Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Kanye West: So Proud of "Dope" Kim Kardashian Emojis!

Kanye West is here to give some props to his wife for taking over the Internet.

Heck, for actually breaking parts of the Internet on Monday evening.

As previously reported, Kim Kardashian came out this week with her own line of emojis, creatively titled “Kimojis.”

(We’re actually not being sarcastic. That’s a very good name.)

Within hours of their release, the $ 1.99 app that provided users with over 250 tiny, Kim-inspired characters for their phone actually brought down the Apple app store for awhile.

And, as you might expect, Kanye couldn’t have been more impressed with his bustier half as a result.

“I’m so proud of my wife!” the rapper Tweeted alongside a Kardashian emoji that features her showing off her famous rear end.

“This KIMOJI idea is so dope.”

As detailed in the above photo gallery, this collection of Kim Kardashian includes cartoon-like snapshot of Kim’s booty, Kim’s breasts, Kim snapping a selfie and plenty of other things you associate with Kim Kardashian.

So many idiots people tried to download the app on Monday that they came across a series of glitches.

“We worked so hard on this app & we know there are some issues due to the massive downloads that the whole tech team is so working on,” Kardashian Tweeted in response to the errors.

She then updated fans a short time later and said everything was fixed.