Monday, December 14, 2015

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West: Will They Try For Baby #3!?

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West just welcomed their second child, so naturally, the world is wondering when – or if – they might think about a third.

Short answer: Never.

Kimye’s bundle of joy Saint West arrived earlier this month, and takes his name from the fact that it took his famous mom so long to get pregnant.

Fans who read celebrity gossip or watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online know what a battle both of Kim’s pregnancies were for her.

Not only has Kim been open about fertility struggles, but the health issues that have accompanied them – ones that may put the kibosh on #3.

Doctors have warned that a third pregnancy is risky given the placenta accreta – a potentially life threatening condition – from which she suffered.

With the odds very high that she would battle placenta accreta again, the reality star would again be putting her – and the baby’s – life at risk.

This isn’t to say she’s devastated at the idea of stopping at two.

Kim is also 35, putting her at higher risk by the year, and is scared of going through the agony of another painful birth, like the one she experienced.

Finally, she and Kanye West have no problem raising a beautiful baby boy and a girl together and capping the Kimye brood at a modest pair.

With North West and Saint West, they’ve created the next generation of Hollywood royalty as it is … and they’re busy as crap so why push it.

So case closed. The tabloids will run their share of rumors, but it looks all but certain there will be more grandkids for Kris Jenner for awhile.

Well, until Justin Bieber and Kourtney Kardashian get serious.