Monday, September 21, 2015

Jeffrey Tambor Talks Winning Big At The Emmys, Representing The Transgender Community, & Jimmy Kimmel Eating His Name!

Jeffrey Tambor won the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series — at least that’s what Jimmy Kimmel said!

The late night host was presenting the award Sunday night when he chewed up the envelope containing the winner’s name!

Photos: All The Best Highlights From The 2015 Emmys!

After his win for playing a transgender woman on Amazon‘s groundbreaking series Transparent, the 71-year-old was okay with not having evidence to support his win — he was more worried about Jimmy!

He said:

“Well Jimmy Kimmel did this business about eating the ballot or whatever, and I wondered if there were emergency services here.”

Or maybe they should start serving food at these award shows? LOLz!

The Arrested Development star said the award represents more than just his win, specifically praising the transgender community. He said:

“It was quite a moment, but it was great. I’m not shy and bashful about holding this up because this is bigger than me, and it represents what Amazon has done, and what the transgender community is doing, and what our show is about. And we are the little engine that could. I hope more people watch it and get to experience this revolution.”

Tambor also reflected on his touching acceptance speech in which he dedicated his award to the trans community, which has become increasingly more visible over the past few years. He added:

“I know that we are in the comedy category, but I do believe with our stories and our humor, we are moving the whole question forward. But when I got up in the morning, or the evening, or when I go through my dressing room door, I go, ‘I’ve got to do this right.’ I’m a cisgender male, I’ve been given one of the biggest responsibilities. I always thought acting was this, and I always thought there was teaching in the laugh and in humor, and with the laughter and with real humor you can kill the prejudice and keep it far away.”

We congratulate the actor for his award, and all the positive awareness Transparent is spreading!

[Image via Nicky Nelson/WENN/FOX.]