Hot Start

Alexi Lalas ain’t hoppin’ on the Tiger Woods comeback bandwagon just yet … ‘cause the U.S. soccer legend says we’ll NEVER see Tiger return to his old dominant form. TMZ Sports spoke with Lalas about Woods’ impressive outing in his first…


Friday, November 24, 2017

Donald Trump Plays Golf with Tiger Woods

Donald Trump took a break Friday and went from his vacation home at Mar-a-Lago to Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida to play a few rounds with none other than Tiger Woods. Trump and Woods were joined by Dustin Johnson, the number 1 ranked…


Donald Trump Plays Golf with Tiger Woods

Donald Trump took a break Friday and went from his vacation home at Mar-a-Lago to Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida to play a few rounds with none other than Tiger Woods. Trump and Woods were joined by Dustin Johnson, the number 1 ranked…


Friday, October 27, 2017

Tiger Woods Expected To Plead Guilty In DUI Hearing (LIVE STREAM)

Tiger Woods’ DUI hearing is about to begin — where he’s expected to plead guilty to 1 count of reckless driving and agree to enter a DUI offender diversion program. Woods was arrested for DUI on May 29 in Jupiter, FL after cops found him asleep at…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Tiger Woods Can Still Win Another Major, Says Vijay Singh

One of Tiger Woods’ biggest rivals on the links thinks the golf superstar can still chase Jack Nicklaus’ 18 majors … telling TMZ Sports he believes “everyone” is pulling for him to make a HUGE comeback. Vijay Singh — the world’s top-ranked…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tiger Woods: New Girlfriend Revealed!

Tiger Woods has had a busy, busy year.

After his DUI arrest, Tiger claimed he wasn’t drunk but was in fact on pain pills. That’s … not better. He went to rehab for it as well as to court.

But he apparently had time during all of that to find a new girlfriend.

It was only back in August that Tiger Woods and Kristin Smith called it quits.

It hasn’t quite been two months since that news broke, but Tiger Woods is reportedly already dating his new girlfriend, Erica Herman.

Erica is the general manager of The Woods bar and grill, which is a “pop up” restaurant at the Genesis Open.

But she seems to be spending less time managing kitchen staff and more time strolling the green with Tiger.

They’ve even been spotted looking all kinds of cuddly.

But there’s more to it than the fact that they’ve walked side-by-side and even arm-by-arm that has people saying that Erica is Tiger’s new girlfriend.

RadarOnline reports that Erica was wearing a “player spouse” credential at the U.S. President’s Cup.

No, that doesn’t mean that she and Tiger got secretly married.

(At least, we assume that it did not)

It’s not uncommon for girlfriends to have them.

It would be unusual for someone who’s just a friend to be sporting one on the field.

Erica Herman also attended the Cup with other girlfriends and spouses, and partook in activities with them such as getting pictures taken with three former Presidents who were in attendance.

Erica is even said to have seemed close to Annie Verret, the longtime girlfriend of Jordan Spieth.

Tiger Woods has a history that includes a major cheating scandal.

Some argue that he is singlehandedly responsible for a shift in how the public views sleep aid medications like Ambien.

(Which, and we so seldom feel sorry for Big Pharma, seems kind of unfair to a drug that we’re sure most people use as directed)

Tiger Woods and the scandal about him also got a lot of people talking about “sex addiction.”

Keep in mind that sex addiction isn’t officially recognized in the DSM and therefore isn’t generally considered credible, but there’s always a chance that it could become a real diagnosis one day.

Others suggest that kind of the whole point of becoming rich and famous is so that you can have a lot of sex with whomever you like, and that Tiger’s only mistake was trying to have a wife and family and have a bunch of girlfriends.

But, despite his mishap earlier this year, he really does seem like he’s trying to be better, now. Even if his reputation will never go back to what it used to be.

If you’re wondering how, after all of the stories of cheating in his background, Tiger Woods could land a new girlfriend.

He’s rich, famous, an accomplished athlete.

Oh, and there’s this:

That’ll just about do it.

Maybe, since Tiger clearly didn’t mind being seen with Erica, we’ll have some concrete answers soon.

But, given his history, Tiger might be trying to avoid giving out too many details about his love life.

That’s kind of understandable.


Monday, October 2, 2017

Tiger Woods Flaunts New Chick at President"s Cup

Is Tiger Woods banging the general manager of his Florida restaurant?  Sure looks like it … especially after the way they cozied up together this weekend at the President’s Cup.  Tiger was arm-in-arm with Erica Herman, who was ID’d on…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Amber Tamblyn Pens Open Letter to James Woods: I"m Not a Liar!

James Woods got roasted for unbelievable hypocrisy after trying to bash a critically acclaimed gay film. He’d claimed that it, or Hollywood, or whoever, was “chipping away at decency.”

He was then immediately on the receiving end of what we can only describe as some brutal and well-deserved clapback. Multiple women came forward with stories of James Woods hitting on them when they were teenagers.

