Saturday, December 26, 2015

15 Celebrity Makeovers: What a Difference a Year Makes!

From impressive weight losses to new hairstyles to crazy facial hair, the following celebrities will end 2015 looking very different from how they started 2015.

Which of these major makeovers do you like best?

1. Zayn Malik

Zayn malik

What a year for Zayn, huh? He started it as a member of One Direction, with your basic black hair. And he’ll end it as a solo artist, with some kind of weird silver tone going on up there.

2. Colin Farrell

Colin farrell

Colin Farrell gained tons of weight for his role in True Detective Season 2. Safe to say it wasn’t worth it. (The season was absolutely atrocious.)

3. Amy Poehler

Amy poehler

Leslie Knope would never dye her hair red. But Amy Poehler no longer plays that Parks and Recreation character, giving her the freedom to get a little crazy in the second half of the year.

4. Robert Pattinson

Robert pattinson

What happened, Robert Pattinson?!? What happened to that fresh, boyish, handsome face that made millions of women around the world scream out your name every night in their dreams?

5. Kelly Ripa

Kelly ripa

Kelly Ripa remains really thin. But she’s no longer a bubbly blonde, changing her hair color on multiple occasions in 2015.

6. Adam Levine

Adam levine

This shaved head on Adam Levine didn’t last. But it did create quite the uproar throughout the Internet.

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