Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Kim & Kyle Richards: BANNED From Family Holiday Party

As we reported earlier this week, Kim Richards is over two months sober.

It’s quite a feat for a woman who, just earlier this year, got arrested twice in four months for various drunken shenanigans, but apparently, her own family is not impressed by Kim’s progress.

As you may know, Kim and Kyle Richards have a third sister, Kathy Hilton, who is mother to her own set of washed-up siblings – Paris and Nicky Hilton.

According to Radar Online, the Hilton’s annual Christmas bash is one of the biggest social events in 

“Kathy and her husband Rick‘s Beverly Hills Christmas parties are a huge annual event and Kyle wasn’t invited this year,” said the source.

Apparently it goes without saying that Kim wasn’t invited, as she hasn’t attended the party in several years.

Sources say decision to ban both sisters for the 2015 shindig was two-fold:

  1. Kathy was pissed about being mentioned on the previous season of RHOBH without her permission, and 

  2. She knows that the Kim and Kyle are feuding and is concerned about Kim falling off the wagon and making a scene.

“Kathy made the decision after watching the recent episode of RHOBH in which Kyle discusses being uninvited to Nicky‘s wedding,” says the insider.

“Kathy has been absolutely seeing red since that time because it was so absolutely out of bounds to bring Nicky into the ongoing fighting between the three sisters.”

We hate to side with a Hilton, but we think Kathy had a point on this one.

Maybe Kim and Kylie should celebrate the holiday just the two of them, so they can talk out their differences.

Just keep Kim away from the egg nog.