Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Jimmy Kimmel Convinces Woman That Hitler is Alive (and Texting!)

While it remains very hard to believe that Donald Trump has said some of the things that Donald Trump has said, this much also remains hard to believe:

Some people out there still love Donald Trump.

In the following edition of Lie Witness News – a tradition on Jimmy Kimmel Live in which a correspondent for the show sees just how gullible certain pedestrians can be – Los Angeles residents and tourists are asked about Donald Trump.

Can they believe he walked around in a diaper in order to mock Democrats?

No, they cannot, although they claim to have seen this take place.

Can they believe he said that guns don"t kill people, Marco Rubio’s cousins kills people?

Nope, they were in shock over this statement as well.

What about the fact that Adolf Hitler texted Trump and started an online war with the Republican nominee for President?

One woman heard about this on "the news and/or the Internet" and was taken aback that Hitler would respond to Trump"s antics in such a manner.

It"s a good thing, she reasoned, that Trump is therefore "disqualified from President" due to this feud with Hitler.

We mean, you can"t just engage in a back-and-forth with the German dictator and expect to still be elected, can you?

We don"t even know where to start with this video, except to wonder: Perhaps not all citizens should be allowed to vote?

Jimmy kimmel convinces woman that hitler is alive and texting