Sunday, April 17, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio & Rihanna: BACK TOGETHER for Coachella??

Past hookups always have a knack for finding their way back to you, amiright?

Maybe the desert heat gave these two the love fever, because Leonardo DiCaprio was seen cozying up to Rihanna last night during Coachella festivities.

The two both attended Neon Carnival, an event held near the music and arts festival in Indio, California.

“Leo slipped into the party incognito and was dancing and singing to ‘No Scrubs,"” a source told People. “He knew every word!”

“A couple tables over Rihanna was dancing with a couple girlfriends,” added the source. “Leo saw her and made his way over to say Hi.”

Early last year, eyewitnesses claimed they spotted Leo and RiRi making out during a party at the Playboy Mansion.

In the months that followed, the tabloids went bonkers with Rihanardo news, alleging that they’d been hooking up for years, were living together and even got pregnant!

Rihanna finally shut it all down by denying any kind of dalliance with Leo.

“It sounds like you should stay away from the blogs because they will screw you every time,” Rihanna told a reporter.

“I’m so busy right now that I just don’t have a lot of time to offer a man, so it wouldn’t even be fair to be thinking of pulling someone into this life.

“But if I did, he would have to be man enough to not be scared.”

Hrrrrmmm. Does Leo think he’s man enough now?