Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Mom Breastfeeds in Santa Photo, Draws Ire of Internet

Rebecca Dunbar really did not set out to make any kind of statement.

The mother of a baby boy, Dunbar was simply waiting on line to take a photo with her child and Santa Claus when … well… we"ll let her explain:

“We were just in line and my little guy, who has the patience of nothing, decided he was hungry in about two seconds,” Rebecca tells Global News.

“He would have just screamed the entire time, so I started nursing him. And we were next in line.”

The photographer said she has two children at home of nursing age, so she was totally fine with it.

“Santa said, ‘I’ve never been asked that in 40 years, so why not?’ So we took the picture,” Rebecca says.

So the picture was snapped (and you can see it, in all its hilarious glory, in the video below), but that"s sadly not where this story ends.

After Rebecca shared the image on Facebook, she was inundated with insults, referred to as "trashy" and many other bad words.

And she really wishes such a natural act were more socially accepted.

“Breastfeeding is still such a hot topic and it shouldn’t be. I think people should just accept that it’s a healthy thing,” Rebecca says.

“I think breastfeeding should be made more acceptable in all ways. It shouldn’t deserve a comment one way or another because it shouldn’t be seen as abnormal.”

Watch the following report to learn more, to see this hilariously unique picture and to weigh in with your take.

Woman breastfeeds in santa photo draws ire of internet