Amber Tamblyn, whose tweet was the first of many accusations, took the opportunity and penned an open letter to James Woods.

First, a quick refresher.

James Woods has done some incredible voicework over the years, which makes it all the more painful for many of his fans that he’s turned out to be so aggressively offensive.

It’s not just that he tweets support for Donald Trump or that he holds conservative viewpoints.

James Woods seems to actively court controversy to a point that would make Lena Dunham blush.

Earlier this summer, James Woods posted a photo of a gender creative child and his supportive parents at Pride, suggesting that the kid would grow up to be a deranged serial killer.

That was disgusting and transphobic, obviously.

James Woods defended himself by saying that he has gay friends, and couldn’t possibly be homophobic.

One, some people aren’t homophobic but are transphobic. There’s a lot of types of gross bigots in the world.

Two, isn’t that the “how can I be racist when I have black friends?” defense? Amazing that bigots are still trying to pull that in 2017.

Well, now he bashed a gay romance film because the ages are different.

Set in Italy where, like the vast majority of the Western world, a 17-year-old is considered adult enough to consent to sex, the film Call Me By Your Name details a relationship between a 17-year-old young man and a 24-year-old man.

We won’t get into the whole age-of-consent politics, but suffice to say that the characters break no laws and that the older man isn’t, like, the younger man’s teacher or priest or any other sort of authority figure.

But James Woods apparently figured that it was a great opportunity to dredge up old anti-gay arguments that deliberately conflate gay men with pedophiles.

He tweeted: “As they quietly chip away the last barriers of decency. #NAMBLA”

James Woods’ tweet, which name-dropped an infamous pedophilia organization from the ’90s that hasn’t existed for more than a decade, earned him some serious callouts.

First, Armie Hammer tweeted a reminder to him that he had once dated a 19-year-old when he was 60.

Then Amber Tamblyn tweeted, accusing James Woods of trying to pick her and her friend up and take them to Vegas when they were just 16.

She says that when they informed James Woods of their ages, he replied: “Even better.”

Since then, other women have taken to Twitter to share their alleged experiences with James Woods hitting on them when they were young.

One person tweeted a question at James Woods:

“What makes a 24yo/17yo gay relationship inherently indecent but skeevy old guys trying to pick up a pair of 16 year old girls is okay?”

James Woods replied that the first is illegal (again … that’s not universally true, and certainly not true in Italy). He claims that the second, the accusation that Amber Tamblyn made against him, is a lie.

Amber Tamblyn penned an open letter to James Woods, published in Teen Vogue.

“What you are experiencing is called a teachable moment. … The hope being that through this experience, you can change. You can redefine the man who will come after this moment and this man who came before.”

We won’t hold our breath, though.

“Since you’ve now called me a liar, I will now call you a silencer. I see your gaslight and now will raise you a scorched earth.”

“Upon leaving the restaurant we were stopped by you and your friend, who both seemed very nice. At one point you suggested we should all go to Las Vegas together. ‘It’s such a great place, have you ever been?’ You tried to make it sound innocent.”

It sounds like Amber has encountered other predatory men during her life.

“This is something predatory men like to do, I’ve noticed. Make it sound innocent. Just a dollop of insinuation. Just a hair of persuasion. Just a pinch of suggestion. ‘It will be so much fun, I promise you. Nothing has to happen, we will just have a good time together."”

But she was 16.

“I told you my age, kindly and with no judgment or aggression. I told you my age because I thought you would be immediately horrified and take back your offer. You laughed and said, ‘Even better. We’ll have so much fun, I promise."”

See, a normal person would have apologized. Not a teen and maybe not a 20-year-old, but a grown-ass adult would have. And old man certainly should have.

“At that time I was not a public persona. I had done a couple years on a soap opera as an actress, but you wouldn’t know me from Adam. I’m sure you’ve racked your brain trying to remember how you could’ve possibly hit on the actress Amber Tamblyn at a diner almost two decades ago.”

We wonder if her letter — if he reads it — will jog his memory.

“You think, it’s not possible, there’s no way I would’ve been so stupid as to hit on a 16-year-old known actress. But I wasn’t known then, James. I was just a girl.”

Clearly, Amber saw some of those tweets from other women who say that they had similar teenage encounters with James Woods.

“And I’m going to wager that there have been many girls who were just girls or women who were just women who you’ve done this to because you can get away with it.”

That’s heavy stuff.

She finishes by imploring James Woods to consider what sort of man he is and to face the truth.

Amber clearly hopes that he can change.

We doubt that he will. So many of his political opinions seem to be based upon a total lack of self-examination.

James Woods has characterized these accusations as personal attacks, as the last resort of his political opponents.

Controversies aside, we don’t think that he’s enough of a political figure to warrant some contrived character assassination.

It looks like Amber just saw his controversial, deeply offensive tweet and figured that he needed a reminder that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

James Woods Roasted for Hypocrisy After Bashing Gay Film!

