Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Rita Ora: Did She Just Take ANOTHER Dig at Beyonce?

Ever since Lemonade‘s April 24th release, fans have wondered who Beyonce is raking over the coals in regards to Jay-Z’s infidelity.

First, it was designer Rachel Roy whom the masses though was the lyrics, “Becky with the good hair” Bey was referring to.

Then yesterday, it was discovered that singer Rita Ora posted a Snapchat of herself in a lemon bra with a pendant that – upon first glance – looks like a “J” (but in reality may be a symbol) around her neck, an obvious dig at Beyonce’s tune.

Suddenly, everyone forgot about Roy and made Ora their new target.

Ora seems to be enjoying the attention, because her latest Instagram features the poster art for 1973’s Ash Wednesday, starring Elizabeth Taylor, about a woman who tries to change her appearance to win back her husband.

Here is IMDB’s plot description:

“Barbara gets secret plastic surgery in Switzerland in an attempt to save her marriage to Mark, but he doesn’t seem interested in meeting her. She checks in to a ski resort to wait for Mark, and begins getting attention from young men.

“Her daughter tries to warn her that even though she has had the surgery it might be too late for her marriage, but she clings to the hope that Mark will come back once he sees her new look.

Meanwhile, she must decide whether or not have an affair with a young man she’s met.”

Ora may well be stirring the pot (and loving the attention, I might add).

She and Jay-Z were rumored to be having an affair in 2013, but a year later the Brit shot down any talk of infidelity.

Do you think Ora is “Becky?”