Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Justin Bieber to Fans: Help Me Find This Instagram Hottie!

Despite the many rumors of a Justin Bieber-Selena Gomez reconciliation, the Biebs is 100% single.

Sure, Justin has been posting throwback photos of Selena, but by all accounts, she’s not feeling the romantic nostalgia like he is, and it seems like he’s moved on raven-haired beauty. Although creepily, the new girl probably doesn’t know she’s the object of Justin’s affection.

That’s a photo of a woman (on the left! Just kidding, Justin!) named Cindy Kimberly.

Cindy isn’t a famous model or actress. Justin just came across Cindy’s photo online somewhere and decided that he must meet her.

He reposted one of her pics with a caption reading, “Omg who is this?!”

Naturally, an army of Beliebers immediately went to work tracking Cindy down, and they eventually found her IG page.

Justin has yet to respond publicly, but we’re guessing he already hit her up with a creepy DM.

The whole thing has sparked a debate as to whether or not Justin has overstepped his bounds.

It would be one thing if Bieber encountered Cindy’s public Instagram page on his own, but as it is, he used his celebrity to find a woman who might not want to be found, he feels a bit stalker-y.

Naturally, it’s also led to rumors that Justin is just using Cindy to make Selena jealous

Either way, if Cindy decides to pursue this thing, she’s gonna want to do so with both eyes open.