James Woods is no stranger to bigotry or controversy. The actor may have an amazing voice, but whenever he opens his mouth (or Twitter) to share his views … it’s a disaster.

This time, James Woods tried to blast a gay romance film over the age gap between its protagonists, digging into some age old anti-gay rhetoric in the process.

Armie Hammer and Amber Tamblyn replied, exposing Woods’ hypocrisy and accusing him of being a total creep.

So, Call Me By Your Name is a film based on a novel by the same name.

Wikipedia describes the film’s plot:

“A young man named Elio, living in Italy during the 1980s, meets Oliver, an academic who has come to stay at his parents’ villa, and a passionate relationship develops between them, as they bond over their sexuality, their Jewish heritage, and the landscape.”

Elio is played by Timothee Chalamet and Oliver is played by Armie Hammer.

The film won’t come out until November, but both Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic give the film 98%, in both cases more or less signifying “universal acclaim.”

The only real source of controversy for anyone who isn’t gay or antisemtic is the age range of the relationship in the film.

Elio is 17 and Oliver is 24.

Now, I’m personally American enough that I’d give that relationship some side-eye. 17 and 20? That’s the age gap of classmates and fine by me (whether it’s legal varies from state to state). 18 and 25? Same age range as in the film but the younger person’s 18 (which is very Ameri-centric, I know).

(I do believe that some consent laws should be adjusted; there are some frightening stories of people being arrested on their 18th birthdays for dating classmates because the other teen’s parents just don’t like them — but that’s a whole other mess. I still recommend following whatever laws are on the books in anyone’s state or country)

But the film is set in Italy, where someone being 17 isn’t an issue.

A few people are trying to make this film an issue anyway.

One man, an author who is a gay conservative, tweeted about the age difference.

James Woods quoted the man’s tweet, chiming in: 

“As they quietly chip away the last barriers of decency. #NAMBLA

“NAMBLA” is the acronym once used by a group of pedophiles during the 1990s. The group no longer exists, but they were trying to promote their desire to sexually prey upon children as somehow acceptable.

There’s a long and vicious history of anti-gay groups trying to tie gay rights (and LGBT rights in general, but especially gay men) to efforts by pedophiles to avoid prosecution.

(It’s a false equivalency; just like how advocates who want to legalize marijuana aren’t the same as people who want to make murder legal, because one of those activities involves a victim and the other does not)

It is also true that a lot of anti-gay rhetoric tries to conflate gay men with pedophiles.

(It’s a deliberate smear tactic; also most perpetrators of child sexual abuse are straight men)

James Woods recently argued that he has gay friends and, therefore, couldn’t possibly be homophobic. Dredging up a comparison like that doesn’t help his argument.

What happened next, though, was kind of amazing.

Armie Hammer came out in defense of his film.

He quoted James Woods’ tweet, saying:

“Didn’t you date a 19 year old when you were 60…….?”


Again, that’s totally legal and also should be legal.

But a man who dated someone 41 years his junior surely has no business shaming a 7-year age gap between legal adults.

(A 17-year-old is considered an adult for purposes of sex and consent in most Western countries, including Italy)

And then it got better.

Well … worse.

Actress Amber Tamblyn shared an anecdote from her own experience with James Woods.

She tweeted her claim to Armie Hammer:

“James Woods tried to pick me and my friend up at a restaurant once. He wanted to take us to Vegas. ‘I’m 16’ I said. ‘Even better’ he said.”

That is well and truly gross.

Mistakenly flirting with someone who’s a minor … shouldn’t happen, but some venues seem like places that would only have adults.

A guy that old doubling down after learning her age … is horrifying.

James Woods described the accusation as “fiction” in a tweet.

A software engineer shared a screencap of a conversation that she’d had with an unnamed woman who said that James Woods had tried to pick her up when she was still in high school, around 2001.

If these accusations are true, this sounds like an alarming pattern of behavior, because James Woods was not the “slightly older peer” of either of these women, then or now.

People in glass houses probably shouldn’t throw stones, huh?


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

TMZ Live: Tiger Woods: On The Attack Over Nude Pics

ON TODAY’S SHOW Scooter Braun: Running For Governor Selena Gomez & The Weeknd Get Clingy Justin Bieber Squashes Beef With Pap Kevin Hart Shades Ex-Wife


Monday, August 21, 2017

Tiger Woods, Katharine McPhee Declare Legal War Over Nude Photo Hacks

Tiger Woods and Katharine McPhee have been hacked — private nude photos have surfaced — and their lawyers are vowing to destroy anyone who posts them. The website Celeb Jihad posted graphic selfies of various naked stars, including Tiger, Lindsey…


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

John Daly: I"m Sad for Tiger Woods, But Rooting for Comeback

John Daly says he truly feels for Tiger Woods — and he’s rooting for the golfer to overcome his Rx pill demons and return to the course … because the sport really needs him.  “It’s sad what’s going on in his life,” Daly said in response to…
