Thursday, December 3, 2015

Kate Plus 8 Return: You Won"t Believe What the Kids Look Like Now!

Kate Gosselin and her brood return to TLC for Season 4 of Kate Plus 8 next week, and you simply won’t believe how much the kids have grown.

Remember back in the Jon & Kate Plus 8 heyday?

It seems like an eternity ago, because it kinda was.

Whereas from 2005-2009, the married Gosselins raised young twins and newborn-toddler sextuplets, nowadays, things are just a bit different.

Kate and Jon have long split up. She’s been hustling, trying to stay relevant and make some bank, and somehow got this show back on the air.

Jon has been … doing whatever the heck Jon does.

While there’s no love lost between them, they do love their kids. And fame. And while the fame has decreased from their prime, the kids have grown!

Here’s Kate with two teenagers and six 11-year-olds!

Yes, time flies when you’re having fun. Or being Kate.

In an interview with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb on NBC’s Today yesterday, Kate revealed that twins Mady and Cara are interested in boys.

“I was like, ‘I can’t deal with it.’ That moment was etched in my mind forever because I was like, ‘This is not okay with me,’” Gosselin recalled.

The girls aren’t just stressing her out with that, either.

“I’ve heard the 15-year-old girl thing is scary and get ready. There are bursts of it, but they’re good girls,” Kate lamented, as many moms have.

“They do know everything [now] and they tell me how to dress… and even in terms of dating, all the advice, they’ve never even gone on a date!”

“Not even sure how they know and I know nothing.”

Her sextuplets Alexis, Aaden, Leah, Collin, Hannah and Joel are now 11 and equally as opinionated: “I have no idea where they got it,” she joked.

In addition to how much the kids have changed, and how they keep Kate on the ropes, Season 4 of Kate Plus 8 will also shed light on her dating life.

Or lack thereof, as it turns out.

The reality star explained she doesn’t have time for dates with a house full of kids to run, but she was in a relationship with Jeff Prescott this year.

Of course, that ended badly with Kate getting dumped – and reports that she was using him for the reality show, depending on who you believe.

There was also a fake Jon Gosselin celebratory tweet regarding the breakup that made headlines, because of course there are fake Jon accounts.

A day in the life. A day in the life.

Empire Season 2 Episode 10 Recap: A Very Hostile Takeover


Yes, even by this show’s lofty standards, Empire Season 2 Episode 10 delivered on the OMG/Bat $ hit Crazy/Wait-Did-That-Really-Happen front. And then some.

Let’s take a close look at what went down on the winter finale, shall we?

We’ll start with Lucious, who decided to announce Empire’s acquisition of SwiftStream on the same day of the American Sound Award nominations. But what transpired after he passed the microphone to Mimi, his “business partner in crime?”

She called her wife to the stage!

And that woman in question turned out to be Naomi Campbell’s Camilla. Juicy!

Turns out, Mimi had been secretly recording her conversations with the CEO, revealing to the Empire board of directors Lucious’ total hated for following the rules of a publicly traded company.

She proceeded to call for an emergency vote later that evening to oust him from his perch as chairman.

Cookie and Hakeem were performing at the former’s former prison when Andre told them about Mimi and Camilla’s takeover maneuver.

Because Cookie chose to stay behind to reconnect with a prison pal who had recently received a life sentence for killing her cellmate, she passed her proxy power to Hakeem.

You can imagine how that went, right?

Indeed: Hakeem goes against his family’s wishes in the meeting and votes with Camilla… who is installed as Empire’s head honcho right there on the spot.

Once the plan is finalized, she receives a wad of spit in her face, courtesy of Cookie.

And how did Lucious respond to his ousting? By shooting up his study, of course. Fortunately, Cookie is there to tell him to calm down and come up with a plan to protect his family’s legacy.

Elsewhere, Rhonda permitted a wild-eyed Anika to hang out at her home and go off  about her one-time-almost-future-daughter-in-law-and-then-sister-in-law’s amazing life. Chalk it up to pregnancy hormones?

Later on, an intruder broke into Rhonda and Andre’s residence, shoving Rhonda down her enormous staircase and, we presume, putting an end to said pregnancy. Sad. Shocking. Horrifying, really.

Finally, Skye realized that her sole night of passion with Jamal wasn’t about to become a full-fledged romance, considering the whole gay thing.

Butt this didn’t stop Lucious from declaring him “fixed” (really, man?!?) by a female’s love… or spreading the word to Jamal’s wealthy gay David Geffen-like patron.

Is that enough for you to digest?

It’s gonna have to be: you can always watch Empire online, but you won’t be able to return to the Lyons’ den for new episodes until March 30, 2016.

Kim Kardashian to Give Birth "Any Day Now"

Kanye West won Shoe of the Year at the Footwear News 29th Annual Achievement Awards on Wednesday night.

Yes, there is something called the Footwear News Annual Achievement Awards; and, yes, Kanye West won Shoe of the Year honors at the ceremony.

But while both of those facts are rather stunning, let’s focus instead on the major news Kanye dropped on attendees while accepting this trophy.

“I’m waiting on my son to arrive any day now and I look at my daughter and I look at my wife and she’s rich and I don’t plan on being broke.”

Yep. According to someone firmly in the know, Kim Kardashian will give birth ANY DAY NOW. Eeek!

Kardashian previously announced that she was due with the couple’s second child (a boy!) on Christmas Day.

However, she has kept fans updated via her official website, complaining about typical pregnancy issues at first before admitting that her baby is breach and she may need to deliver via C-Section.

According to Kim’s latest entry, though, she has undergone a procedure to fix this issue and expect to give birth vaginally.

Still, the complication may mean that she also gives birth a couple weeks early, as Kanye hints at above.

“They don’t give you any medication, and let me tell you: This was soooooo painful. Probably more painful than childbirth,” Kim wrote of the recent procedure.

“BUT it worked!!!”

Good. We’re glad to hear it.

Still no word on what Kim and Kanye will name their second child, allegedly because Kim and Kanye themselves do not know.

God Isn"t Fixing This: N.Y. Daily News Cover Slams "Coward" Politicians in Wake of Massacre

The New York Daily News’ cover in the wake of yesterday’s San Bernardino, Calif., massacre is both provocative and highly political. By design.

The publication calls out those it feels could do something to end the plague of gun violence, but instead revert to useless platitudes, time after time.

The tweet of the Daily News front page, which hits newsstands in print form this morning, is already the most retweeted of 2015 for the paper.

Beneath the headline God Isn’t Fixing This, the cover reads:

“As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless platitudes.”

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan and GOP presidential candidates Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham all responded with “prayers.”

Four pull quotes from the Republican political leaders are plastered on the publication’s front page in eerily similar, arguably meaningless glory.

Think that means a lot to the victims of San Bernardino – 14 dead and 14 wounded – and the victims of the inevitable next mass shooting?

For their part, and by contrast Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders pointedly called for “action” to stop gun violence.

President Barack Obama, meanwhile underscored the need for stronger gun control laws in the United States after Wednesday’s mass murder.

It’s a message he has stressed repeatedly in recent years, and weeks, as he is forced to address tragedies like this with alarming frequency.

While the Daily News is obviously in the business of selling papers and ads and benefits from the viral sensation that is this cover, you tell us:

Is it a viral sensation at least in part because it says what so many people are thinking but are afraid to, and so jarringly hits the nail on the head?

AND VOTE: Time for stronger gun control measures?