Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Blac Chyna: Did She Get Pregnant to Compete With Kylie Jenner?!

For weeks now, we’ve been hearing rumors that Blac Chyna is pregnant with Rob Kardashian’s baby – and it’s not hard to see why fans may have gotten that impression.

In addition to Instagram photos that appear to show Blac hiding a baby bump, she was recently spotted leaving an OB/GYN clinic in LA with Rob and Kim Kardashian in tow.

But hey, maybe it was some kind of post-pregnancy follow-up appointment for Kim.

Or maybe Rob and Blac were looking into fertility treatment options and Kim decided to tag along for some creepy reason.

Or – most likely of all – the whole thing was shamelessly staged for the benefit of the paparazzi who just happened to be hanging around outside an OB/GYN clinic.

Whatever the case, Rob and Blac clearly have no problem with the media and their fans believing that they’re expecting a baby.

Now, several insiders are claiming that the timing of all these clues is no accident.

You see, Blac isn’t the only one who’s rumored to be expecting these days.

No, unlikely reports about Kylie Jenner being pregnant have also been circulating online, and it seems Ms. Chyna is determined to win the baby race.

Never mind the fact that Kylie’s almost certainly not pregnant; Blac realizes all that matters in Kardashian Land is what people the public is saying about you – a sure sign that she’ll fit right in at family gatherings.

So she’s reportedly heading Kylizzle off at the pass and making sure that all Kard clan pregnancy focuses on Blac-Rob – even if she hasn’t gotten around to the pesky little detail of actually getting pregnant.

Oh, what’s that? You thought Kylie and Blac are friends these days?

Well, if you believe that, we’ve got some oceanfront property to sell you in Arizona.

No, these two are both still fully focused on how they get the most possible eyes on their social media pages, and if that means briefly pretending they can stomach one another, so be it.

We’re sure it’ll all be worth it when … whatever the hell their endgame is comes to fruition.